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E~\tllloN ~EN~o::;IN:oF:llo'YU60SLAV IA

This paper reviews key characteristics of the environmental situation in Yugoslavia before, during and afterthe NATO bombing
against this country. Some principal environmental problems and their sources are described. The "quality" of soil, water and
air, as well as some other environmental parameters is documented by available data collected during the last ,Jecade. An
analysis ofmain environmental issues was made. A short review ofkey environmental policies, instruments and institutions are
also presented.
Key words: environmental protection, state ofenvironment, Yugoslavia

INTRODUCTION objects. Although there was no evidence of a level ofeconomic activities as a consequence of
large-scale ecological catastrophe, pollution the economic sanctions since 1992.
Former Yugoslavia has made great progress in
was very severe in the vicinity of targeted
transforming its economy and society. Whilst Soil
industrial complexes and many valuable eco-
disregarding the environmental criteria in this
systems were disturbed. Just because there Destruction or degradation ofsoil is caused by
period, a dynamic economic, traffic and urban
rave been no acute large-scale visible impacts erosion, open-pit mining, dumping of waste
development led to present environmental
on flora and fauna or on human health at the and ash, and diversion to the other uses
conditions. This created a situation of highly
moment, does not mean that there will be no (settlements, transport and other infrastructure,
polluting factories, the lack of proper waste
long-term effects. water collection, etc.). Overall percentage of
facilities for municipal, industrial and hazar-
dous effluents, insufficient air, water and soil This paper contains some basic data and distracted land is 0,25% of the total surface of
pollution monitoring. Without an established comments on the environmental state of Yugoslavia (0,24% located in Serbia). The
market economy as yet, and with budget Yugoslavia before, during and after the NATO percentage of various types of distracted land
restrictions, the maintenance and development bombing. The main goal of this paper is to in overall surface of destructed land was as
ofthe urban infrastructure, as well as industrial initiate a more serious and comprehensive follows: open-pit mining 30%, water-reservoirs
facilities, remain inadequate, and the natural research on the environmental situation in 20%, various dumps 15%, settlements 10%,
resources, fuel and energy use uneconomical. Yugoslavia as a basis for environmental reco- factories, transport and other 25%. The main
These are all contributing factors in the very of threatened areas and the improvement environmental impacts from non-ferrous metal
environmental degradation. In the past ten ofthe ecomanagement inthe country. mining and metallurgy are present in Bor,
years, FR Yugoslavia has had a stagnant eco- Majdanpek, Kosovska Mitrovica and Podgorica,
nomic performance due to economic sanctions and open-pit coal mining in Kolubara,
and political conflicts in the area. Despite AND THEIR SOURCES
Kostolac, Kosovo and Pljevlja.
declined industrial activities the environmental
situation did not changed inpositive direction. Environmental situation inYugoslavia before the Various gases, liquid and solid pollutants and
NATO bombing can be analyzed using the data toxic substances contaminate soil. The source
Additional environmental degradation of Yugo- from the last official report on the status of the ofthe main environmental impact is the use of
slavia was the consequence of NATO aggres- environment in FRY (1). Although the report the chemical fertilizers and pesticides in the
sion and destruction of chemical plants, oil includes data until 1994, the results of the agriculture. Although Yugoslavia belongs to the
storage installations and other hazardous analysis today are still actual, because ofthe low countries with low-level agro-chemicals con-
C"'ilption, some areas are contaminated due to tons, while the "import" amounted to 97 000 dioxide, nitric oxides, formaldehyde and other
extensive use of chemicals. This can be tons, and the "export" to 34 000 tons. organic substances, lead and specific pollu-
illustrated by the results of soil analysis tants from industrial sources. The quality ofair
collected inVojvodina. Some major polluting substances in urban is regularly monitored according to the annual
areas include: sulfur dioxide, soot, carbon program by the network of meteorological
stations, and by the network of health
Table 1 - Contents ofheavy metals inthe soil ofVojvodina
institutions in settlements. According to data
Contaminant Concentration (mg/kg) Contaminant Concentration (mg/kg) obtained from health institutions many
Cadmium 0.06-1.68 settlements are overpopulated. During last
Lead 3.6 - 82,5
Copper 1,3- 252,5 Phosphorus 0,2 -16,0 decade, the highest contents of S02' soot,
Mercury 0,01 - 0,054 Zinc 1,25 -182,5 sediment or specific industrial pollutants were
found in Belgrade, Uzice, Bor, Pancevo,
Contaminant Concentration (mg/kg) Contaminant Concentration (mg/kg)
Krusevac, Sabac, Pljevlja, Niksic, Bar, etc. (2).

