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Fecha máxima de entrega del MARZO 19 DE 2021

trabajo individual (por parte del estudiante)

ESTÁNDAR DE COMPETENCIA: Escribo narraciones sobre experiencias personales y

hechos a mi alrededor.

DESEMPEÑO: Escribe narraciones sobre experiencias personales y hechos cotidianos.

CONTEXTUALIZACIÓN: 1. Vamos a repasar un poco sobre el I´m going to, I would like
to…(me gustaría),I´m interested in…(Estoy interesado en), I´m concerned about…(estoy
preocupado acerca), I´m Good at…(Soy Bueno en), I live in…(Vivo en), I like…(me gusta),
con todas estas frases podremos interactuar de manera eficiente.

Name: andres I’m concerned

Age: 16 about ... My grades
I like music
m yhe dmusic

I live in fusagasuga Interests

I’m interested in learning

Skills and Talents Dreams

I’m good at drawing I would like to de an
e ngineer

2. What questions:
What + auxiliary + subject + verb
What do you do to save energy?
What can you do to save energy?

What do you do to save water?
- I collect rainwater to clean at home
How much time do you spend in the shower?
- five minutes
How often do you walk to school?
- I always walk to school
How many tons of rubbish do we produce every year?
- 2,010 million tons of solid waste are produced each year in the world
How many trees can we save with a ton of recycled paper?
- one ton of recycled paper saves the lives of 17 adult trees

PARTE DOS: Entregable del estudiante

Querido estudiante no olvide diligenciar los siguientes campos para ser devuelto al
Nombre del Docente:
Nombres y apellidos del estudiante:
Curso: Jornada:
Teléfono de contacto estudiante:

TRABAJO INDIVIDUAL: 1. Escriba y complete los ejemplos de la contextualización 1.

Name: andres I’m concerned
Age: 16 about ... My grades
I like music
m yhe dmusic

I live in fusagasuga Interests

I’m interested in learning

Skills and Talents Dreams

I’m good at drawing I would like to de an
e ngineer

2. Escriba y responda las preguntas de la contextualización 2.

What do you do to save water?

- I collect rainwater to clean at home
How much time do you spend in the shower?
- five minutes
How often do you walk to school?
- I always walk to school
How many tons of rubbish do we produce every year?
- 2,010 million tons of solid waste are produced each year in the world
How many trees can we save with a ton of recycled paper?
- one ton of recycled paper saves the lives of 17 adult trees

3.Create a PowerPoint presentation or poster to introduce the presentation of each

member of the family. You can use the expressions : “I´m going to introduce myself, I
would like to start by talking about my talents/ my interests are…
3. Cree una presentación en PowerPoint o un póster para presentar la presentación de cada
miembro de la familia. Puedes usar las expresiones: “Me voy a presentar, me gustaría
empezar hablando de mis talentos / mis intereses son…

4. Read the text from an eco-magazine. Put the sentences (1–3) in the correct place (A, B,
or C) in the text.
1. According to the WWF (the Worldwide Fund for Nature), human activity has
destroyed 50% of the world’s forests.
2. Our lifestyle is responsible for most environmental problems.
3. In an ecosytem, everything has a specific role to play: if something does not work,
it will create imbalance in other parts of the ecosystem.

The Interconnectedness of Life

Everything is connected. There is a symbiotic relationship between all living things. One
good example of this relationship is ecosystems. These are communities of living
organisms that share the benefits of their habitat. They get air, water, and food.
(A) … Our planet is an ecosystem, made up of many other small ecosystems. 3 In an
ecosytem, everything has a specific role to play: if something does not work, it will
create imbalance in other parts of the ecosystem.
But human actions have transformed the Earth. Too much CO2 in the atmosphere is
changing the climate of the planet.
This change creates other conditions that affect ecosystems.
(B) We create pollution. We build roads, kill animals, cut down trees, pollute the soil, air
and water, and consume resources without thinking of the effects. Forests are necessary to
purify the air. 1 According to the WWF (the Worldwide Fund for Nature), human
activity has destroyed 50% of the world’s forests.
Trees absorb CO2 and release oxygen. They also maintain the water cycle by releasing
water vapour into the atmosphere. The forests are the habitat of many organisms and
animals. They provide food and water. Clearly, deforestation is our biggest problem.
(C)…2 Our lifestyle is responsible for most environmental problems A healthy
ecosystem allows many different species to live together. This is biodiversity, and it is
sustainable when it is capable of providing the necessary conditons for all species to live
and reproduce.

5. Match the definitions with the following words: ecosystem, symbiotic, CO2, habitat,
deforestation, biodiversity, sustainable.
A. The natural environment where species live.
B. Connected and interdependent. ____________ ecosystem_____________
C. Cutting down large numbers of trees. ____ deforestation______________
D. Communities of living organisms sharing mutual needs and benefits.
____ simbiótico_______
E. Capable of supporting itself. ____________ sustainable____________
F. A variety of different species living in the same space. ____
G. A gas that is present in the atmosphere. ___________CO2______________

6. Put the words in the correct order to complete the questions.

You: big / is / how / your / eco-footprint?
Leidy: According to the test it’s very big.
You: you / can / what / do / to reduce it?
Leidy: Well, I can save water and energy.
You: reduce / you / can / how / your consumption of water?
Leidy: I can stop taking long showers.
You: OK. It’s also important to reduce waste. you / what / do / do to reduce waste?
Leidy: Well, I need to stop buying so much packaged food.
You: Really? often / how / you / do / buy packaged food?
Leidy: Well, every day.
7. Label each picture with the questions. Then complete the answers with expressions from
the box.

How can I save water?

What can I do to reduce waste?
What can I do with my old tyres?
How can I reduce my carbon footprint?

save water- throwing away- using a private

car turn off the tap- reduce waste- recycle old

1._________________________ 3.________________________

It’s easy to a._________________________. For It’s time to d. .____ You can compost
example, when you’re brushing peelings and leftover food. Stop your teeth, you
can b.________________________. e. ________________everything.

2. __________________________________ 4._________________________________

Start riding your bike. Stop It’s easy to f.__________________.

c._____________________. Then you can help You can make them into a nice
reduce carbon emissions. planter for your garden.

8. Elija 5 aspectos en Inglés que usted considere que la docente le debe tener en
cuenta para su nota de autoevaluación del primer período y escriba la nota total

Esta guía 3 de Inglés es la última del primer período. Se le invita a participar de las
actividades que se propongan realizar durante el mismo desde el área.
Recuerde tener paciencia en el momento de requerir una respuesta por alguna inquietud
que tenga, son muchos los estudiantes atendidos a través del medio virtual y hay que dar
respuestas individuales.
No olvide que son tiempos en los que debemos colaborarnos mutuamente para sacar
adelante un nuevo año. Seamos empáticos.
Valoración obtenida ____________
Recomendaciones u observaciones:

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