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Thanks thhmanual
a TEAC.Read to getthebestperformance
carefully fromthisdeck.

Thelightning witharrowhead
"danger0us anequilate
t0thepresence0funinsulated voltage" thepr0duct's
withifl enclos|lre
sufficient t0c0nstilute
a risk0lelectric
sh0ck t0pers0ns.
Theexclamati0n within raltriangleisintended
anequilate t0theprcsence
t0alertlheuser 0l
imoortant andmaintenance
operating (servicing) in

hasa seralllumber
lhemodel I0 PREVENI
number andrelainlheml0f
CAUTION: 15. Oudoor Ant nns Groonding - lf an outside antenna is
. Readall of theseinstructions. connected to the recerver,be sure ih€ anrennasysrem is
. Saveth€6einstructionsfor later use srounded so as to provide some protectaonagainstvoltage
. Follow all warningsand instructionsmarkedon the surges and built up stalic charges.Section 810 o{ rhe
l l e c t r i c acl o d e , A N s l / N F P A N o . 7 0 - 1 9 8 4 ,p r o '
N a r i o n aE
audioequipment. vides information with resp€ctto proper groundingof the
1. Read Instructioni - Allthe safetyandoperatinginstructions mast and supporting structur€, grounding of the lead-in
should be read before the applianceie operated. wire to an ant€nnadisch.rge unit, size ot groundingcon_
ducto6. location of antenna_dkcharg€ unit, connection to
2. Retain tnsi rclions - The safety and operatinginstructaons
grounding electrodes,and requirementsfor the grounding
should be retainedlor tuture reference.
3. Hoodwarnins6 - All warningson the applianceand in the
operatinginsttucnont shouldbe adheredto EXAT'PL€OF AITEI{I{A GROUI{DINGACCOfiDII{C
4. Follow In iructioff - All operating and use if,structions cot{TArNEorx anTlclE aro-'naDlo ar{D
sho!ld be followed. TEL'VISIOITEOUIPMEI{T"

5. Water .nd Mobture - The applianceshould not be used

nearwater - lorexample, neara bathtub,washbowl, katchen
v n k , l a u n d r yt u b , i n . w e r b a s e m e n o
l .r n e a 'a s w i m m i n g

6. CarL .nd Stands - The applianceshould be usedonlv with

a cart or standthat is r€commend€dbv the manufacturer.
6A.An aoolianceand calt combination should be moved with
care. Ouick stops. excessiveforce, a.d unevensudacesmay
causethe applianceand cart combinationto overturn

t"' ' Pa"' '\'o r-E r.F H

7. Wall or CeilingMounting The applianceshouldbemount_ a , U s s N o . 1 0 A w G ( 5 - 3h m : ) c o p p e r . N o a A w G ( 8 3 m m : ) a l u _

