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Maria Sabrina Greco, VP–Publications, Chair Michael Rice, Editor-in-Chief, Transactions
Peter Willett, Editor-in-Chief, Systems Judy Scharmann, Administrative Editor


The IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society is a society, within the framework of the IEEE, of members with professional
interests in the organization, design, development, integration and operation of complex systems for space, air, ocean, or ground
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Editor-in-Chief–Peter Willett, University of
Connecticut, USA
Associate Editor-in-Chief–Daniel O’Hagan,
University of Cape Town, South Africa
VP Publications–Maria Sabrina Greco,
University of Pisa, Italy
AESS President–Walt Downing, Southwest
Research Institute, USA
Operations Manager, AESS–Judy Scharmann,
Conference Catalysts, LLC, USA

Contributing Editors May 2021 ISSN 0885-8985 Volume 36 Number 5

Awards–Fulvio Gini, University of Pisa, Italy
Book Reviews Editor–Samuel Shapero, Georgia
Tech Research Institute, USA COLUMN
Conferences–Michael Braasch, Ohio University,
USA In This Issue –Technically . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Distinguished Lecturers & Tutorials–Lorenzo
Lo Monte, Telephonics Corporation, USA
Education–Lorenzo Lo Monte, Telephonics
Corporation, USA
History–Hugh Griffiths, University College
London, UK Massive Data Transfer From and to Aircraft on Ground:
Student Research–Federico Lombardi, Feasibility and Challenges
University College London, UK
S. Hofmann, S. Duhovnikov, D. Schupke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Technical Panels–George Schmidt, MIT
Instrumentation Laboratory /Draper
Laboratory, USA (Retired) A Systematic Literature Review: Is Military Cognitive Radio System
Tutorials–W. Dale Blair, Georgia Tech Research on the Brink of the “Valley of Death”?
Institute, USA
T. Tuukkanen, S. Yrj€
a, M. Matinmikko-Blue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Website Updates–Judy Scharmann, Conference
Catalysts, LLC, USA
Flight Demonstration of a Hybrid Battery/Supercapacitor Energy Storage
Associate Editors and Areas of System in an Earth Orbiting CubeSat
K.B. Chin, G.S. Bolotin, M.C. Smart, S. Katz, J.A. Flynn,
Scott Bawden–Energy Conversion Systems,
Arctic Submarine Laboratory, USA N.K. Palmer, E.J. Brandon, W.C. West . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Erik Blasch, US Air Force Research Lab (AFRL),
USA A Framework for Loadable Airborne Systems
Roberto Sabatini, RMIT University, Australia– J. Marques, S. Yelisetty, L. Barros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Avionics Systems
Stefan Brueggenwirth, Fraunhofer Institute for
High Frequency Physics and Radar Research on Abnormal Output Current Drop of Solar Array of
Techniques FHR, Germany–AI and ML in a Low Earth Orbit Satellite
Dietrich Fraenken, Hensoldt Sensors, Germany–
S. Bai, W. Wang, Z. Chen, W. Yao . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Fusion and Signal Processing


Lyudmila Mihaylova, The University of
Sheffield, UK–Target Tracking
Mauro De Sanctis, University of Rome “Tor
Vergata,” Italy–Signal Processing and
Communications AESS Senior Members Elevated in 2021 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Jason Gross, West Virginia University (WVU),
USA–Navigation, Positioning AESS Magazine Distinguished Lecturers List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Giancarmine Fasano, University of Naples
Federico II, Italy–Unmanned Aircraft Systems Three Special Sessions on Quantum Radar at IEEE Radar Conferences
Daniel O’Hagan, University of Cape Town,
South Africa–Radar Systems
F. Daum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Richard Linares, University of Minnesota, USA–
Space Systems IEEE Aerospace & Electronic Systems Society Organization 2021 . . . . . . . . 63
Haiying Liu, DRS Technologies, Inc., USA–
Control and Robotic Systems AESS Meetings and Conferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . inside back cover
Michael Cardinale, Retired, USA–Electro-Optic
and Infrared Systems, Image Processing
Ruhai Wang, Lamar University, USA–Systems
Marco Frasca, MBDA, Italy–Quantum
Technologies in Aerospace Systems
Christof Sch€ upbach, Swiss Department of
Defense, Switzerland–Radar Systems

How to Reach Us
We welcome letters to the editor; but, we
reserve the right to edit for space, style, and
clarity. Include address and daytime phone
number with your correspondence.
E-mail: Peter Willett, Publishers: Send books for review to Samuel Shapero, 407 Angier Place NE, Atlanta, GA 30308. If you have questions, contact Samuel by e-mail at
Daniel O’Hagan,
If you are interested in advertising in the AESS SYSTEMS Magazine, please contact Anthony Land at Naylor
Catherine Van Sciver, Associates at, or Peter Willett at
AESS Senior Members Elevated in 2021

Dated: May 2021

Special Section on: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
for a New Space Vision

1. Scope and Aims

2. Topics of Interest


. Paper Submission and Important Dates

IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems

. Section Organizers
In This Issue –Technically


The analysis of large amount of sensor data can enhance aircraft operations and maintenance. In contrast
to other use cases, aircraft sensor data are accumulated on-board during the flight. The data need to be
transferred in a short time while the aircraft is on the ground due to limited and expensive connectivity
in the air. This leads to a massive transfer of data in a short time. Therefore, we analyze the data rate
demand per aircraft in terms of generated data per flight hour. We determine the influence of different
parameters on the needed data rate per aircraft. We conclude that the needed data rates are feasible if the
full day is used for transmitting. We show that multiple terabyte of generated data per flight hour can be
supported by 5G data rates. Furthermore, we highlight challenges for the deployment of an aircraft data
transfer system.


Cognitive radio (CR) was coined to address evolving user needs two decades ago. Since then, it also has been
considered a way to mitigate perceived spectrum scarcity in various application areas. In this article, the status
of military CR research is assessed through a systematic literature review of 193 articles, from 2013 to 2020,
using IEEE thematic topics, technology readiness levels, as well as comprehensive capability meta-model as
analytical frameworks. The annual distribution of military CR research indicates continuing interest. The mil-
itary CR research seems to be prolific on topics like waveform design and security, not forgetting a steady
interest in CR networking topics. Significantly low numbers of papers address applications, services, and stan-
dardization. In general, military CR research seemed sporadic and scattered. Our data suggest that a transition
from individual techniques, component-level subsystem research in the direction of systems engineering
approach, and system-level studies has not yet happened, and the overall TRLs remain low. The absence of
publicly articulated comprehensive treatment of the notion of military cognitive radio system is graphic and
has led to disjointed, scattered research at the subsystem level.


The development and demonstration of a hybrid battery/supercapacitor energy storage system (ESS) onboard
the Earth-orbiting CubeSat JPL/CSUNSat1 is described. The ESS is capable of supporting high power pulse
currents (>10C-rate) at low temperature (<–40  C). The primary operational phase of the technology demon-
stration mission includes the performance characterization of the ESS at various discharge rates (1–15 A) at
moderate to low temperatures. The internal resistances obtained from JPL/CSUNSat1 telemetry under bat-
tery-only, supercapacitor-only, and hybrid operating modes of the ESS were consistent with ground test data.
Despite the loss of telemetry downlinks due to the failure of a memory storage card in the later stages of the
mission, ten charge/discharge cycles were performed successfully to validate an impedance-based perfor-
mance model developed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. This flight demonstrates the first use of supercapaci-
tors within a hybrid energy storage subsystem in a space environment.


The software loading occurs when a new software version corrects previously identified errors to
include new functionalities to airborne systems, such as those embedded in aircraft. The available litera-
ture has not yet scientifically addressed the characteristics of Loadable Airborne Systems (LASs).
Although the RTCA DO-178 introduced the concept of field-loadable software, which is the possibility
to update the software without the need to remove the equipment or system from its installation on the
aircraft, the industry does not yet have an organized framework of reusable requirements and tests. The
objective of this work is to present a new framework for LASs. This framework contains a set of reus-
able requirements and general test procedures for software loading, involving manual and automatic
checks. We believe that our framework can help smaller companies, especially market entrants, to
incorporate software loading capacity into system development. This work also includes the identifica-
tion of threats involving safety and security.


This article describes the phenomenon of the abnormal output current drop of a solar array (SA) of a low Earth
orbit satellite. All possible failure causes were analyzed in detail and the most likely reason was determined to
be an open-circuit in solar cell interconnectors. The failure mechanisms were comprehensively analyzed from
three aspects: solar cell replacement process, erosion of atomic oxygen, and thermal fatigue. The analysis
results were verified by corresponding ground tests. For the on-orbit failure, a solution to slow down the output
current drop of SA was given and verified to be effective by ground remote control operations on the satellite
on orbit. The improvement measures for the development of SAs to avoid the output current drop are also


Feature Article: DOI. No. 10.1109/MAES.2021.3053119

Massive Data Transfer From and to Aircraft on

Ground: Feasibility and Challenges
Sandra Hofmann , TU Dresden, 01062 Dresden, Germany
Svetoslav Duhovnikov , Dominic Schupke , Airbus, 81663 Munich, Germany

aggregation of data over many flight hours results in a

INTRODUCTION massive amount of data, which needs to be transferred
On board an aircraft, a large number of sensors moni- in a short amount of time. Therefore, a high-speed
tor the status of the aircraft structure and aircraft sys- connection at the airport is required. Moreover, multi-
tems. Currently, only a subset of these data is ple aircraft need to be served simultaneously. Different
collected and analyzed. The data analysis provides the options for high-speed connectivity exist, including
opportunity to optimize aircraft operations and mainte- wired and wireless solutions. It is important that the
connectivity solution can be connected automatically.
nance. Failures can be predicted before a component
Extra actions for the personnel, such as plugging in a
breaks and procedures can be optimized. For analysis,
cabled connection, should be avoided, due to the addi-
these data needs to be transferred from the aircraft to
tional effort and the susceptibility to errors. Therefore,
the ground network. In general, the data can be trans-
a wireless solution is pursued to ensure automatic
ferred during the flight or after the flight. In our previ-
connectivity. Consequently, the challenge is to transfer
ous work, we studied the performance of direct air-to-
a massive amount of aggregated data from multiple
ground (DA2G) and satellite links between aircraft and
aircraft at the airport within a limited time. Besides
ground. We conduct a general study on 4G and 5G
transfer of data from the aircraft, a high-speed
DA2G and satellite performance in [1]. We comple-
connection also enables the transfer of data to the air-
ment this theoretic study by measurements in [2]. In
craft, for instance updates for the in-flight entertain-
both studies, we show that the DA2G link can provide
ment system.
a few hundred megabits per second, depending on the
Related work within the area of aircraft connectivity
setup. Taking into account that this link needs to be
mainly focuses on two areas, in-cabin networks and net-
jointly used by different applications, including passen-
working from aircraft to the ground, including the airport
ger connectivity, a few hundred megabits per second
perspective. An overview on on-board and off-board air-
are insufficient. Therefore, it is favorable to transfer
craft communications is given in [3]. According to the
delay-tolerant and high-volume data while the aircraft
authors, a large amount of data is generated on board
is on the ground, where connectivity is less limited.
the aircraft, with the option to send data during or after the
Most of the sensor data are delay tolerant; therefore, a
flight. They conclude that low-cost and high-bandwidth
transmission after the flight is feasible. Hence, the gen-
connectivity is needed to transfer data during turnaround
erated data during the flight is accumulated. However,
time. Connectivity from the airport’s perspective is ana-
the aircraft turnaround time on ground is limited. The
lyzed in [4]. While many different technologies provide
connectivity at the airport for different purposes, using
Authors’ current addresses: Sandra Hofmann, Deutsche only one technology for all purposes would be beneficial.
Telekom Chair of Communication Networks, TU They propose 4G as a candidate solution and describe a
Dresden, 01062 Dresden, Germany (e-mail: sandra.hof- possible architecture as well as respective business mod- Svetoslav Duhovnikov, els. The airport network is also studied in [5]. The authors
Dominic Schupke, Airbus, Central Research and Tech- investigate optimal energy consumption for 5G and Wi-Fi
nology, 81663 Munich, Germany (e-mails: svetoslav. networks at airports. They evaluate the performance with;
respect to energy consumption; however, they do not
Manuscript received June 10, 2020, revised October 18,
study the achievable data rate.
2020; accepted December 17, 2020, and ready for
publication January 18, 2021. Several studies have been conducted for in-cabin net-
Review handled by Mauro De Sanctis. works. Properly dimensioned in-cabin networks enable the
0885-8985/21/$26.00 ß 2021 IEEE data collection within the aircraft. In our previous work [6],


Credit: Image licensed by Ingram Publishing.

we evaluated 4G mobile broadband and machine-type com- time. To the best of our knowledge, this article is the first
munication (MTC) for the aircraft cabin. We studied different analysis of the requirements for massive data transfer from
MTC use cases. While the evaluated use cases do not include and to aircraft. In a first step, a suitable technology has to
massive data transfer, the network architecture within the be selected. Therefore, we study the needed data rates for a
cabin enables the collection of data from the cabin. The per- ground communication system. To achieve this, we ana-
formance of Wi-Fi, 4G, and LiFi inside the aircraft cabin has lyze flight traces to determine the needed data rate on the
been studied in [7]. The authors provide a channel model and ground in terms of the generated data rate per aircraft. We
determine the per-user performance within the cabin. How- also study the challenges and the potential system architec-
ever, they do not investigate any link from the aircraft to ture, including a comparison of existing or proposed com-
the ground network. The case of in-flight entertainment munication systems, such as 5G. Moreover, millimeter
is studied in [8]. The authors propose a flexible 5G wave (mmWave) technology is one candidate for high-
experimental platform for in-flight entertainment serv- speed connectivity and is not yet widely used. Therefore,
ices. Interestingly, they propose to include an on-board we conduct 802.11ad measurements to evaluate the feasi-
data center on the aircraft. While they propose to use bility of mmWave communications for aircraft data trans-
the data center for passenger services, it could poten- fer. The remainder of this article is structured as follows: In
tially also be used to store and process aircraft the section “System Architecture and Challenges,” we
sensor data. analyze different communication system architectures
Several communication systems to transfer sensor and discuss challenges for high-speed connectivity at
data have already been deployed. The history of Gatelink airports. The section “Methodology” introduces the
and the deployments used in the year 2005 are summa- methodology of the flight data analysis. The section
rized in [9]. Although originally designed for communi- “Results of the Flight Data Analysis” shows the results
cation between aircraft and ground stations, Aircraft of the analysis. In the section “Throughput Measure-
Communications Addressing and Reporting System ments of 60 GHz Wi-Fi,” we evaluate the performance
(ACARS) is an option to transmit safety related data. of the 802.11ad standard by measurements. Last, we
Today, most of the ACARS traffic is generated while the present the section “Conclusions.”
aircraft is on ground [9]. To enable higher data rates,
AeroMACS has been introduced for airport surface com-
munications [10]. It is based on 802.16e and uses the spe- SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE AND CHALLENGES
cifically allocated band from 5091 to 5150 MHz. While
the focus is on safety and traffic control at the airport, In this section, we analyze different communication system
data download is one of the mentioned applications [11]. architectures including the performance characteristics of
Additionally, there are deployments specifically for currently available technologies. Furthermore, we high-
transferring data from aircraft based on Wi-Fi or cellular light the challenges of high-volume data transfer for
systems. Some examples are Skywise [12], Gatesync aircraft.
[13], or GroundLink [14]. However, except for Skywise,
they focus on pilot- and safety-related data and not
toward massive transfer of data. Skywise offers an open-
data platform to analyze the aircraft data. However, due A communication system for aircraft needs to take several
to restrictions in the currently available data links on requirements into account. It needs to offer the required
ground, they are not yet able to offer multi-gigabits per data rate and also be available on airports worldwide. In
second upload speeds as needed in the future. Table 1, we compare the properties of different cellular
The aforementioned existing communication systems and noncellular communication systems in terms of spec-
are not designed to offload a massive amount of data in the trum, data rate, range, operator, and limitations. Spectrum
order of terabits per second during the short turnaround can be shared or licensed. The advantage of shared


Massive Data Transfer From and to Aircraft on Ground: Feasibility and Challenges

Table 1.

Comparison of Different Technology Options for Data Transfer From and to an Aircraft
Technology Spectrum Peak data rate Range Operator Limitations
60-GHz Wi-Fi Shared 6.7 Gb/s (802.11ad) 10 of Airport / local Line of sight
meters operator
Wi-Fi Shared 6.9 Gb/s (802.11ac) 50 m Airport / local Number of
9.6 Gb/s (802.11ax) operator users
AeroMACS Dedicated 50 Mb/s Several Airport / local Number of
kilometers operator users / BS
4G (Cat.21) Dedicated 1.4/0.3 Gb/s (DL/UL) Several Cellular operator Number of
kilometers users / BS
5G Dedicated 20/10 Gb/s (DL/UL) Several cellular operator Number of
kilometers users / BS
5G Dedicated 20/10 Gb/s (DL/UL) 500 m Cellular operator Line of sight

spectrum is easy availability; however, it needs to be sight. The advantage of 4G and 5G is the dedicated
shared with other users. For high-capacity communica- frequency and the global availability. On the other
tions, mmWave bands can be used. However, due to hand, the deployment of a specific system on the air-
the high frequency, the range becomes very small. port, such as Wi-Fi or AeroMACS, enables adjusting
Moreover, further parameters need to be taken into to the specific requirements at the airport.
account, such as influence by rain. Additionally, the As a conclusion, several communication systems
antenna size decreases with increasing frequency, exist, which are able to provide high data rates. However,
which is an advantage for mmWave bands. To cover a according to the specific requirements, different options
large area such as an airport, hundreds of base stations might be chosen. Also a combination could be used,
would be needed. The operator can be either a cellular depending on the type of traffic, differing in the amount of
operator that might offer global connectivity or a local data or the time criticality. Nevertheless, the biggest chal-
operator on the airport. The advantage of a global lenge is the global availability across different airports,
operator is that connectivity can be ensured for differ- airlines, and aircraft manufacturers.
ent flights, without the need of a separate contract with
a local operator per airport. Nevertheless, also a global
operator needs to ensure sufficient capacity for the
number of aircraft at the airport.
In Table 1, we compare Wi-Fi, 4G, 5G, and Aero- While the capacities of single links are promising in terms
MACS. For Wi-Fi and 5G, we additionally analyze the of the peak data rates, achieving the same high data rates
mmWave bands. Except for AeroMACS, all options for all aircraft at an airport is a challenge. Besides this, fur-
are ready for speeds in the order of multiple gigabits ther challenges exist. In the following, we discuss the
per second. However, in most cases, experienced data main challenges toward providing massive data transfer to
rates are significantly lower than the peak data rates. aircraft.
In particular, for already deployed systems such as
Wi-Fi, it becomes evident that the experienced data
rates are a factor of ten to one hundred below the peak
speeds. This is mainly due to channel conditions The transfer of accumulated sensor data from the aircraft
between user and access point and congestion of the uses the uplink from the aircraft to the base station. How-
channel by multiple users. Additionally, the data trans- ever, cellular networks are designed to provide high
fer from aircraft is uplink traffic, which traditionally capacity in the downlink, not the uplink. In a classical
offers lower data rates than the downlink in cellular setup, this is unproblematic, as data are sent right away.
networks. Hence, the limitation for all applications in However, in the aircraft case, the data is accumulated dur-
the sub-6 GHz frequency bands lies within the number ing the flight and needs to be uploaded during a small
of users with respect to the base stations. For the time. Hence, the uplink data rate is a major limitation for
mmWave frequency, the main limitation is the line of data transfer from aircraft.


Hofmann et al.


A network needs to provide the data rate to all aircraft
present at an airport at the same time. Therefore, sufficient
connectivity for more than hundred aircraft needs to be
provided simultaneously. This tackles the required back-
haul capacity as well as the coverage at the airport. This
leads to a high number of base stations, in particular for
the mmWave spectrum due to the limited coverage.

