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Review Article

The Pulmonary Artery Catheter in 2015

The Swan and the Phoenix
Umesh K. Gidwani, MD* and Sunny Goel, MD†

Abstract: The pulmonary artery catheter (PAC) has revolutionized the care
in horses by inserting glass tubes into the jugular veins and carotid
of critically ill patients by allowing physicians to directly measure important
arteries.3–5 Forssmann6 is credited with performing the first human
cardiovascular variables at the bedside. The relative ease of placement and right heart catheterization. Unfortunately, following publication of
the important physiological data obtained by PAC led to its incorporation as a this landmark effort, Forssmann lost his clinical practice privileges
central tool in the management of critically ill patients in intensive care units. because of unfavorable press.7–9 In the 1940s, Cournand, Ranges,
Given the lack of demonstrable benefit in randomized clinical trials, persis- and Richards developed catheters that could be advanced into the
tent questions about safety, and recent advancements in noninvasive imaging pulmonary arteries (PAs) and used these catheters in the cardiac
modalities that purport to more accurately estimate cardiovascular hemody- catheterization laboratory to study hemodynamics in patients with
namics, the use of the PAC has declined rapidly over recent years. Devised congenital and acquired heart diseases.10–12 Working at Bellevue Hos-
by cardiologists to measure hemodynamic parameters in patients with acute pital in New York, Cournand and Richards used PACs not only to
myocardial infarction, the PAC was quickly and enthusiastically adopted by measure intracardiac pressures, but also to obtain true mixed venous
intensivists, anesthesiologists, surgeons, and other specialists. This unbridled blood samples from the PA. This permitted measurement of cardiac
proliferation may have resulted in negative publicity surrounding the PAC. output by the direct Fick principle for the first time.13,14 Cournand and
This article systematically reviews the evolution of PACs, the results of non- Richards also used PA catheterization for analysis of blood gases,
randomized and randomized studies in various clinical conditions, the reasons pH, respiratory gas exchange, and blood volume in normal indi-
for its decline, and current indications of PAC. viduals and in patients with cardiopulmonary disease.11,15,16 In 1956,
Cournand, Richards, and Forssmann were awarded the Nobel Prize in
Key Words: Swan–Ganz catheter, pulmonary artery catheter, cardiac critical care Physiology or Medicine for their pioneering contributions in cardiac
(Cardiology in Review 2016;24: 1–13)
In 1949, the concept and technique of measuring pulmonary
capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) was developed in the cardiac cath-
eterization laboratory of Dr. Lewis Dexter at the Brigham and Wom-
en’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School.18 PCWP was measured by

B alloon floatation pulmonary artery catheters (PACs) have been

used for “hemodynamic monitoring” in cardiac, medical, and
surgical intensive care units (ICUs) since the 1970s. In cardiac cath-
advancing the PAC to the distal branches of the PA. It was assumed
that PCWP reflected LV diastolic pressure. Lategola and Rahn19
developed a self-guiding balloon-tipped catheter, which could be
eterization laboratories, balloon floatation catheters are routinely used advanced into the PA (of dogs) and into the wedge position.
for right heart catheterization. It was estimated in 2000 that approxi- The development of PACs for a variety of clinical scenarios
mately 1.5 million balloon floatation catheters were sold annually in continued. Bradley,20 a British intensivist whom Swan had men-
the United States.1 Approximately 30% of these catheters were used tored while in the United Kingdom, developed miniature catheters
in cardiac surgery, 30% in coronary care units and cardiac catheteriza- that could be used in severely ill patients. Fife and Lee21 con-
tion laboratories, 25% in high-risk surgical and trauma patients, and structed self-guiding PACs and used these catheters for a variety
15% in medical ICUs.1 In the decade spanning the turn of the century, of physiologic studies. Scheinman et al22 at San Francisco Gen-
the use of PACs has declined significantly. Nevertheless, there are eral Hospital used flow-directed catheters to measure right heart
many conditions and procedures where PAC guidance is still crucial. pressures.
Meanwhile, Swan23 at Cedars Sinai was having little success
EVOLUTION OF PULMONARY ARTERY with Bradley’s catheters and wrestled with a design to make it easier
to “float” the PAC into the right heart and beyond. In 1970, Swan
and Ganz published details of the first “balloon-tipped flow-directed”
The history of cardiac catheterization dates back to the early catheters (Fig. 1),24 which were used in patients in the ICU without
19th century when Fritz Bleichroder, Ernest Unger, and W. Loeb per- the use of fluoroscopy.25 These catheters had 2 lumens—1 to inflate
formed cardiac catheterization in dogs, testing the effect of drugs
the balloon and the other to record pressure. The “Swan–Ganz”
injected into the central circulation.2,3 In 1844, Claude Bernard per-
catheter was further modified by Ganz to measure cardiac output
formed right ventricular (RV) and left ventricular (LV) catheterization
by the thermodilution method.26,27 Chatterjee et al28 subsequently
introduced balloon floatation catheters with pacing electrodes, which
*Department of Cardiology, Zena and Michael A. Wiener Cardiovascular Institute, could be used for atrial, ventricular, and atrioventricular sequential
Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, NY; and †Department of Medicine, Mai- pacing. Following this, further modifications included adding ports
monides Medical Center, ­Brooklyn, NY. for hemodynamic monitoring and medication infusion, cardiac pac-
Disclosure: The authors have no conflicts of interest to report.
Correspondence: Umesh K. Gidwani, MD, Department of Cardiology, Zena and ing, and even placing an oximeter at the tip, which allowed for con-
Michael A. Weiner Cardiovascular Institute, Mount Sinai Hospital, One G
­ ustave tinuous SvO2 monitoring. Figure 224 shows the most common device
L. Levy Place, Box 1030, New York, NY 10029. E-mail: umesh.gidwani@ in use today. It is a 7.5-Fr catheter inserted through a 8.5-Fr intro-
Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
ducer sheath and has 3 ports for pressure monitoring and infusions,
ISSN: 1061-5377/16/2401-0001 a thermistor probe 3 cm proximal to the tip, and a balloon at the tip
DOI: 10.1097/CRD.0000000000000082 inflated via a valve at the hub.29