minum, No. 17 AwG (1.o mnr ) copp€rtl.d ti*l or bto.zs wirs, ot
ed to a wall or ceitinq only as recommendedbv the manu_ larssr,asa grouhdwne.
b. Secure antenna lead-in a.d ground wire. to houe wilh siandltl
8. Vlntil.tion - The applianceshould be situatedso that its i nsulaloR3p5c€dJrom4 l*i 11.22m)to 6 ieer 1183 mlapa^.
location or position doesnot interferewith its proper venti_ c. C rcunt .ntsnm di&harq. unit a! dG. ai pciblo lo whoo l9ad in
lation. For example, the apptiancethould not be situated
d. Useiumperwire not smallerthan No 6 AwG (13 3 mmr)copp€r, or
on a bed, sofa, rug, or similar surfacethat mav block the ihe equiv.lent,when a s€p8ras antenn.{rounding electode is osed.
ventilation openings; or, placed in a built in inttallation, s € eN E Cs . c r i o n8 1 0 - 2 1 { j l
such as a bookcaseor cabinet that mav impedethe flow of
air through the ventilation openings. 16. Nonuse Periodr - The pow€r cord of th€ appliance should
be unplugged from the outl€t when left unused for a long
9. Heat The applianceshould be situatedawaYfrom heat
period of time.
sources such as radiatou, heat registers,stoves,or ofter
appliances{includingamplifiert) that produceheat. 17. Obiect snd Liquid Eniry - Care thould be tak€n so that
The applianceshould be connectedto a obi€c6 do not fall and liquids ar€ not spilled into the en'
10. Powor Sourc$
power supply onlYof the tvpe describedin the @eratingin closurethrcugh openangs.
structionsor as markedon the appliance 18. OamaqcBequiring S!flice The applianceshould b€ ser'
1'1. Grounding or Polarization The precautionsthat should viced by qualified sewicepeBonnelwhen:
be taken so that the grounding or polari2ationmeansof an A. The power_tupplycord or the Plughasbeendamaq€d;or
aDolianceis notdefeated. B. Objecb have fallen, or tiquid has been tpilled into the
applrance o ;r
12. Powercord Proteciion - Powertupplv cords should be C. The appliancehasbeenexpotedto rarnjor
routed eo that they are not likely to be walked on or pinch- D. The applianc€does not appear to operak normanYo.
ed bv items placed upon or againstthem, pavingpanicular exhibits a markedchangein performance;or
anention to cordt al plugs, conveniencereceptacles,and E. Th€ appliancehas been dropped, or the enclosurcdam_
the pointwhere they exit from the appliance aged.
13. Cleaninq- The applianceshould be cleanedonlY astecom' 19. Sedicing Th€ user should not attempt to t€Nice the
mendedbv the manufacturer. appliancebeyond th.t describedin the operating inslruc
14. Powet Linei - An outdoor antennashould b€ locatedawav tions. All other servicingshould be referred to qualified
from power lines. s€rviceperronnel.



Fis.2 trg. J

. Tap€posirionidentificrionhol.!.

Fig.4 Fis.5

Reord/pbyback Head PinchFollsr

o o o@
r L _ - t l t j + r t - l
Precautions (Fio.2t
.T!m otf powerlor sll equipm€nt
A v o i du s i n gt h o d e c ki n t h e Thh prcduclis manutactured10comply
with thendio interferenDe
ol EECdirec. . R e a d i n d r u c t i o nfso r e a c hc o m p o n s n t
. H i g hl e m p e m t u rkeu c h s tive"82/499/EEC."
you iitendto us€with the deck.
sunliqht). * Dolbynoisercducrionand HX Po hoad- . F o r r h e c o n n e c i i oonf t h e R E M 0 T E
. Exrremely low €mperai!re. C0NTR0L jack, reler ro the Dwnefs
roam extension manufactured!nder
licensefrom Dolby taborat0riesLicsns- manu.l of the lompon€ntto whichthe
inq Corpomtion H.X P r o o r i g i n a t ebdy V-'180isro b3connodod.
.Where power line voltagefluctuationis
severc(the useaf a voltaqeruqulator
may E a n q& 0 l u l s e n".D 0 L B Y " ,t h e d o u b l e .
0 symbo0 l 0 a n d" H X P R 0 "a r €l m d e -
. 8 e a w a r ca h o l h a t p h D i n g
o t h € ru n i t so r marksof Dolby Labomto.ies Licsnsing
any object on the can leavemarks
d e p e n d io
nngt h e i r w e i s h l .