Figure 1.
In order to transfer data from the aircraft, the transmitter Example for different types of flight, multiple short-haul flights
needs power supply. If an aircraft is parked at a remote per day (aircraft 1) and one long-haul flight per day (aircraft 2).
location or for a longer time during night, this power sup-
ply might not be available. Hence, while the aircraft is
parked, power supply at the transmitter and hard drive on The investigated flight data consists of two one-week
the aircraft needs to be ensured. samples from FlightRadar24 [15], one in summer (23/07/
18–30/07/18) and one in winter (05/02/18–11/02/18).
DATA PROCESSING While we analyze both datasets, we only show the results
of the summer dataset, if not otherwise noted. The data-
The amount of data that needs to be transferred to the sets contain numerous parameters per flight, including
ground depends on the processing location. The data could the position over time, the aircraft, and airline. Particu-
be processed in a data center on the ground. This means larly interesting for this analysis is the flight duration,
that all generated data needs to be transferred, resulting in time on ground, number of aircraft at the same airport
a large amount of data. Alternatively, the data could be and the aircraft size.
processed on board. This can significantly reduce the The flight route and flight duration heavily influence
needed data rate. However, it is limited by weight and the time at the airport. Figure 1 shows two representative
processing constraints on the aircraft. The optimal trade- examples. Aircraft 1 completes multiple short-haul flights
off, where to process which parts of the data is still open. within the same day. The turnaround time between two
One possible driver is the cost for processing power on- flights is short, but the aircraft stays at the airport over-
board versus transfer of the total amount of data. Addition- night. Contrarily, aircraft 2 does a long-haul flight during
ally, different types of data can be treated differently. A the night, but stays at the airport for several hours during
small amount of time critical data could already be sent the day. Hence, the generated amount of data during one
during the flight, whereas the large amount of noncritical day mainly depends on the total duration of flight on that
data would be sent after the flight. day, which is shown in blue in Figure 1. While on ground,
as depicted in green, the aircraft needs to transmit this
WORLDWIDE AVAILABILITY generated data. Hence, for an aircraft to transfer all gener-
ated data, the generated data during the flight(s) needs to
For seamless operation, data transfer needs to be available
be smaller than the amount of data, which can be trans-
worldwide. This is in particular challenging in regions
ferred during the time on ground. With this, we can calcu-
with limited Internet connectivity. For each airport not
late the needed data rate of the ground network Rgnd in
providing sufficient connectivity, other airports need to
terms of the data rate of generating data at the aircraft
support an even higher data rate, additionally resulting in
Rgen as follows:
an increased delay. As we show in the section “Parameter  
tf [s] 8 GB
study,” this can be compensated to a certain extent. Never- Rgnd [Gb/s]    Rgen (1)
theless, a minimum coverage among airports worldwide tg [s] 3600 h
needs to be available to provide such a service.
with tf being the flight time and tg being the ground time.
We analyze these times in two different ways: 1) per
flight or 2) per day. Per flight means that the generated
METHODOLOGY data during one flight needs to be transferred during the
In order to understand the requirements of transfer mas- subsequent turnaround time. This results in high data rate
sive data from and to aircraft, we studied real aircraft requirements on the ground to transfer a large amount of
traces. These data allow the analysis of the number of data in a short time. On the other hand, the generated data
aircraft at an airport at any time as well as the time are not very time critical. Hence, it might be sufficient to
needed for the turnaround and the duration of the flights. transfer some parts of the data directly and the remaining


Massive Data Transfer From and to Aircraft on Ground: Feasibility and Challenges

part during the night. This means that any data that cannot
be transferred during the turnaround would be saved and
transferred later during the night. We call this approach
per day as all data generated during one day needs to be
transferred at some time within that day. In this way, the
needed data rates are much lower; however, the aircraft
data storage and communication equipment needs to be
powered during night. A more detailed comparison will
be conducted later on.
Several parameters influence the needed data rate. As
already explained earlier, the time within the data needs to
be transferred, per flight or per day, plays an important
role. Furthermore, the aircraft size influences the amount
of generated data. A large aircraft has more sensors and,
thus, collects more data than a small one. Currently, an
A320 generates 10 GB/flight hour [16]. As the envisioned
Figure 2.
Duration of different phases at Frankfurt airport.
kind of data collection framework is not yet used today, a
prediction of future generated data rates is difficult. In
order to relate the calculated numbers of Rgnd and Rgen distribution of the turnaround time during day and night as
and to provide an easier understanding of the influence of well as the time needed for taxiing at Frankfurt airport,
different parameters, we assume Rgen of 500 GB/flight Germany. During the day, aircraft stay at the gate for
hour as a reference. Nevertheless, our analysis is not lim- 1.3 h in the median, whereas during night the median
ited to this and any other generated data rate can be stud- increases to 10.4 h. As Frankfurt airport restricts flights
ied as well. The availability of sufficient connectivity at during the night, the minimum time at the gate during
different airports is another factor. If an airport does not night is 5.6 h. We observe many outliers toward longer
offer connectivity, the data need to be stored until the next times at the gate, as some aircraft stay at the airport for
landing. Then, the combined data of two flights need to be days. However, these cases are not the challenging ones as
transferred. Additionally, the size of the airport and the there is a lot of time to transfer the data. The position of
time of day also influence the needed data rate. At peak the aircraft is based on Automatic Dependent Surveil-
times, many aircraft are present at the airport, leading to a lance—Broadcast (ADS-B) and is not completely accu-
potential bottleneck if the communication system is not rate, as some aircraft switch on the ADS-B very late or
properly designed. The required capacity per airport is switch it off very early. This leads to some aircraft with a
deducted from the single aircraft needs and the number of turnaround time of only a few minutes. As this is not real-
aircraft at the airport. istic, we only take aircraft with a turnaround time of at
least 15 min into account. If not otherwise stated, we eval-
uate the 95th percentile to include almost all aircraft. The
RESULTS OF THE FLIGHT DATA ANALYSIS median times for taxi are 7 min for approach and 12 min
for takeoff. The taxiing times, where the aircraft is already
This section presents the results of the flight data analysis.
on the ground, could be used for additional data transfer.
First, the duration of turnaround and taxiing times is inves-
This would provide an additional 19 min in the median for
tigated, which highly influences the available time for
transferring data. However, in the following analysis, we
transferring the data. Subsequently, we introduce the rela-
focus on the times at the gate only.
tion between the needed data rate on the ground and the
generated data rate on the aircraft. Moreover, we conduct
a parameter study to investigate the influence of different
parameters on the needed data rate. To relate the results to
actual communication systems, we conduct a case study AND DATA RATE GENERATED ON THE AIRCRAFT
comparing different technologies. Finally, we study the
In this section, we present the relation between the needed
backhaul capacity needed at the airport.
data rate on the ground Rgnd and the data rate Rgen generated
on the aircraft. The calculation is based on the turnaround
times determined in the previous section and Equation (1), as
introduced in “Methodology.” Figure 3 shows the relation
In this section, we study the duration of turnaround and between Rgen and Rgnd . The case of transferring data per
taxiing at the airport. This is the basis for the calculation flight is depicted in dashed lines. In this case, the data needs
of the needed data rates. Figure 2 exemplarily shows the to be completely offloaded during the turnaround time after


Hofmann et al.

size. This can also be seen in the example in Figure 1. From

the analysis, we also see that the differences between summer
and winter times can be neglected on a global scale. On a local
scale, destinations differ with the seasons; hence, specific air-
ports can be impacted. As it is unrealistic to assume that all
airports worldwide will offer connectivity, we also analyzed
the case where a percentage of all airports are unequipped.
We vary the percentage from 0% to 80% while randomly
selecting airports without connectivity. Obviously, the needed
data rate on the ground increases with the percentage of uneq-
uipped airports. Nevertheless, even with 80% unequipped air-
ports, the needed data rate at the remaining airports is only
tripled. Hence, some percentage of unequipped airports can
easily be handled. The results of the 75th percentile show
that the rates drop significantly, for example, for the night
Figure 3.
only case from 22.2 to 5 Gb/s. This suggests that there
Relation between generated data rate Rgen and needed data rate on
ground Rgnd . are some few aircraft with a significantly higher demand
than others.

the flight. Due to this, a higher data rate is needed for flights
with turnaround during the day than for flights with turn- CASE STUDY
around during night. However, this only depends on the
In this section, we discuss the generated data rates per
time the flight is scheduled and cannot be influenced.
flight hour that can be supported with 4G and 5G technol-
Independently of day and night, a generated data rate of
ogies. We assume that the data can be transferred per day.
500 GB/h can be supported with 5.1 Gb/s on the ground.
4G supports up to 300 Mb/s uplink data rate with UE cate-
The case of transferring data per day is depicted in solid lines
gory 21 [17], which is currently available with high-end
in Figure 3. In this case, the data that cannot be offloaded
smart phones. With this uplink data rate, Rgen of up to
after one flight can be transferred later on the same day. Con-
65.9 GB/flight hour can be supported. According to the
sequently, the needed data rate for 500 GB/h drops from
IMT-2020 requirements [18], 5G will support between
5.1 Gb/s to 2.3 Gb/s compared to per flight. However, in
50 Mb/s and 10 Gb/s uplink data rate. With the peak
contrary to the first case, if only day or night is used for
uplink data rate of 10 Gb/s, Rgen of up to 2.2 TB/flight
transferring data, the needed data rate increases signifi-
hour becomes feasible. However, experienced data rates
cantly, because the total available time for data offload is
will be lower than peak speeds. Another option to increase
shortened. In particular, the required data rate in the case of
the data rate per aircraft is to use multiple modems to con-
night only is very high, as aircraft on long-haul flights during
nect to possibly more than one network operator. Hence,
night can only transfer data during the day.
with two modems per aircraft, up to 130.8 GB can be sup-
ported with 4G and up to 4.4 TB with 5G. According to
the work in [16], currently 10 GB are generated per flight
PARAMETER STUDY hour of an A320. A data rate of 45.5 Mb/s is sufficient for
this. Hence, this data rate can already be supported by 4G
In this section, we vary several parameters to evaluate their
with a data rate of 15% of the peak uplink rate. To cope
influence on the needed data rate. The varied parameters and
with future demands, 4G can support up to 6 times and 5G
results for an exemplary Rgen of 500 GB/flight hour are
around 200 times of the current rate with one modem.
shown in Table 2. In general, short-haul flights with a duration
As a conclusion, Rgen of multiple TB terabytes per flight
of less than 6 h need a much lower data rate than long-haul
hour become feasible with 5G peak data rates. Therefore, 5G
flights. The reason is that short-haul flights generate less data
is a promising technology to transfer a massive amount of
during the shorter flight duration, whereas the turnaround
data from the aircraft to the ground. Nevertheless, proper
time stays the same. We also analyzed the aircraft size and
deployment and sufficient bandwidth is necessary such that
clustered them in small, medium, and large according to their
these speeds can be supported by the network.
wake turbulence categories. In the per flight analysis, medium
aircraft need the highest data rates as they have short turn-
around times as small aircraft, but longer flight times. Interest-
ingly, if we compare different aircraft sizes per day, the
differences vanish. Hence, the relation between ground time While the previous sections focus on the needed data
and flight time during one day is independent of the aircraft rate for one aircraft, this section takes the total


Massive Data Transfer From and to Aircraft on Ground: Feasibility and Challenges

Table 2.

Rgnd [Gb/s] for Rgen ¼500 GB/Flight Hour

95th percentile 75th percentile

Summer Winter Summer Winter

All 2.3 2.2 1.2 1.1
Day only 6.2 7.5 3.2 3.3
Night only 22.2 21.6 5 4.1
Long-haul 2.4 2.3 1.3 1.1
Short-haul 0.6 0.6 0.3 0.4
Per Day
Small aircraft 2.3 2.2 1.2 1.1
Medium aircraft 2.3 2.2 1.2 1.1
Large aircraft 2.5 2.1 1.1 1
Unequipped 40% 3.8 3.5 1.6 1.4
Unequipped 80% 5.6 6.5 2.1 2.1
All 5.1 5.2 2.8 2.8
Day 5.3 5.4 2.9 3
Night 3.1 3.1 1 0.9
Per Long-haul 8.1 8.4 5 5.2
Flight Short-haul 4.8 4.8 2.7 2.7
Small aircraft 4.9 5 2.8 2.8
Medium aircraft 6.4 6.5 3.4 3.3
Large aircraft 5.9 6.2 3.5 3.9

capacity per airport into account. As there are multiple THROUGHPUT MEASUREMENTS OF 60-GHZ WI-FI
aircraft at the airport at any point in time, the total
data rate per airport is a critical parameter, in particu- From the currently available technologies discussed in
lar for large airports. Table 1, 60-GHz Wi-Fi promises one of the highest data
Figure 4 shows the number of aircraft over a week rates. Additionally, it is interesting, as the 60-GHz spec-
at the airport of Frankfurt, Germany. It can be seen trum is not yet as heavily used compared with other Wi-Fi
that the number of aircraft highly varies during the bands. We aim to verify the promised data rates by meas-
day. We can clearly identify the night times as hori- urements. Moreover, the existing hardware can give some
zontal lines, as there is a restriction to fly at night. The first practical insights into other technologies, such as 5G
pattern in Figure 4 looks different for other airports, mmWave. 60-GHz Wi-Fi is standardized as 802.11ad and
as, for example, some smaller airports have the highest
number of aircraft during the night. Other airports do
not have the restriction to fly at night; hence, there is
no time with a constant number of aircraft. For this
reason, the total needed data rate differs per airport
and cannot be generalized. Nevertheless, the used data
transfer systems need to be able to cope with the
expected amount of traffic per airport, depending on
the number of aircraft. For instance, if one aircraft
requires 1 Gb/s, the airport would need to provide up
Figure 4.
to 148 Gb/s concurrently, as up to 148 aircraft can be Number of aircraft at the airport in Frankfurt, Germany, during
present at the Frankfurt airport. one week.


Hofmann et al.

Figure 6.
Measurement results of 802.11ad throughput with different angles
Figure 5. between access point and station.
Measurement setup consisting of an access point rotated with
angle a and a station in in a distance d.
other existing technologies today. However, compared
with the needed data rates as discussed in the section
802.11ay. It is also called WiGig and uses the 60-GHz “Relation Between Needed Data Rate on Ground and
band with a channel bandwidth of 2.16 GHz. 802.11ad Data Rate Generated on the Aircraft,” 1.5 Gb/s is still low.
supports up to 6.7 Gb/s. The standardization of 802.11ay Nevertheless, we believe that with a higher market pene-
is ongoing and with the introduction of MIMO and chan- tration and increasing number of deployments, the hard-
nel bonding, the expected data rate increases to 176 Gb/s ware and implementation limitations vanish and higher
including an extended range. 802.11ad has not been data rates become feasible. Still, there are a number of
widely adapted yet, but a few devices are available. limitations for mmWave links, such as range limitation,
Our measurement hardware consists of two SuperMi- line-of-sight limitation, high number of needed access
cro E300-9D-8CN8TP boxes with a Qualcomm QCA9500 points, or system throughput in a real deployment. Still,
802.11ad chip provided by BISDN GmbH. The manufac- these limitations can be feasible for an airport deployment,
turer states a peak speed of up to 4.6 Gb/s [19]. The as there is a line of sight between the gate and aircraft and
antenna is placed at the outside of the box and uses beam- the distance is small.
forming with different patterns to obtain the best link In conclusion, 60-GHz Wi-Fi is a promising technology
properties as shown in [20]. We measure the throughput for massive data transfer from and to the aircraft if the data
from the station to the access point. As the antennas for rates can be in the promise range or can even be increased in
60 GHz are highly directive, we also investigate different the future. Open questions are related to deployment and
angles between the two boxes. A small impact on the applicability in a real scenario, such as the number of access
angle is beneficial for deployment, as alignment between points needed and how to provide the respective backhaul
stations and access points is uncritical. For the measure- capacity. Also, measurements and tests need to be conducted
ment, two boxes were placed at a distance d ¼ 5 m in an in a realistic environment. These results can also be applied
outdoor environment. One box was acting as an access to 5G mmWave networks. While the frequency is lower, line
point, the other one as a station, as shown in Figure 5. Dur- of sight and range limitations still apply. With the option to
ing the measurement, the access point was rotated with operate a private 4G or 5G network, airports can operate their
different angles a. For the throughput measurement, own cellular network and adapt it to the special environment.
iPerf [21] was used. The throughput of each angle setup We also observe that the measured rates are considerably
was measured by sending UDP traffic for 30 s twice. The below the peak speeds. This has to be taken into account
measurement results are shown in Figure 6. For angles when deciding for a suitable technology.
> 90 , no connection is possible in the outdoor environ-
ment. However, in an indoor environment connections
with larger angles are feasible due to reflections. Figure 6
shows that the throughput is stable at 1.5 Gb/s irrespective
of the angle. The degraded performance at 90 compared We analyzed real flight traces from FlightRadar24 [15]
with 90 is due to the asymmetric antenna placement. toward the needed data rate for data transfer from the air-
Nevertheless, this throughput is considerably below the craft to the ground. To achieve this, we compare the dura-
advertised peak speeds, although we observe very good tion of the flight with the duration on ground. We study
channel conditions during our measurements. The same two different options: 1) transferring data per flight or
observation has been reported by other papers, who mea- 2) per day. We show that if we transfer data per day, the
sured a throughput of up to 1.6 Gb/s [22] or 2.3 Gb/s [23]. needed data rate decreases up to 47% compared with per
According to them, the low observed throughput is due to flight. We also vary parameters such as flight time or air-
hardware and implementation limitations. The measured craft size. We conclude that long-haul flights are the most
throughput of 1.5 Gb/s is very promising compared with challenging flights. We show that, with today’s 4G


Massive Data Transfer From and to Aircraft on Ground: Feasibility and Challenges

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per flight hour, which increases to 4.4 TB with 5G. Hence, munications to the airport surface,” WiMAX Forum, Bea-
5G is a promising technology to transfer a massive amount verton, OR, USA, White Paper, 2015.
of data from the aircraft to the ground. We also highlight [11] B. M. Paolini and S. Fili, “AeroMACS: A common
the challenges of deploying an aircraft data transfer sys- platform for air traffic management applications,” Senza
tem. These are, among others, to provide a worldwide Fili Consulting, Ave, Seattle, WA, USA, White Paper,
availability or to provide a sufficient data rate to cover all pp. 1–14, 2014.
aircraft at one airport. Additionally, an analysis on the [12] Airbus, “Skywise.” Accessed: Nov. 22, 2019. [Online].
data processing needs to be conducted. If a part of the data Available:
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needed for transfer on ground can be reduced. 2019. [Online]. Available:
[14] Teledyne, “Wireless ground link system.” Accessed: Nov.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 22, 2019. [Online]. Available: https://www.teledynecontrols.
The work presented in this paper has been completed
[15] “FlightRadar24.” Accessed: Dec. 2, 2019. [Online]. Avail-
while S. Hofmann was with Airbus, Central Research and
Technology, Munich, Germany.
[16] Airbus, “Big Data: Airbus is mining the wealth of knowl-
edge for aviation.” Accessed: Jan. 8, 2020. [Online].


