Characterization of Different Starches Oxidized by

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Starch/Stärke 53 (2001) 211–218 211

Daris Kuakpetoon, Characterization of Different Starches Oxidized by

Ya-Jane Wang
Department of Food The effects of starch origin (potato, corn, and rice starches) and hypochlorite level
Science, University of (NaOCl, 0 .8% and 2% w/w) on the structures and physicochemical properties of oxi-
Arkansas, Fayetteville, dized starches were investigated. Carboxyl and carbonyl group contents of oxidized
U.S.A. starches increased with increasing NaOCl level, with potato starch having the highest
and corn starch having the lowest carboxyl groups content at both NaOCl levels. Oxi-
dation generally reduced the pasting temperature and viscosity of native starches as
demonstrated by using a Rapid Visco Analyser. The peak viscosities of oxidized rice
and corn starches were higher than those of their native counterparts at 0.8% NaOCl.
The morphology of starches was not altered and X-ray diffraction patterns of all the
starches remained unchanged after oxidation. Oxidized starch batters exhibited
greater adhesions than did native starch batters, with rice starch batter exhibiting the
greatest adhesion. Carbohydrate profiles by high-performance size-exclusion chro-
matography indicated that both amylopectin and amylose were degraded during oxi-
dation. The level of oxidation was largely dependent on the degree of crystallinity of
starch and the degree of polymerization of amylose, whereas the adhesion property of
oxidized starch was mainly attributed to its granular size and shape.

Keywords: Oxidized starch; Hypochlorite; Carboxyl groups; Carbonyl groups; Adhe-


1 Introduction indicate the level of oxidation, which takes place primarily

at the hydroxyl groups of C-2, C-3, and C-6 positions [5].
Oxidized starch is widely used in industries such as pa-
per, textile, laundry finishing, building material, and food The factors affecting hypochlorite oxidation include pH,
industries to provide surface sizing and coating property temperature, hypochlorite concentration, starch molecu-
[1]. Although the main outlets for oxidized starch are in the lar structure, and starch origin [5]. The effects of starch
paper and textile industries, its applications in the food molecular structure and starch origin on oxidation are still
industry is increasing because of its low viscosity, high not well understood despite previous studies [7–11]. One

Research Paper
stability, clarity, film forming and binding properties. Oxi- study showed that rice starch consumed more hypochlo-
dized starch has been applied in foods as coating and rite but had a lower carboxyl group content and a higher
sealing agents in confectionery, as emulsifier [2], as apparent viscosity compared with corn starch in
dough conditioner for bread [3], as gum arabic replacer hypochlorite-oxidized reactions, possibly because of their
[4], and as binding agent in batter application. differences in physical and molecular structure [12].

Oxidized starch is produced by reacting starch with a This study was designed to investigate the effect of starch
specified amount of oxidizing reagent under controlled origin and hypochlorite concentration on the physico-
temperature and pH [5]. Many oxidizing reagents such as chemical properties of starch. It was studied how the dif-
periodate, chromic acid, permanganate, nitrogen dioxide, ferences in granular size, shape and molecular structure
and sodium hypochlorite have been used for oxidizing among rice, corn, and potato starches affected the be-
starch [6]. Among them sodium hypochlorite is the oldest haviors of hypochlorite-oxidized starch.
and most popular commercial oxidant [6]. Hydroxyl
groups on starch molecules are first oxidized to carbonyl 2 Materials and Methods
groups and then to carboxyl groups. Therefore, the num-
bers of carboxyl and carbonyl groups on oxidized starch 2.1 Materials
Three commercial starches were used in this study. Na-
tive unmodified corn starch (C*Gel), rice starch (REMY
Correspondence: Ya-Jane Wang, Department of Food Science,
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72704, U.S.A. Phone:
DR), and potato starch were obtained from Cerestar USA
+1-501-575-3871; Fax: +1-501-575-6936; e-mail: yjwang@ (Hammond, IN, USA), A&B Ingredients, Inc. (Fairfield, NJ,, USA), and Avebe America Inc. (Princeton, NJ, USA), re-

© WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, 69451 Weinheim, 2001 0038-9056/2001/0505-0211 $17.50+.50/0

212 Kuakpetoon, Wang Starch/Stärke 53 (2001) 211–218

spectively. The moisture and crude protein contents of Percentage of carboxyl content =
starches were determined according to AACC Methods [milliequivalents of acidity/100 g starch] × 0.045
44-15A, and 46–13 [13], respectively. Sodium hypochlo-
rite containing 6% active chlorine was purchased from J. 2.4 Carbonyl group content analysis
T. Baker Chemical Co. (Phillipsburg, NJ, USA). All chem-
icals were ACS grade. The carbonyl group content was determined by following
the titrimetric method of Smith [15]. Four grams of a
starch sample was suspended in 100 mL distilled water in
2.2 Oxidation a 500-mL flask. The suspension was gelatinized in a boil-
The oxidation procedure was modified after the method of ing water bath for 20 min, cooled to 40 °C, adjusted to pH
Autio et al. [14]. A 40% starch slurry was prepared by 3.2 with 0.1 N HCl, and 15 mL of hydroxylamine reagent
adding deionized water to 450 g starch (dry basis, db) to a was added. The flask was stoppered and placed in a
final weight of 1,125 g in a 2-L reaction vessel equipped 40 °C water bath for 4 h with slow stirring. The excess hy-
with a heating mantle. The starch slurry was maintained droxylamine was determined by rapidly titrating the reac-
at 35 °C by occasionally turning off the mantle heating tion mixture to pH 3.2 with standardized 0.1 N HCl. A
power and the pH was adjusted to 9.5 with 2 N NaOH. blank determination with only hydroxylamine reagent was
Sodium hypochlorite, 60 g (0.8 g Cl/100 g starch, 0.8% performed in the same manner. The hydroxylamine
w/w) or 150 g (2 g Cl/100 g starch, 2% w/w), was slowly reagent was prepared by first dissolving 25 g hydroxyl-
added in the starch slurry in 30 min while maintaining the amine hydrochloride in 100 mL of 0.5 N NaOH before the
pH at 9.5 with 2 N H2SO4. After the addition of NaOCl, the final volume was adjusted to 500 mL with distilled water.
pH of the slurry was maintained at 9.5 with 2 N NaOH for Carbonyl group content was calculated as follows:
an additional 50 min. The slurry was then adjusted to pH
Percentage of carbonyl content =
7.0 with 2 N H2SO4, filtered through suction (Whatman fil-
ter #4), washed with deionized water and dried in an oven [(Blank-Sample) mL × Acid normality × 0.028 × 100]/
at 40 °C for 48 h. In order to prevent rice starch from Sample weight (dry basis) in g
swelling, Na2SO4 (35%, dry starch basis) was added to
the rice starch slurry before the reaction. This variation 2.5 Pasting properties of starches
was based on preliminary results. Oxidized rice starch
slurry was centrifuged (15 min at 9,800 × g)) because of The pasting properties of native and oxidized starches
the difficulty in filtration, and the top yellowish layer was (10%, w/w) were determined according to the AACC
discarded. method 61-02 [13] with a Rapid Visco Analyser (RVA-4
Series, Newport Scientific Pty, Ltd, Warriewood, NSW,
2.3 Carboxyl group content analysis
The carboxyl group content of oxidized starch was deter- 2.6 Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
mined according to the modified procedure of Chatto-
The scanning electron micrographs were taken with a
padhyay et al. [4]. About 2 g of a starch sample was mixed
Hitachi S-2300 scanning electron microscope (Tokyo,
with 25 mL of 0.1 N HCI, and the slurry was stirred occa-
Japan) at an accelerating voltage of 25 kV. Starch gran-
sionally for 30 min with a magnetic stirrer. The slurry was
ules were sprinkled onto double-backed cellophane tape
then vacuum filtered through a 150-mL medium porosity
attached to a stub before coating with gold-palladium.
fritted glass funnel and washed with 400 mL of distilled
water. The starch cake was then carefully transferred to a
500-mL beaker, and the volume was adjusted to 300 mL 2.7 Adhesion of starch batter
with distilled water. The starch slurry was heated in a boil-
The adhesive property of starch batter was determined by
ing water bath with continuous stirring for 15 min to en-
using a TA.XT2i Texture Analyzer (Texture Technologies,
sure complete gelatinization. The hot starch dispersion
Scarsdale, NY). Starch batter (45%, starch dry basis) was
was then adjusted to 450 mL with distilled water and titrat-
prepared by adding distilled water to 81 g (db) of starch
ed to pH 8.3 with standardized 0.01 N NaOH. A blank test
and 0.9 g guar gum to a final weight of 180.9 g in a
was performed with unmodified starch.
250-mL beaker. Guar gum was added to prevent starch
Carboxyl group content was calculated as follows: from settling. Each starch batter was poured into six alu-
minum dishes (5 cm diameter × 2 cm height) until the top
milliequivalents of acidity/100 g starch =
level of the batter was 0.7 cm below the dish rim. The bat-
[(Sample-Blank) mL × Normality of NaOH × 100]/ ter was compressed at a speed of pre-test 5.0 mm/s, test
Sample weight (dry basis) in g 1.0 mm/s, and post-test 5.0 mm/s to a distance of 5 mm
Starch/Stärke 53 (2001) 211–218 Characterization of Different Starches Oxidized by Hypochloride 213