C'ssrtteTape(Fi9.3, Features
For ths automatictap6solsctfunclioi to
work propay, mDlaland chrome(cobah) FrontPanll pausemode.To restad lPcoding,press
torm!la tapesmu$ hav0tapsid€ntificarion
OP0WEnSwirch O PAUsE
Iape Handling: P€ssto switchths deckon. Pnssagainto Pressrhis button to tempoBity nop
0o not noretap€in rh. followinqplaces: tape travel durinqrccordingor playback
.0n lop ol heaters, in dircctsunlishtof in lIot0r ll you s{hch the pows. on aqain, {the PAUSEindicatorlishts).Ta rustan
anyotherhigh'temperalu rc .rsas. b€ sur€to wan morethan2 s€conds tapetfavel,pressthe> butron,
. N e a rs p e a k e rosn,T V s p l ro r a m p l i f i eor rs alterthepow€rhasbeenrwitchedoff.
nsaranystmngmagnetic fields. O < < ( S e w i n d )B l n o n
. H i g h ' h u m i d ial yi e ao r d i d y , d u s tayr e a s . O EJEcrButton P r e s s i lnhgi sb u n o n. e w i n dl sh et a p ea l h i g h
Avoid droppinqor subjertingrh. cassenes in the stopmodeto openrh6casstt0
Press 5Deed lrom frghtto Whenthe tapeis
l u l y . e w o u n d .t h e a u t os t o pm e c h a n i s m
n o p sa u l o m a i i lcVal h er p . r r a n s p o r ! .
Voltaq0 Conv4rior (For 0enenl €xpon O Cassette
n o d € h )( F i s . 4 t lE sToPBunon
lf it is nscessary
tu changsthe vollase P r e $t o n o p t h . l a D ef i a v e l a nrde l e a s e a n y
requiremsnts ol the deck tu malDhyour P L A Y : F o r l i m epr l a y b a c k
area,usethe followingproceduru: 0 U T : S e lt o t h i sp o s h i ow n h e nn o tu s i n q
RI N EC O R D . lD > (Play)Eutton
2- Usjnqa scrcwdriv.r,1um the selecror R E C : F o rt i m e r u D o r d i n q . Presingihis bulton carsesthe rapeto rrin
unlil lhe desiredv0hagemaikingap. (Rs{€rto pase7.)

