Lesson Plan Wichita State University Teacher Apprentice Program

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Wichita State University

Teacher Apprentice Program

Name: Breanna Cox School: Lawrence Elementary

Class Size: Whole Class Grade Level: 1st

Subject: ELA Lesson Topic: The Bad Seed (Book)

Lesson Length: 25-30 minutes Lesson Source: State Curriculum

Internship Instructor: Sue Rippe Success Coach: Andrea Barry


(Write standard(s) in correct format here)

Make meaning of increasingly complex literary print and nonprint
KCCR Standard(s) Content Area #1: RL. 1.1 texts and provide text details to explain interpretations and thinking.

KCCR Standard(s)
(Write standard(s) in correct format here)
Content Area #2
(Write an objective in ABCD format for each listed standard using an
action verb that can be measured)

Lesson Objective
Given a book, TSW be able to read it and recall important details
from the story with 80% accuracy.

The students will listen to a read-aloud of The Bad Seed and then will
talk to a partner about what happened in the story and important
details. After talking to a partner, we will discuss the story as a class.
We will be recalling important details such as characters, events and
why they happened, and the setting.

Assessment & Criteria

Students will be evaluated over this objective by playing a Kahoot as
a quiz over the story. The quiz will count for a participation grade but
will tell me which students need a little bit more instruction.

The Kahoot will not count for a grade based on how they performed
so the assessment will be informal.

First-grade sight words: the, and been, still, there, have, this, want,
feel, just.
Content Vocabulary
Other vocabulary words: setting, character, events, time, and place.


● The Bad Seed

Preparation for Lesson
● Students will need personal devices, and I will need a smartboard
and computer myself.


● Kahoot with pictures from The Bad Seed

Universal Design (List tools or strategies for scaffolding, modifying, and/or extending
instruction to meet the needs of ALL students in the classroom)
If I have a friend that needs more assistance with technology, I will
modify how they respond. They can just shout out the answer if they
struggle to use the iPad. If I have friends that are more advanced, I
can have them also help assist my friend or friends that need help.
(List Bloom’s thinking level(s), use of problem-solving/inquiry,
parental involvement, or safety issues to address as needed).

The levels being used are remembering, understanding, and applying.

The students will recall what has happened from the story. The
Lesson Considerations students will also comprehend pictures from the story in the Kahoot.
The students will apply their knowledge of the story by taking the
Kahoot and answering the questions.


Write out detailed lesson procedures and activities. Be sure to include questions you will ask during the lesson and the expected student
responses. Your plan should be detailed enough for another teacher or a substitute to teach it without having to ask you any questions.
Numbering and bullets are permissible and encouraged.
 All students need to have their iPads and the teacher will need the book Bad Seed, a laptop and smartboard, and Kahoot game
ready. Also, the students will need to have access to the Kahoot.
 Start by reading the book. After reading the book, the students discuss what happened in the book and the things that stood out
to them. Give them about 5-10 minutes to discuss.
 After they have discussed with a partner, ask the students to share what they have discussed with their partners and have a class
discussion on the book and important details that will be in the kahoot. Start with simple recalling questions such as, “How did
the bad seed try to be better?”
 After the class discussion is done, ask students to go get their iPads. Let them know not to do anything with their iPads just yet.
Have them set them on their desks and give a thumbs up when they are ready.
 Once they are all ready, have the students log in to Kahoot. Several students may need assistance with logging in. Other friends
can help the friends who need some more help. The Kahoot code should be up on the smartboard so everyone can see it.
 Once everyone is logged in, start the Kahoot game. After each question go over the correct answer and how it pertains to the
 If there are students that are more advanced, they may be allowed to help any students that may need some assistance.
 After the Kahoot game is finished, have the students put away their iPads and listen for the next set of instructions.

(In this section, describe what has been done

in the day(s) prior to this lesson. What do
students already know? What ideas will you
be building on? Why are you teaching this
lesson? Cite data, collaboration with the
classroom teacher, or other ways you have
Prior Lesson(s)
deemed this lesson appropriate. Describe in
detail.) Days prior to this lesson, we will
read the same book to discuss the title,
setting, characters, author, and what the story
is about. As well as practicing using their
iPads and playing Kahoots.

Beginning (est. time) 1.(Engaging the Learning Focus (ELF):

Identify the way you will activate students’
(Engage) prior knowledge and engage them in the
lesson content. This is where you “hook”
their interest in the lesson.) I will activate my
students’ prior knowledge through the
Kahoot, everyone will get a prize for
playing, but the top three at the end will get
something extra.

2.(Examples: a review from a previous

lesson, a question for them to ponder and
discuss, a video to engage the students in the
upcoming learning, a picture of a historical
event, etc.)

I would ask my students a question like,

“What do you think a Bad Seed is?”
3.(State purpose for lesson and establish
relevancy--why do they need to know this?
Remember to use student-friendly language
to communicate this.)
We will be using this story to help with
expanding our knowledge of text details and
explaining interpretations.

4.(Include transitions and procedures when

Transitioning from the story to get iPads,
done with a voice level 0 and the only
movement is from their desks to get their
iPads and back to their desks.
1.(Describe in detail, step-by-step, how you
will deliver content to students: I DO)
I will read the story to the students asking
questions when necessary. I will also
provide transition prompts when needed. I
will put Kahoot on the smartboard and
discuss the answers with the students.

2.(Identify what activity students will do to

explore and engage with the content: WE
Students will listen to the story and answer
questions when necessary. We will discuss
the story and details as a class. We will also
take the Kahoot as a class and discuss the
different answers.
(est. time) 3.(Examples: lecture/notes, discussion
(Explain/Explore) structures, simulations, close reads, primary
source analysis, games, activities, etc.)

4.(Include discussion questions and expected

student responses)
“What are some things that the bad seed
did that were bad?”
Lying, being late, and not putting things back
where they belong.
“What event made the bad seed bad?”
Being spit out of someone’s mouth.
“What is the big decision that the bad seed
made recently?”
He doesn’t want to be a bad seed anymore

5.(Include transitions when appropriate)

1.(Identify the assessment you will have

students do to show they have achieved the
objective: YOU DO)
The students will participate in a Kahoot
over the story answering questions to help
expand their knowledge of text details and
End explain interpretations.
(est. time)
(Extend/Evaluate) 2.(Examples: exit tickets, letters, essays,
journal prompts, speech, poster, meme,
tweet, summary, report, poem, etc.)

3.(Include transitions when appropriate)

Next Lesson (In this section, describe in detail what

students will logically learn next. How did
this lesson lay a foundation for the next day?
What skill or content would make sense to
teach next? What data do you have that
shows how students performed in this lesson
that will determine what your next lesson
will be?)
For the next lesson the students will read
the story on their own. After reading the
story on their own they will discuss some
questions with a partner about the story.
They will discuss things like, identifying
characteristics of the main character, what
could and couldn’t happen in real life,
differentiate between fact and opinion, and
identify an action of the main character’s
that would be similar to something that
they would do. An activity for this lesson
could be having an empty seed printed out
and having them decorate it as themselves.

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