Cardiology in Review  •  Volume 24, Number 1, January/February 2016  |  1

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Gidwani and Goel Cardiology in Review  •  Volume 24, Number 1, January/February 2016

FIGURE 1.  The original “Swan–Ganz” catheter. Reprinted with permission from Gidwani et al.24

FIGURE 2.  A standard pulmonary artery catheter. Reprinted with permission from Gidwani et al.24

PLACEMENT OF BALLOON FLOATATION CATHETERS “y” descent which occurs during RV rapid filling. A positive wave
AND HEMODYNAMIC MEASUREMENTS called the “c” wave is frequently recognized during the “x” descent,
Placement begins by inserting an 8.5-Fr introducer sheath into a which results from the doming of the tricuspid valve into RA during
central vein. The PAC is then inserted through the introducer sheath into RV isovolumetric systole. With further advancement of the catheter,
the central vein via a sterile sleeve (that allows for future sterile manipu- the balloon tip crosses the tricuspid valve, and an RV pressure wave
lation) and passed through the valve in the introducer hub. Between 11 form is seen (Fig. 3).24 The RV pressure waveform is characterized
and 15 cm, the balloon is inflated, and the catheter advanced. The balloon by a sharp upstroke during the isovolumic systolic phase. During the
should always be fully inflated during catheter advancement and fully isovolumic relaxation phase, there is a sharp down stroke in the RV
deflated during catheter withdrawal. A 1.5-mL balloon tip at the end of pressure wave form. When the catheter with the balloon inflated is
the PAC is used to direct the catheter from the central vein through the advanced from the RV, it crosses the pulmonic valve and floats into
Superior Vena Cava (SVC), right atrium (RA), right ventricle, and into the PA (Fig. 3),24 ultimately arriving at the wedge position recognized
an occlusive “wedge” position in the PA (Fig. 3).24 The “rule of 10s” by a characteristic pressure wave form. When the balloon is deflated,
helps in determining the correct positing of the catheter, which says the PA pressure (PAP) waveform is restored. The PAP waveform is
that anatomic and hemodynamic changes occur at approximately 10 cm characterized by a sharp upstroke and a down stroke interrupted by
intervals. For example, when the insertion site is an internal jugular or the dicrotic notch and dicrotic wave. The PCWP wave form is simi-
subclavian vein, the RA is reached after inserting the catheter 20 cm, the lar to the RAP wave form, but at a higher pressure and later in the
RV at 30 cm, the PA at 40 cm, and the PCWP after inserting 50 cm. cardiac cycle (when timed against the QRS complex). The “a” wave
As the catheter is advanced, its position can be identified by reflects contraction in atrial systole, and “x” descent reflects the fall
characteristic pressure wave forms (Fig. 3).24 When the catheter is in in left atrial (LA) pressure that follows. The “c” wave, reflecting the
the RA, the RA pressure (RAP) wave form is noted, which is charac- closure of the mitral valve, is often not seen. The “v” wave represents
terized by 2 positive waves: “a” wave which occurs during RA sys- both ventricular systole and passive atrial filling in atrial diastole, and
tole and a “v” wave which occurs during the end of RV systole, and the “y” descent reflects the fall in LA pressure following opening of
2 negative waves: the “x” descent caused by atrial relaxation and the the mitral valve and marking the initiation of passive filling of the LV.

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Cardiology in Review  •  Volume 24, Number 1, January/February 2016 Pulmonary Artery Catheter in 2015

FIGURE 3.  Hemodynamic waveforms in the right atrium, right ventricle, pulmonary artery, and pulmonary capillary wedge
positions of the pulmonary artery catheter. Reprinted with permission from Gidwani et al.24

Once the desired position is reached, it is essential that the now available to estimate most of the variables provided by a PAC,
catheter be secured to prevent migration. This can be accomplished but nevertheless PAC can provide all these values, and more, from a
by suturing or taping the catheter to the skin or locking the introducer single piece of equipment.
hub. Finally, a chest radiograph should be obtained to confirm the
position of the catheter. Cardiac Output
The PAC allows measurement of various clinical parameters, Cardiac output can be determined by the thermodilution tech-
including the monitoring of 3 key hemodynamic variables simultane- nique with a PAC by using the Stewart–Hamilton equation (Fig. 4).24
ously: cardiac output, mixed venous oxygen saturation (SvO2), and A fixed volume of cold fluid (typically 10 mL of normal saline at
intravascular pressures (Table 1).24 Newer noninvasive techniques are room temperature) is injected as a bolus into the proximal lumen