O 0018Y NB Switches lD >> (Fast-Forw€rdl

l /0UT Sryitch:This s1liirchis usEdto P.e$nq lhis b!lton lanJolwardsrhe tape
aciivateand deactivalerhe noise at highsps0dfron leftto ri0ht.In rhosamt
lfilPoRTA T fior U.K.Cuitono..l acrivatD noise wav, rape tGnspo.t slops aulofiaricattV
reduction se, tt o t h e l N ( a ) p o s i - e h e n t h e t a p ei s l ! l l y w o u n d .
Thowir$ in thisnsinrlsadarccoloursd rion and selectthe Nn.ynDm wirh
in accordancs
n iththetollowing
cods: (DPHONES
lhe t! B/ m c sritDh.sel thk J.cK
s{rilch to the olJT {E ) position Connect8 ohmr stereoheadphonss ro this
Bl-Ul: iIEUTnAL to rocord or play back withour j a c kl o r p r i v a llea s t e n i n gmoor n n o d n g .
8nowfl: llVE
Asthscolourrof thswi.ssin themains
m 8/ m C Snirch:S.t thissnnchro rhe lE ElASFll{ETuning
''a " posnion record This control allow! fine bias lovelettinq
to w i l hD o l b y
l€adof thisappafttusmaynoi coiier- Clype NB o. pky bdcka cass.{F whonrecording. Thecenter"clirk" position
pond{,ith lhecoloursd
markings idsnti- prolidesa nominalamountof biascurrcnt recordedwith Dolby C-type
fying tho t€mimb in your ploO,pro- N n , o r t o t h e " O " p o s i r i o rno d . p e n d i nognl h e l y p eo f t a p e .
recordwith Dolby B-type NR or Turning!he controltoward+ incrcse!th.
Thswirswhichk cololr.dSL|E mun play ba.k s c.setie tap€srecorded amount 0l bias and $!s decreases high
bo connoctsdto th. tsrminal whichk w i t hD o l b yI t y p eN n .
mark.drrith ths lettsl il or coloursd Turningrhe conrroltowaid- docrsases
BLACK.Th. win whichh coloulod
8R0WNm|Jn bo connsctsd OREcoRDButton amolnt ot bias and rhus incrcassihigh
to ths Prrss
rhisburron wirhrhe>
whichis marksd withthol€tter btrttonl0 sta( recording.
The REC0R0in- Keepthis control in the centerp0rition
L orcolou|€d
RED- di'8lor lights. wheni13nol beinqused.
In rn. U.f,, $tu rt|it b 3old$ithdurrr (D BEC0RD
ACplq. O 8EcMUTEtutton
Pressinqthis button, during reDording, W h e nr e c o r d i ni gl r,n t h DR E C 0 B Dc o n t r o l
leav€sabout4secondsol bhnk spaceon DloDkwire t0 fadsthe inputsolndin or turn
a tape,Thonthe deckenlersthe rscord. it counterclokwise ro tad. DUt.
lrirch ro 0UT. tions. For i.stance,yo! may wanr to
B0tton 2. Prcss
rhePoWERs{iich lo 0N. eliminaleund€3iredporlions ol an FM
tho olariv€posilion
This countsrindicates 3. Loada recordablr casselle. broadcasrrhar you aro rucording,suchas
on the tape. Prs!6in9the RESETbutton 4. ssl€crrhe l'lR svnemwirh th€ DoLBY commercials, station brcaksor announce_
"0000" fients.You mayw€nrro recorda complet€
s€tslho countsl10
5 . Prsssthe PAIJSEbllton toge sr with progmmwnh rontrollsdspacingbetween
(D Dirplay
lVindow 8 E C 0 R Db u t r o n( b o t hi n d i c a l olri sg h l ) . eachso.g. Suchblankpo ionson a laps
Thh enabksyou to adjunlhe recordanq can be ealily l€ft usinqthe FEC $UTE
@ PEAKPBOGBAM LEVELMETEB l€velwithoutactu.lly rccordingon the
Thh m€ter lhow3 the peak lovel ol lhs
input or !ign!1. In lhs rscord A d i u i t h e E l A s F I N Er u n i n qc o n r r o l L AutonnticSp.cin0o9.rdion - ltt r +
mods,ths msr.r indicsla!rhe lsv0lol tho ' U s i n sl h s E l A S F I N E sscood hllnk - (dorinsrocordinll
d e $ r i b s di i
solrcs signalswhich havob.on adiGted T!ningControl". Prcssthe FEC MUTE button dlring
w i t ht h eR E c 0 R Dl e v o l c o n t m l . recoding. The tape movemanicon'
During playback, tht met.r indicar€s
7 . Adiurt th€ REC0RII levelcontrol r0
that the loudsrtpeakbrhfly rsathdsthe tinues, and a blank lpace of about
tholov€lof3ignakrscordsd on 4 s s c o n di rsr D c o d e{dt h €R E C 0 R 0i n .