Acidification and inadequate disposal of solid

and hazardous wastes from farms and industrial
facilities also degrade the soil.
Table 2 - Emissions ofS02 and NOx inYugoslavia 1990-1994 (in '000 tons/year)
Air and atmosphere
Year Pollutant Total emission Thermal power Industry Other
In Yugoslavia, the emissions of polluting
substances into the air are considerable,
despite the fact that the industrialization, traffic 1990 S02 254.0 223.3 9.9 20.8
and urbanization level is low compared to NOx 66.0 59.2 4.6 2.2
European countries. The air is polluted from
firing places in households and factories, 1991 S02 224.0 195.6 6.5 20.9
heating plants, thermal power stations and NOx 57.0 50.9 4.0 2.1
other thermal facilities, by motor vehicles, 1992 S02 198.0 167.5 5.2 25.3
industrial processes and installations.
NOx 49 44.1 2.4 2.5
The annual emission variation isclosely related 1993 200.5 179.0 7.0 14.5
to the economic activity. The noticeable
decline of emissions in the year 1992 is the NOx 54 47.6 5.0 1.5
result of UN economic sanctions introduced 1994 S02 212.0 186.6 6.3 19.1
that year against Yugoslavia (Table 2).
NOx 52.4 47.8 2.1 2.1
The levels ofS02 emissions derive mainly from
the consumption of coal in the thermal power
stations, with an average emissions share of
88% of total sulfur emissions. Major emission
sources are thermal power plants in Obreno-
vac, Kostolac, Lazarevac (Central Serbia), Fig. 1 - Average yearly concentrations of S02 inBelgrade
Obilic (Kosovo) and Pljevlja (Montenegro). (Imission limit = 50mg/m3)
Industry shares only 3-4% of total S02'
although the installed metallurgy capacities 180 ..------~.-~._~. ~--~-"" - - - _.....---
are relevant. Among other emission sources of 160 +-------------------------
air pollutants the most important is traffic in 140 .....\ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
the cities and on main highways and roads. 120 ·r!l~\_-------------------__;<:--­

Yugoslavia actively participates in the 100

international system of monitoring transborder 80
pollutants transport through atmosphere 60
(EMEP). According to the results obtained
from EMEP- program in the period 1985-
1993, Yugoslavia "imported" from other 20
European countries 256 000 tons of sulfurs, o
and "exported" 147000 tons in average. The 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
total amount of deposited sulfur in Yugoslavia
was 561 000 tons. The total deposition of
nitrogen, in the same period, was 132000
I0 1991 111995 02000 I
Waters regards the water quality has been registrated network building, construction of weekend
in Ziatica River, Begej, Mlava and the Channel settlements and houses, and the use of
General appraisals ofthe status ofthe majority Danube-Tisa-Danube. chemicals inthe agriculture.
of waters in Yugoslavia, including the coastal
see water, points to quality deterioration. The quality of coastal waters in the Adriatic is Other environmental problems
still relatively good, except in some parts ofthe
City and industrial wastewater pollute the Noise in Yugoslavia, albeit not measured
Kotor Bay and the port ofBar.
waters ofmany rivers, particularly inthe basins systematically at the most threatened loca-
of the Danube and the Sava. Only a small Natural heritage tions, is definitely increasing. Critical areas in
number of cities have wastewater treatment terms of noise are cities and settlements in
equipment. In certain areas, waters are also Yugoslavia has a wealth of natural regions and vicinity of thoroughfares, industrial complexes
contaminated by polluted air, especially in the values, both in terms of quantity and quality. and plants, multi-purpose zones, airports, etc.
vicinity ofpower and industrial plants. According to the inventory of all protected The results of noise measured at 16 locations
natural goods which covers the period until in Belgrade in the period of 1991-1999 show
Water flows and the see are polluted by 1994 inclusive, our country has 1700 valuable high levels of noise at all locations including
nutrients found in wastewater, as well as natural goods, on an area of400 000 ha, or4% central zones, settlements, industrial zones and
metals and synthetic organic compounds of total area. In Yugoslavia, under formal main traffic routes (4).
which accumulate in sediments. Underground protection .are 9 national parks, 20 regional
Systematic monitoring of radioactivity has
been conducted in various types of samples
Fig.2 - Water quality inthe Sava and Ihe Danube 1991-2000 from the air, waters, soils, vegetation and food.
Results ofmonitoring have shown low levels of
radioactivity inall type of samples.
50 +---~~~ _____ Collection and treatment of urban as well
hazardous wastes in Yugoslavia are largely
~ 40·~~~~~ neglected. The percent of urban wastes
oq covered by recycling isstill low.
tl 30 +---~_____C.~~