TABLE 1.  Derived Parameters for Cardiovascular and Oxygen Hemodynamics

Cardiovascular dynamics
 Cardiac index (L/min/m2) = [CO (L/min)/BSA (m2)] 2.5–4 L/min/m2
 Stroke volume (L/beat) = [CO (L/min)/HR (beats/min)] 0.06–0.1 L/beat
 Stroke index (L/beat/m2)= [SV (L/beat)/BSA (m2)] 0.033–0.047 L/beat/m2
 MAP (mm Hg)= (2 diastolic + systolic)/3 70–110 mm Hg
 SVR (dyne s cm−5) = (MAP (mm Hg) − CVP (mm Hg))/(CO (L/min)) × 80 800–1200 dyne s cm−5
 SVRI [(dyne s cm−5)/m2] = (MAP (mm Hg) − CVP (mm Hg))/(CI (L/min)) × 80 1970–2390 (dyne s cm−5)/m2
 PVR (dyne s cm−5) = (MPAP (mm Hg) − PCWP (mm Hg))/(CO (L/min)) × 80 <250 dyne s cm−5
 PVRI [(dyne/s/cm−5)/m2] = (MPAP − PCWP)/CI × 80 255–285 (dyne s cm−5)/m2
 RVEF 46–50%
 LVSWI (gm m/m2/beat) = LVSW/BSA 50–62 g.m/m2/beat
 RVSW (gm m/beat) = 0.0136[SV × (MPAP − CVP)] 10–20 gm m/beat
 RVSWI (gm m/m2/beat) = RVSW/BSA 5–10 g.m/m2/beat
Oxygen dynamics
 DO2 (mL/min/m2) = CO (mL/min) × CaO2 = CO [(Hb × SaO2 × 1.34) + (PaO2 × 0.0031)] 500–600 mL/min
 VO2 (mL/min)= 13.4[CO × Hb × (SaO2 − SvO2)] 200–250 mL/min
 O2ER (%) = 100[(VO2)/(DO2)] 25–30%
BSA indicates body surface area; CI, confidence interval; CO, cardiac output; CVP, central venous pressure; DO2, delivery of oxygen; Hb, hemoglobin; HR, heart rate; LVSWI,
left ventricular stroke work index; MAP, mean arterial pressure; MPAP, mean pulmonary arterial pressure; O2ER, oxygen extraction ratio; PCWP, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure;
PVRI, pulmonary vascular resistance index; RAP, right atrial pressure; RVEF, right ventricular ejection fraction; RVSWI, right ventricular stroke work index; SaO2 arterial oxygen
saturation; SVI, stroke volume index; SvO2, mixed venous saturation; SVR, systemic vascular resistance; SVRI, systemic vascular resistance index; VO2, oxygen consumption.
Reprinted with permission from Gidwani et al.24

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Gidwani and Goel Cardiology in Review  •  Volume 24, Number 1, January/February 2016

FIGURE 4.  The Stewart–Hamilton equation and the temperature change versus time graph applied to the Stewart–Hamilton
equation. Reprinted with permission from Gidwani et al.24

of the PAC, and the resulting change in the PA blood temperature is Swan–Ganz Catheter Monitoring
recorded by the thermistor at the catheter tip. As the cooler mixed
blood flows by the thermistor, the rate of change of temperature and Observe
a return back to body temperature are reflected in a temperature con- MAP—blood pressure/mean arterial pressure
centration curve (Fig. 4). The quicker the rate of change in blood RAP—central venous pressure/right atrial pressure
temperature, the greater the flow rate, and thus, the higher the car- MPAP—pulmonary artery pressure and mean pulmonary artery
diac output. Conversely, a slower rate of change in blood temperature pressure
indicates lower cardiac output.
In certain circumstances, cardiac output cannot be determined
accurately by the thermodilution technique. In patients with severe
tricuspid regurgitation and intracardiac shunts, prolonged indicator PCWP—inflate the balloon to obtain pulmonary capillary wedge
transit time and recycling of the indicator can cause overestimation pressure
or underestimation of cardiac output.30 Lower limb compression SvO2—aspirate pulmonary artery blood to obtain SvO2
devices, ubiquitous in the ICU, have even been shown to confound CO—obtain cardiac output by thermodilution via PAC
thermodilution cardiac output measurement.31 Low basal blood tem-
perature, for example, during therapeutic hypothermia, may also Derive
introduce error in measured cardiac output by the thermodilution
technique. Cardiovascular dynamics
Oxygen dynamics
Pulmonary Artery Data
A plethora of data can be obtained from the PAC (Table 1).24
Once the monitoring system is properly calibrated, zeroed to atmo- CLINICAL APPLICATIONS
sphere, and the transducer leveled to the phlebostatic axis, the central
venous pressure and PAP are displayed on the monitor. Typically, the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory
blood pressure and heart rate are also displayed. The next step is to Balloon floatation catheters are routinely used in cardiac cathe-
aspirate a blood sample from the PA port to obtain the SvO2, inflate terization laboratories for right heart catheterization to record intracar-
the balloon with 1.5 mL of air and measure the wedge pressure at diac pressures and cardiac output. Cardiac output is usually determined
end expiration, and inject 10 mL of normal saline in the RA port by thermodilution as described earlier. Cardiac output should also be
of the PAC to obtain cardiac output by thermodilution. With these determined by measuring oxygen consumption and arteriovenous oxy-
primary measurements at hand, one can populate various equations gen difference (Fick equation), especially in patients with severe tri-
as shown in Table 1 and obtain derived data. Figure 5 illustrates the cuspid regurgitation and intracardiac shunts.
determinants of SvO2 and the utility of monitoring SvO2, which is In the presence of a large left-to-right shunt, pulmonary blood
a less operator dependent variable and quite useful when waveform flow is higher than systemic flow, and cardiac output determined
analysis or thermodilution is in question. by thermodilution will overestimate the true cardiac output. In the

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Cardiology in Review  •  Volume 24, Number 1, January/February 2016 Pulmonary Artery Catheter in 2015