0 d B p o i n ro n t h € P E A KP R 0 G R A M
lhs dock automarically drr.cri rhe type
L E V E LM E T E R .
ot tapo$hiDhha3bssn loaded. The deck ttun rwitchesaulomatically
to lhe r€cord-pa{lemods (bolh rhe
@ DoLBYilR Indicators i n d i c a l o rl iss h 0 .
n E C 0 R D . n dP A U S E
Liqhrsro show the il8 syslemcu(enllv To beginrecofdang the nexttun€,pres
rhe > bulton ($e PAUSEindicalor
(REC0BD/PAUSE) 2. For. Shn* ol l.*r Tn.n 4S.codi
RECono: isinth, rocord
lightswhendeck Alr8r p.€lsinqrhe REC MUTEbuiton
aod r.cord.r.ldymodss,andflashos duins ncodinq, press tho PAUSE
dudngrecord-muling. builoo, bslorerhe 4-sscond intewalhai
8. Presrhe > bultonto nart recordrng.
tighc aten deckis in ths sla||d'
PAITSE: s ( p i r e d! ,o c a n c e l r hneu t a n gm o d ea n d
by modefor playback
or rccording. angags tte r€cord'pa0le mode.To began
. T o s r o pr e c o . d i npqr,e $l h eS T 0 P b u l t o n .
.To momentarilv nop recording, pressthe nrordinq, pns the > bullon. PAUSE bunon. To €sume rucordrng,
pres.fie > buiton. Er.siru
@LINElltl/0UTPUT Xotr:
C o n n s ct th e t l N E l N i a c k tt o l h e a m p l i R€cording peacordedlapes,rscod!,or A nco.dsd bps will br rulo.
lisr's REC0UT jacksandalsoconnscttha othsr plblilhed or broadcasrmaterial m.lically er$.d wh€n yo! m.k . nl*
0UTPUT jacks to th€ anplifisfs TAPE nay infriigecopyrishtlaws-Checkthese reco.dingon it. Alls.n.lir.ry n can b.
"rccDrditrg"on il with In€
P I A Y ( o rL I N El N )i a c k s . oraisd bv
n E C 0 R 0 l s v .clo n t o l s el to
Thisconnecloris ustd to link with anoiher
T E A C c o m p e n t w h e n c o n t m l l i n lgh e Srtliq the nocordit|gLov6l Dubbi||g
V-480in a futur€totalTEACaudiosyii.m.
Setting $e rccodinq kvel cor€ctly is Decklojeck copvinqof ftpos {drbbing)
sxport lsslnlial if you wanl to makelop.qualily can be donswilhout usingan erlernalam-
only) recordings. ll lhe level n too low, the plilier. opention is rhe sam. as standard
on paqe5. rccordandplayback proceduresdesctibsd
Soe r € c o r d i nwgi l l b eo o k y . l fl h el s v e l i s e r l o o
hiqh, the recordinqwill be distorted. ths recodandphybackiections.
(DPoder "mastea're.
supplycord lf the m€l€c p.ak overlhe 0 dB rcading, Thk deckcanbe lsed as th€
d€crsase ths mcordinglevelby tuning th€ cord$ wilh a econd rucord.rusBd.s the
'tlave" rccordel.Connocllhe output ot
REC0R0 lovtl conirohcountsrclockwise.
0perations Howsvsr,sons prcgmmmattrialol dif_ rhemanerlotheinpulol theslaverecordsr.
fsrsnttapstormulations mayrcqunehiqhst T0 u5' thisd€ckandthesecond record..In
or lowrr rccordinq lrvsls.Witha lilde tims oppoiitorol$, imply ruvels8 the inputand
Playhlclrld B.coding and practiceyou will be abh to splecttho
crhical rccordinglevelthst givesyou thB
StereoPleybick bosthi-fi rscordings. The type aid condi_
L S€rtie TIMEB swirchro oUL tion ol ths tape, as wDll as rhe rype ol[ th. BIASFlllETunin0
2. PresrhePoWEB switchlo 0N. muiic sourc,you aru rucording will aff€ct
3. toada pm{ecordedcasdre. ths oprimumettlng of th. rcc0rding lev8l. Tho contsr poshlonprovidet. nominal
tn€ NB sysrem
4. Selecl $ith the00LBY amountol bia! currunr.Tumingths conlrol
NRbuttons. '+' incmassith€ amou ol bia!
5. hessths > butonlo sta(phyback. R.oo.dil[tin! 0!.rstion curcnti a minuls decleasein hiqhjrs-
6. AdJU$ rhevolu6ewiththeampliliert qusncyrciponse it
willbe obtained.Turning
"-" dscrsas4! rhe amounlol baas
of ccatinsbhnk unrscoded
The capability toMrd
SlereoBecording (ecsed)ponionson a lapeduringrecordinq currsntj a n0tic€abl€incrraio in high'
Recordinq is a rcaladvantage
in manyrecording
situa' frsqusncy willba obrain€d