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Feature Article: DOI. No. 10.1109/MAES.2021.3052310

A Systematic Literature Review: Is Military Cognitive

Radio System on the Brink of the “Valley of Death”?
Topi Tuukkanen , Finnish Defence Research Agency, Riihima €ki FI-11311,
Seppo Yrjo€la€, University of Oulu, Oulu FI-90750, Finland; and also Nokia,
Oulu FI-90620, Finland
Marja Matinmikko-Blue , University of Oulu, Oulu FI-90750, Finland

INTRODUCTION of a CRS as will be elaborated later when presenting the

use of comprehensive capability metamodel (CCMM).
Cognitive radio (CR) is a notion or a concept initially Greitemann et al. [5] posited that the implementation of
coined in 1999 to address evolving user needs [1]. Since emerging technologies into existing production environ-
its inception, the concept of CR has also been considered ments is often time-consuming and expensive. To better
a way to mitigate perceived spectrum scarcity [2]. The understand the early phases and timescales of the system life-
interest in CR has continued with the evolution of mobile cycle, Gross et al. [6] divided the lifecycle into a) invention,
telephony toward fifth generation wireless systems (5G), development, and demonstration, and b) deployment and
but the potential for military applications is yet to be commercialization phases. Their main finding across several
explored for comprehensive coverage. Contemporary con- technology areas is that both the innovation and development
cepts in general mobile telephony and networking such as as well as deployment phases each take 18 years (median)
self-organizing networks (SON) and software-defined net- and altogether 32 years. The “Valley of Death” has been
working (SDN) [3] have adopted and paved the way ahead described as a stage or a phase between discovery and com-
to some characteristics of cognitive radio systems. mercialization [7], and more specifically, as a phase between
For this document, cognitive radio is considered an technology readiness levels (TRLs) five and seven [8].
evolution from a software defined radio (SDR) to support Within the civilian domain, the cognitive radio system
spectrum management and optimization, interfacing to a has been the object of study in some research reports just
variety of networks, and to aid the human in his activities. before the time range of our enquiry. In the military domain,
Cognitive radio system (CRS) is defined as “a radio system cognitive radio at the system level has been associated with
employing technology that allows the system to obtain the Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) or other U.S.
knowledge of its operational and geographical environ- Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s (DARPA)
ment, established policies, and its internal state; to dynami- programs. During the second decade of the research for cog-
cally and autonomously adjust its operational parameters nitive radio technologies, the interest in cognitive radio net-
and protocols according to its obtained knowledge in order works (CRN) became evident. This interest was also
to achieve predefined objectives; and to learn from the recorded in our collection of military cognitive radio
results obtained” [4]. Thereby notions like spectrum sens- research. However, the use of the terms CR, CRN, and CRS
ing, modulation classification, policy engine, cognitive are not consistent and sometimes misleading. Therefore, for
radio (as a node), and cognitive radio networking are con- the data collection for this article, the minimum common
sidered functions, algorithms, components, or subsystems denominator CR has been used as a search term. Even
though International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has a
Authors’ current address: Topi Tuukkanen, Finnish definition for a CRS, the absence of research on CRSs is
Defence Research Agency, Riihim€aki FI-11311, Finland noticeable. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, there is no
(e-mail: Seppo Yrj€ ol€a, Marja survey of military CRS research available to the public. The
Matinmikko-Blue, University of Oulu, Oulu FI-90750, closest match to such a study would be [9], [10], and [11].
Finland. Thereby, this article provides a comprehensive over-
Manuscript received June 25, 2020; accepted November view of MCRS research for the second decade since the
14, 2020, and ready for publication January 14, 2021. term CR was coined. The research question for this article
Review handled by Stefan Brueggenwirth.
is: Does publicly available technical research data provide
0885-8985/21/$26.00 ß 2021 IEEE


Credit: Image licensed by Ingram Publishing

evidence that research and development on military cogni- although listed as a topic in the original reference, was not
tive radio systems progress toward an actual system addressed by any of the collected papers. However, spec-
proven in an operational environment. We observe that trum mobility, as a phenomenon, has been touched upon
this formulation already identifies potential data sources in the margins of several papers. The number of articles
as well as alludes to the use of Technology Readiness Lev- by topics is shown below in Table 1.
els (TRL) as a part of the analysis [12]. Third, the papers were coded according to the TRL they
portrayed. TRLs have been used since the 1980s in the U.S.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The use
expanded to the U.S. Department of Defense in the 1990s as
METHOD well as globally. TRLs are used to describe the maturity of
This research has been inspired by the findings of [8] as to technology, especially within procurement processes [15].
where do we stand in MCRS research today. Is there going As most of the articles address a single functionality,
to be a “Valley of Death” hindering the evolution of algorithm, or solution, the TRLs are valid and relatively easy
research into products? Or are we already standing on the to apply. For example, TRL 3 was initially described by
brink of that valley? The research method of this survey is NASA as “analytical and experimental critical function and
a systematic literature review (SLR), following the steps characteristic proof-of-concept” and by the European Union
outlined in [13]. The research question for this survey is: as “Experimental proof-of-concept” [12]. Within wireless
Does publicly available technical research data provide communications research, simulation is often used to provide
evidence that R&D on military cognitive radio systems
progresses toward an actual system proven in an opera- Table 1.
tional environment. We observe that this formulation
already identifies potential data sources as well as alludes
Number of Articles by Thematic Categories According
to the use of TRLs as a part of the analysis [12]. to IEEE Topics [15]
The primary sources selected were the IEEE Xplore Digi-
tal Library, Elsevier ScienceDirect, SpringerLink, as well as Applications and services category 14
the Association of Computing Machinery Digital Library. articles
We collected explicitly “military” AND “cognitive radio” New economics 1
related articles. As the first 14 years since the inception of the Machine learning techniques 4
notion of CR have already been covered in [9], we collected
Spectrum sharing and multiple 21
a dataset of military cognitive radio research covering the
years 2013 to 2020. The collected papers were then coded in
four dimensions: document type, thematic topic, the technol- Analysis of dynamic spectrum 2
ogy readiness level, as well as the CCMM level. access
First, the collected papers were manually categorized into Routing 23
conference papers, journal articles, doctoral dissertations, and
Security and electronic warfare 41
survey-type articles. The original intention was to use this
grading as an indication of the maturity and quality of the arti- Modeling of spectrum use 21
cle; however, it proved to be far from a useful indicator. Simulation tools and testbeds 11
Second, the dataset was coded into thematic catego-
Waveform design 55
ries, topics, already used in [14]. Spectrum mobility,


A Systematic Literature Review: Is Military Cognitive Radio System on the Brink of the “Valley of Death”?

Out of the total of 193 articles1 collected for this

review, seven are doctoral dissertations, 14 surveys, 33
journal articles, and 139 conference papers. However, the
distribution of articles by publication type turned out not to
be a useful metric. The minimal number of doctoral disser-
tations is in dire contrast to generic civilian CR research,
whereby a large number of dissertations were excluded
because they did not have any recognizable bearing or rela-
tion to military CRSs. The few military CRS oriented dis-
sertations included, focus on security-related topics mostly
involving electronic warfare measures. Of the 14 surveys
included in our data, we point to Tang and Watson [10].
This report summarizes military cognitive radio research
by the end of 2014. The report covers different national and
organizational research roadmaps on military CRs and con-
siders the significance of cognitive radio networks for
future tactical wireless communications. According to the
Figure 1. report, CRNs are expected to provide benefits such as
CCMM viewpoints within respective communities of interest. dynamic spectrum access (DSA), increased communica-
Adopted from [19].
tions resilience in dynamic, heterogeneous environments,
and may provide the basis for tactical electronic warfare.
proof-of-concept [16], [17]. Therefore, articles describing
Many multinational research task groups of North
the use of simulation have been coded to TRL 3. In
Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) Science and
this category, a significantly high number (63) of
Technology Organization (STO) present publicly avail-
papers have been included. If the paper shows specific
able conference papers in addition to formal research
traits being a very narrow or early research paper or if
reports. Some of the reports are also available in the public
the paper is part of a broader research effort, the cod-
domain, e.g., [11]. NATO STO reports used for this article
ing to TRL 3 may have been adjusted by a level þ-1.
have been tagged as surveys due to their contents and the
As the fourth coding stage, the CCMM, depicted in
way they address the topic. All of the included NATO
Figure 1, was applied. The model has been developed
papers address dynamic spectrum access one way or
from the Zachman framework for enterprise architecture
another and point toward the need to adjust current rigid
to support the military capability-based planning domain.
administrative and bureaucratic mechanisms.
Koivisto and Tuukkanen [18] is an initial attempt to apply
CCMM to military wireless communications R&D. For
this survey, we shall apply capability viewpoints with
emphasis on left-hand side viewpoints in Figure 1. The RESULTS BY TOPICS
idea is to map our source data to the structure of the design
As can be seen in Table 1, topics of waveforms, security,
artifacts of military capability viewpoints.
modeling spectrum use, and spectrum sharing have
received the most attention (71%) in our dataset. In con-
trast, the topic of economics has a single reference.
Within the topic of machine learning, we observe that
Within military CR research, the keynote by Fette [9] should most years yield a steady two to three papers on the topic,
already be considered as seminal. In this article, Dr. B. Fette, whereas the sudden late increase in 2019 to 8 papers is note-
at that time with DARPA, outlines the first 14 years of the worthy. As an example, the research team of the Royal Mili-
cognitive radio research and development since the incep- tary Academy of Belgium suggests the use of machine
tion of the notion of CR. The paper argues that, for the mili- learning techniques at the cognitive radio to avoid inten-
tary, the essential feature of CR is not necessarily the tional, hostile jamming or to support channel selection.
enhanced user experience, nor spectrum access alone, but The category of theoretical analysis of dynamic spec-
the full range adaptivity and flexibility in support of war- trum access contains two papers. Potentially the most excit-
fighter communications. Another important, yet easily over- ing category of papers is related to security and electronic
looked, observation is that, although cognition has been warfare. This is the second most populous category within
widely researched from the spectrum access perspective, the the dataset with altogether 41 papers. Within this category,
military communication system needs to implement cogni-
tion at several layers of the communication protocol stack to 1
Full listing of the reviewed articles is available from the correspond-
provide the expected performance improvement. ing author:


Tuukkanen et al.

Table 2. Table 3.

Number of articles by Technology Readiness Number of Articles by the CCMM Levels

Levels [16] CCMM level 1: 5 articles
Scope - Military power
TRL 1 basic principles 27 articles
CCMM level 2: Business model – 0
TRL 2 technology concept 73 Military capability areas
CCMM level 3: System model - 1
TRL 3 experimental proof of 63 Defence lines of development
CCMM level 4: Technology 20
TRL 4 technology validated in the 25 model – System
CCMM level 5: Detailed 156
TRL 5 technology is validated in a 2 representation - Sub-system
relevant environment
CCMM level 6: Functioning 11
TRL 6 technology demonstrated 1 Enterprise - Military unit
in a relevant environment
TRL 7 system prototype 1
demonstration in an operational multitransceiver DSA radios operating in the presence of
environment a legacy system, providing a detailed, quantitative assess-
TRL 8 system complete and 0 ment of the spectral and network behavior of tactical sys-
qualified tems across a diverse range of operational scenarios.
TRL 9 actual systems proven in 0 Higher up, at level TRL 6, the survey [23] discusses the
the operational environment current status of work to define transmission security func-
tions and how to implement them in radios. Finally, at
level TRL 7, the report [24] analyses one implementation
of a waveform through complementary methodologies.
e.g., Riihonen [19] considered in-band full-duplex (FD) These include operational tests, assessment of the funda-
capability as one of the great discoveries in wireless com- mental limitations of the technology, and modeling and
munications. By exploiting simultaneous transmission and simulation. Some of the identified challenges relate to
reception capability through self-interference cancellation shortcomings of the waveform design, while others reflect
techniques, the FD capability is seen to double the spectral a disparity between the original concept and its actual
efficiency of wireless data transmission. Furthermore, the implementation.
paper outlines and analyzes some potential defensive and When the distribution of articles is mapped across
offensive applications becoming available by the application publishing years (cf. e.g., Table 5 below), we observe that
of these capabilities. Full-duplex capacity is also addressed the distribution indicates a relatively steady and continu-
in [20], suggesting an integrated tri-band, dynamic spectrum ing interest in the CR paradigm and associated technolo-
shaping full-duplex cognitive radio for tactical gies. In general, the number of publicly available papers
communications. in the military domain remains significantly lower than
Although not yet there, the topic of simulation tools those addressing civilian technologies.
and testbeds alludes in the direction of gradually (in the Although one might have expected some evidence of
future) increasing TRLs through several papers on devel- logical evolution from early years-low TRLs toward later
opment, testing, and evaluation environments. years-high TRLs, such progress is not apparent in our
data. Individual papers coded to high TRLs are almost
outliers, not yet providing sufficient foundations to articu-
RESULTS BY TRLS late a general trend (cf. also Tables 4 and 5).
Table 2 portrays that the distribution of articles by TRLs is
concentrated between TRL 2 and TRL 4, indicating that
the CR related technologies are still under research and
experimentation. At level TRL 5, the dissertation [21]
considers airborne multiple input multiple output (MIMO) As seen in Table 3, the category of CCMM 6 functioning
communications, physical layer authentication, and radio enterprise—military unit level contains 11 articles, where
design through a holistic design approach. Similarly, at the authors have either a background or professional affili-
TRL 5, Robertson et al. [22] details the field testing of ation with respective national military establishments.


A Systematic Literature Review: Is Military Cognitive Radio System on the Brink of the “Valley of Death”?

Within the category CCMM, 3 defense lines of devel- Generally, spectrum sensing can be seen as a component
opment, there is one article that applies defense lines of or subsystem technology within a cognitive radio (as a node
development doctrine, organization, training, materiel, or device) or within a waveform (as a service or a compo-
personnel, leadership, facilities, information/interoperabil- nent thereof). Gupta and Kumar [26] is an example CCMM
ity (DOTMPLFI) framework to assess potential military 4 “system level,” well developed TRL 4, survey. In
capability implications the cognitive radio technology this article, spectrum sensing is brought to a broader
could introduce. context of cognitive radio networking. The article
Category CCMM 1 scope contains five articles—these reviews the spectrum sensing technologies and offers
address a range of topics, for example, from military R&D future research directions for cognitive radio networks.
to general spectrum administration. Nevertheless, the Spectrum sharing, spectrum access, and spectrum regu-
scope or viewpoint of these articles is above the military, lation have been addressed in several papers. The journal
i.e., national, technology wide, or even broader. article of [27] is an example of CCMM 1 “above military”
When the distribution of articles is mapped by CCMM way of addressing spectrum regulation for cognitive radios.
levels and publishing years, it is evident that general inter- At the same time, it stands out also as an example of con-
est is ongoing at the subsystem level of CCMM level 5, ceptual work at a low TRL 1. A comparison can be made
which with 156 articles, is the most populous category. with [28] at TRL 2, where the authors challenge the current
However, mapping CCMM viewpoints by TRLs in Table wireless coexistence paradigm. This article argues for a
4 again portrays heavy concentration to CCMM level 5 more generic solution in terms of frequency reuse and coex-
and to low TRLs 1-3. istence. A new generic medium sharing model that solves
coexistence problems in a simple, efficient, and technol-
ogy-agnostic way is presented. The suggested approach is
compatible with all existing wireless communication tech-
ADDITIONAL OBSERVATIONS nologies and incorporates capabilities for future modifica-
As we have already observed, the most populous catego- tions and additions to support emerging new technologies.
ries across the topics are waveforms, security, modeling As an example of the U.S. Department of Defense
spectrum use, and spectrum sharing. Therefore, it should funded military-oriented R&D, Zeng et al. [29] argues
come as no surprise that these articles concentrate on the that spectrum agility should be complemented with net-
category of CCMM 5 Subsystems (156 articles). work agility to achieve mission success. The authors sug-
Considering paper types across TRLs, we observe that gest the use of a proactive and adaptive cross-layer
a large number of conference papers have been published reconfiguration framework for autonomous network adap-
within the TRL1-4 domain (141 articles). Moreover, tation. As an individual potential solution to a broader
many journal articles, dissertations, and surveys are problem, the suggested approach is well in line with [11].
assigned to low TRL 1. This indicates that significant
research effort remains to clarify military cognitive radios’
functions, requirements as well as security aspects.
By far, most of the conference papers have been pub-
lished through IEEE, where IEEE/AFCEA Military The military CR research seems to be prolific on topics
Communications Conference (MILCOM) and Interna- like waveform design and security, not forgetting a steady
tional Conference on Military Communications and interest in CR networking topics. Our data indicate that
Information Systems (ICMCIS) stand out as most pro- the vast majority of papers and topics have been catego-
ductive venues. From the data, less than a dozen prolific rized to CCMM 5 “subsystem” level, indicating that the
authors emerge. However, these authors collaborate with TRLs are still valid tools for assessing maturity, as can be
established research groups we should recognize; inferred from Table 4.
Fraunhofer FKIE, Intelligent Automation Inc., NATO Significantly low numbers of papers address applications,
Science and Technology Organization, Royal Military services, and standardization. If continued, this may harm the
Academy of Belgium, Rockwell Collins Advanced Tech- scale and harmonization of the technology, as well as on
nology Center, Thales Communications, University of interoperability, which is critical for the practical deployment
Nevada, University of Oulu, and Wojskowa Akademia decisions across different communities of interest.
Techniczna of Poland. The annual distribution of military CR research by
In the process of searching, selecting, and coding TRLs in Table 5 indicates continuing interest. This finding
papers, some enticing papers stand out in addition to those is contradictory to general statistics from, e.g., IEEE
already mentioned. Naeem et al. [25] provided a compre- Xplore Digital Library, whereby the numbers of general
hensive survey of network coding techniques in CRNs. (civilian) CR research articles has been on the decline
Our data includes some other conference papers address- since 2014. This may indicate general technology matur-
ing the same topic but from a narrower perspective. ing from singular techniques to address broader system-


Tuukkanen et al.

Table 4.

Number of articles by CCMM levels and by TRLs

TRL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

CCMM 1 3 2 5
CCMM 2 0
CCMM 3 1 1
CCMM 4 3 5 5 5 1 1 20
CCMM 5 16 60 58 20 1 1 156
CCMM 6 5 5 1 11
SUM 27 73 63 26 2 1 1 0 0 193

Table 5.

Annual Distribution of Articles by TRLs

Numbers by years to TRL 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 SUM

TRL 1 5 3 4 2 8 1 4 27
TRL 2 13 9 12 9 8 13 9 73
TRL 3 11 10 9 7 7 3 14 2 63
TRL 4 7 1 8 7 3 26
TRL 5 1 1 2
TRL 6 1 1
TRL 7 1 1
TRL 8 0
TRL 9 0
SUM 36 24 35 18 30 17 31 2 193
Data for year 2020 includes articles published by the time of data collection at the end of the May 2020.

level issues. However, this is not yet evident in military CONCLUDING REMARKS
CR research data.
Machine learning and artificial intelligence seem natu- We collected 193 articles on military CR research from
ral techniques to implement CR, and the interest is on the well-known publishers covering the period of 2013–2020.
rise toward the end of our study epoch. In general, military Our selection of data sources led our dataset to be domi-
CR research seemed sporadic and scattered. Our data sug- nated by subsystem level, low TRL-types of articles.
gest that a transition from individual techniques, node- Therefore, our data indicate that research on military cog-
level subsystem research in the direction of the CRS sys- nitive radio systems remains at the subsystem (compo-
tems engineering approach, and system-level studies has nent) level and at low TRLs. Besides one outlier, there is
not yet happened, and the overall TRLs remain low. no indication that anyone has been able to bridge the gap
The authors recognize that coding, as described, may not from TRL 5 to TRL 7. Toward the end of our study epoch,
be clear-cut and may, at times, be arbitrary. Papers may the increasing interest in machine learning techniques
address topics that overlap more than one category. Although may eventually lead to a shift in this technology’s TRLs
every attempt has been made to ensure that our dataset is in the coming years. Higher system level or high TRL
comprehensive and representative, we cannot claim that all related research questions should be addressed by select-
papers applicable made their way into our dataset. ing different kinds of data sources and remains a potential


A Systematic Literature Review: Is Military Cognitive Radio System on the Brink of the “Valley of Death”?

future research topic. Nevertheless, research on military [11] NATO Science and Technology Organization, “AC/323
CRSs is nowhere near reaching the “testing validity in a (IST-140)TP/874 cognitive radio networks: Efficient solu-
relevant environment.” The brink of the “Valley of Death” tions for routing, topology control, data transport and net-
has not been reached yet. work management,” 2019.
The absence of publicly articulated comprehensive treat- [12] EARTO, The TRL Scale as a Research & Innovation
ment of the notion of military cognitive radio system (i.e., Policy Tool, EARTO Recommendations. Earto Impact
CCMM levels 1-3) is graphic and has lead to nonintercon- Delivered, 2014.
nected scattered research at the subsystem level (i.e., CCMM [13] S. Keele and others, “Guidelines for performing systematic
levels 4-5). The lack of such treatment also manifests in the literature reviews in software engineering,” Tech. Report,
absence of understanding, which components or subsystems Ver. 2.3 EBSE Technical Rep.. EBSE, 2007.
constitute a MCRS. Therefore, the authors suggest that mili- [14] “IEEE COMSOC best readings—Topics on cognitive
tary operational, acquisition, as well as academic research radio,” Accessed: Mar. 27, 2018. [Online]. Available:
and manufacturing communities, should all come together to
frame a generic, publicly available vision for a MCRS. [15] A. Olechowski, S. D. Eppinger, and N. Joglekar,
“Technology readiness levels at 40: A study of state-
of-the-art use, challenges, and opportunities,” in Proc. Port-