FIGURE 5.  Determinants of SvO2 with normal values. Note that when Hb, SaO2, and VO2 are constant, changes in SvO2 reflect
changes in cardiac output. Hb indicates hemoglobin; SaO2, arterial oxygen saturation; VO2, maximal oxygen consumption.

presence of a right-to-left shunt, pulmonary blood flow is lower than with the use of PACs.35,36 These studies provided useful knowledge
systemic flow, and cardiac output determined by thermodilution will in our understanding of the hemodynamic alterations, pathophysi-
underestimate the true systemic cardiac output. ologic changes, and rationale for management of patients with
acute MI.
Acute Coronary Syndromes Hemodynamic subsets and their clinical correlates in patients
When the PAC was first introduced, hemodynamic moni- with acute MI were useful for assessing severity of cardiac and
toring by right heart catheterization was routinely performed in hemodynamic compromise (Table 2).24 In subset I, cardiac output
patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS) in myocardial and PCWP are normal, and there are no signs of hypoperfusion or
infarction (MI) research units and in coronary care units. Numer- congestion. In subset II, cardiac output is normal, but PCWP is ele-
ous studies were performed seeking to identify such features as the vated. Clinically, there are signs of pulmonary congestion without
optimal left heart filling pressure,31 the best medical therapy for signs of hypo perfusion. In subset III, cardiac output is lower than
ACS by application of hemodynamic subsets,32,33 or the proper use normal, and PCWP is normal. Clinically, there are signs of hypoper-
and effects of diuretics in patients who were developing heart fail- fusion without signs of pulmonary congestion. In subset IV, cardiac
ure during ACS.34 The hemodynamic effects of various vasoactive output is reduced, and PCWP is elevated. Clinically, there are signs of
agents in acute MI were also studied by right heart catheterization hypoperfusion and of pulmonary congestion. Patients in cardiogenic

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Gidwani and Goel Cardiology in Review  •  Volume 24, Number 1, January/February 2016

TABLE 2.  Hemodynamic Subsets and Their Clinical Correlates

Subset Clinical Signs Cardiac Index (L/min/m2) PAWP (mm Hg) Hospital Mortality (%)
I PC No (dry) >2.2 <18 3
HYP No (warm)
II PC Yes (wet) >2.2 >18 9
HYP No (warm)
III PC No (dry) <2.2 <18 23
HYP Yes (cold)
IV PC Yes (wet) <2.2 >18 51
HYP Yes (cold)
HYP indicates peripheral hypo perfusion; PAWP, pulmonary arterial wedge pressure; PC, pulmonary congestion.
Reprinted with permission from Gidwani et al.24

shock fall under subset IV and are additionally hypotensive, with an Mechanical Complications of Acute Coronary
arterial pressure of 90 mm Hg or less. Syndromes
It should be noted that these hemodynamic studies were per- Acute mitral regurgitation and septal rupture are the 2 most
formed before the era of echocardiography and immediate revascu- striking mechanical complications of ACS. Acute mitral regurgita-
larization. With the advent of echocardiography, the need for invasive tion due to papillary muscle infarction or rupture is associated with
hemodynamic monitoring has markedly declined. For practical pur- a giant “V” wave in the PCWP tracing or a reflected “V” wave in the
poses, RV and LV filling pressures and cardiac output can be only PAP tracing (Fig. 7).24 Giant “V” waves are not diagnostic of acute
approximated by echo-Doppler studies.37 An analysis of data from the severe mitral regurgitation as they can be observed in ventricular
multinational Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events (GRACE) septal rupture and even in aortic and mitral stenosis. In these condi-
revealed that the rate of PAC was 3.0% in 2007 compared with 5.4% tions, the magnitude of normal “V” wave is accentuated if there is
in 2000.38 In the United States, this number dropped from 10.4% in increased volume return to the LA. However, the reflected “V” wave
2000 to 1.5% in 2007. Furthermore, it was observed that PAC is asso- in the PAP tracing is diagnostic of acute or subacute severe mitral
ciated with increased mortality and longer length of hospital stay.39 regurgitation. Of course, papillary muscle infarction or rupture can
Mortality at 30 days was substantially higher among patients with be easily diagnosed by echocardiography.
PAC for both unadjusted [odds ratio (OR), 8.7; 95% confidence inter- Ventricular septal rupture is usually associated with a large
val (CI), 7.3–10.2] and adjusted analyses (OR, 6.4; 95% CI, 5.4–7.6) left-to-right shunt. The characteristic hemodynamic feature is a large
in all groups except in patients with cardiogenic shock (OR, 0.99; stepup in O2 saturation in PA and RV blood samples compared with
95% CI, 0.80–1.23). that obtained from the RA (Fig. 8).24 Echocardiography, however,
Gore et al40 showed that in patients with heart failure secondary can be used not only for the diagnosis of the ventricular septal rup-
to acute MI, in-hospital mortality was 44.8% in those receiving PAC ture, but also to assess the magnitude of shunt. As such, PAC is not
versus 25.3% in those who did not. In patients with hypotension, the required nor recommended for the diagnosis of mechanical compli-
mortality was 48.3% in patients who received PAC versus 32.2% in cations of ACS.
patients who did not. In patients with cardiogenic shock complicating
ACS, however, there was no difference in mortality between patients Nonacute Coronary Syndromes
who received PAC (74.4%) and those who did not (79.1%). In the Hemodynamic monitoring with PACs is frequently employed
Global Use of Strategies to Open occluded coronary arteries (GUSTO) in ICUs for the management of patients with hypotension and shock
trial,41 the hazard ratio (HR) of 30-day mortality in patients without not due to ACS or valvular heart disease. The determination of PCWP
cardiogenic shock who received PAC was 4.80 (95% CI, 3.56–6.47) can distinguish between cardiogenic and noncardiogenic pulmonary
compared with those who did not. Yet, in patients with cardiogenic edema. Cardiogenic pulmonary edema is characterized by a PCWP
shock, there was no difference in the risk of mortality; the HR was of 25 mm Hg or greater. In patients with noncardiogenic pulmonary
0.99 (95% CI, 0.80–1.23). In a broad retrospective registry analysis of edema, the PCWP is normal.
5841 hospitalized patients with ACS, mortality was higher in patients Septic and hypovolemic shock are 2 common conditions for
who received PAC.42 The results of these studies suggest that there is which hemodynamic monitoring is frequently employed in ICUs.
no indication for routine PAC in patients with ACS, unless there is The determination of RAP, PCWP, cardiac output, and systemic vas-
concomitant cardiogenic shock or other complications. In this set- cular resistance allows differentiation between cardiogenic, hypovo-
ting, hemodynamic monitoring with PACs may be necessary to guide lemic, and septic shock.
appropriate therapy, particularly when vasoactive drugs are being used. In cardiogenic shock, RAP and PCWP are usually elevated,
but PCWP is higher than RAP. Cardiac output is reduced, systemic
Right Ventricular Myocardial Infarction vascular resistance is usually elevated, and systemic systolic blood
The diagnosis of RV MI can be established by characteristic pressure is low. In hypovolemic shock, both RAP and PCWP are
hemodynamic findings.43 RAP is elevated and is frequently equal to lower than normal, cardiac output and arterial pressure are reduced,
or higher than PCWP. In patients with severe RV dysfunction, RV and systemic vascular resistance is normal or elevated depending on
systolic pressure is not as elevated as in patients with precapillary the magnitude of hypotension and reduction of cardiac output. In
pulmonary hypertension (PH) due to the RV’s inability to generate septic shock, RAP and PCWP are normal before fluid therapy, car-
high pressure. However, the most distinctive feature of acute RV diac output is normal or higher than normal, and systemic vascular
infarction is a distorted PAP waveform (Fig. 6).24 Although a PAC is resistance is abnormally low.
not needed for diagnosis of acute RV infarct, hemodynamic monitor- However, in critically ill patients with septic or hypovolemic
ing may be helpful in patients with cardiogenic shock complicating shock, PAC has been associated with an increased risk of mortality
RV infarction. (OR of death was 1.24; 95% CI, 1.03–1.049).44

