Lesson Plan 2

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Lesson Plan Template

Name(s): İlkim Beyza Saka
Ayşe Öykü Gündüz
Buse Karakaş
Unit Title
Inspirational Figures
Grade Level
9th Grade
2 Lesson Hours (1.5 hours)
Learning Outcomes [ASSURE (State Objectives)]
In the first hour : When grouped together, 9th grade students will be able to discuss all 4 of the inspirational
people they have studied.
In the second hour : When asked, 9th grade students will be able to explain at least 4 characteristics of the
person that inspires them the most.
Instructional Materials & Media [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]
Four different kinds of written handouts will be given to specific groups of students.
An animated video prepared by the teacher showcasing different dialogues including expressing opinions will
be presented in class.
Learning-Teaching Methods [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]
Cooperative learning strategies and Presentation will be used.
Teaching Activities [ASSURE (Utilize Technology, Media, and Materials and Require Learner Participation)]
Students will be divided into 4 groups and each group will receive a handout about a famous inspirational
person. Students will be asked to read and understand the text individually, to check the vocabulary items and
to answer the questions given in the back according to the text. After this individual study session, new
4-membered groups will be created by the teacher, with each member having studied a different text. All
members will inform each other regarding the person they studied and in the end, thanks to their collective
knowledge, all 4 members will know about all 4 of the inspirational people.
Students will be shown an animated video including dialogues between people expressing their opinions. They
will be asked to note down phrases that can be used to express opinions while watching. Then, their answers,
other phrases suggested by students and common ones not included in the video will be added on the board.

Individual Learning Activities Students will be given a text to read and answer
questions about.
Students will try to find phrases used to express
opinions while watching an animated video.
Group Learning Activities Students will talk about their respective readings in
groups of 4.
Students will choose someone that inspires them and
explain in a group of 3 why they have chosen that
person and what makes them inspirational. They will
express their opinions about each other’s ideas using
the phrases covered in the lesson.

In this lesson, students will take the knowledge they gained the previous lesson about personal characteristics
to the next level by practicing them with the Jigsaw activity provided. Then, they will learn how to express their
opinions using common phrases.
Measurement & Evaluation

Measurement & Assessment Activities for Students will receive feedback from their peers in the
Individual Performance Jigsaw activity regarding their understanding of the text.
Students will receive feedback from the teacher as they
raise their hands to say their guesses.
Measurement & Assessment Activities for Students will be asked to write a short paragraph about
Group Performance what they learnt at the Jigsaw activity as homework.
Students will be asked to write 4 traits they decided in
group discussions as homework.
Homework (optional) Students will choose their favorite out of the 4 inspirational
people discussed in the first hour and write a short
paragraph about them and what makes them special and
upload their answer on Google Forms.
Students will write 4 traits of their hero in the Google
Forms link provided.

Explanation regarding to the implementation of the plan

If a student has trouble understanding a text, the teacher will accompany them throughout the individual study
and they will go over the text together. If there is any problem opening the video material, the teacher will
write made-up dialogues on the board and continue from there.

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