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Feature Article: DOI. No. 10.1109/MAES.2021.3052309

Flight Demonstration of a Hybrid

Battery/Supercapacitor Energy Storage
System in an Earth Orbiting CubeSat
Keith B. Chin , Gary S. Bolotin, and Marshall C. Smart, Jet Propulsion
Laboratory, Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
Sharlene Katz and James A. Flynn, California State University, Northridge,
Northridge, CA 91330 USA
Naomi K. Palmer, Erik J. Brandon, and Will C. West , Jet Propulsion
Laboratory, Pasadena, CA 91109 USA

INTRODUCTION systems suitable for near-Earth orbit will be unsuitable for

deep space missions, and as such new types of power sys-
CubeSats are a class of small, low-cost research spacecraft tems will be required [1]. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory
that are typically launched into near-Earth orbit. Standard (JPL) is currently developing advanced energy storage
CubeSat sizes are available in multiple dimensions of 10 systems (ESS) suitable for deployment in these extreme
cm x 10 cm x 10 cm (which comprises a Unit or “U”) at environments [2]. One such viable energy storage technol-
approximately 1.33 kg each. The standard power system ogy is a hybrid ESS consisting of rechargeable Li-ion bat-
for an Earth-orbiting CubeSat consists of a solar array and teries and supercapacitor (SC) cells [3]. Li-ion battery
lithium-ion battery. However, very recently a pair of cells are characterized by high specific energy (200–250
Cubesats, MarCO-A, and MarCO-B, accompanied the Wh/kg), while SCs (also called electrochemical capacitors
NASA InSight mission and succeeded in a flyby of Mars, or electric double-layer capacitors) can provide high spe-
relaying data to Earth from InSight as it landed on Mars. cific power (>10 kWh/kg) along with substantially lower
This mission heralded a new phase of CubeSat mission for operating temperatures [4]. Combining these cells into a
deep space operations. Undoubtedly, the legacy power single hybrid ESS offers the respective benefits of each
technology. This approach has been successfully demon-
Authors’ current addresses: Keith B. Chin, Gary S. strated in automotive applications such as electric and
Bolotin, Marshall C. Smart are with the Jet Propulsion hybrid vehicles [5] and for military applications [6], but
Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasa- not for aerospace applications in which ESS are typically
dena, CA 91109 USA (e-mail: keith.b.chin@jpl.nasa. more demanding in terms of performance and reliability
under the extreme operating requirements of space. Sharlene Katz, James A. Flynn are with the
Hybrid ESS can offer additional benefits, particularly with
Northridge Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, California State University, Northridge, respect to high current capability at lower temperatures,
Northridge, CA 91330 USA (e-mail:, along with greater cycle life. This is due to the mitigation Naomi K. Palmer, Erik J. Bran- of degradation mechanisms [7] associated with Li-ion
don, Will C. West are with the Jet Propulsion Labora- chemistries that are cycled at low temperatures and high
tory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA rates which can result in deleterious lithium metal plating
91109 USA (e-mail:, on charging. The SC can “buffer” the battery under these, william.c.west@jpl.nasa. low temperature/high power conditions. Depending on the
specific duty cycle, a properly configured ESS can obviate
Manuscript received September 15, 2020, revised
the need to oversize a conventional Li-ion battery pack to
September 1, 2020; accepted November 5, 2020, and
ready for publication January 14, 2021. meet high power loads throughout the mission life [8].
Review handled by Scott Bawden. Several options for hybrid ESS designs exist today,
0885-8985/21/$26.00 ß 2021 IEEE including semi-active, active, and passive [9]. Both the


Image credit: Image licensed by Ingram Publishing

semi-active [10], [11] and active hybrid [12], [13] ESS selection details, are described in the “JPL/CSUNSat1
designs attempt to optimize current flow and limitations Development” and “Hybrid ESS Payload Development”
associated with voltage mismatches in the battery or SC sections. Upon completion of the battery payload and the
bank with the addition of power converter electronics. Of CubeSat integration, functional, and environmental testing
these designs, the parallel active hybrid design is shown to were performed to properly qualify all systems for space
have the highest energy efficiency, reliability, and flexibil- operation, as described in the “Hybrid ESS Payload Devel-
ity by incorporating two dc–dc converters between the opment” section. The launch of JPL/CSUNSat1 from the
SCs and the load, and between the battery and the dc link ISS on May 17, 2017 marked the beginning of the primary
[14] to achieve a nearly constant output current from the mission phase to characterize the hybrid ESS payload in
battery with the remaining power supplied by the SCs. space. The performance results for the payload battery are
The addition of power converters can reduce the efficiency described in the “Primary Mission Telemetry” section.
of the overall system through the conversion stages. Pas- Despite operating in a degraded mode after completing the
sive hybrid ESS is by far the most preferred battery-SC primary mission objectives, the spacecraft also successfully
hybrid for research [15]–[18] and commercial [19], [20] completed an extended mission phase to evaluate cycle life
applications, as the battery and SC are connected in paral- performance and model validation. The “Extended Mission
lel directly to the load, thereby providing nearly unim- Telemetry” section describes the results obtained in the
peded current flow as determined only by internal extended mission phase of the mission.
resistances. It reduces the need for power electronics and
control circuitry, which significantly improves the cost,
volume, and most importantly reliability [21].
In this article, we report that JPL and California State JPL/CSUNSAT1 DEVELOPMENT
University Northridge (CSUN) have developed and flight The JPL/CSUNSat1 spacecraft was designed as a 2U
qualified a passive hybrid ESS for demonstration on the “tumbler” CubeSat (i.e., no attitude control capabilities)
low-Earth-orbit (LEO) CubeSat JPL/CSUNSat 1 [22], with the purpose of serving as a demonstration platform
which was successfully deployed from the International for a hybrid battery/SC ESS payload. The avionics con-
Space Station (ISS). The goal of the mission was to dem- sisted of two communication, three power, and one SCP
onstrate a power subsystem that was capable of delivering (single chip package) printed circuit boards (PCBs) con-
high power pulses at low temperatures, and to validate its forming to the CubeSat 10 cm x 10 cm x 10 cm form fac-
performance in an Earth orbiting mission. JPL had the tor. The spacecraft power system provided charging and
responsibility for development of the ESS payload, while load distribution to both the spacecraft bus battery (a sin-
CSUN was responsible for the spacecraft development. gle Li-ion 18650 cell) and the ESS payload. The power
The full chronology of the JPL/CSUNSat1 project, bus supported operation from either the single Li-ion cell
including milestones and significant events, is outlined in or the payload hybrid battery, using a custom-designed
Figure 1. The payload and CubeSat development efforts of power conditioning and control system. To achieve the
the project were completed by May of 2015. The CubeSat coldest possible operating temperatures during flight, the
design and payload cell performance results, as well as cell addition of cold and hot shunt regulator boards were used


Flight Demonstration of a Hybrid Battery/Supercapacitor Energy Storage System in an Earth Orbiting CubeSat


JPL was responsible for the development of a fully inte-
grated hybrid ESS serving as the payload onboard JPL/
CSUNSat1, for flight demonstration. The hybrid ESS was
designed to support high pulse power capability, particu-
larly at low temperatures. The ratio of the Li-ion battery
stored capacity relative to that in the SC bank was approx-
imately 12 at 20  C. This ratio decreased with decreasing
temperatures, as the usable capacity of the Li-ion cells
tends to decrease more dramatically relative to SCs.


A lithium iron phosphate (LFP)-based Li-ion chemistry
was chosen for the payload battery, in a cylindrical 26650
cell form factor manufactured by Navitas Systems, Inc.
To improve low temperature performance relative to the
commercially available cell, a modified low temperature
electrolyte was used, consisting of 1.20M LiPF6 (lithium
hexafluorophosphate) dissolved in a baseline electrolyte
formulation of EC (ethylene carbonate) þ EMC (ethyl
methyl carbonate) þ MB (methyl butyrate) in 20:20:60
vol%, followed by the addition of 2 vol% VC (vinylene
carbonate) [23]. Figure 3A shows the discharge capacity
of the Li-ion cell at -40  C to be 1.6 Ah at a C/5 rate,
equivalent to about 70% of the maximum baseline capac-
ity at 20  C at the same rate.
Figure 1. Commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) SC cells were used
JPL/CSUNSat1 project chronology. in the hybrid ESS. These double-layer capacitors feature a
standard quaternary salt (tetraethylammonium tetrafluoro-
to radiate heat away from the payload battery located near borate) dissolved in the solvent acetonitrile, and high sur-
the omnidirectional antenna, as shown in Figure 2. face area activated carbon electrodes. Several sizes of
The spacecraft command and data handling (C&DH) Boostcap Cells (Maxwell Technologies) in 310, 150, and
processor was a dsPIC33 provided on a board from Pump- 100 F capacities were evaluated. For the flight design, two
kin (the CubeSat manufacturer), which has extensive flight 310 F cells in series were used, with the two-cell string
heritage on other CubeSats. CSUN developed a 100% placed in parallel with the single Li-ion cell. These SCs
“deterministic” flight software architecture (no operating were rated at a maximum operating voltage of about 2.8 V
system and limited autonomous mitigation of anomalies). per cell, thus requiring two cells to be connected in series
Together with unique ground station software, also devel- to match the voltage of the Li-ion cell. As shown in
oped at CSUN, a sequence of control experiments was Figure 3B, a comparison of SCs rated at 100 to 310 F indi-
uploaded to characterize the ESS payload operating in cates that excellent performance was obtained at maximum
space under battery, SC, or hybrid mode. These experi- discharge rate of 15 A at temperatures down to –40 C.
ments could be conducted under a variety of temperatures Although all cells met the minimum voltage requirements,
and durations, completely under the control of the ground the 310 F rated cells were chosen for the mission, since the
station. Taking advantage of this, experiments were car- precise operating conditions were unknown at the initial
ried out, modified and repeated as needed. JPL/CSUNSat1 design stages. Selection of the larger capacity cells ensured
provided high resolution data at one second intervals on there was sufficient margin to meet a variety of different
the payload telemetry channels, including currents, vol- environmental conditions and load profiles.
tages, and temperatures. During operations, CSUN devel- An initial hybrid ESS prototype was assembled and
oped a unique data communications protocol to maximize evaluated with respect to 15 A pulses at –40  C (as shown
throughput of downlinked data during the short access in Figure 3C) in comparison to an isolated Li-ion cell. As
windows. This data was automatically made available to expected, the hybrid ESS was able to support the current
JPL within seconds of downlink. pulses with lower voltage sag compared to the isolated Li-


Chin et al.

Figure 2.
JPL/CSUNSat1 development. A) CAD rendering of JPL/CSUNSat1. B) CAD rendering of JPL/CSUNSat1 avionics PCBs. C) Final fit check
prior to integration. D) Stack assembly. E) Integrated spacecraft with labeled location of the Li-ion and supercapacitor cells in the 3U CubeSat.

Figure 3.
Summary of ground performance testing at JPL. A) Discharge capacity performance of 26650 LFP Li-ion cell at 20 and –40  C. B) Perfor-
mance comparison of COTS supercapacitor cells rated at 100, 150, and 310 F at –40  C. C) Pulse discharge comparison of a mockup hybrid
battery versus Li-ion cell at 15 Amp discharge rate at –40  C. D) Percent of discharge capacity distribution between Li-ion versus supercapa-
citors of the hybrid battery over various temperatures. This data was determined experimentally by separate measurements on current in the
supercapacitor bank and the Li-ion cell during discharge at approximately 2 Hz sampling rate using an external data acquisition (DAQ) cou-
pled with a known constant load source at set temperatures.


Flight Demonstration of a Hybrid Battery/Supercapacitor Energy Storage System in an Earth Orbiting CubeSat

Figure 4.
A) Functional block diagram of payload electronics board. B) Prototype engineering model of JPL’s payload electronics board. C) Integrated
hybrid ESS, following thermal vacuum testing.

ion cell at –40  C. This is largely due to the lower imped- payload was designed to be a fully integrated system contain-
ance leading to a faster response time of the SC cells under ing the battery cell, SCs, and a payload electronics board. It
pulse operating conditions [22]. Such power enhance- was constrained to fit within a 1/2U volume including all the
ments at lower temperatures and higher power capability electronics necessary to control the experiment. This
can potentially enable future deep space flight applications approach was chosen since it allowed the payload to be
with high burst power demands, such as communication completely tested at JPL prior to integration into the CubeSat.
events [24], [25]. Another significant benefit of the hybrid The payload electronics as illustrated in Figure 4 con-
ESS is its excellent load sharing capabilities. As tained the battery charger, a bank of discharge resistors,
highlighted in Figure 3D, the SC bank takes a higher per- fault protection (FP) circuitry, switching circuitry, com-
centage of the discharge capacity with decreasing temper- mandable switches, and telemetry collection circuitry.
atures (up to 80% at lowest temperatures of –40  C). Interfaces between the payload and spacecraft were mini-
Consequently, this could also have significant improve- mized in order to facilitate a more independent develop-
ment on cycle life of the Li-ion cell over long cycling peri- ment of the payload and the CubeSat at JPL and CSUN,
ods, due to lower effective depth of discharge and respectively. The only interface connections required
mitigation of known degradation mechanisms [7], [26]. from the payload to the CubeSat were the spacecraft
power bus and the connection to the spacecraft’s I2C com-
munication bus.
PAYLOAD ELECTRONICS Command and control of the payload was executed
The interfacing payload electronics were also designed at entirely through the I2C bus. Several I2C port expanders
JPL as part of the hybrid ESS payload development. The were used to control the various power paths, and to


Chin et al.

Table 1.

Summary of Payload Electronics FPs

FP Fault Action Detection Reset Description

type condition

Battery >3.7 V Clamp battery cell Clamp Clamp / Battery cell is

overvoltage unclamp overcharged
Battery <1.95 V Disconnect discharge FET S/W S/W Not a safety
undervoltage but not charge FET issue. Battery
below min
Battery >40  C Payload offline - disable H/W H/W (<38  C Thermal runaway
overtemperature both charge and discharge no longer conditions.
FET safety Shorted battery
issue) cell.
SupercapCell >2.85 V Bypass charge current H/W H/W Enable supercap
overvoltage cell balancing.
SupercapCell <0 V Supercap offline S/W S/W Cell reversal
undervoltage condition.
Deploy <0.5 V Ensure battery and H/W H/W Launch
switch supercap bank are requirement
completely isolated from

interface to the telemetry collection analog-to-digital con- environmental testing, including thermal vacuum
verters. The payload electronics also included numerous (TVAC), pyro-shock, and random vibration testing.
power switches which allowed the battery to be directly
charged from the spacecraft power bus and discharged
through a bank of four individually controlled resistors.
This enabled an extended mission mode, allowing the pay-
load battery to function as the primary ESS of spacecraft. The Li-ion and SC cells were independently tested using a
The discharge switching circuitry was programmable to small thermal vacuum (TVAC) system as shown in
allow discharge current rates from 1 to 15 A in 1 A incre- Figure 5A-1. The chamber chassis accommodates up to
ments. The payload included I2C based analog-to-digital three test cells, and is packed with aluminum foil to
converters, which captured telemetry including battery improve thermal conduction under vacuum. The TVAC
voltage and current, SC voltage and current, charge cur- chamber featured feedthroughs to allow for voltage, cur-
rent, discharge current, and battery temperature. rent, and temperature monitoring, and to enable functional
The payload electronics also included extensive FP testing of the payload flight cells through its electronics
circuitry which individually isolated the battery and board. The functional block diagram of the TVAC testbed
SCs from the power bus, performed cell balancing of is shown in Figure 5A-2, and further description provided
the two SC cells, and most importantly prevented bat- in a previous work [27]. The nominal base pressure was
tery overcharge (which could lead to catastrophic ther- less than 10-6 Torr which is representative of the space
mal runaway and mission termination). A summary environment. An Arduino microcontroller board was
description of all CSUNSat1 payload FP conditions is employed as part of the testbed to send commands through
provided in Table 1. the payload electronics and retrieve payload telemetry.
Standard functional tests consisted of a short discharge
pulse(s) (<60 s) under vacuum conditions in order to min-
imize heat dissipation. The TVAC test plan included two
thermal cycles ranging from 60 to –40  C, with a one to
To achieve flight readiness in a relevant environment two hours dwell period prior to functional testing. The
(Technology Readiness Level 6), both the ESS payload results indicated nominal behavior with the exception of
and the JPL/CSUNSat1 spacecraft were subjected to an observed 200 mV difference between the two SC


Flight Demonstration of a Hybrid Battery/Supercapacitor Energy Storage System in an Earth Orbiting CubeSat

Figure 5.
Summary of environmental testing for JPL/CSUNSat1 project. A-1) JPL/CSUNSat1 payload inside JPL’s TVAC chamber, including flight
cell test chassis (picture on right) for TVAC environmental testing. A-2) Functional block diagram of the CubeSat TVAC system. A-3) Rep-
resentative TVAC discharge pulse test data under vacuum (pressure < 10-6 Torr) at –40  C. B-1) Block diagram on the integrated JPL/
CSUNSat1. B-2) Random vibration test profile on the integrated CSUNSat1. The overall root mean square acceleration (grms) in the x, y,
and z directions was determined to be 9.51, 9.49, and 9.53 grms, respectively. B-3) Integrated voltage measurements under TVAC.

cells, most likely attributable to variations in resistance before and after the TVAC testing. As summarized in
between the voltage measuring electronics and contact Table 2, the cell mass differences of all the flight cells
with the cell terminals. Figure 5A-3 illustrates a represen- were negligible after TVAC testing, indicating no electro-
tative pulse discharge test at –40  C of 7 A in hybrid lyte leakage from a cell can breach.
ESS mode through one of the integrated load resistors.
The voltage and current distributions provided good indi-
cations of functionality and performance of the entire pay-
load assembly including optimization of payload
electronics to minimize cell leakage and electrical resis- After successful environment cell testing, the hybrid
tances. Individual cell masses were also measured both ESS payload assembly was integrated into an aluminum
block casing designed specifically to interface to the
JPL/CSUNSat1 spacecraft, as shown in Figure 4C. The
Table 2.
hybrid ESS payload was successfully integrated into the
Summary of Cell Mass Pre- and Post-TVAC spacecraft, and was subsequently subjected to environ-
mental testing.
The pyroshock, random vibration and TVAC testing
Cell Mass (gm)
on the CubeSat with the ESS payload in place were then
Cell ID Pre-Tvac Post-Tvac carried out. The test data (see Figure 5B-2) was used to
calculate the overall root mean square acceleration (grms)
Li-ion 85.120 85.110
in the x, y, and z directions to be 9.51, 9.49, and 9.53
Supercap #1 73.350 73.350 grms, respectively. In addition, no debris or particles were
Supercap #2 75.000 75.000 detected upon inspection after the test up to launch ran-
dom vibration levels.


Chin et al.

Figure 6.
Summary of downlinked telemetry data from CSUNSat1 during primary operations. A) Payload battery initial charge cycle. Telemetry cov-
ers over 20 h over multiple downlinks from CSUNSat1. The data provided an initial estimate of the available capacity of the hybrid capacity
at about 2.3 Ah. B) Initial hybrid mode checkout test. This data shows expected load-sharing distribution between the Li-ion cell and super-
capacitor bank at about 20  C temperature. C) Nominal temperature experiment on Jun. 7, 2017 from CSUNSat1 operating in battery mode.
D) Cold temperature experiment on Jun. 14, 2017 from JPL/CSUNSat1 operating in battery mode. E) Supercapacitor performance experi-
ment on Jun. 8, 2017 from CSUNSat1 operating in supercapacitor mode. F) Representative nominal temperature experiment on Jun. 16,
2017 from JPL/CSUNSat1 operating in hybrid mode.