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Cardiology in Review  •  Volume 24, Number 1, January/February 2016 Pulmonary Artery Catheter in 2015

FIGURE 6.  Acute right ventricular infarct. Note that the PA waveform has a narrow pulse pressure because of decreased RVSV.
The RA, PA, and PCWP are difficult to differentiate. PA indicates pulmonary artery; PCWP, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure;
RA, right atrium; RVSV, right ventricular stroke volume. Reprinted with permission from Gidwani et al.24

In a randomized clinical trial performed in the United King- high-risk surgical patients in the perioperative period.51 In-hospital
dom, there was no difference in mortality, organ dysfunction, and mortality between the 2 groups was 7.7% and 7.8% in the standard
length of hospital stay between patients receiving PAC and patients care and catheterized groups, respectively. One-year survival was
who were not catheterized.45 In a multicenter study, 676 patients with also similar in both groups. Although morbidity, including complica-
noncardiogenic shock or acute lung injury or both were randomized tions such as MI, heart failure, and arrhythmias, was similar in the 2
to receive PAC or no catheterization. There was no difference in groups, the incidence of pulmonary embolism was higher in patients
30-day mortality between the 2 groups.46 who received PAC.
In a National Heart Lung and Blood Institute-sponsored ran- The need for perioperative and intraoperative hemodynamic
domized trial, 1001 patients were randomized to receive PAC or monitoring with PACs in cardiac surgical patients remains contro-
central venous catheter placement to assess the relative efficacy of versial. In a prospective observational multicenter study, the effects
PACs in decreasing mortality and morbidity of patients with acute of PAC were assessed in 5065 patients undergoing coronary artery
respiratory distress syndrome.47 In the PAC groups, a slightly higher bypass surgery.52 Some patients were monitored by transesopha-
percentage of patients were in shock and received vasopressors. geal echocardiography only, whereas other patients were monitored
However, there was no difference in hospital mortality, ICU length by PAC only. A third group received both transesophageal echocar-
of stay, and total hospital stays. There was a higher incidence of diography and PAC, and a fourth group received neither. Propensity
arrhythmias in the PAC group. Also, although hospital costs were score–matched pair analysis was used to statistically generate com-
similar in both groups, the long-term cost was higher in the PAC parisons and yielded 1273 matched pairs receiving PAC versus no
group, and there was a mean loss of 0.3 quality-adjusted life years in hemodynamic monitoring. The composite primary end point included
the PAC group48 Thus, PAC did not provide any advantage over the death from any cause, cerebral dysfunction (stroke or encephalopa-
use of central venous catheters in the management of patients with thy), renal dysfunction, cardiac dysfunction (MI or congestive heart
acute respiratory syndrome, and the routine use in this setting is not failure), or pulmonary dysfunction (acute respiratory distress syn-
recommended. drome). Secondary endpoints included the use of inotropic agents,
PAC was also studied in the management of high-risk surgical duration of intubation, and length of stay in ICUs. The primary end
patients. In the perioperative setting, optimizing oxygen delivery by point occurred in 21.3% of the 271 patients receiving a PAC and in
volume expansion therapy or hemodynamic manipulation with vaso- 15.4% of the 196 patients who did not receive PAC monitoring. The
active drugs guided by PAC monitoring was associated with reduced adjusted OR was 1.68 (95% CI, 1.24–2.26; P < 0.001). In patients
mortality and morbidity and improved prognosis in high-risk surgi- receiving a PAC, all-cause mortality was 3.5% compared with 1.7% in
cal patients.49,50 However, a randomized clinical trial of 1994 patients patients who did not receive PAC (adjusted OR, 2.08; CI, 1.11–3.88%,
(screened 3803 eligible patients) reported that there was no advan- P = 0.02). The incidence of cardiac, renal, and cerebral dysfunction,
tage of PAC compared with standard care for the management of as well as the use of inotropic drugs, duration of intubation, and length