with a cylindrical probe (2.54 cm diameter × 2.50 cm onto IONAC mixed bed exchange resin (JT Baker) for
height). The adhesion of the starch batter was defined as 7 min. The mixture was filtered through a 0.5 µm filter and
the work (g · s) required to lift the probe from the starch placed into sample vials prior to injection.
batter and calculated from the area under the texture pro-
file. 2.10 Experimental design and statistical
2.8 X-ray diffraction A 3 × 2 completely randomized design (CRD) structure (3
The X-ray patterns of starches were obtained with a cop- starch types and 2 hypochlorite levels) was used. Each
per anode X-ray tube using a Philips Analytical diffrac- combination was performed in duplicate. The data were
tometer (Philips, Almelo, The Netherlands). The diffrac- statistically analyzed by the SAS program [18]. General
tometer was operated at 27 mA and 50 kV. The scanning linear model procedure (GLM) was conducted to identify
region of the diffraction angle (2 θ ) was from 5° to 45° at differences among data. All significant differences were
0.1° step size with a count time of 2 s. The starch samples reported at the 95% confidence interval.
were equilibrated in a 100% RH chamber for 24 h at room
temperature. 3 Results and Discussion
3.1 Carboxyl and carbonyl groups contents
2.9 Characterization of starch structures
The carboxyl and carbonyl groups contents of oxidized
The carbohydrate profiles of native and oxidized starch- starches are listed in Tab. 1. Both carboxyl and carbonyl
es were obtained by a high-performance size-exclusion contents of oxidized starch increased as hypochlorite
chromatography (HPSEC) system (Waters Corporate, concentration increased, which agree with previous re-
Milford, MA) according to the method of Kasemsuwan et ports [12, 19–20]. There was no significant difference in
al. [16] with modification [17]. carbonyl content for different starches at the same
hypochlorite concentration. In contrast, carboxyl contents
The chain-length distribution of amylopectin was charac- varied significantly according to starch types. Potato
terized by high-performance anion-exchange chromato- starch had the highest carboxyl content, whereas corn
graphy equipped with a pulsed amperometric detector starch had the lowest at both hypochlorite concentrations.
(HPAEC-PAD) according to the method of Kasemsuwan The present results differed from those by Hebeish and
et al. [16] with minor modifications. The HPAEC-PAD coworkers [12], in which oxidized corn starch had a high-
(Dionex DX500) system consisted of the following com- er carboxyl content than oxidized rice starch. This dis-
ponents: GP50 gradient pump, LC20-1 chromatography crepancy might be ascribed to the different pHs employed
organizer, ED40 electrochemical detector, 4 × 50-mm in oxidation (pH 7 versus 9.5).
CarboPac PA1 guard column, 4 × 250-mm CarboPac PA1
analytical column, and AS40 automated sampler. Defat- In an oxidation reaction, NaOCl will first oxidize protein
ted starch (20 mg) was mixed with 3.2 mL deionized water before attacking hydroxyl groups on starch molecules [1,
and gelatinized in a boiling water bath for 1 h. After cool- 5]. Therefore, there will be less residual NaOCl to oxidize
ing to room temperature, 30 µL of isoamylase (activity starch if a starch sample has a higher protein content, re-
3,100 enzyme units, Hayashibara Biochemical Laborato- sulting in a lower carboxyl content. Although the protein
ries Inc. Okayama, Japan) and 0.4 mL of acetate buffer contents in potato, corn, and rice starches were signifi-
(pH 3.5) were added to the starch sample, and the mix- cantly different, 0.04%, 0.33%, and 0.19%, respectively,
ture was incubated at 40 °C for 48 h. The enzyme was in- these differences alone cannot completely explain the dif-
activated in a boiling water bath for 20 min, and the buffer ferences of these starches in carboxyl content. All oxi-
was removed from the starch mixture through adsorption dized starches were expected to have similar increases in