The JPL/CSUNSat1 TVAC test configuration block windows with JPL/CSUNSat1 from the CSUN Tracking
diagram is shown in Figure 5B-1. The TVAC test incor- Stations were 10–20 min for command uplink and/or
porated a solar simulator to provide power generation telemetry downlinks, including the transfer of space-
and command capabilities through the actual ground craft state-of-health and payload battery flight experi-
control equipment. Prior to TVAC testing the spacecraft mental data. The JPL/CSUNSat1 provided telemetry at
solar array was installed. This prevented the CubeSat a resolution of up to 1 s. The initial charge cycle of the
from being directly mounted on the cooling baseplate, Li-ion cell is shown in Figure 6A. The 20þ h of teleme-
which limited thermal conduction within the system. try required multiple downlinks, resulting in a capacity
Coupled with significant thermal dissipation, the space- estimate of 2.3 Ah, in good agreement with ground
craft was unable to achieve sub-zero temperature under test data. During the initial hybrid battery checkout test,
vacuum. Actual test results from JPL/CSUNSat1 under the expected load-sharing performance of the hybrid
TVAC conditions are shown in Figure 5B-3. The 3 V battery was confirmed using a 1 A discharge rate (see
logic supply voltage, bus voltage, Li-ion cell voltage, Figure 6B). At 20  C, the percentage of discharge
and SC voltage behaved as expected under various capacity for the Li-ion cell was 60% versus 40% for
charge and discharge conditions throughout the two to the SC bank, in excellent agreement with ground test
three day TVAC test campaign. The analog data noise data shown in Figure 3D. Overall, the payload battery
resulted from use of a single-ended 8-bit data acquisi- appeared to be in a good state-of-health, based on the
tion (DAQ) system. Upon completing the TVAC test, initial checkout tests during flight.
the JPL/CSUNSat1 successfully passed all environmen- The primary mission phase also included payload
tal testing and was delivered to NanoRacks (CubeSat battery characterization experiments at nominal and
launch services provider) for preparation for launch to cold temperatures in battery, SC, and hybrid ESS oper-
the ISS. ating modes and at pulse discharge rates up to 15 A.
The nominal and cold temperature flight experiments in
battery mode were conducted (see Figure 6C and D).
During the 15 A pulse, the temperature for the nominal
PRIMARY MISSION TELEMETRY test was approximately 4  C. Due to a combination of
The JPL/CSUNSat1 launch from the ISS marked the thermal radiation from LEO and the CubeSat thermal
beginning of the operational phase to characterize the environment, the lowest achievable temperature
hybrid ESS payload. Typical communication time onboard CSUNSat1 was –2  C. Table 3 displays the


Flight Demonstration of a Hybrid Battery/Supercapacitor Energy Storage System in an Earth Orbiting CubeSat

Table 3.

Summary of Internal Resistances from Flight Data

Test description Pulse Num Internal resistances (mO)

Battery (mOhm) Supercap #1 Supercap #2 Temp. ( C)

Battery Exp. #1 1 57.8 – – 4.2

2 61.7 – – 4.0
3 61.6 – – 3.8
Supercap Exp. 1 – 16.5 3.2 6.4
2 – 17.7 6.0 6.5
3 – 16.5 6.0 6.9
Hybrid Exp. #1 1 62.3 16.2 2.7 –1.6
2 66.9 17.3 5.8 –1.2
3 63.3 16.0 4.8 –0.9
Battery Exp. #2 1 68.1 – – –1.3
2 64.8 – – –1.6
3 68.1 – – –1.9
Hybrid Exp. #2 1 64.9 17.4 4.9 –1.1
2 62.8 16.1 5.1 –1.3
3 66.7 17.4 6.5 –1.6

internal resistance of the battery observed during both battery assembly. For the hybrid experiment, the opera-
flight experiments, which was 60 mV in battery oper- tion included an observable SC charge cycle. Prior to
ating mode. There was a 5–10 mV decrease from the enabling the hybrid ESS mode, the bank was charged to
nominal versus low temperature experiments, which a voltage difference of <10 mV, to minimize transients
highlights the accuracy of the JPL/CSUNSat1 telemetry and overcharging. As expected, the SC exhibited a
resolution. much lower resistances of about 5.5 mOhm average as
The telemetry from the SC mode is shown in compared to over 60 mOhm for the single Li-ion cell.
Figure 6E. Similar to ground tests, a 150 mV difference in The battery resistances are lower by an average of 2.2
voltage between SC cell 1 versus cell 2 was observed in mOhm during the low temperature hybrid experiments
flight. The corresponding capacitance calculated from as oppose to the battery experiments which suggests
flight data was 318 and 302 F, respectively, with an effec- improved load capabilities from the Li-ion cell in the
tive capacitance of about 155 F for the two cells in series. hybrid ESS. These in-flight results are in good agree-
The internal resistance of SC cell 1 was determined to be ment with ground test results reported previously [22].
over two times higher than that of SC cell 2 (about 20
mOhm total), which is likely due to the resistance differ-
ences in the lead and terminal connectors to the payload
electronics. These differences resulted in no appreciable
impact on overall performance in hybrid mode. The JPL/CSUNSat1 extended mission was carried out to
Figure 6F highlights one of two flight experiments provide life cycle characterization of the hybrid ESS and
on the performance telemetry in hybrid battery mode. to support performance model validation. In addition, the
The temperatures from both experiments, unfortunately, payload ESS was also successfully used as the primary
were similar at about –2  C, resulting in similar values ESS of JPL/CSUNSat1 for a brief period of several hours.
of internal resistances as shown in Table 3. These resis- However, the 2 GB storage device card onboard the space-
tances are significantly higher than values from ground craft failed during flight, prohibiting telemetry data pack-
performance testing, which indicates that non-trivial aging and downlinking. CSUN developed a workaround
ohmic resistances were present in the overall payload that used the conditional sequence execution capability


Chin et al.

Figure 7.
A) Discharge capacity profiles from JPL/CSUNSat1 operating in reduced data mode during the extended mission, after its SD card
failure. B) Summary of maximum/minimum temperatures and coulombic efficiency from JPL/CSUNSat1 operating in degrade mode
after its SD card failure. The coulombic efficiencies of the hybrid battery were calculated from estimated charge and discharge

along with the response poll feature. The sequence execu- in parallel with the Li-ion impedances containing electro-
tion capability included the feature that each step in the lyte resistance (Ro) in series with three –RC parallel units
sequence was conditionally executed based on one of any known as time constants to account for the total contribu-
of the 44 sensor values on the spacecraft along with abso- tions on voltage polarization during discharge. The –R1C1
lute time and relative time. This capability provided suffi- is the time constant for charge transfer, –R2C2 is the time
cient telemetry data to compete the extended mission constant for the solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) and cath-
successfully. ode electrolyte interphase (CEI), and –R3C3 provides the
estimated time constant corresponding to diffusion [31]. It
is worth noting that the impedance contribution from SEI
PERFORMANCE DATA formation is relatively small compared to charge transfer
and diffusion impedances at the beginning of cycle life
Using the CSUN workaround for telemetry access on the
[32], [33]. Parameterization of the model comes from meas-
payload battery, only 10–12 data points were available for
urements on open-circuit potential along with electrochemi-
each of the 10 charge/discharge cycles performed. Figure 7A
cal impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurement over
compares the estimated discharge capacities based on the
various temperatures and state of charge (SOC). As illus-
reduced data set from the extended mission phase. No appre-
trated in Figure 8B-1, the impedance data vary significantly
ciable differences were observed in the discharge cycles,
with SOC as expected with the highest impedances at 0%
with an average of 2.6 þ/– 0.1 Ah. The coulombic efficiency
SOC. The electrolyte resistance (Ro) exhibited no signifi-
of the hybrid battery of each cycle was also estimated and
cant change versus SOC but rather varied only with temper-
summarized in Figure 7B. The average value was 96.8 þ/–
atures. The equivalent circuit shown in Figure 8B-2
1.5%. The hybrid ESS cycle life performance is in close
exhibited a sufficiently good fit to the EIS measurement
agreement with ground testing with differences attributable
with changes in both temperature and SOC.
to temperature variations during flight testing.
Despite the lack of telemetry resolution, the extended
mission telemetry data could be used to validate the hybrid
ESS performance model on prediction of useable capacity.
HYBRID BATTERY MODEL DEVELOPMENT AND As the impedance of the SC (Csc) goes to infinite during dc
VALIDATION (continuous) discharge, the capacity contributions of SC
are negligible leaving the Li-ion cell as the sole energy
An impedance-based circuit model of the JPL/CSUNSat1 storage source as described in Figure 8A-2. Solving this
hybrid ESS is shown in Figure 8A-1. The model can be circuit for V(t) results in the following equation:
used to describe both voltage and current distribution by
application of Kirchhoff’s circuit laws. Further mathemati-
cal details on these circuit models are described elsewhere X
3  t

in the literature [28]–[30]. The SC impedance is represented V ðtÞ ¼ Vocv þ Iapp  R0 þ Iapp  Rn  1  eeRn Cn
by a resistor (RESR) in series with a variable capacitor (Csc),


Flight Demonstration of a Hybrid Battery/Supercapacitor Energy Storage System in an Earth Orbiting CubeSat

Figure 8.
Summary of hybrid battery model development. A-1) Equivalent circuit model on the operation of the hybrid energy storage system. The
supercapacitor impedance is described by RESR in series with Csc. A-2) The circuit model for performance characterization during extended
mission phase. The Ro is the electrolyte resistance. The charge-transfer time constant is associated with R1 and C1. The SEI time constant is
associated with R2 and C2. The diffusion time constant is associated with R3 and C3. B-1) Example of complex plane plot from EIS measure-
ments for parameterization of impedance-based circuit model for Li-ion cell. A collection of EIS measurements were performed at various
SOC and temperatures. B-2) Each measurement fits sufficiently well to an impedance equivalent circuit containing R0 in series with three
–RC time constants. C-1) Simulation time profile of JPL/CSUNSat1 payload battery on discharge at T ¼ 5, 0, –5  C. C-2) Comparison of
simulation versus the telemetered discharge capacity profile. The simulation current rate was performed at 0.91 A.

with all three time constant variables as parameterized hybrid ESS in flight were in excellent agreement with
by EIS measurements performed on the ground on the ground test results, particularly with respect to the percent
same electrochemical cell chemistries using lookup of capacity contributions between the Li-ion cell and the
tables. The simulation of the discharge profile compar- SC. The large differences in internal resistances from
ing JPL/CSUNSat1 telemetry is shown in Figure 8C-2. flight experiments as compared to ground tests were attrib-
The simulated discharge rate of 0.91 A represents the utable to significant ohmic resistances of the payload bat-
average actual discharge rate through the 3.3 Ohm resis- tery interconnects (i.e., leads, connectors, etc.) and not
tance in the electronic payload. The simulated tempera- due to the inherent cell impedances. Despite operating in
ture of –5  C to achieve minimum residual error is lower LEO, the spacecraft was able to achieve sub-zero tempera-
than the actual payload battery temperature, which again tures critical for flight experiments on JPL’s cold capable
suggests significant ohmic resistances (i.e., leads, con- hybrid ESS.
nectors, etc.) which are mostly present in the payload
assembly. These were unaccounted for from ground-
measured impedances from EIS on individual cells (see ACKNOWLEDGMENT
Figure 8C-1). Overall, these data provided a good agree-
ment with the model and basis for future improvements NASA’s 2013 Small Spacecraft Technology Program
on development of such circuit models, for flight opera- funded the payload development that was carried out at
tions on ESS life, and long-term state-of health the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of
characterization. Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronau-
tics and Space Administration and the CubeSat develop-
ment carried out at the California State University,
Northridge. The JPL/CSUNSat1 primary operational
SUMMARY phase was funded by NASA’s Center Innovation Fund.
The JPL/CSUNSat1 project successfully demonstrated a The JPL/CSUNSat1 extended mission phase was funded
hybrid ESS consisting of a Li-ion battery and SC technol- by JPL’s Lunar Flashlight CubeSat Project. This work is
ogies in flight onboard a 2U tumbler CubeSat. Both the dedicated to the memory of Dr. Sharlene Katz, an excep-
primary and extended mission phases were completed suc- tional educator and mentor to many students throughout
cessfully. The performance characteristics of the payload the CSUNSat1 project.


Chin et al.

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Feature Article: DOI. No. 10.1109/MAES.2020.3040511

A Framework for Loadable Airborne Systems

Johnny Marques , Sarasuaty Yelisetty, and and Lilian Barros, Instituto
Tecnologico de Aeronautica (Aeronautics Institute of Technology), Sao Paolo
12228-900, Brazil

INTRODUCTION composed of standards that do not detail the needs, only

defining them. Based on our best knowledge and search
Norms and standards regulate the development of safety-crit- for scientific papers, no reports of experience are available
ical systems. Domains such as aviation, automotive, medical, for public consultation.
rail, space, and nuclear have many safety-critical products. We also believe that the use of systems with loading
Safety-critical systems can integrate, for example, medical capacity has increased in smaller transport aircraft, such
devices, nuclear power equipment, satellites, aircraft, and as those certified in Part 23. Our framework can help
vehicles. Nowadays, safety-critical systems have embedded smaller companies, especially market entrants, to incorpo-
software [1]. A characteristic always present in the standards rate software loading capacity into system development.
of these domains is the requirements specification. The litera- In addition to this introduction, this work contains sec-
ture addressed the various problems in the requirements spec- tions on “Background,” “Related Standards,” and
ification, which may involve incomplete, incorrect, “Methodology.” The section "Surveys” presents our surveys
ambiguous, conflicting, or inconsistent requirements [2]–[5]. carried out with systems developers and aviation mainte-
In this work, we call aviation safety-critical systems with nance technicians. “Framework for Loadable Airborne Sys-
embedded software as airborne systems. In commercial avia- tems (F-LAS)” presents our framework. “Analysis” presents
tion, the use of advanced technologies reflects the need for the analysis performed, and finally, we present our conclu-
software to meet a high degree of technology, combined with sion and future work in the “Conclusion.”
safety concerns [1]. Aviation regulatory agencies enforce
products, including airborne systems, to meet strict certifica-
tion requirements, such as RTCA DO-178C [6] for software. BACKGROUND
Software loading occurs when a new software version Software development is already standardized in aviation
(NSW) corrects previously identified problems, including using RTCA DO-178C [6] and its supplements. In recent
new features or improvements. In this work, a Loadable years, several works discussed advances and new method-
Airborne System (LAS) is a system with field-loadable ologies for software development, especially in the fol-
software (FLS) capability. This work proposes a frame- lowing areas.
work that includes a set of reusable requirements and test
 Impacts on the transition from RTCA DO-178B [7]
procedures for LAS.
to DO-178C [6], as described in the works of Marcil
Our proposed framework contains reusable system
[8] and Youn et al. [9].
requirements for a LAS project. These system require-
ments should be refined in each LAS development through  Model-based development, as described in the
hardware and software requirements to make the possibil- works of Paz and Bousaidi [10], Eisemann [11], and
ity of loading feasible. Our framework also contains gen- Marques and Cunha [1].
eral test procedures to ensure the coverage of the reusable  Use of agile methods in software development, as
system requirements. We believe that our framework is a described in the works of Vanderleest and Buter
necessary contribution since the available literature is [12], Marques et al. [13], and Marsden et al. [14].

 Formal verification, as described in the works of

Authors’ current addresses: Tecnologico de Aeronautica, Moy et al. [15] and Marques and Cunha [16].
Sao Paolo 12228-900, Brazil (e-mail:  Tool qualification, as described in works of Marques
Manuscript received May 13, 2020, revised August 10, and Cunha [17], [18] and Mahmoodi et al. [19].
2020; accepted November 6, 2020, and ready for
publication November 23, 2020. The available literature has not yet addressed the char-
Review handled by Roberto Sabatini. acteristics of FLS. Although the RTCA DO-178B [7]
0885-8985/21/$26.00 ß 2021 IEEE introduced the concept of FLS, the industry does not have


Credit: Image licensed by Ingram Publishing

an organized framework, which motivates the existence of These are the parts that support the interfaces and pro-
this work. This framework is also compatible with RTCA cesses by which a system can be affected or interacted
DO-326A [20] and RTCA DO-356 [21]. with[20]. Airworthiness security is the necessary protec-
tion that an aircraft must provide to mitigate information
RELATED STANDARDS security threats. The security perimeter includes the por-
tions that support the following:
The development of aeronautical systems is guided by
 physical links (e.g., Ethernet ports, wireless
several existing standards. In this section, we identify the
main existing standards with correlation of our work.
The early 1990s were characterized by a rapid increase  logical links (e.g., IP stack);
in the extensive software usage in aircraft, engines, and air-  network protocols (e.g., DNS, ICMP, gateways,
borne pieces of equipment [22]. This trend has resulted in packet filters);
the industry’s need to create its guide and regulatory mate-
rial to drive system and software development. The SAE  network services and clients (e.g., HTML server,
ARP 4754A[23] and RTCA DO-178C [6] were created sat- FTP client/server, IPSEC server);
isfying these needs. It guides the aeronautical community  remote applications (e.g., file transfer services,
on system and software development processes [24]. remote monitoring, and web applications).
The SAE ARP 4754A [22] discusses the development
of aircraft systems taking into account the overall aircraft The ARINC 666 [26] defines the airline industry
operating environment and functions. This includes the standards for the electronic distribution of software. It
validation of requirements and verification of the design describes the common principles and rules applied when
implementation for certification and product assurance. transferring FLS from suppliers (SUP) to aircraft mainte-
The RTCA DO-178C [6] has a significant number of nance facilities. The software loading has become a com-
objectives associated with software requirements develop- mon maintenance action. It is therefore desirable to make
ment, using as input system requirements that will be the software readily available to the mechanic. The soft-
implemented by software. There are two levels of software ware may be stored on physical media such as a floppy
requirements on RTCA DO-178C. Software high-level disc, hard drive, CD-ROM, PC Card, or other devices until
requirements generally represent “what” should be needed. To ensure availability, the physical media con-
designed. They include functional, performance, interface, taining the software is either installed on the aircraft or
and safety-related requirements. The software low-level located where aircraft maintenance is performed.
requirements represent the how-to, providing details on The ARINC 667-2 [27] guides the in-service manage-
implementing software in code [25]. They include the fea- ment of the FLS. This standard defines aircraft controlled
tures required for source code development, such as data software, which describes how aircraft software is con-
coupling and control features. trolled regardless of how the software is loaded. Although
The RTCA DO-326A [20] guides by defining activi- ARINC documents provide good information about FLS,
ties for supplementing the aircraft development and certi- they do not specify a framework.
fication process to demonstrate that the effects on the
safety of the aircraft of such unlawful interference are con-
fined within acceptable levels.
The RTCA DO-356 [21] describes guidelines, methods, We initially researched the existing standards in the industry
and tools used in performing an airworthiness security pro- associated with the development of systems. Then, we
cess. Airworthiness security is the protection of the airworthi- looked for related works that eventually describe experience
ness of an aircraft from intentional unauthorized electronic reports on the development of systems with field-loadable
interference. This includes the consequences of malware and capability. It is important to say that there is no other pub-
forged data and access to other systems to aircraft systems. lished paper that describes or evaluate field-loadable capa-
The security perimeter catalogs the parts of the aircraft bility. So, we identified this as a lack of research, which
or system that contact external systems or populations. motivates this work and the framework proposal.


A Framework for Loadable Airborne Systems

Figure 1.
Results of Survey 1.

