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Your Honour,

With your permission, let me put the facts in issue:

1. Krishnakanth & Srivalli are married in 2010 and have been living together for
nearly 12 years.

2. They are blessed with a boy 8 years & a girl child 5 years

3. In 2018, my client left his job and entered Real Estate as there is boom in and
around kukatpally and doing good,

3. 2019 - covid-19 had badly hit all facets of life. Everything has come to a grinding
halt. Unfortunately, my client's business stopped. Problem cropped up here, your

4. My client's wife Mrs.Srivalli instead of supporting morally started questioning. As

my client is very soft and thinks positively, he was convincing her.

5. Unable to answer and convince time and again, my client started recording
whenever his wife started arguing with him. This is the evidence - Exhibit 1

6. Shocking behaviour is that, on one day she left with her son to her parent's house
without any information to my client

7. The old man is also shocked with her behaviour and sudden burden of overhead

8. At this need of the hour, under matrimony alliance, one should be cooperative with
the other life partner and withstand any odds in our life. This is what Manu dharma
shastra also speaks about relationship.

9. Quite contrary to this, the behaviour of the entire family of my client's wife is

10. In a family function, it is she who has insulted my client's mother, thereby the
creditworthiness and social status of my client's family has gone to dogs.

11. Added to her arrogance, she went to my client's parents house and forcibly took
her daughter. This is another backdrop in their family circles and society.
12. Your honour, please observe the series of incidents where my client has no role at

13. At this point of time, my client went to in-laws house and had a heated argument.
After all, he is a father of those kids, on whom she wants to take complete control.

14. Your honour, the very purpose of marital life is getting defeated.

15. Regretting the incident, my client kept quiet and left the issue for the time to
decide, as time is the best healer for all problems.

16. As he got mentally stressed and unable to lead life without family, he got addicted
to liquor.

17. Rama Rao, FIL of my client is already disturbed at the behaviour of his daughter
and has developed health issues. As Rama Rao's health condition was not so well,
over & above, the gentleman, being the senior citizen, is facing unwanted issues in
his life. Before coming to the market, the old man would have had arguments with
his daughter and his BP would have raised.

18. On a sunny day, my client and his FIL happen to come across each other in a busy
market and suddenly started abusing and there was chaos. Rama Rao slapped my
client and belittled him stating that he would kill him. My client was already
intoxicated and was under utter confusion about the sudden happening.

19. To defend himself, my client has picked up a stick (not a rod or any block) and hit
him on the stomach. The eye witness also says that the quarrel started with the
first slap by the gentleman only, your honour.

20. It was not done intentionally and he was already intoxicated, he lost his mental
balance, your honour.

21. It was unfortunate that the gentleman collapsed.

22. Under these circumstances, the Hon'ble Court may show a lenient view on my
client's behaviour as he is ready to live together and take care of his children.

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