"* 20 +---~~
After more then two years it is still difficult to
o . ' -'C_L.,C- perceive and evaluate the entire humanitarian,
..... r-, economic, environmental, health and other
~ ~
~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ffi ffi ~ffi C>
consequences of the NATO air strikes against
YugoslaVia. However, it is amply documented
i Ii ~ava_==~Da,!~b~_J
that the bombing of Yugoslavia was not strictly
aimed at military and strategic targets as
waters are polluted, too, as a result of parks, 19protected coastal areas, 122 reserva- claimed by NATO. Civilian infrastructure, many
acidification and diffusive wells pollution by tions of nature, and about 1000 protected industrial facilities, civil institutions as well as
wastewater from public utilities, nitric fertilizers species offlora and fauna, etc. many protected natural areas and cultural
and pesticides, industrial wastes, etc. monuments have been damaged too.
Yugoslavia's natural heritage which is on the
The quality ofwater inthe majority ofYugoslav List of World Heritage, includes the National From 24 March to 10June 1999. NATO carried
rivers, lakes and coastal waters should belong Park Durmitor (with the Tara Canyon as bios- out more than 35 000 assaults against Yugo-
toclass II, and only exceptionally toclass III, or phere reservation included) and the Kotor- slavia. Between 22.000 and 79 000 tons of
out of standard. Unfortunately, it is the other Risan Bay, as the natural and cultural-historical explosives were dropped, including aerial
way around and the most ofwaters do not fit in area. Obed Marsh and Ludog Lake have been bombs, cruise missiles, cluster bombs, deple-
the classification at all. In the most rivers lower included in the list of marshes of international ted uranium weapons, etc. (5). The air strikes
concentrations ofoxygen have been found, and importance, while "Carska bara" is locality of have so far destroyed or damaged several
higher concentrations of BOD and COD, as well the greatest importance. thousand of objects in the built and natural
as ammonia, nitrates, and occasionally in environment throughout the territory of FR
some rivers higher quantities of Fe, Pb, Hg, Although natural heritage has formal legal Yugoslavia. The list ofshooted objects is long.
etc. Such results indicate to urban wastewater protection and certain organizational and It includes objects of the transportation infra-
as the main sources ofpollution. financial support, the real protection system of structure (bridges, railways, roads and air-
nature is not satisfactory. Strong anthropogenic ports), factories, chemical industries, refineries
According to the official data (3), examples of impacts on the natural systems, particularly in and warehouses, electric power stations and
extremely clean, waters, which belong to the national parks, have been the consequence infrastructure, water supply infrastructure, cul-
class I, are very rare, e.g. Raska River, Lim, of unsustainable wood and mineral exploi- tural and historical monuments, housing units,
Studenica and Lepenac. The worst situation as tation, tourism development, infrastructure protected natural areas, biodiversity, and other.
The destruction of industrial facilities, refine- and lead, at double maximum rates ofthe Pancevo's industrial zone at moments of
ries, warehouses storing liquid raw materials allowed concentration, were registered in bombing (9).
and chemicals, thermal power stations and the Romania's Danube. • Products from incomplete hydrocarbon
electrical transformer installations and facilities combustion were released as the result of
Spilling of dangerous substances from
has caused the release of numerous toxic strikes on oil refineries.
Pancevo's industrial zone during the heaviest
substances, as well as several hundreds other
bombing attacks at 18. April 1999. provoked • During the Pancevo and Novi Sad attacks,
chemical compounds with potentially harmful
heavy contamination ofthe Danube River water, large oil depots were burned. This resulted in
effects on the environment and human health.
killing fish and degrading vegetation in the the production of soot and other particulates.
Contamination of soil industrial channel and in the Danube, several • Nitrogen oxides have been released from jet
kilometers downstream ofthe channel (8). I ne aircraft and through burning industrial
Due to the bombing of industrial facilities, a results from samples ofthe river water taken on installations.
huge quantities ofhazardous chemicals and oil 18. May and later did not show the presence of
products were spilled contaminating the soil, • Radioactive pollution from depleted uranium
pollutants spilled from industrial zone.
and polluting the air and water that settled into weapons was suspected in Kosovo and in
the soil in the wider areas. Identified threats to Air pollution South Serbia.
the regions' soil are: • Destruction of metal industry plants released
Air pollution, in case of the chemical plants heavy metals into the atmosphere: mercury,
• More then 200 000 tons ofoil products have bombing tends to be a short-term phenomena.
burned orwere spilled into the soil at locations cadmium, chromium, copper and zinc.
Following cases were registered:
of Novi Sad refinery, Pancevo refinery, as well • Acid rain was measured in a number of
• Vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) was released areas, including Romania and Bulgaria.
as at oil storage installations in Smederevo,
from the Pancevo petrochemical plant. Pollu-
Prahovo, Beograd, Bor, Nis and others (5,6,7). • In Timis County, Romania (North-East of
ted clouds carried the products of combusted
• By bombing the electrical transformers in VCMs: phosgene, chlorine, chlorine oxides and Belgrade), from April 18-26, 1999, the
Kragujevac, Bor, Resnik and Veliki Crljeni nitrogen oxides. It should be mentioned that maximum allowed concentration for sulfur
mineral oil (PCB) was spilled, thus strongly poisonous air pollution in the town of Pancevo dioxide, nitrogen oxide and ammonia was
contaminating soil and groundwater. and in some parts of Belgrade was avoided exceeded by 5-10 times.
because of meteorological conditions over the
• Nearly 8 tons of mercury were spilled from
the electrolyze plant. Fig. 3 - Biodiversity and protected areas
Water pollution
As the result of leakage from damaged
o RamsarSile