With this motivation, we applied two surveys to iden-  Finding 2: 95% of systems developers agree that
tify the relevance of creating a reusable framework for the identity is important to ensure completeness and
development of systems with field-loadable capability. correctness (ST2).
Our surveys involved two audiences: systems developers
 Finding 3: 80% of systems developers agree that
and aviation maintenance technicians, as these are usually
interchangeability analysis among different redun-
responsible for the loading task. Next, we define the
dancies must be always performed (ST3).
framework itself, by identifying the actors, how an NSW
can become available in the field, its reusable require-  Finding 4: 60% of systems developers agree that
ments, and testing procedures. software must be always controlled separately from
the hardware (ST4).
 Finding 5: 100% of systems developers agree that a
framework with reusable requirements and tests
will be useful for System Developers (ST5).
This research conducted two surveys. Survey 1 identified
 Finding 6: 60% of systems developers do not spec-
the main needs and practices performed by system devel-
ify the requirements for software loading during a
opers and mapped their knowledge and practices in LASs.
LAS project (ST6).
On the other hand, Survey 2 focused on aviation mainte-
nance technicians, responsible for the task of loading in  Finding 7: 60% of systems developers do not con-
aeronautical maintenance facilities. duct tests to ensure different scenarios of software
Survey 1 involved 20 systems developers and included loading (ST7).
eight statements. Out of the 20 system developer, 15 are
considered senior, as they have more than ten years of avi- Survey 2 involved 12 aviation maintenance techni-
ation experience. The other five are considered junior, as cians, responsible for software loading. Out of the 12 avia-
they have less than ten years of experience. The system tion maintenance technicians, eight are considered senior,
developers answered a set of questions with the following as they have more than ten years of aviation experience.
scales: (1) Strongly disagree; (2) Disagree; (3) Neutral; The other four are considered junior, as they have less
(4) Agree; and (5) Strongly agree. Figure 1 presents the than ten years of experience. Survey 2 involved a ques-
results of Survey 1. tionnaire with three questions. The aviation maintenance
We found seven findings during Survey 1. We con- technicians answered the questions with the following
sider responses (3) Neutral, (4) Agree, and (5) Strongly scales: (1) Never (0%); (2) Rarely (0%–5%); (3) Eventu-
agree, to consider that answers provided agree with the ally (5%–20%); and (4) Often (more than 20%). Figure 2
proposed statements (ST1–ST7). The findings identified presents the results of Survey 2.
during Survey 1 are as follows. The findings identified during Survey 2 are as follows.

 Finding 1: 100% of systems developers agree that  Finding 8: Load capacity—to ensure that the LAS
integrity is important to ensure completeness and has an interface capable of transferring the software
correctness (ST1). from the source (Q1, Q2, and Q3).


Marques et al.

Figure 2.
Results of Survey 2.

 Finding 9: Loading integrity—to ensure that the soft- ACTORS

ware is completely loaded, avoiding partial loading,
which would lead to a lack of functionalities (Q3). The Actors are important definitions to make the require-
ments feasible. The following actors are part of the F-LAS
 Finding 10: Loading identity—to ensure that the framework.
loaded software is correct and expected by the air-
craft (Q3).  Aircraft Configuration Control System (ACCS): Sys-
tem for automatic check to ensure the proper loading
 Finding 11: Update of all copies—to ensure that all
of the NSV.
redundant copies of the software were updated when
different versions cannot coexist on the aircraft (Q2).  Aircraft Display System (ADS): System that will
display the Software Identification (SI) of the NSV.

 Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC): Error detection

FRAMEWORK FOR LOADABLE AIRBORNE SYSTEMS method used in digital networks and storage devices
(F-LAS) FRAMEWORK to detect accidental changes in data strings [28].
 Field Software Loading Procedure (FLSP): Proce-
F-LAS is the name of our proposed framework. The F-
dure describing the loading of an NSV.
LAS project contains (A) Actors; (B) Software Distribu-
tion; (C) Requirements; and (D) Test Procedures. Figure 3  Loading Computer (LC): Computer responsible for
presents the F-LAS framework. loading an NSV.

Figure 3.
F-LAS framework structure.


A Framework for Loadable Airborne Systems

Figure 4.
Software distribution.

 Loading Interface (LI): Physical interface for soft- facilities) to load the NSV inside the LC, and then proceed
ware loading. in aircraft installation. We assume that the professionals
who carry out the software loading have clear and well-
 Logbook (LB): Book for aircraft recording mainte-
defined instructions available for the loading task.
nance operations.
 Manual Check Procedure (MCP): Procedure for
manual (human) check to ensure the proper loading
 NSV: A newer version of the software. According to IEEE 610.12:1990 [29], a Requirement is a con-
dition or capability that must be met or possessed by a system
 Previous Software Version: Software Version
or system component to satisfy a contract, standard, specifi-
before loading the NSV.
cation, or other formally imposed documents. The term
 SI: Identification of a software version. stakeholder is essential in requirements engineering. Stake-
holders are the most important sources of requirements. Not
 SUP: Entity responsible to supply the NSV. It may
considering a stakeholder often results in fragmentally eli-
be an aircraft manufacturer or a system supplier.
cited requirements, i.e., incomplete requirements[30]. Stake-
holders are those people or organizations that have some
impact on the requirements. In the project of LASs, the stake-
SOFTWARE DISTRIBUTION METHODS holders are system developers, software developers, certifica-
tion authorities, aviation maintenance technicians, suppliers
According to ARINC 667-2 [27], the NSV may be pro-
of supporting equipment for loading, and other interested.
vided using physical or electronic methods. Independently
During the development process, requirements engi-
of the distribution method, it is the responsibility of the neering must elicit the stakeholder’s requirements, docu-
supplier to ensure that the NSV meets specification against ment the requirements suitably, validate and verify the
which it is supplied. The users must ensure that NSV is requirements, and manage the requirements throughout the
properly replicated in any subsequent copies of that entire life cycle of the system [31]. Some of the categories
software. presented in ISO/IEC 25010:2011 [32] are necessary to
The software distribution is different from the soft- allow the field software loading capability, in this work, the
ware load. The software distribution is the process of types of requirements must address: performance, security,
transferring software parts between aviation business part- and fault tolerance. An NSW must achieve the performance
ners or to an aircraft maintenance facility. This includes of the system. The security of the system must ensure the
software parts transferred on physical media or via elec- authenticity and integrity of the loading. Finally, fault tol-
tronic distribution. The software load is the process of erance must ensure when software loading is inappropriate.
transferring the NSV from the LC to the target hardware. Using Actors presented in the section “Actors,” we
Figure 4 presents the possible methods of distribution. create the 23 reusable requirements, and we classified the
When the electronic distribution is used, additional instruc- requirements into four types, depending on the character-
tions must be provided to the users (aircraft maintenance istics of each LAS.


Marques et al.

 ACR-10: The ACCS shall be able to guarantee that

the loaded version is complete, comparing the
loaded CRC with the expected CRC.
 ACR-11: The ACCS shall be able to guarantee that
the loaded version is correct.
 ACR-12: The ACCS shall communicate to the ADS if
the loaded version has a different CRC than expected.
 ACR-13: The ACCS shall communicate to the ADS
if the loaded version has a SI than expected.

 ACR-14: The ADS shall display a confirmation

message if the loaded software version is complete.

 ACR-15: The ADS shall display a confirmation

message if the software version loaded is correct.
 ACR-16: The ADS shall display an error message if
the loaded software version is not complete.
 ACR-17: The ADS shall display a confirmation mes-
sage if the loaded software version is not correct.
 ACR-18: The ACCS shall inform the SI and the
CRC of the NSV installed for the ADS.

 ACR-19: The ADS shall display the SI and the CRC

Figure 5. of the NSV installed after loading.
Flowchart for the identification of applicable requirements for
Version Exchange Requirements (VER)—These
each LAS.
requirements are for LAS that have redundancies and dif-
ferent software versions cannot coexist in the aircraft.
 Basic Loading Requirements (BLR)—These require-
ments are for any LAS.  VER-20: The ACCS shall compare whether all LAS
 BLR-1: The LAS shall have a LI to enable the load- have the same SI.
ing of the NVS.  VER-21: The ACCS shall notify the ADS if the
 BLR-2: The SUP shall develop the FLSP. LAS has different SI.

 BLR-3: The SUP shall identify NSV.  VER-22: The MCP shall contain instructions to ver-
ify that all LAS have the same SI.
 BLR-4: The LLC shall be compatible with the LI.
 VER-23: The ADS shall provide a message inform-
 BLR-5: The LC shall be able to transfer the NSV to ing that different versions of the software exist.
the LAS.
Figure 5 presents the flowchart allowing the identifica-
Manual Check Requirements (MCR)—These require- tion of the types of requirements applicable for each LAS,
ments are for the LAS that need a human inspection to according to loading, checking, redundancy, and inter-
ensure that loading was correctly performed. changeability characteristics. The F-LAS framework con-
 MCR-6: The FLSP shall include the MCP. tains a useful flowchart to select which requirements, by
type, apply to a new LAS project.
 MCR-7: The MCP shall include the expected SI of
the NSV.
 MCR-8: The MCP shall include the expected CRC
 MCR-9: The MMCP shall contain instructions to Based on the results specified in Surveys 1 and 2, we iden-
verify that all LAS have the same CRC. tified the following three threats.
Automatic Check Requirements (ACR)—These  Threat 1: Improper configuration—the aircraft oper-
requirements are for LAS that have a system independent ates with nonvalid software for its configuration, as
to ensure that loading was correctly performed. a result of a loading identity error.


A Framework for Loadable Airborne Systems

Figure 6.
Test Procedures 1 and 2.

 Threat 2: Incomplete loading—the aircraft operates MPC (Step 4a). For the TP2, Steps 1, 2, and 3 are the
with nonfunctional software or with restricted func- same as presented in TP1. The ACCS identifies that the SI
tionalities, as a result of a loading integrity error. and the CRC loaded are the expected (Step 3b). ADS dis-
plays a loading confirmation message (Step 4b). In the
 Threat 3: Malfunction with version conflict—the
end, the LAS will be loaded with the NSV (Final State).
aircraft operates with conflicting configurations of
Figure 7 presents Test Procedures 3 and 4 involving
software coexisting.
the scenario of incomplete software loading with the man-
The Test Procedures must exercise the Requirements ual check (TP3) or automatic check (TP4). For TP3 and
identified in this work. The F-LAS contains six Test Pro- TP4, the Initial State and Step 1 are the same as presented
cedures, divided into three scenarios. The scenarios are in TP1 and TP2. Before the complete software loading,
normal software loading, incomplete software loading, the tester abruptly turns OFF the LAS (Step 2). The aviation
and conflict of different software versions. For each sce- maintenance technician checks and confirms the CRC
nario, we have two possibilities: manual (with MCP) or does not match with the MPC (Step 3a). For TP4, the
automated check (with ACCS). ACCS identifies that CRC is different than expected, due
Figure 6 presents Test Procedures 1 and 2 involving to incomplete software loading (Step 3b). The ADS dis-
the scenario of normal software loading with a manual plays a loading error message (Step 4). In the end, the
check (TP1) or automatic check (TP2). Test Procedures 1 LAS will not be loaded with the NSV (Final State).
and 2 guarantee that the loading of an NSV inside of the Figure 8 presents Test Procedures 5 and 6 involving
LAS is correct and complete. TP1 starts with the NSV the verification of different software versions in the
available (Initial State). The connection of the LC and LI units of the LAS. In this hypothetical procedure pre-
allows the transfer of the NSV to the LAS (Step 1). After sented in Figure 8, one of the three units contains the
the complete software loading (Step 2), the tester records NSV. The TP5 and TP6 start with the NSV available
the SI of the NSV in the LB (Step 3a). Finally, the tester (Initial State). The connection of the LC and the LI
checks if the SI of the NSV and the CRC match with the allows the transfer of the NSV to the LAS 1 (Step 1).

Figure 7.
Test Procedures 3 and 4.


Marques et al.

Figure 8.
Test Procedures 5 and 6.

After the complete software loading (Step 2), the tester the end, all the LAS units do not have the same software
reboots the aircraft (Step 3). The tester checks that the versions (Final State).
LAS units have different software versions (Step 4a). Test Procedures 1–6 cover all the 23 Requirements
For the TP6, The ACCS identifies a mismatch of the SI identified in the F-LAS framework. Table 1 contains the
and the CRC among units (Step 4b). The ADS informs traceability between Requirements and Test Procedures.
the existence of different software versions (Step 5). In The verification of some Requirements in multiple Test
Procedure is notable.

Table 1.

Traceability between Requirements and Test ANALYSIS

Test Scenario Requirements Avoiding the identified threats identified, we defined asso-
Procedures ciated assurances. These threats may provide critical
impacts on the operation of the aircraft, affecting the
TP1 Normal software BLR-1 to BLR- safety of the occupants and crew. We can identify the cor-
loading with 5, MCR-6 to
relation of threats and associated assurances, as presented
manual check MCR-9
in Table 2.
TP2 Normal software BLR-1 to BLR- Threats 1 and 2 identified in Table 2 appear as adverse
loading with 5, ACR-10, 11,
effects on security due to human action (intentional or
automatic check 14, 15, 18, 19
unintentional) using access, use, disclosure, denial,
TP3 Incomplete MCR-7 to
software loading MCR-9
with manual Table 2.
TP4 Incomplete ACR-12, 13, Threats and associated assurance
software loading 16, 17
with automatic Threat Description Associated
check Assurance
TP5 Different VER-22
software 1 Improper Use of MCP or ACCS.
versions with configuration
manual check 2 Incomplete Use of CRC.
TP6 Different VER-20, 21, 23 loading
software 3 Malfunction Check that the LAS
versions with with version units have same
automatic check conflict software versions.


A Framework for Loadable Airborne Systems

interruption, modification, or destruction of data and/or testing the inappropriate loading and conflict of software
data interfaces. It includes the consequences of damage versions.
done, false data, and possible access by other systems out- Although the F-LAS framework was presented to the
side the aircraft systems. According to RTCA DO-326A professionals who kindly answered our surveys, we plan
[20], the intended or unintended use of information sys- to conduct a Survey 3 with the respondents of Surveys 1
tems available on the aircraft will impact the airworthiness and 2. This is the first future work that will formally cap-
of future aircraft, such as the potential software update ture their feedback.
error. When external data is transmitted to the aircraft As the second future work, we will explore the use of a
from the external connections, this can add new opportuni- digital certificate signing scheme that could be an optional
ties for the introduction of false or modified data in the verification method instead of using CRC. An extension
security perimeter. of the surveys carried out and synthesized in “Surveys” is
also planned.
As the third future work, we assume that when a soft-
DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ware version is made available for installation, the supplier
has already made a compatibility analysis between the soft-
We believe that our framework will help to define
ware and other components that coexist in the same system.
parts of the systems architecture, as required by SAE
However, this analysis is of paramount importance and is a
ARP 4754A, identifying the needs of the system so
good future extension for our framework.
that it becomes possible to load new versions of soft-
A fourth future work is a validation of the framework
ware in the field. From the requirements presented and
with ARINC working groups that defined standards
the characteristic of the system design, it will be possi-
ARINC 666 [26] and ARINC 667-2 [27]. We can conduct
ble to refine them to more detailed requirements of
specific surveys with the participants of such working
systems and software.
groups and identify their feedback on our framework.
At the software level, our framework seems to be
suitable for directing the software project to meet the
RTCA DO-178C, especially in section 2.5 of this stan-
dard, which deals with the FLS capacity. Our frame-
work provides specific requirements that address The authors would like to thank: the Instituto Tecnologico
integrity and identity. de Aeronautica (Aeronautics Institute of Technology) for
the support provided in this research; the 20 systems
developers that answered Survey 1; and the 12 aviation
CONCLUSION maintenance technicians that answered Survey 2.

This work presented a new framework for airborne sys-

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Feature Article: DOI. No. 10.1109/MAES.2020.3043137

Research on Abnormal Output Current Drop of Solar

Array of a Low Earth Orbit Satellite
Shuhua Bai, Nanchang Institute of Technology, Nanchang 330044, China
Wenyan Wang , Nanchang Institute of Technology, Nanchang 330044,
China; and also China Academy of Space Technology, Beijing 100094, China
Zhilong Chen and Weiguo Yao, Nanchang Institute of Technology, Nanchang
330044, China

returned to the Earth from the Hubble Space Telescope

INTRODUCTION were found to have been impacted probably by dust flu-
Solar arrays (SAs) have always been the main energy ence during the cometary encounters and the nonlinearity
source for spacecraft applications. Since the SA is directly and magnitude of its degradation are consistent with open-
exposed to space environment in prolonged missions, it is circuit failure of solar cell strings, possibly by impacts on
unavoidably affected by the space environment. Basic or near cell interconnects [5].
factors of influence of the environment medium are as In order to reduce the probability of on-orbit failure of
follows [1]: ionizing radiation, solar ultraviolet (UV) SAs, significant research on the on-orbit reliabilities of
emission, thermal cycling, radiation electrization, plasma SAs have been carried out. Richardson et al. quantitatively
jets of electric propulsion engines of spacecraft, contami- analyzed the SA gradation due to meteoroid impacts on
nation of protective glasses by the products of functioning the SA front and rear surface [6]. Shuvalov et al. derived
of operated systems and products of destruction, sublima- calculation and experimental relations characterizing the
tion, and gassing of materials and coatings of spacecraft’s reduction in the electric power of SAs under prolonged
external surfaces, micrometeoroids, space debris or dust, (10 years) action of the environment on orbit, consider-
atomic oxygen (AO) in low Earth orbit (LEO). Some typi- ing the space comprehensive environment factors [1].
cal on-orbit failures related to SAs have occurred from Toyoda et al. conducted a degradation test study on high-
time to time. For example, from 1997 to 2002, two com- voltage SAs against electrostatic discharge under a simu-
mercial satellites experienced 32 sustained SA arcing [2] lated LEO environment [7]. In order to prevent solar cell
and, on March 12, 2010, two anomalies which were also arcing into the plasma due to spacecraft charging,
caused by a sustained arc on the SA backside occurred Ferguson’s team carried out research on solar cell edge,
simultaneously on NASA’s Aura spacecraft [3]. Since interconnect, and cover glass designs and their effect on
April 18, 2000 and September 6, 1999, the SESAT and spacecraft charging and plasma interactions [8]. In addi-
the YAMAL commercial telecommunication spacecrafts, tion to some ground tests for studying the SA performan-
respectively, experienced the radiation induced degrada- ces, some space flight experiments were also carried out.
tion of SAs caused by solar proton flares [4]. The SAs In 1977, the first space-based GaAs SA was tested on-
board the Navigation Technology Satellite 2 (NTS-2) and
Authors’ current address: Shuhua Bai, Zhilong Chen, and already achieved conversion efficiencies of around 22%
Weiguo Yao, Nanchang Institute of Technology, Nan- [9]. In the 1980s, NRL flew the “Living with a Plume
chang 330044, China (e-mail:; Shield” (LiPS III) program for conducting further technol-; Wenyan ogy demonstrations on newly developed solar cell [10].
Wang, Nanchang Institute of Technology, Nanchang For evaluating the performance of several multi-junction
330044, China, and also China Academy of Space Tech- solar cells, a test module was incorporated into the
nology, Beijing 100094, China (e-mail: wangwy09@gmail. MISSE-5 (Materials International Space Station Experi-
ment 5) which was deployed on the exterior of the Interna-
Manuscript received October 14, 2020; accepted
tional Space Station (ISS) [11]. As part of the TacSat Solar
November 26, 2020, and ready for publication
December 4, 2020. Cell Experiment, ultra-thin (100 mm) GaInP/GaInAs/Ge
Review handled by Scott Bawden. triple-junction solar cells, as well as a stretched lens
0885-8985/21/$26.00 ß 2021 IEEE concentrator solar cell module, were integrated on


Credit: Image licensed by Ingram Publishing

the Tactical Satellite-4 mission for on-orbit tests [12]. 08C standard [23], section specifies the quality
With the help of the Mir Space Station, the solar cells inspection content of interconnectors. In summary, fatigue
were found to suffer severe damage to their structure and of the cell interconnectors is one of the main reasons for
interconnect due to hot-spotting processes caused by SA failure, especially with respect to SA application in
the effect of shadowing from structural members of the extreme environment.
spacecraft [13]. Those space experiments are mainly for However, there are few reports related to on-orbit fail-
the performance of the solar cell itself affected by the ure caused by the fatigue of solar cell interconnectors due
space environment. to the difficulty of on-orbit failure analysis because the
In addition, with demand for increased orbital life and occurrence of on-orbit fatigue is a gradual process. This
with more severe temperature extremes due to various article investigated the output current abnormal drop of a
space missions, the importance of solar cell interconnector LEO satellite SA caused by the fatigue of solar cell
reliability has become more emphasized and the effect of interconnectors. First, the abnormal phenomenon was
thermal or mechanical fatigue of the solar cell interconnect described in detail. Second, all possible failure causes
structure on the SA performance is a subject that has were analyzed and the most likely reason was determined.
received extensive attention in the context of aerospace Then, the failure mechanisms were explained and verified
applications. As early as 1969, Luft et al. [14] investigated by experiments. Finally, the solution to slow down the
the temperature cycling effects on solar panels and found output current drop on the satellite on orbit was given and
that the most common failure mode was the separation of the improvement measures for the development of SAs
interconnections at the cell interface. Some investigations were proposed.
also showed that both contact and fatigue problems are
associated with solar cell interconnects and fatigue of solar
cell interconnectors is one of the key failure modes for
SAs [15], [16]. Luft [17] also studied the design of solar
cell interconnectors through fatigue tests under extended The Technology Test Satellite No. 5 (TTS-5) developed
temperature cycling and thought that the most desirable by the China Academy of Space Technology was
interconnector for each specific case must be specially launched at 10:35:12 on December 22, 2017. It is a sun-
considered on all pertinent factors including electrical out- synchronous orbit satellite with an average altitude of
put, space environment, and reliability. Evans et al. [18] 560 Km. It was found that the output current of TTS-5 SA
and Kosseim [19] respectively investigated the experimen- circuits was reduced from 26.8 A  28.2 A in May 2018
tal methods of the fatigue characteristics of interconnectors to 23.6 A  25.3 A in May 2019 by telemetry. The SA of
for different applications. The mechanism of the fatigue TTS-5 consists of four subsolar arrays (SSAs). In order to
behavior of the solar cell interconnector was analyzed by evaluate the power generation capacity of each SSA and
Wiese et al. [20] and a correlation with the relevant micro- the health status of the SA circuit, the output current test
structures of crack growth was given. Meier et al. [21] of each SSA is carried out to locate the health status of
described methods for an estimation of interconnector life- each SSA on May 31, 2019 by sending remote control
time and gave an enhancement method of this lifetime by commands to disconnect each SSA in turn. The test result
microstructural optimization. As the fabrication of space is shown in Table 1, where it can be seen that the current
SAs is a very critical process to ensure the quality and reli- loss is 1 A, 0.5 A, and 1.5 A in the SSA-1, SSA-2, and
ability of SAs and serious power losses can result from SA SSA-3, respectively, and the SSA-4 is normal. Each
rework being done improperly [22], the ECSS-E-ST-20- SSA consists of 13 strings of solar cells in parallel,


Research on Abnormal Output Current Drop of Solar Array of a Low Earth Orbit Satellite

Table 1.