Tab. 1. Carboxyl and carbonyl group contents of oxidized starches.

0.8% NaOCl 2% NaOCl
Starch Carboxyl content [%] Carbonyl content [%] Carboxyl content [%] Carbonyl content [%]
Potato 0.21a1 0.03a 0.39a 0.07a
Corn 0.05c 0.03a 0.14c 0.06a
Rice 0.07b 0.03a 0.24b 0.06a
1 Values in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 95% confidence level.
214 Kuakpetoon, Wang Starch/Stärke 53 (2001) 211–218

carboxyl content when hypochlorite was increased from

0.8% to 2%, assuming protein had been completely oxi-
dized by 0.8% NaOCl as evidenced by the presence of
carboxyl groups. Nevertheless, the percentage increase
in carboxyl content of oxidized potato, corn, and rice
starches were 86, 180, and 243%, respectively, indicating
factors other than protein content may play more impor-
tant roles in determining oxidation level.

3.2 Pasting properties of starches

The pasting profiles of oxidized starches analyzed with a
Rapid Visco Analyser are shown in Fig. 1. The pasting
temperatures of all oxidized starches decreased as
hypochlorite concentration increased. Potato starch
showed the least change in pasting temperature before
and after oxidation compared with rice and corn starches.
Oxidized corn and rice starches exhibited higher peak vis-
cosities than their nonoxidized counterparts at 0.8% NaO-
Cl concentration. Farley and Hixon [21] also observed a
similar phenomenon during the initial phase of alkaline-
catalyzed oxidation by electrolysis. The decrease in past-
ing temperature and increase in peak viscosity suggests
that oxidized starch granules were easier to swell and
swelled to a greater extent because the association
forces between molecules in native starch were weak-
ened by electrical repulsion of carboxyl groups, and thus
more water was allowed to penetrate into the granules
[22]. Fig. 1. Rapid Visco Analyser pasting curves of unmodified
and hypochlorite-oxidized starches.
The viscosities of 2% NaOCl-oxidized starches were low-
er than those of the non-oxidized starches, which agrees
with previous reports [11–12, 23]. The decrease in viscos- shown). It was apparent that the levels of hypochlorite
ity was caused by partial cleavage of the glucosidic link- used in this study did not cause any significant changes in
ages from extensive oxidation, resulting in a decrease in starch morphology.
molecular weight of starch molecules [24]. This partially
degraded network was not resistant to shear and could
not maintain the integrity of starch granule and thereby 3.4 Adhesion of starch batter
produced a lower viscosity. The oxidized potato starch
had a lower peak viscosity than the native one at both The adhesion properties of native and hypochlorite-oxi-
NaOCl concentrations, implying that potato starch was dized starch batters are summarized in Tab. 2. Rice
more susceptible to oxidative cleavage than the other two starch batters had the greatest adhesion, whereas corn
starches as supported by its higher carboxyl contents. starch batters had the smallest at both oxidation levels.
The proposed factors that could contribute to these differ-
As the hypochlorite concentration increased, the degree ences include contact area and carboxyl group content.
of starch set-back decreased (Fig. 1). Wurzburg [5] pro- Harnby et al. [25] calculated the bond strength between
posed that retrogradation of oxidized starch paste was two dissimilar spheres and concluded that bonding force
hindered by the bulky carboxyl group on the starch mole- was dependent on particle size, shape, and surface
cule. Carbonyl groups may have a minor role in prevent- roughness, which directly relate to contact area. In gener-
ing starch from retrogradation. al, smaller, flatter, and rougher particles give rise to a
greater contact area and stronger bonding. The contact
area in this study referred to the area where hydrogen
3.3 Scanning electron microscopy
bonding occurred between starch granule and water. The
The appearance of oxidized starches resembled the ap- rice starch granule was polygonal and smaller in shape
pearance of non-oxidized starches (micrographs not with a rougher surface compared with corn and potato
Starch/Stärke 53 (2001) 211–218 Characterization of Different Starches Oxidized by Hypochloride 215