industrial plants, the surface and ground waters

have suffered largely. Specific impacts include - 0--'"
foilowing: ~---_
• ProwJecI~lUCNca ..VI
• Oil products leaked into the Danube River • PrO'ICIIdArM::GNtcalJlOClrY

from Pancevo's industrial zone and the refinery e.-ofPllllCDiWlrsily

at Novi Sad.
• More than 20 transformers were damaged or
destroyed, all around Yugoslavia stations (Bel-
grade, Kragujevac, Nis, Bor, etc.), producing
soils and underground waters contamination by
• From the Pancevo's petrochemical complex
1 000 tones of ethylene dichloride leaked into
the industrial channel and additional 1 100
tones spilled into soil and groundwater (5).
• Over a hundred tones of sodium hydroxide
were spilled from Pancevo's petrochemical
• The Iron Gate Danube Reservoir is in special
danger since the process of sedimentation
increased due to the riverflow slow-down.
Therefore, the Iron Gate's reservoirs act as col-
lectors of all upstream pollution. Major Natural Features, Biodiversity and Protected Areas ofYugoslavia
MAP (31

• Heavy metals: copper, cadmium, chromium

Fig. 4 - Locations ofmain damages during the NATO-bombing ofYugoslavia
The direct consequences on biodiversity and
nature can be summarized as follows:
• Locally, the physical destruction of habitats,
plant and animal populations by air attacks.
• Degradation of habitats, plant and animal 75m,

populations from chemical contaminants

(borne inair, water and insoil).
Protected areas directly affected by the bom-
bing include: Kopaonik Mt. National Park,
Fruska Gora Mt. National Park, Tara Mt. Romania
'II ,'!,
National Park, Sar planina Mts. National Park,
Vrsacke Planine Mts. Natural Reserve.


In Yugoslavia, the environmental protection
policy has been defined by federal and republic
constitutions and laws, by the federal govern-
ment resolution and some other documents.
Policy and legislation

Basic goals, principles and programs of the

environmental policy in Yugoslavia were formu-
lated by the "Resolution on the policy of
environmental protection in FRY" (adopted by Sea
Federal Government, 1993). The key policy 18'"

elements are: integration of environment and

development, hierarchy of interests and goals,$ and....;v@'tOOUS%

quality control, efficiency, market neutrality, ;torin<,lJiqoJidr.a....-materialill)(j

cIlemical jr,fHl,je,;l fCof"~1'lE' oil
information, program directed, prevention
principle, relaying on the polluter-pays principle ~ Airports