Test Result of the Power Generation Capacity for Each

SSA of the TTS-5
Item The output current of each SSA (A)


Design 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5

Test Value 5.5(-1) 6.0(-0.5) 5.0(-1.5) 6.5(0)
Note: The value in parentheses in Test Value indicates a reduced
value compared to Design Value.

and the power generation capacity of each string is

about 0.5 A under normal conditions. As the SA con-
sists of four SSAs, the total output current of the SA
circuit is about 26 A due to 52 strings of solar cells in
parallel. The reduction of the SSA current is in units
of a string of current (about 0.5 A), which can occur
in any one of the four SSAs.
By querying the on-orbit telemetry data of the SA cir- Figure 1.
cuit, we can find the time and phenomenon of each output SA circuit output current drops for six times.
current drop. The first drop in the output current of the SA
circuit occurred at 22:19–23:14 on June 15, 2018. The out- The fifth output current drop occurred on January 3,
put current fluctuates several times in the stable stage, and 2019. About one string of the output current was loss and
the fluctuation range is between 26.066 and 26.592 A, the current fluctuates repeatedly in the same orbital period,
namely 0.526 A, as shown in Figure 1 (NO.1). Based on as shown in Figure 1 (NO.5).
the output current of 0.511 A (26.592 A/52 parallel) of a The sixth output current drop occurred on February
single SSA at the stable stage on June 15, the output cur- 17, 2019 as shown in Figure 1 (NO.6). As the season
rent of one SSA was loss. changes from winter to summer, the output current in the
The second drop in the output current occurred stable stage gradually decreases. However, the output cur-
between September 17, 2018 and September 18, 2018, as rent dropped from 25.243 to 24.717 A between February
shown in Figure 1 (NO.2). The output current at the stable 17 to February 18, 2018, the difference of which is 0.526
stage from 21:16 to 21:50 on September 17 is about A nearly equivalent to the output current of a string of
26.658 A compared with about 26.132 A at 11:30–12:03 solar cells. In the subsequent orbital period, the drop was
on September 18, which is reduced by 0.526 A with being restored to the previous stable value of output current and
about the output current of one string of solar cell as being repeated many times. In addition, It can be found that the
calculated by 26.658 A/51 parallel ¼ 0.523 A. output current increased from 24.717 to 26 A between
The third output current drop occurred between 21:30 and 22:30 on February 18, 2019. The increase value
November 5, 2018 and November 6, 2018, as shown in of 1.283 A is about the output current of two strings of
Figure 1 (NO.3). The telemetry data showed that the output solar cells. In other words, two strings of solar cells are
current was 26.691–26.954 A during the last orbit period restored to work at the same time.
on November 5 and 26.164–26.526 A at the 9:43–10:35 The above six drops of the output current of the SA
orbit period on November 6. The output current difference can be summarized in Table 2. The first drop of the current
between the two adjacent days is 0.527 A, which is also occurs about half a year after the TTS-5 enters orbit. There
about the output current of one string (26.691 A/50 parallel is no current drop during the on-orbit test because of on-
¼ 0.534 A). After 10 days, the output current in the stable orbit test for the first month when being launched for the
stage returned to about 27 A again. TTS-5. The minimum unit of current drop is about 0.5 A
The fourth output current drop occurred at 8:42–14:21 (one string of solar cells), and there are cases where multi-
on December 20, 2018, as shown in Figure 1 (NO.4). The ple strings of output current are loss at the same time. Fur-
output current dropped from 27.448 to 26.362 A with a thermore, the drop output current can be recovered within
drop amplitude of 1.086 A, which is about the output cur- a certain period of time and multiple strings of output cur-
rent of 2 strings (27.448 A/50 parallel ¼ 0.549 A). rent can also be recovered simultaneously.


Bai et al.

Table 2.

Output Current Changes for the SA of the TTS-5 During the Period of a Year and a Half
No. Time of Steady Steady String number change Estimated single string
occurrence current current (bar) current(A)
before falling after falling
(A) (A)

1 2018-06-15 26.592 26.066 52!51 0.511

With seasonal changes, the steady current gradually rises from 26.066 to 26.658 A
2 2018-09-17 26.658 26.132 51!50 0.523
With the season changes, the steady current gradually rises from 26.132 to 26.691 A
3 2018-11-5 26.691 26.164 50!49 0.534
With seasonal changes and the third drop recovery, the steady current gradually rises from 26.164 to 27.448 A
4 2018-12-20 27.448 26.362 50!48 0.549
5 2019-01-03 25.770 25.210 48!47 0.537
6 2019-02-17 25.243 24.717 47!46 0.537


Through the analysis of the SA circuit on-orbit failure
STRUCTURE OF TTS-5 SA CIRCUIT phenomenon and the re-examination of the SA
manufacturing process, the components and materials
TTS-5 SA adopts a double-wing design and each wing has
used in the power circuit, the manual operation process
two panels, and each panel is equipped with one SSA, as
and the ground test result, the possible failure causes are
shown in Figure 2. The þX wing inner panel, þX wing
listed as shown in Table 3, including 3 classifications of
outer panel, -X wing inner panel, and -X wing outer panel
15 possible failure causes. The possible failures for the
are indicated with the SSA-1, SSA-2, SSA-3, and SSA-4,
three categories in the table are analyzed as follows.
respectively. The design uses high-efficiency gallium arse-
nide triple junction solar cells with a size of 80.0 mm 
The single-wing SA circuit is composed of two Since the solar cell strings in each panel are output in par-
SSAs with the same design. Its power output is fed into allel to the on-panel and interpanel power connector and
the satellite body by a terminal power connector which
is connected to on-panel connector through interpanel
cables. The schematic diagram of single-wing SA circuit
connection is shown in Figure 3. The SSA consists of
13 strings of solar cells in parallel and each string is
formed by 30–34 solar cells in series. Each string of
solar cells is connected in series with one isolation
diode. The physical photo of each single-panel SA is
shown in Figure 4, including the front and back pictures.
From Figure 4(a), we can see that each SSA is
composed of 424 solar cells.

Figure 2. Figure 3.
TTS-5 SA layout. Schematic diagram of single-wing SA circuit connection.


Research on Abnormal Output Current Drop of Solar Array of a Low Earth Orbit Satellite

sealed with insulating silicone rubber. Through rechecking

the front physical photo of the SA circuit before launch, it
can be found that the distance between the positive inter-
connector and the negative interconnector is not less than
2 mm, which is larger than the parallel gap of the SA.
Therefore, solar cell positive and negative interconnector
is short-circuited impossibly and F1-3 can be excluded.
As a string of solar cells consists of 30 to 34 solar
cells, the effect of the short-circuit of one single solar cell
on the output current is generally no more than 5% of the
output current of the string, which contradicts the failure
phenomenon. Therefore, F1-4 cannot happen.
In order to prevent the output current of the SA from
leaking through the cable, the cable is covered with a pol-
Figure 4.
Physical photo of the single-panel SA: (a) front view and yimide film for secondary insulation protection at the
(b) back view. cable rack position and the edge of the substrate. Through
rechecking the manufacturing process data before launch,
then output to the terminal power connector, the effect of it was found that the insulation resistance of the SA circuit
the short-circuit of these connector contact points on the and the substrate at each manufacturing process was not
output current of the SA will be circuit level, that is, at less than 200 MV, which met the design requirements of
least about 6.5 A of output current is loss, which is not not less than 100 MV. Therefore, there is no possibility of
consistent with the failure phenomenon. Therefore, F1-1 a short-circuit between the solar cell circuit and the sub-
and F1-2 can be excluded. strate (F1-5).
In order to reduce the residual magnetic moment, the
positive and negative poles of the solar cell string are adja-
cent to each other in the front side of the SA circuit. Their
interconnectors are pasted on the substrate with silicone The electrical performance of the solar cells can degrade
rubber. After the test is completed, its surface is coated when the SA is affected by the radiation of space charged
with three-proof paint for protection and its periphery is particles. According to the ground test results, the output

Table 3.

List of Possible Failure Causes

Failure classification Possible failure cause

F1: SA circuit short F1-1: Terminal power connector contact point is short-
F1-2: Inner-panel or interpanel connector contact point is
F1-3: Solar cell positive and negative interconnector is short-
F1-4: Solar cell is short-circuited
F1-5: SA circuit and substrate is short-circuited
F2: Output current drop due to external F2-1: Solar cell performance degradation
factors F2-2: Solar cell is damaged due to electrostatic discharge
F2-3: Solar cell is impacted by micrometeoroids or space
F2-4: Solar wing fails to orient to the sun after movement
F2-5: SA circuit current telemetry is abnormal
F3: SA circuit open F3-1: Power connector solder joint is open
F3-2: Inner-panel or interpanel power connector is
F3-3: Isolate diode body or its solder joint is open
F3-4: Solar cell interconnector is open
F3-5: Solar cell is fractured and open


Bai et al.

current degradation of the SA for 18 months is expected to

be around 0.3 A in the orbital space environment of TTS-
5, which is much smaller than the actual current drop.
Moreover, the on-orbit output current drop caused by the
irradiation of charged particles is a slow changing process,
which is not consistent with the failure phenomenon.
Therefore, F2-1 can be excluded. Figure 5.
When the potential difference between the SA strings (a) Schematic diagram of interconnect and (b) cross-sectional
is higher than the threshold voltage, the secondary dis- schematic diagram of silver interconnector indicated by the four
charge is easy to occur between the adjacent two SA circles in (a).
strings. The parallel gap of the TTS-5 SA is increased to 2
mm to prevent secondary discharge. It has been verified been matched in the one and a half years since launch, it
by the ground test that when the parallel gap is 1.7 mm, can rule out the possibility of abnormal current telemetry
the threshold voltage of secondary discharge is 145 V. of the SA circuit (F2-5).
However, the maximum potential difference between the
adjacent strings is 81 V, which is much lower than the
threshold voltage of secondary discharge. There is no pos-
sibility of damage for solar cell due to electrostatic dis- Similar to the above analysis that excludes F1-1 and
charge (F2-2). F2-1, the effect of the open-circuit of power connector
The impact of space micrometeoroids and space debris solder joints and the disconnection of inner-panel or
on the performance of SAs has received widespread atten- interpanel power connectors on the output current of
tion [6]. If the TTS-5 solar wing is impacted by microme- the SA will also be circuit level, that is, at least about
teoroids or space debris on orbit, the output performance 6.5 A of output current is loss, which is not consistent
of the solar cell will be affected to varying degrees with the failure phenomenon. Therefore, F3-1 and F3-2
depending on the size of the space micrometeoroid or can be excluded.
debris. When the size is appropriate, it will cause solar The isolation diodes used in TTS-5 SSA have been
cell string damage to the output current of SA. However, used in dozens of similar satellites and have rich flight
there is a phenomenon that the solar cell strings on differ- experience. They are all used in accordance with MIL-
ent panels are open at the same time. Therefore, the proba- STD-975M [24], Appendix A. By reviewing the prelaunch
bility of different parts of the SA circuit being hit by process assembly data and physical photos, the probability
micrometeoroids or space debris at the same time is of open-circuits caused by some diodes in multiple SSAs
extremely small and F2-3 can be excluded. or multiple strings of SAs is very small. Therefore, the
As one of the TTS-5 tasks is to image the ground tar- open-circuit fault of the body or solder joint of these
gets, the SA will carry out directional operations to the diodes (F3-3) can be completely excluded.
sun when necessary. If the solar wing fails to orient to the The adjacent two solar cell of the TTS-5 SA is con-
sun, the output current of the two SSAs of the same wing nected by four interconnectors with being soldered and
will drop by roughly the same magnitude. However, the each interconnector has three or four solder pins, as being
telemetry data show that the X wing inner panel has a cur- shown in Figure 5(a). The connector is made of pure silver
rent drop but the outer panel does not, which does not with a design thickness of 20 mm. The cross-section of the
coincide with the failure phenomenon and F2-4 cannot interconnector is shown in Figure 5(b). The replacement
happen. of solar cells during the production process may cause
The telemetry of the output current of the SA circuit is damage to the interconnector. Hence, a re-examination
carried out by the power controller, which communicates was carried out for the replacement process of solar cell.
with the satellite mission management unit via the CAN The results of the re-examination are shown in Table 4.
bus. By telemetry in January 2018, the TTS-5 SA circuit From the table, we can see that there exists some continu-
current is 28 A, its load current is 9.7 A and the charging ous replacement cases of adjacent solar cells in different
current is about 17.9 A. Three different current telemetry time during the SA circuit manufacturing process and the
values meet the equation of “SA Circuit Current - Load open circuit string number of a certain panel on orbit has a
Current  Charging Current.” Similarly in June 2019, the certain corresponding relationship with the continuous
TTS-5 SA circuit current is 23 A, its load current is 8.8A, replacement number of adjacent solar cells. The panel
and the charging current is about 14 A. They also meet the without continuous replacement of adjacent solar cells
equation of “SA Circuit Current - Load Current  Charg- was not found to have an open-circuit string on orbit.
ing Current.” Since the SA circuit current and charging Through the analysis of the solar cells replacement pro-
current use independent current sensors and sampling cir- cesses (see section “Damage Mechanism of the Intercon-
cuits, and the relationship between the two has always nector During Solar Cell Replacement Process” for


Research on Abnormal Output Current Drop of Solar Array of a Low Earth Orbit Satellite

Table 4.

Re-examination for Replacing Solar Cells

Substrate Replacing Continuous replacement Open-circuit Fragmentation

number number of adjacent solar string number rate
cells in different time (2) on orbit

þX inner panel 12 2 2 2.83%

þX outer panel 10 2 1 2.36%
-X inner panel 29 5 3 6.84%
-X outer panel 14 0 0 3.30%

details), it is found that the stress relief loop of the inter- denudation and corrosion of AO and the actions of other
connector is bent during the solar cell replacement pro- stresses such as high-low alternating temperature, it gradu-
cess. If the adjacent solar cells in a certain string of solar ally breaks and causes the solar cell interconnector to be
cell are replaced twice or more times, the stress relief loop open-circuited.
of the solar cell interconnector will be bent multiple times
and be probably damaged potentially. In addition, the
TTS-5 experienced a severe environment of the LEO AO
when being launched and then entered the work orbit with FAILURE MECHANISM
AO environment [25]. The silver interconnector is suscep-
tible to erosion in the AO environment, resulting in a fur- DAMAGE MECHANISM OF THE INTERCONNECTOR
ther decline in the fatigue resistance of the interconnector.
The damaged interconnector may gradually be broken
under stresses such as high-low alternating temperature. The solar cell replacement process is shown in Figure 6
Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that the solar cell inter- and the solar cell to be replaced is the B cell between the
connector is open (F3-4). A and C solar cell as shown in Figure 6(a). When replac-
Each solar cell of the TTS-5 is connected in parallel ing, use a blade to cut off the silver interconnector 1#
with a bypass diode. When a certain solar cell is dam- between the A and B cells, slowly tilt it from the left side
aged and its output current is much smaller than that of of the B cell to expose the part where the back of the B
the solar cells in the same string, the bypass diode con- cell are connected with the C cell interconnector, and cut
nected in parallel with the solar cell will turn ON. The off the soldering area and remove the B cell. In this pro-
output current of the string in which the damaged solar cess, the interconnector 3# of the C cell will be bent for
cell is located will only drop slightly, as is not consis- the first time, as shown in Figure 6(b). Then, slowly tilt up
tent with the failure phenomenon. In addition, after the from the right side of the A cell, remove the residual adhe-
solar cell body is completely broken, it cannot be con- sive and silver interconnector on the bottom and put it
nected and its output current cannot be restored, which back in place. During this process, the interconnector 1#
is also inconsistent with the failure phenomenon. There- of the A cell will be bent for the first time, as shown in
fore, it can be excluded that the solar cell is fractured Figure 6(c). Put the replacing D cell into the position of
and open (F3-5). the B cell, use a tape to fix the front of the A and D cell so
that they do not move relative position, turn up the A and
D cells, solder the interconnector on the back of the solar
cell, and then paint the NQ-704 silicone rubber on the
According to the above analysis, the most likely reason back of the A cell. During the process, the interconnector
which causes the output current drop of the SA circuit on 1# of the A cell will be bent for the second time, as shown
orbit is the solar cell string open due to the solar cell inter- in Figure 6(d). Put down the A cell and paste it on the sub-
connector open-circuit. In the process of the solar cell strate and temporarily fix it with tape, solder the silver foil
replacement, the stress relief loop of the cell interconnec- of the D cell to the interconnector 3# of the C cell, and
tor was bent and damaged many times during the second- then coat the back of the D cell with the NQ-704 silicone
ary replacement of adjacent solar cell due to unskilled rubber. Finally, put down the D cell and paste it on the
operations, causing microcracks which reduced the fatigue substrate. In this process, the interconnector of the D cell
resistance of the interconnector. Along with the will be bent once, as shown in Figure 6(e).