Tab. 2. Adhesion of unmodified and oxidized starch bat-

Adhesion [g · s]
Starch Unmodified 0.8% NaOCl 2% NaOCl
Potato 218.8b1 278.7b 328.3b
Corn 100.2c 107.80c 128.5c
Rice 548.6a 1044.7a 931.1a
1 Values in the same column followed by the same letter are not
significantly different at the 95% confidence level.

granule, therefore, it had a higher contact area and exhib-

ited a greater adhesion. The contact area concept, how-
ever, cannot explain the adhesion results of oxidized corn
and potato starch batters. A higher carboxyl group content
and the presence of ionizable phosphate groups in potato
starch may contribute to its greater adhesion than corn

Oxidized potato and rice starch batters exhibited signifi-

cantly greater adhesion than their native counterparts.
This increase was attributed to additional hydrogen bond- Fig. 2. X-ray diffraction patterns of unmodified and
ing from carboxyl groups formed by oxidation. The pres- hypochlorite-oxidized starches.
ence of 0.07% carboxyl content in 0.8% NaOCl-oxidized
rice starch doubled the adhesion compared with non-oxi-
dized rice starch but additional carboxyl groups from 2%
oxidized rice starch did not result in further increase in
group content (Tab. 1). The degree of crystallinity, instead
adhesion. It is not clear why no difference was noted
of granule size and shape, of starch is considered to be a
between unmodified and oxidized corn starch batters.
main determinant in the amount of oxidation.
The present results suggest that starch granular size and
shape were more important than carboxyl groups in de-
termining its adhesion property. 3.6 Characterization of starch structures
The normalized HPSEC chromatograms of unmodified
3.5 X-ray diffraction and oxidized starches are presented in Fig. 3. Each
The X-ray diffraction patterns of native and oxidized starch profile can be divided into two major fractions:
starches are depicted in Fig. 2. Oxidation did not result in Fraction I (Fr. I) and Fraction II (Fr. II). Fr. I which eluted at
any significant changes in the degree of crystallinity of the first 16 min, consisted of high molecular-weight carbo-
starch because of no change in the upper diffraction peak hydrates, mainly amylopectin (AP). Fr. II, which eluted af-
areas, implying that oxidation took place mainly in the ter 16 min, was composed of low molecular-weight carbo-
amorphous region. These results support the results of hydrates, mainly amylose. Fr. I of corn starch was de-
Morton and Solarek [24], indicating no change in the bire- graded the most (46%) among 0.8% NaOCl-oxidized
fringence of oxidized starch granules and the occurrence starches; Fr. I of potato starch was degraded the most
of oxidation mainly in the amorphous region. (59%) among 2% NaOCl-oxidized starches; Fr. I of rice
starch was degraded the least at both NaOCl concentra-
It is proposed that the level of starch oxidation in terms of tions. The amylopectin fraction of starch degraded signifi-
carboxyl group content was strongly related to their de- cantly during oxidation, however, there was no clear rela-
grees of crystallinity. Potato starch is classified as B form tion between the amount of oxidation and the degree of
starch and has a lower degree of crystallinity and more amylopectin degradation.
amorphous area than corn and rice starches of A-form ori-
gin [26–27]. Therefore more NaOCl was assumed to en- The normalized HPSEC chromatograms of isoamylase-
ter the amorphous region of potato starch for reaction to debranched unmodified and oxidized starches are shown
take place, resulting in a significantly higher carboxyl in Fig. 4. Each chromatogram can be divided into three
216 Kuakpetoon, Wang Starch/Stärke 53 (2001) 211–218