and solidarity in financing the environmental

protection programs. Montenegro has a special
document with defined policies that orients the specific requirements for environmental prote- Monitoring and data-base system
republic towards the ecological idea (Decla-
ction, such as: territorial and urban planning,
ration on the Montenegro as Ecological State). agricultural land, forests, waters, health care, There are two basic institutional systems for
design and construction of buildings, protec- regular monitoring of the state of environment
The policy was backed up by aset of instruments, in Yugoslavia. The first is the Federal Hydo-
which included the institutional organization, legal tion ofnational parks, etc.
metheorogical Institute (with two republic
provisions, monitoring, education, etc. Environmental impact assessment systems branches), which consists of a network of
(EIA) as the most important precautionary hydrometheorogical stations. The responsibi-
Key actors in the environmental management
instrument in the environmental protection lity for monitoring the quality ofsurface waters
in Yugoslavia are organized in a three-level
system. There is the Sector for Environment as were established in the both republics. In is given to 8 stations, for precipitation waters
part of the Federal Ministry for Development, Serbia, the EIA system was established by the to 11 stations and for monitoring the air to 30
"Regulation on the analysis of impacts of stations. The second system is organized
Science and Environment. Both Yugoslav
objects and works on environment"(1992) and through the Federal Institute for Health Care
Republics have their own Ministries for Envi-
in Montenegro by "The Decree on the and the Health Care Institutes of the Republic
ronmental Protection, and certain larger cities
environmental impact assessment" (1997). In ofSerbia and the Republic ofMontenegro, who
have their local authorities for the environment.
general, the contents of these documents are have corresponding networks of local eco-
Basic legislative acts are: the federal "Law on based on EC Directive 85/337 on EIA, but our toxicological, chemical and microbiological
the fundamentals of environmental protection" EIA systems do not include public participation laboratories. This system conducts the
(1998), Law on the environmental protection in decision-making. monitoring of some environmental factors
(Serbia, 1991) and Law on the environment quality in urban areas: surface, underground
(Montenegro, 1996). There are a great number and potable water, soil contamination, air and
of laws in the other sectors, which cover noise, etc. The third part of the Yugoslav
monitoring system includes a number of CONCLUSIONS four main problems: (1) lack of money for
specialized 'institutes of technical sciences recovery of identified hot-spots, (2) lack of
Yugoslavia has witnessed a dynamic economic
cultural heritage and nature. ' comprehensive information on the state of
and societal development, which created a
environment including environmental analysis
Primary data on the environment are collected situation of highly polluting factories which
and reporting, (3) inadequate implementation
and processed by the network ofbureaus ofthe have been characterized by inefficient use of
of preventive instruments and measures, and
Federal Statistical Office (FSOY) atall territorial raw materials and energy, lack of proper waste
(4) lack of public participation in the process
levels, from communes to the federal level. A facilities for municipal, industrial and hazar-
ofdecision making on environmental issues.
comparison of the coverage of the environ- dous effluents, and by weakness of the
mental data included in the DECO and ECE environmental protection management svstem References
catalog by Yugoslav statistic (1990) reveals in this country. As result of such development