Bai et al.

experiments shown quantitatively in [27, Table 2-1], it

can be seen that silver has the worst resistance capacity to
AO erosion and its AO reaction efficiency is more than
4  10-24 cm3/atom.
The erosion of silver by AO is divided into two
stages: during the initial oxidation process, a layer of
Ag2O film is formed on the surface of the silver; the
second stage of the oxidation process is the formation
of AgO on the top of the oxide film. When the thick-
ness of the oxide film increases, a great growth stress
will be generated in the oxide film, leading to wrin-
kling, cracking, and peeling of the oxide film. Under
the action of OA, uneven corrosion pits will be formed
on the silver surface, which will easily cause stress
concentration and result in a reduction in the thickness
of the silver body.
We can obtain the AO reaction efficiency, that is, the
erosion yield, which is 10.5  10-24 cm3/atom, and
the average front AO flux of 7.39  1011 atoms/cm2s or
the front AO fluence of 3.496  1019 atoms/cm2 for
Figure 6.
1.5 years from the ESA’s SPace ENVironment Informa-
Flowchart of the solar cell replacement.
tion System (SPENVIS) website [28] with the orbital
parameters of the TTS-5. The front erosion depth for silver
The above process is a normal one-time solar cell surface can be calculated to be 3.67  10-4 cm, that is,
replacement, which will cause 1 to 2 bends to the intercon- 3.67 mm for a year and a half.
nector. This bending will not cause damage to the fatigue
resistance of the interconnector. Subsequently, if the adja-
cent cell is to be replaced due to the occurrence of frag-
mentation into many pieces, the removal of the NQ-704 FRACTURE AND OPEN-CIRCUIT MECHANISM OF THE
silicone rubber coated on the back of the replaced cell is INTERCONNECTOR
more difficult than the conventional two-component film
adhesive and will cause the interconnector to be bent After the silver interconnectors are eroded by AO, the
many times. Therefore, the multiple replacements of the surface evolves into uneven corrosion pits to form
adjacent solar cell will increase the number of bending of stress concentration areas and the interconnector
the interconnector. The bending part is the stress relief strength decreases. Under the action of the alternating
loop of the interconnector as shown in Figure 7. As silver stress of the space environment temperature, these
is a face-centered cubic crystal with 12 slip systems, the weak areas (high-concentration stress areas) are the first
silver material in the bending zone will enter plastic defor- to initiate fatigue microcracks. These microcracks
mation under the action of mechanical stress and cause a steadily grow under the action of temperature stress
certain degree of microstructure multisystem slip when and other external stresses, and finally cause fatigue
the bending angle is large. As the number of bending fracture and open-circuit of the silver interconnector.
increases, the multisystem slip and cross-slip of the micro- The schematic diagram of microcrack growth under
structure will further intensify. When it intensifies to a cer- alternating temperature stress and other external
tain extent, the entanglement of these slip dislocations stresses is shown in Figure 8.
causes the crystal grains to elongate and break and micro-
cracks are generated in local areas of the silver matrix.


As we all know, in the LEO 200 to 700 km away from the
Earth’s surface, AO is the most abundant residual gas par-
ticle, accounting for more than 90% of neutral gas [26]. Figure 7.
From the summary of data obtained from space flight Schematic diagram of stress relief loop being bent.


Research on Abnormal Output Current Drop of Solar Array of a Low Earth Orbit Satellite

orbit of about 560 km altitude for one and a half years.

The AO energy is from 5 to 8 eV. The sample appearance
before and after AO test is shown in Figure 11. From the
figure, it can be clearly seen that the surface of the sample
Figure 8.
Schematic diagram of microcrack growth under alternating tem- becomes gray-black and loses its brightness due to being
perature stress and other external stresses. eroded by OA. The interconnectors were weighed after the
AO test and compared with the sample before the AO test,
and the thickness of the interconnectors were calculated to be
about 2 mm thinner than that of the sample before the AO
test. The result is basically consistent with the relative mass
Figure 9. loss of about 10% for the Ag film samples in [29] and is less
Flowchart of the experiment. than the calculated result of 3.67 mm in the section ‘‘Erosion
Mechanism of AO on the Interconnector” because the silver
oxide was not completely peeled off from the sliver intercon-
EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS nector body after being eroded.
For solar cell interconnector thermal fatigue test, the pre-
In order to verify the above failure mechanism analysis, vious investigations have shown that the thermal cycling can
we designed an experimental flow as shown in Figure 9. be replaced by a mechanical cycling in order to decrease the
On the ground, we simulated the impact of the solar cell test time [30], [31]. Hence, the stretching and compression
replacement process on the silver interconnector. Then, method was used to carry out fatigue test and a universal test-
the bent samples were subjected to the AO test and the ing machine (ElectroForce 3500 Mechanical Test Instru-
fatigue resistance test to check whether their capacity of ment) was used during test. The stretching displacement of
the fatigue resistance was reduced. the silver interconnector was set to 0.03 mm and the compres-
From the qualified lots of silver interconnectors with sion displacement was set to 0.04 mm. The test frequency
the same specifications as the TTS-5, we randomly was set to 2 Hz. During the test, the number of stretching and
selected eight samples to divide into two groups for bend- compression cycles was recorded when the interconnector
ing test. Each group had four samples, respectively, for was broken. The test stopped when the number of the stretch
once solar cell replacement use which are numbered 1#, and compression cycles reached 75 000 times if no fracture
2#, 3#, and 4# and for secondary replacement use of the occurred. The test results were shown in Table 5.
adjacent solar cells which are numbered 5#, 6#, 7#, and According to the TTS-5 orbit altitude, the satellite
8#. After bending test, both groups of samples were orbit period Tc can be calculated by
observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). For the
samples for once solar cell replacement use, no cracks sffiffiffiffiffi
were observed. However, the samples for secondary Tc ¼ 2p c (1)
replacement use of the adjacent solar cells appeared
microcracks, as shown in Figure 10.
The AO test was carried out in a microwave source where rc is the distance between the satellite and the
AO simulation test device for the samples the serial num- center of the Earth, which is equal to R þ H. R is the
ber of which was 3#, 4#, 7#, and 8#. In the experiment, average radius of the Earth which is 6367 km and H is
the AO flux was 11015 atoms/cm2s (110%), and the the orbit altitude which is 560 km. m is the Kepler con-
cumulative fluence reached up to 3.496  1019 atoms/ stant which is 398603 km3 =s2 . From the (1), it can be
cm2, which simulates the cumulative flux of AO in an calculated that Tc is 5738.80 s and the number of high
and low temperature alternation cycles within 1.5 years
on orbit is 8242 times, which is roughly close to the num-
ber of fatigue test cycles of the 7# and 8# samples. The

Figure 10.
Microcrack SEM photograph of the silver interconnector sample Figure 11.
after secondary replacement of the adjacent solar cells. Sample appearance before (left) and after (right) AO test.


Bai et al.

Table 5.

Fatigue Test Results of Silver Interconnectors

Serial number 1# 2# 3# 4# 5# 6# 7# 8#

Cell replacement Once Two times

OA test No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
Fatigue test cycles 75000 75000 75000 75000 12586 14013 7628 9241

experiment results show that the output current drop of the solar cell string to be open circuit. And eventually the
the SA of the TTS-5 is due to the silver interconnector output current of the SA of the TTS-5 decreases. Based on
facture, which is caused by two or more times replace- the conclusions, the improvement measures for the devel-
ment of adjacent solar cells. opment of SAs are proposed as follows: 1) Strengthen the
inspection of solar cell fragmentation before loading the
board, and use electroluminescence apparatus to defect
microcracks in order to eliminate early failure cells; 2) It is
SOLUTION AND CONCLUSION prohibited to replace adjacent solar cell fragments twice or
According to the above failure mechanism analysis and more; and 3) Strictly control the replacement process of
experiment results, the temperature alternation on orbit adjacent solar cell fragments and strengthen the training of
may further aggravate the fracture of the interconnector replacement operators. And by adopting those measures,
and thereby reduce the output current of the SA of the subsequent satellites using similar SAs have no longer
TTS-5. In order to slow down the speed of interconnec- experienced a drop in output current of SAs.
tor factures, the temperature gradient of the SA is
reduced by adjusting the on-orbit working state of the
SA oriented to the sun. Through the ground remote ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
control of the additional task program, the TTS-5
This work was supported by the National Natural Science
management execution unit automatically determines
Foundation of China under Grant 61663033.
the geographical latitude of the subsatellite point in real
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2024 IEEE Radar Conference

2024 IEEE Radar Conference

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Please send corrections or omissions for this page to AESS Executive Assistant, Judy Scharmann,
Dated: May 2021
DOI. No. 10.1109/MAES.2021.3056703
News & Information
Three Special Sessions on Quantum Radar at IEEE Radar Conferences
Fred Daum , Raytheon, Woburn, MA 01801, USA

Quantum radar is a hot topic for several reasons, espe- quantum radar [6], is the physicist on this team, and Jeff
cially because of the two recent experiments at X-band Uhlmann (who invented the unscented Kalman filter) is
reported in [2] and [3]. The second reason is the story that the engineer in this collaboration. All three of these talks
microwave quantum radar was used in the real world by were upbeat about the potential for quantum radar. In con-
Chinese to track aircraft and missiles at 100-km range [5]. trast, Jer^
ome Bourassa and Chris Wilson showed that a
The third reason is the assertion that microwave quantum certain important class of quantum radars cannot beat the
radar can defeat stealthy aircraft and missiles [5]. Such optimal classical radar if the transmit signal and the
claims have been published by highly respected peer- so-called “idler” (i.e., the other partner in the entangled
reviewed archival journals, such as Popular Mechanics, photon pair) are amplified equally. This negative result is
but most experts say that these assertions are highly dubi- useful to know. Of course one wonders what happens with
ous [7]. The fourth reason is that the taxpayers of China, asymmetrical amplification of the transmitted signal and
Canada, Sweden, the United Kingdom, the United States, the idler, and this important question was answered at the
Italy, Austria, and other countries have apparently spent a special session on quantum radar at the IEEE Radar Con-
significant amount of money for research on quantum ference in Florence, Italy (September 2020), which we
radars. Consequently, a special session on quantum radar shall review later. Both Wilson and Bourassa are real
was held (virtually) at the IEEE International Radar physicists who have quantum mechanics for breakfast.
Conference on April 30, 2020, which did not occur in The fifth talk, by Daum (not to be confused with the author
Washington, DC. The five talks varied widely in perspec- of this note), was also rather negative. Daum showed that
tive: Three were upbeat, but two were rather negative. the cost of X-band quantum radars is roughly 10 orders of
Marco Frasca and Alfonso Farina presented a new idea to magnitude more than the corresponding classical radar
entangle atoms with photons, rather than the boring old with today’s technology. In the future, with the most opti-
method of entangling pairs of photons; the purpose here is mistic assumptions, the relative cost can be reduced to
to allow a greater number of photons to be usefully only five orders of magnitude. During the chat for this
entangled for microwave quantum radar. Marco Frasca is special session Professor Ravi Advi (the organizer of this
a real physicist who deeply understands quantum mechan- special session) said that he was in tears after learning
ics, and Alfonso Farina is a famous expert in real radar about this cost analysis, and these were not tears of joy.
systems. Han Liu, Amr Helmy, and Bhashyam Balaji But one could put a positive spin on the huge cost of quan-
explained how to use temporal correlation of photons tum radars, because companies typically make a profit of
rather than boring old polarization entanglement to 10%–20% on sales, and hence, quantum radars would put
improve quantum radar performance by roughly 10–20 them in clover. The chat was continuously active through-
dB relative to a classical radar. A crucial point in this com- out the entire 2-h session. This allows for 10 times more ques-
parison is that the classical radar was not optimized, tions from people around the world than is typical at face-to-
which is an important theme throughout all three special face meetings. Many participants said that virtual meetings
sessions. The third talk analyzed the benefits of were much better than face-to-face sessions, because they
using multiple quantum transmit devices in parallel; avoid the cost and time and inconvenience of travel, hotels,
Marco Lanzagorta, who literally wrote the book on and parking. Michael Zatman, the Chairman of the IEEE
Radar Conference, asked some good technical questions, and
he said that this chat was probably the best at the whole con-
Author’s current address: Fred Daum, Department of ference. Zatman asked about the assumptions used to com-
Quantum Information, Raytheon, Woburn MA 01801
pute 10–20 dB of improvement in performance for quantum
USA (e-mail:
radar relative to classical radar; as we shall see ahead, this is
Manuscript received June 8, 2020; accepted June 11,
2020, and ready for publication January 29, 2021. a recurring crucial question for all three special sessions.
Review handled by Peter Willett. The second special session on quantum radar was held
0885-8985/21/$26.00 ß 2021 IEEE virtually at the IEEE Radar Conference on September 22,


2020, which unfortunately did not happen in Florence, most real quantum mechanics, but no mathematical flaws
Italy. The five talks at this special session were also a mix- were exposed in this surprising and counterintuitive idea.
ture of positive and negative results. An experiment on However, the real drama of this special session played
X-band quantum radar was reported by Shabir Barzanjeh, out during the reviewing process of the papers. All of the
David Vitali, Stefano Pirandola, and Johannes Fink, a reviewers were world class experts in quantum radar. But
powerful team of physicists from Italy, Iran, U.K., and the reviews of many papers varied widely from definite
Austria. The results of this seminal experiment, performed reject to definite accept. Apparently there is substantial
at Vienna Austria, were in good agreement with theory for disagreement among the world experts on quantum radars.
this special class of quantum radar, which uses digital One heroic reviewer wrote four reviews that were twice as
receivers and digital signal processing. Marco Frasca and long as the papers being reviewed with original research
Alfonso Farina quantified the benefits of using multiple and improved results as part of the reviews. This reviewer
quantum transmit devices in parallel for a quantum was extremely reluctant to review any papers, but some-
MIMO radar, rather than using boring old phased array how or other we were able to twist his arm by pointing out
radars. Another strong team of physicists and radar engi- that, owing to COVID-19 strictures, he was not allowed to
neers from Sweden and Finland explained that a certain leave his house, and there were no classes to teach at his
important class of quantum radars could not beat the opti- school, and all restaurants, museums, concerts, plays,
mal classical radar using any version of amplification of movies, and bars were closed, removing nearly all distrac-
the transmitted signal and the idler, even assuming ideal tions from the important task of reviewing papers.
quantum processing in theory. This team consists of The third special session on quantum radar is planned
Robert Jonsson, Anders Str€om, Roberto Di Candia, Martin for the virtual IEEE Radar Conference in May 2021, which
Ankel, and G€oran Johansson. Another negative result will not be held at Atlanta Georgia. This will consist of
was reported in a paper by Nizar Messaoudi, Chung Wai eight talks plus an hour long panel discussion, which will
Sandbo Chang, A. M. Vadiraj, Jer^ome Bourassa, actually be a debate about the crucial open questions in
Bhashyam Balaji, and Chris Wilson, which shows the lim- quantum radar, including: How much better is a quantum
itations of an important class of quantum radars due to radar than the optimal classical radar? The opinions about
amplification of the transmitted signal and the resulting this issue vary widely: 6 dB, 3 dB, 10 dB to 20 dB, zero, as
destruction of entanglement of the photon pairs. On a posi- well as BT, in which BT is the time bandwidth product of
tive note, David Luong, Bhashyam Balaji, and Sreeraman the transmitted waveform. Here, we compare radar perfor-
Rajan computed the receiver operating curves (ROC) for a mance in terms of equivalent SNR for a ROC curve. For a
certain class of quantum radars using both Monte Carlo special class of quantum radars, the correct answer is 6 dB
simulations and Gaussian approximations to obtain simple quantum advantage in effective SNR at low photon flux per
formulas. This quantum radar gives substantially better mode, assuming equal transmit power for the quantum
performance than a classical noise radar, but it does not radar and the classical radar (see [1] for details). This analy-
beat the optimal classical radar, as explained in [1], [8], sis also assumes Gaussian states and optimal quantum
and [9]. Daum talked about a radically different quantum detection and very little amplification of the signal and
radar design, which does not use any cryogenic dilution idler, and no sampling of the idler, with constant RCS tar-
refrigerators and, hence, reduces the cost by many orders get (and exactly known range, azimuth, elevation, polariza-
of magnitude; however, this talk was theoretical and tion, amplitude and phase of the target). This 6 dB quantum
highly speculative, with no experimental results. Daum advantage further assumes that the classical radar does not
generates the desired electromagnetic field using the exploit the known polarization of the target; it also assumes
square root of a huge covariance matrix multiplied by that we have a lossless analog quantum (arbitrarily large)
thermal noise rather than boring old entanglement of real memory for the idler (see [1] for details). However, for
physical photons [9]. This idea was greeted skeptically by non-Gaussian states of photons and entanglement of more



than pairs of photons and polarization entanglement jointly

with squeezing of the quantum vacuum and other more
general assumptions, the jury is still out. Moreover, the cur- [1] J. H. Shapiro, “The quantum illumination story,” IEEE
rent analysis uses the boring old Schr€odinger equation, Aerosp. Electron. Syst. Mag., vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 8–20,
whereas the correct analysis would use the Belavkin–Zakai Apr. 2020.
equation. The debate at Atlanta will be among the world’s [2] S. Barzanjeh, S. Pirandola, D. Vitali, and J. Fink,
experts in quantum radar, and we will strictly enforce the “Microwave quantum illumination using a digital
quantum Marquess of Queensberry rules, including: no receiver,” Sci. Adv., vol. 6, no. 19, 2020, Art. no. eabb0451.
entanglement, no squeezing, and no tunneling. Essentially, [3] C. W. S. Chang, A. M. Vadiraj, J. Bourassa, B. Balaji, and
all experts now agree that the two experiments reported C. Wilson, “Quantum-enhanced noise radar,” Appl. Phys.
in [2] and [3] are not actually quantum radars, owing to the Lett., vol. 114, no. 11, Mar. 2019, Art. no. 112601.
amplification of the transmitted signal and the idler, and [4] C. F. Gauss, “Nicht-Gaubsch quantenradar besiegt
hence, they do not offer any quantum advantage relative to stealth,” in Werke, Herausgegeben von Der K€
the optimal classical radar with the same transmit power, Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu G€
ottingen. Leipzig,
as explained in [1], [8], and [9]. This is not debatable; it is a Germany: Teubner, 1900.
mathematical fact. Some researchers think that quantum [5] H. Vella, “Could quantum radars expose stealth planes?,”
radar today is like Wright Brothers’ airplane. But for the Eng. Technol. Mag., Apr. 2019. [Online]. Available :
airplane, we had an existence theorem: Birds can fly. Also,
the Wright Brothers only required improving the engine quantum-radars-expose-stealth-planes/
efficiency and lift-to-drag ratio and stability margins by [6] M. Lanzagorta, Quantum Radar. San Rafael, CA, USA:
less than one order of magnitude relative to the state of the Morgan & Claypool, 2011.
art. In contrast, the cost of quantum radar is 10 orders of [7] A. Cho, “The short, strange life of quantum radar,” Sci-
magnitude more than optimal classical radar, and we can- ence, vol. 369, pp. 1556–1557, Sep. 2020.
not fix this problem using amplification [9]. This is not [8] G. Sorelli, N. Treps, F. Grosshans, and F. Boust,
debatable; it is a mathematical fact. But hope springs “Detecting a target with quantum entanglement,”
eternal in the breasts of some quantum radar researchers, May 2020. [Online]. Available:
who dream of new technology and much more general 2005.07116
methods of entanglement as well as new clever ideas and [9] F. Daum, “Quantum radar with digital waveform gener-
new physics yet to be discovered. ators,” in Proc. IEEE Radar Conf., Nov. 2020, pp. 1–6.


Michael Braasch, VP Conferences

The information listed on this page was valid as of March 31, 2021.
Potential attendees are urged to get up-to-date information directly from the respective conference organizers.


10-14 May 2021 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf21) Atlanta, Georgia,
2021 USA

31 May - 2021 28th Saint Petersburg International Conference on Saint Petersburg,
2 June Integrated Navigation Systems (ICINS) Russia /141

1-3 June 2021 International Conference on Localization and Tampere,

2021 GNSS (ICL-GNSS) Finland

21-22 June International Radar Symposium (IRS) Belin,

2021 Germany

23-25 June 2021 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Naples,
2021 AeroSpace (MetroAeroSpace) Italy

8-11 August 2021 IEEE 19th International Symposium on Antenna Winnipeg,
2021 Technology and Applied Electromagnetics (ANTEM) Manitoba,

1-3 September 2021 IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Hatfield, UK

2021 Security Technology (ICCST) VIRTUAL

14-15 September International Conference in Sensor Signal Processing for Edinburgh,
2021 Defence (SSPD 2021) Scotland, UK

21-23 September 2021 Signal Processing Symposium (SPSympo) Lodz, Poland

26-30 September 40th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC) San Antonio,
2021 Texas, USA

1-3 November IEEE Conference on Microwaves, Communications, Tel Aviv,

2021 Antennas, and Electronic Systems (COMCAS) Israel

POSTPONED TO 2021 IEEE 24th International Conference on Information Sun City,
1-4 November Fusion (FUSION) South Africa

This information is taken from the IEEE Conference Database. For corrections or omissions, contact May 2021

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