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Gidwani and Goel Cardiology in Review  •  Volume 24, Number 1, January/February 2016

FIGURE. 7  Giant “v” waves from acute MR reflected on the PA and the wedge waveforms. MR indicates mitral regurgitation;
PA, pulmonary artery. Reprinted with permission from Gidwani et al.24

of stay in the ICU, was also higher in patients receiving PAC. The 25 mm Hg, cardiac index was less than 2.2 L/min/m2, LV stroke work
results of this study thus suggest that PAC was associated with adverse index was less than 45 gm/m2, and systemic vascular resistance was
events in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery. greater than 1800 dynes second cm−5 indicated poor prognosis.56,57 It
In another randomized trial, hemodynamic monitoring with should be appreciated that prognosis can also be assessed by history
PACs was compared with transpulmonary thermodilution (TTD) in and physical examination and evaluation of response to therapy.
patients undergoing combined valve repair surgery.53 Patients were ran- To determine whether PAC is helpful in improving clinical out-
domized in 2 equal groups of 40. In the PAC group, cardiac index, mean comes in patients hospitalized with severe chronic systolic heart failure,
arterial pressure, and PCWP were monitored during goal-directed ther- the Evaluation Study of Congestive Heart Failure and Pulmonary Artery
apy. In the TTD group, global end-diastolic volume index, extravascular Catheterization Effectiveness (ESCAPE) trial was performed.58 In this
lung water index, and oxygen delivery index were additionally moni- study, 433 patients were randomized to assess the effectiveness of ther-
tored. Hemodynamic improvement was greater in the TTD group, and apy guided by PAC or by clinical assessment. The primary end point was
duration of mechanical ventilation was longer in the PAC group. The days alive out of hospital within the first 6 months. The secondary end
results of this study suggest that TTD is better than PAC during goal- points were changes in quality of life, exercise tolerance, and biochemi-
directed therapy in patients undergoing combined valve repair surgery. cal and echocardiographic parameters. PAC use did not improve the pri-
It should be recognized that, in these studies, PAC was per- mary outcome. The number of days alive out of hospital in first 6 months
formed not for the diagnosis of hemodynamic abnormality but for were 133 days in the PAC group and 135 days in the clinical assessment
therapeutic guidance. This required prolonged catheterization, which group (HR, 1.00; 95% CI, 0.82–1.21; P = 0.99). Mortality in the PAC
may be associated with undesirable complications. group was 10% versus 9% in the clinical assessment group. In-hospital
complications were 21.9% in the PAC group and 11.5% in the clinical
Chronic Systolic Heart Failure assessment group (P = 0.04). These data suggest that the routine use of
In patients with severe chronic heart failure, PAC has been PACs does not improve the prognosis of patients with severe chronic
performed to determine the severity of hemodynamic abnormalities heart failure and may be associated with a higher complication rate.
to guide therapy and assess prognosis. In this context, clinical sub-
sets based on hemodynamic abnormalities have been established, and Pulmonary Hypertension
therapies specific to these subsets have also been developed.54,55 With The presence of PH can be suspected by physical examination
regards to prognosis, it has been reported that PCWP was greater than and heralded by the presence of a loud pulmonic component of the

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Cardiology in Review  •  Volume 24, Number 1, January/February 2016 Pulmonary Artery Catheter in 2015

FIGURE 8.  Acute ventricular septal defect. Note the stepup in O2 saturation in PA and RV blood samples compared with that
obtained from the RA. PA indicates pulmonary artery; RV, right ventricular. Reprinted with permission from Gidwani et al.24