1. Report on status of the environment in
that our statistics contains more data from the all parts of environment (soil, water and air)
FRY, Federal Ministry for Development,
DECO catalog then from the ECE catalog. became polluted. Pollution in the vicinity of
Science and Environment, Belgrade, 1995
2. Statistical Yearbook of Yugoslavia, 1991-
Table 3. - Percentage ofcoverage ofDECO and ECE environmental data by 2000, Federal Statistical Office, Belgrade
Yugoslav statistics (1990) 3. Report on the status of the environment
Field of Air Coastal & Surface Waste Federal Hydro-Meteorological Institution:
Soil Flora & Forests Noise
environ- Fauna marine waters Belgrade,1995-1997
ment environment 4. Concept of Master Plan of Belgrade,
DECO 83 46 57 33 55 100 - - Belgrade Urban Institution, 2001
ECE 32 60 20 - 50 - 13 - 5. Environmental consequences of NATO
bombing in FR Yugoslavia, Official report of
Federal Ministry for development, science
The Statistical Yearbook of FR Yugoslavia is the mines, energetic and industrial sites, in urban and environmental, Belgrade, 1999
principal publication of FSOY, which compre- areas and along highways has various harmful
hensively and systematically offers a choice of effects on the environment and human health. 6. Kosovo Conflict-Consequences for environ-
the most significant data from all fields of ment and human settlements, UNEP/
social and economic life, as well as from the During NATO bombing the destruction of UNCHS, Nairobi, 1999
environment. The main environmental data industrial facilities, refineries, warehouses 7. FOCUS Assessment Mission 2 to the
areas inthis publication are: storing liquid raw materials and chemicals Federal Republic of Yugoslavia-Ecology, 18.
- air quality thermal power stations and the electrical trans~ July - 13. August, 1999, www.focus-
- quality ofsurface waters former installations caused releasing ofseveral
- chemical composition ofprecipitation highly toxic substances, as well as several
hundreds other chemical compounds which 8. M.Tanaskovic et aI., The impact of bombing
- waste water and purified waste water from ofsouthern industrial zone on water quality
settlements contributed to further degradation of environ-
ment inYugoslavia. Although there was no evi- of the river Danube and channel "HIP",
- waste waters from manufacturing Environment and health -Consequences of
- quantity ofpurified waste waters from dence of a large-scale ecological catastrophe,
pollution was very severe in the vicinity of NATO aggression on Yugoslavia, 'nstitute of
manufacturing Public Health ofBelgrade, 1999
- consumption ofplant protection preparations targeted industrial complexes and many valu-
- consumption ofmineral fertilizers able ecosystems were disturbed. Just because 9. B.Stojanovic et aI., A contribution to
- number ofprotected natural areas by type there have been no acute large-scale visible environmental planning of development of
- listofnational parks impacts on flora and fauna or health after two Pancevo industrial zone, Monograph "Two
- listofnatural-cultural patrimony. years since bombing at the moment does not cities: Perspectives of renewal and
mean that there will be no long-term effects. Krasnogorsk, Institute of Architecture
The lack of raw data, l.e., the actual structural and Urbanism ofSerbia, Belgrade, 2000.
features of Yugoslav environmental statistics Despite Yugoslavia have had policy; institu-
represents a critical information gap. Above all: tions and instruments for environmental prote-
the weak point is the interpretation of this data ction efficiency of implementation of protective
in the context of ecological and socio-econo- measures have not been adequately imple-
mic functional relationships. mented in the past as well as today. There are

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