t . Makea rscordingfrom a dhc,elc DolbyHX Pro is an'tctive bias"techniqu€ HowDolbyflx ProSolurion
2. Aft0r recordinq,ttwind the tapsl0 tns that can improvstho qualilyof audiotaps The 0olby HX Pro monitotsth. high_
bsgioningof the r€cordedssclion,then recordinss.Hishlovelhightnqusnciescan frequencycontentol lhs programmaterial
play it lo monitor the rsProduc€d b, recordedmaru accutarsly,wiliout and .diuds lhe rscordsrbia30scillaror
ralio, while such
sacrilicing mainiaina constanrtotal bhs lovsl.The
B v c o m P a r i ntgh e m o n h o r s ds o u r d sid6effectsof tapssaturationasdinortiof, resultis improvedhiqh.frsquency
with the orignal, adiust Jhe BIAS andlowerdhtortion.Dep0iding onthstypB
F I N Ec o n l r o l . l h ot rny r s c o d r naqq a r n ol rap6,the impruvsmsnlin headroom can
Bsp€alneps I throuqh3 unlil corrsct whrt k Bios? b s 6 d Bo r m o r c .
i € t t i n go t t h d B I A S f l N E c o n r o l i r Biai is a vs.y high{requencysignalgantmt_
obtained so lhal lhs bostpossibls sound €d within a laps dsckandrlcordsdon lh8 ThoS.nsliL
tape simultaneoudywilh the ptognm With oolby HX Pro, it h oarierto mako
material. This inaudiblesignalallowsa low morc accuratsftcodings ol ths kind ot
noiss, low dinodion rucordingand fhl musicwhich containshigh.levslhighfru-
(f i0.0)
Timcrcornroll.d ilsqurncyresponse, Differsntnagnoiictaps qu€nciss.Tho improvemsnt it simihr to
famulations rcquk€ dill0r€nt amounts that ol high-performancs t.p3 overconvsn.
of bias for optimump.rfomanc€.lf lh€ tional tape, so regardloss ol ths tYps 0l
Tim.rCo.ltolbd A.cotdi.9Ot.r.tiotl bias lsvel k too hish, hbhntqusncy raprued, ths rusuhswillsound bsttor.
1, Connedyour deckandstetsosvstem tD
Maximum 0ulput Lsvel{M0L) d.cmases. Most imponant oI all, Dolby HX Pro
a comm*ciallYavailable audiolim* as r € q ! i r e sn o d e c o d i npgr c c a s s . 0 n ct€h 0
shownin lhe di6gcm. ThoProblom ol $lf'Bias tapeis recorded wilh il, tht improv€msnts
2. Makeall the preparalionsaslor normal
Unlortunatsly, biasl€vsllsofl€ninfluenDod will bs rualizod wh8nplayingthe tapsbaDk
recording,bui le.verhedeckin lh€ stop by the siqoalbeingrsDoded.Ths highfre'
quencies conlain€din somemusicact ts
3. S€tthe audiotimetto lhs required slart
bias.This unpr€diDtabl. sourceof bias is
(powffon) andstop{powerotl) iines. in a loss
addsdto the existing bhs,Iesulting
4. Ser the TIMER 3witchon lhe deckt0 ot hiqh-froqu€ncy rcsponse.As lhe high'
BEC. lrequencycontentof the signalincrsa$s,
Wh.n ths presetndt tim€ i! reached, lhe abilitv ol the rscord0rto rccordhigh
p o s e rw i l l b es u p p l i eadn dr e c o r d i n
wqi l l
This pheno-
,rcqlsnciss(lV0L) deccases.
msnoflis calledsslf{iasinq.
1. Checkthal the deck is corecnv con_
nectedt0 lhe amplilierfor nomal pkv'