second heart sound. The presence or absence of mitral and aortic After transplantation, hemodynamics are monitored by PAC
valve diseases and LV myocardial disease provides clues regarding placement as well. Transient RV failure after cardiac or pulmonary
whether PH is postcapillary, precapillary, or mixed. PH resulting transplantation therapy is common, and therapies are frequently
from intracardiac shunts can also be suspected by bedside physical guided by hemodynamic abnormalities determined by PAC.
examination. Echo-Doppler studies should be routinely performed in
all patients suspected of PH. However, right heart catheterization is
necessary not only for diagnostic confirmation, but also to establish COMPLICATIONS
the etiology and guide therapeutic approach.59,60 Although the incidence of serious complications during hemo-
A mean PAP at rest of greater than 25 mm Hg establishes the dynamic monitoring with PACs is low, complications related to the
diagnosis of PH. Postcapillary PH is defined when elevated PCWP is placement and prolonged indwelling catheter do occur and can be sig-
the principal mechanism for PH. In patients with postcapillary PH, nificant.61,62 Complications during insertion of PACs include inadver-
pulmonary vascular resistance is normal or only slightly elevated, tent puncture of the arteries, production of large hematomas, formation
and the difference between PA end-diastolic pressure and mean of pseudoaneurysms, and hemothorax or pneumothorax. The inci-
PCWP is 5 mm Hg or less. dence of inadvertent arterial puncture is approximately 3–9% and can
In patients with precapillary PH, PCWP is normal, pulmonary usually be stopped by compression of the artery. Injury of the thoracic
vascular resistance is markedly elevated, and the difference between duct may occur during attempts to cannulate the left internal jugular
the PA end-diastolic pressure and mean PCWP is significantly greater or left subclavian vein and can lead to the formation of a chylothorax.
than 5 mm Hg. The risk of catheter-related venous thrombosis can be up to 2% when
In patients with mixed-type PH, PCWP is elevated, and there subclavian veins are used, 8% when internal jugular veins are used, and
is also increased pulmonary vascular resistance. The difference 22% when femoral veins are used. These complications, however, are
between PA end-diastolic pressure and mean PCWP is greater than not unique to the use of PACs. Air embolism, a potentially fatal com-
5 mm Hg. plication in the presence of intracardiac shunts, occurs rarely.
During the hemodynamic evaluation of patients with PH, oxy- Although cardiac arrhythmias occur frequently during place-
gen saturations in the intracardiac chambers should be determined to ment of PACs, these arrhythmias are usually transient. Atrial and
exclude significant intracardiac shunts as well. The need and impor- ventricular premature beats, nonsustained atrial and ventricular
tance of PAC in the diagnosis and management of patients with PH tachycardia, and conduction anomalies can occur during place-
is apparent. ment.63,64 The incidence of arrhythmias ranges from 12.5% to 70%
during placement of PACs. The incidence of ventricular premature
Transplantation beats is between 52% and 68% and that of nonsustained ventricular
PAC is routinely performed for the evaluation of potential tachycardia is 1–53%. Sustained ventricular tachycardia or ventric-
heart transplant recipients. In addition to determining PAP, pulmo- ular fibrillation requiring direct current shocks occurs in less than
nary vascular resistance, and the severity of right and left heart fail- 1% of patients. In patients with preexisting left bundle branch block,
ure, the reversibility of pulmonary vascular resistance in response to complete heart block may be precipitated during insertion of PACs
pulmonary vasodilators is tested to determine whether heart or com- and pacing may be required.65 The incidence of transient right bundle
bined heart and lung transplantation is indicated. Patients on continu- branch block is less than 5% and is benign.
ous infusion of a single high-dose intravenous inotrope or multiple Traumatic injury of the tricuspid valve apparatus can also
intravenous inotropes, in addition to continuous hemodynamic moni- occur.66 Catheters can become entangled within the tricuspid valve
toring of LV filling pressures, are classified as status 1A priority for chordate, and severe tricuspid valve regurgitation can occur during
purposes of heart transplantation. removal of the entangled catheter.

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Gidwani and Goel Cardiology in Review  •  Volume 24, Number 1, January/February 2016