Fig. 4. Normalized high-performance size-exclusion chro-

Fig. 3. Normalized high-performance size-exclusion chro-
matograms of isoamylase-debranched unmodified and
matograms of unmodified and hypochlorite-oxidized
hypochlorite-oxidized starches.

fractions. Fr. I, which eluted first, consisted of amylose PAD are summarized in Tab. 3. The AP fractions are
molecules; Fr. II consisted of long B chains of AP; Fraction grouped into four chain types and corresponding DP ac-
III (Fr. III) consisted of short B chains and A chains of AP. cording to Hanashiro et al. [29]. The percentage of A
Within Fr. I, the larger molecular-weight (MW) amylose chain remained mostly unchanged for all starches after
molecules (shorter retention time) of potato starch de- oxidation. The percentage of B1 chain decreased but B2
graded the most to smaller MW amylose molecules chain increased after 0.8% NaOCl oxidation. Further
(longer retention time) after oxidation, suggesting that the changes in percentage of chains varied according to
amylose fraction in potato starch was more prone to starch origin. These results suggest the occurrence of ox-
breaking glucosidic linkages compared with amyloses of idation in the amorphous region and possible involvement
corn and rice starches. The high susceptibility of potato of AP long chains in oxidation [30, 31].
amylose to oxidation may be possibly caused by its sig-
nificantly higher degree of polymerization (DP) of 4,700
4 Conclusion
compared with ~ 1000 of corn and rice amylose [28]. As
amylose is largely distributed in the amorphous region The differences in physicochemical properties among ox-
where oxidation takes place, amylose with a high DP has idized potato, corn, and rice starches were attributed to
more chances to be oxidized. The Fr. II of potato starch their differences in granular size and shape and molecu-
and Fr. III of rice starch increased significantly after 2% lar structure. Oxidation occurred mainly in the amorphous
NaOCl oxidation, suggesting that more degradation from region and oxidation level in terms of carboxyl group con-
oxidation took place in the Fr. I of potato starch and Fr. II tent was largely dependent on the degree of crystallinity
of rice starch. and the degree of polymerization of amylose. The pasting
property of oxidized starch was affected by carboxyl
The chain-length distributions of AP from isoamylase-de- groups and the adhesion property was more related to the
branched unmodified and oxidized starches by HPAEC- granular size and shape of oxidized starch.
Starch/Stärke 53 (2001) 211–218 Characterization of Different Starches Oxidized by Hypochloride 217

Tab. 3. Chain-length distribution of amylopectins of isoamylase-debranched native and hypochlorite-oxidized starches

fractionated by high-performance anion-exchange chromatography equipped with a pulsed amperometric detector.
% Distribution
Starch DP Range Chain type Unmodified 0.8% NaOCl 2% NaOCl
Potato 6–12 A 21.9 22.2 22.5
13–24 B1 54.4 49.6 54.3
25–36 B2 17.7 20.9 17.1
37–54 B3 + long chains 6.1 7.4 6.1

Corn 6–12 A 23.5 21.4 21.9

13–24 B1 52.7 50.2 52.6
25–36 B2 16.8 20.9 20.3
37–54 B3 + long chains 7.0 7.5 5.2

Rice 6–12 A 24.0 24.3 23.7

13–24 B1 53.1 49.4 48.8
25–36 B2 15.1 18.3 21.3
37–54 B3 + long chains 7.7 8.1 6.2

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