2. Conn€ctth€ dsck snd amplifi€rta an

audiotiner as for timdcontrolledle'

3 . M a k ea l l p r e p a i a t i oans sl o rn o r m a l p l a v '
bark,butdo nol 3elth. tapeIn motron.
4. Serths audiotim€rro the reqlired3tan
5. Set the TIMER swirchon lhe deckro

Whenrhe pteselnart time i te.rhed,

power wrll be sitched on .nd PlaY'

2OBz 50 rO0 ?00 500 | | 2 5 L0 20r

Exrmll.ot imprcvld ltequ.ncv r.spon!4utinq Dolbv Hx Pro function

Maintenance Specilications
Thr hi.dr andtspeparhlhouldbecl€aned TnckSit m, 2.Channsl Si€rso
anddemasneiizedperiodically. Hldr 2:l Efsro,lRocord/Playback
Typ. of T.p! Cai3en€ rap€C-60andC.90
Cl..niig T.p. ?.th (Philipsiyp€)
. A p p l y h e a dc h a n i n ql l u i d ' i o s p e c a o l Trpr Sr!!d4.76cm/ssc ips}
conon lwabsor a sotl dolh, .nd liqhllv iloor I DCservo motor
.ub rhe hsadr,cipstans.ndallrnstalpans Wow.ndFluitdURMSI0.06 %
F.equ. y B6ponse {ov.nll,-20d8l
.Aho cl€anih€ pinchrollerslsing rubbet 30- 13,000 Hz,M€ral
30- 18.000 Hr,Cro,
' B o t h a r e a v a i l a b lion T E A C H C ' l a n d 30- 17,000 Hz,l'lortnal
RC-l in ths U.S.A.or TEAC T2.26l Eario{ovonll)
Tape RecorderCl€aningKil in othet 59dB(3%TH0trvel,Wei0hled)
63dB{oolbyB R In,ovet5 kHzl
79dS{oolby C NRIn,owrI kHz)
0!m!!r.lki||! H..d5 Frnlvinding TimeApproxinat€ly 120
Be sur€that thE pow€lb ofl, rhsndBmag- tecondsforC-60
'rsfi;-ii;Iada Gns;TEAc E.3demae- Intutstins 60mV,50kohns
n.rizer or equival€nt.For detaili ot ns
use,read its innrudions. outtrB lin.:0.43V forloadimp€&nco
of 50kohmor mol'
ll..dphones:8 ohmi
Powlr8.q!nrn.|ln 120/220/240 v AC,
50/60Hz{Gsn€ral Exponmodoll
120V AC,60H, (U.S.A./Canada
Imrbleshooting mod€ll
220v AC,50Hz(Europe mod€ll
Basiclroubleshoolinq ol a casetls lap€ 240V AC,50Hz(U.K.lAuirnlia i! rinihr to troubleihooianq anYother modsl)
equipm.nt.AlwaYt PolrrrComumption 10w
€lecticalor slectrDnic
checklhs mostobvious possible c.u$itarit. oim.tEior${{Yr ll ,( 0l
T o q i w y o ud l e w i d e aosf w h a l o l o o k l o t ,
435x 127x 262mm
(17-l18"x 5" x 10.5/16")
.No pou,er:k thepow€rcordconnected? StardEid Acce$oios Inp!t{ulputc0n
. T a p eb s g i nrsu . n i n s w n spno w s i s r u r n e d
o n :h t h e T t M E nl u n c r i o on n ?
.No audio output. Ars all connecrions
. Specilications
were dsterminsd $ing
metaltape asnoted.
.D€gradsdsoundquality: Are thB h.ddt . lmprovsm€ntsmaylelult in spec'fha'
diny or maqn.tited?Ats You $tnq rionorl€ature norice.
good qualily tape? k the ProPBrNR
Sy{€ms.hcl switcnon?
.Unabh ta lelzcl r€cordmode:Ars lhe
r0cord prorectiontabs on the lape in

MAINOFFICE: 7-3 , Nakacho3-chome, Mlsashino, Tokyo180,Japan Phone:(0422)53r111

TEACCORPORATIONSATESOFFICE:19-1a,Nakacho1-chome,Musashino,Tokyo180,Japan Phone:{0422)52-5081
w6llord.H€rls.,wol aYA,u.K.
rh6 croxlevcentre,
5 MarlinHou5e.MarrinsMeadow,
TEAC UK LIMITED Phone:0923-225235
TEACDEUTSCHLAND aahnstraBe 06121-71580
wesl GermanvTel.:
TEACCANADALTO. onrarioL4z 2c2, canadaPhonor416-8908008
340 Br!nelFoadMississausa,
TEACAUSTRALIAPIY., LTD. 106 Aay Slre6t, Porl Melbournevicloria 3207, AustralisPhone:646 1733

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