As with any other central venous catheter, bacteremia, sep- address this uncertainty by issuing a consensus statement,76 which
sis, and catheter site infection are potential complications as well. did little to address the confusion because there were no random-
The reported incidence of sepsis and bacteremia is between 1.3% ized controlled trials (RCTs) to base those recommendations on. The
and 2.3%. Because the tricuspid valve can be traumatized during first RCTs started appearing in 2002. In carefully controlled studies,
PAC placement, tricuspid valve endocarditis is a potentially serious the “routine” use of PACs in various populations—high-risk surgical
complication. The reported incidence of right-sided endocarditis is patients,51 shock and acute respiratory distress syndrome patients,46,47
between 2.2% and 7.1%. critically ill patients,45 and congestive heart failure patients58—did
PA rupture presents as sudden profuse hemoptysis and is not lead to improved outcomes. This led to a rapid and precipitous
almost always a fatal complication, but is rare, with a reported inci- decline in the use of PACs across all types of ICUs in the United
dence between 0.03% and 0.20%.67,68 The reported mortality is 70%, States.39,77 Of course, this raises questions about maintaining ongo-
and the risk factors are PA hypertension and old age. The forceful ing competence in procedural skills and implications for clinical care
overinflation of the balloon and keeping the balloon inflated for pro- and training of newer generations of cardiologists and intensivists.
longed periods of time are the most common causes of PA rupture. As the use of the PAC declined and its use was presumably
Rarely, PA dissection can be caused by the tip of the catheter and can more selective, a 2013 Cochrane review of 13 studies with a total of
progress to complete rupture. 5686 ICU patients showed that the use of a PAC did not alter the mor-
Knotting of pulmonary catheters is an uncommon complica- tality, general ICU or hospital length of stay, or cost for adult patients
tion, and the estimated incidence is 0.03%.69 When the PAP wave in the ICU. The quality of evidence was high for mortality and length
form cannot be obtained despite advancing the PAC beyond 60– of stay, but low for cost analysis. The authors made another impor-
70 cm, knotting of pulmonary catheter should be suspected. The use tant point—that newer, less-invasive hemodynamic monitoring tools
of fluoroscopy can reduce the risk of knotting. Catheter techniques need to be validated against PAC before clinical use in critically ill
for unknotting exist, though occasionally, extraction by venotomy is patients.78
required.62 The fact is that the PAC, which is essentially a diagnostic tool,
has been judged by clinical outcomes—standards that are meant to
CONTROVERSY SURROUNDING THE PULMONARY determine the efficacy of therapeutics. Indeed, few other diagnos-
ARTERY CATHETER tic tools have been subject to such rigorous and perhaps misdirected
There was tremendous enthusiasm following the introduction scrutiny.
of the PAC, a technology that seemed to make it easy to estimate Although PACs are invasive, rendering them more prone to
right and left heart filling pressures and rapidly measure response to complications, both observed and unseen, they are diagnostic tools at
therapeutic interventions. Suddenly, it seemed that cardiopulmonary best, and when considered in that context, they provide data that are
physiology could be studied without cumbersome technology and not easily obtained by other means. As early as 1990, Iberti et al79 at
many physician-scientists spent the good part of a decade exploring Mount Sinai had shown that there was a significant deficit in physi-
their favorite ideas. For instance, Cohn, an early surgical intensivist, cian’s knowledge and understanding of PAC data. For example, only
used the PAC to develop an “automated physiologic profile” to moni- 59.5% of attending physicians could correctly identify the PCWP
tor hemodynamics, oxygen consumption, and tissue utilization data waveform. One cannot condemn chest X-rays or electrocardiograms
in perioperative patients.70 Del Guercio, one of the 2 surgeons who as deficient if expert interpretation of these tests is lacking. In the
cofounded the Society for Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) and its scenario of clinical ambiguity for a pathophysiologically complex
sixth president, used the “automated physiologic profile” to reduce and critically ill patient, the clinician must employ first the necessary
operative mortality in elderly patients, employing a variety of inter- tools to garner information and then to use this information to make
ventions.71 Shoemaker, the third president of the SCCM, and others an informed decision. To attribute clinical outcomes to a diagnostic
investigated whether “supranormal” oxygen delivery improved out- decision in this setting is not warranted. Certainly, indiscriminate use
comes in high-risk surgical patients.49,50 As discussed in the previous of any invasive test in the wrong setting is undesirable and may pose
section, Forrester et al32,33 used the PAC in acute MI for prognos- unnecessary risk. Clearly, “routine PAC” lacks fundamental ground-
tic and therapeutic purposes. The ability to easily generate reams of ing in that no diagnostic test should be performed “routinely” with-
seemingly meaningful physiologic data was all too alluring for many out an appropriate context—not even a simple venous blood sample.
intensivists to resist. Before long, the use of the PAC had become With respect to risk, even when used in the appropriate popu-
“routine” in all kinds of ICUs—cardiac, surgical and medical. The lation, clinicians should ensure that catheters are placed, used, and
rapidity of adoption of this technology was like few seen before. maintained optimally, and that known pitfalls are avoided to mini-
Indeed, Marino72 remarked “The PAC is not just important for the mize the risk. Avoidance of pitfalls includes not only PAC specific
specialty of critical care, it is responsible for the specialty of critical factors, but also increasing reliance on operator-independent data
care.” points such as the mixed SvO2 or laboratory markers of organ perfu-
Soon, there was an explosion of anecdotal data reporting sion. Prompt removal of PACs after procurement of data also limits
improved outcomes, no difference at all, and worse outcomes in a risk by minimizing the duration of invasive exposure. Additionally,
variety of patient populations in uncontrolled settings. In 1996, expertise in obtaining and interpreting the waveforms and a firm
Connors et al44 reported that the use of a PAC in 5735 critically ill fundamental understanding of the data derived will allow clinicians
patients was associated with an apparent lack of benefit and led to to make the most of data garnered after PAC placement. Even an
increased mortality and increased utilization of resources. The inevi- uncomplicated catheter placement is rendered useless if data gather-
table backlash followed, and at times, it was shrill. Editorials with ing or interpretation is faulty.
titles such as “Death by pulmonary artery flow-directed catheter,”73 With respect to a multitude of less-invasive hemodynamic
“Swan song for the Swan–Ganz catheter?”74 and “Is it time to pull tools, the PAC has been used in many more patients and clinical
the pulmonary artery catheter?”75 appeared in leading journals. scenarios and subjected to more RCTs than any of these tools. The
They were prompted largely by uncontrolled studies that suggested plethora of existing data suggesting that routine PAC in ICUs is not
that mortality, the length of intensive care, and hospital costs were beneficial is likely multifactorial—poor patient selection, inability
greater when a PAC was used in a variety of clinical settings in vari- to identify and interpret data, untoward invasive risk, and the lack
ous heterogeneous patient populations. In 1997, the SCCM tried to of effective therapies for the condition studied. As Richard et al46

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Cardiology in Review  •  Volume 24, Number 1, January/February 2016 Pulmonary Artery Catheter in 2015

TABLE 3.  Indications for Pulmonary Artery Catheterization in Current Practice

Not indicated as routine in high-risk cardiac and noncardiac patients
Indicated in patients with cardiogenic shock during supportive therapy
Indicated in patients with discordant right and left ventricular failure
Indicated in patients with severe chronic heart failure requiring inotropic, vasopressor, and vasodilator therapy
Indicated in patients with suspected “pseudosepsis” (high cardiac output, low systemic vascular resistance, elevated right atrial and pulmonary capillary wedge
Indicated in some patients with potentially reversible systolic heart failure such as fulminant myocarditis and peripartum cardiomyopathy
Indicated for the hemodynamic differential diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension
Indicated to assess response to therapy in patients with precapillary and mixed types of pulmonary hypertension
Indicated for the transplantation workup
Reprinted with permission from Gidwani et al.24

correctly observed “Even if the purpose of monitoring with PAC is but none have been subjected to as much clinical use and scrutiny.
ultimately to save lives, it would be unrealistic to believe that the It is paramount that the user be intimately familiar with the pitfalls
prognosis of patients could be improved by its presence alone.” and complications, the danger of misinterpretation, and the potential
A reasonable approach to the selective use of the PAC would complications of this device. More importantly, thoughtful patient
be to: selection and application of basic cardiologic principles can mitigate
any possible harm and maximize utility.
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