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=> HUuCc Petroleum Industry of Serbia REPORT ‘on the consequences of NATO bombing of NIS-Panéevo Petroleum Refinery in the period from 04 April 1999 to 07 June 1999 AN ee Panéevo Petroleum Refinery Panéevo 16 June 1999 1 panéevo Petroleum Refinery is a part of the public corporation Petroleum Industry of Serbia (hereinafter referred to as_NIS), for the production of oil derivates,having the seat in Panéevo,Spolinostarcevacka bb. { Pangevo Petroleum Refinery is the largest Yugoslav refinery and the biggest producer of oi! derivatives within the system of Petrolewin Industry of Serbia. It 1s a fuel type refinery which produces fuels, solvents, bitumens and feedstock for the petrochemical industry.It is. mostly imported ail (70-80%) that is processed,being delivered by pipeline through Croatia or by ship on the Danube from Romania and Hungary, biit oil from domestic oil fields (20-30%) is processed as well Available processing capacity is 4.820.000 tonnes of crude oll per yeat, i.e. 14.600 tonnes per day.Total storage capacity tor crude oil and the products amounts to approximately 700.000 m° Panéevo Petroleum Refinery Is silualed some 20 km from Belgrade and only ? km from the Danube. Ils uwn jetty on the Danube enables the supply of crude! oil and dispatch of derivatives by ship, and it has also the facilities for tank tr uck loading and unloading and for rail the transport Construction of the pipeline from the island of Krk to Panéevo was financed by joint investment, and this pipeline enables the transport of 6 million tonnes of crude oll per year. The refinery performs toll processing of crude oil, as well as laboratory analyses and consulting services in the sphere of oif processing. RNP production programme includes about 70 different products. In the period from 04 April 1999 to 07 June 1999 , refinery units and facilities were bumbed seven times. During these bombings, besides jthe extensive material destruction and refinery’s complete incapability for any further operation already on 04 April 1999, three employees from the Power Plant died tragically during the first attack. During the bombings, great fire broke out on: crude oil and derivative tanks, unils and facilities. As the products of combustion during the fire, considerable amounts of detrimental substances have been released, contaminating ait, water and soil not only in the working area and loca! environment, but also in much broader area. Out of these harmful substances, only the most important shall be mentioned: soot, sulphur dioxide, lead oxide, carbon monoxide and dioxide, gasoline vapours. The data and pictures presented in this report give best account of the kind of environmental catastrophe that has befallen Panéevo , but much broader region as well. NIS-RNP_ Managing Director Bosiljkov:Slobodan, 8.Sc.chem.eng Bost Niger CHRONOLOGY OF NATO ATTACKS ON NIS-RNP FACILITIES From the beginning of NATO attacks on FRY on 24 March 1999 to this day, there were altogether seven attacks of enemy air force on NIS-RNP facilities: 1._First attack, 04 April 1999, 04; 29, two missiles Destroyed Power Plant facilities: « three boilers « two turbines = two generators + power distribution plant Damaged: * chemical treatinent of water + Power Plant administrative building + Power Plant building = pipeline that connects Power Plant with the process units «glass on surrounding facilities DURING THIS ATTACK TWO EMPLOYEES WERE KILLED INSIANTLY WHILE WERE SERIOUSLY INJURED AND ONE\OF IHEM PASSED AWAY LATER ON. TWO EMPLOYEES HAD LIGHI INJURIES AND WERE KEPT FOR HOSPITAL TREATMENT. Picture 1: Completely destroyed Power Plant during NATO attacks on 04 April and 12 April 1999 2.'Second attack, 12 April 1999, 02:35, minimum 10 missiles Destroyed: + Power Plant building + cooling tower + process heaters: 5-300 and S-2300 * reactors 5-300 «pump house PK-11 with all of its pumps and associated equipment + tanks: FB 2501, 1106, 1101, 1103 + process pumps: GA 2311, 2305, 239, 2312, 2520,2314, 2333, 2506, Dan 2501 PK 15 car truck loading place with associated equipment pipelines connecting tanks cables and instrumentation equipment worker accommodation facilities aged: old cooling tower Power Plant administrative building unjnterrupted power supply unit substations tower DA-2101 heat exchangers: S-2100, S-300, S-2300, S-25UU, 5-2900 coolers: S-2100, S-300, S-230U, S-2500, S-2900 heaters: $-2100, S-300, S-2300 towers: DA 301, 302, 303, 2301 tanks: [BD 1107, 1110, 1111, 1304, 1301, 1307, 2009 vessels: FA 304, 305, 501, 1501, 1506 pumps: GA 304C, 310A; B, 309, 233, 7304, 2306, 2307 pump house PK 15 Black 5 and Block 6 compressor house control room of Block 5, Block 6 and FCC complex stack CA 2301 instrumentation equipment, cables, associated pipeline monastery Vojlovica all window glass on the following buildings: Laboratory, Fire-fighting department, Restaurant, Administrative building, Research and Development buildings ck on 12 Apri,1999 picture 4; Fire in Bl.11 in special gasoline tanks, 12 April 1999 oyed PK-11 and pipe rack, 12 April 1999 Picture 5: Dest = 6 3. Third attadl i 1999, 22:35, one missile Destroyed: + topping unit S-100 Damaged: heat exchangers : EA 101,102,103,104,105,116,118 pumps: GA 103,103 S towers : DA 101,102,103,104,105,106 vessels: FA 101,102,103,151 instrumentation equipment, cables and insulation Picture 6: Destroyed process heater on S-100, 12 April 1999 4. Fourth attack, 13 April 1999, 5:30 aid 5:38, two missiles Damaged : «FCC equipment once again, which was previously damaged on 12 April 1999 heater BA-2301 anu other FCC stroyed proce: , £2 April 1999 ctidn, electrical gs on 12 April and | 5. Fifth attack, 16 April 1999, 02:21, one missile Destréyed: air coolers: EC-2203 A, B, C, D, EC-2204 A, B, C pipeline thermal insulation Damaged: supporting construction of S-2200 heat exchanger, at the elevation point of 14m heat exchanger EA-22U3, inlet and outlet pipelines process heater BA-2201 A, B, control valves on heater inlet transfer lines due to bomb fragments tower DA-2201/2 control room instrument distribution panel in control room EC-2204 louvres EC-2203 fin fan and EC-2202 fin fan 16 April 1999 6. Sixth attack, 18 April 1999, 01:00, minimum 6 mis Destroyed: «tanks FB 1701, 0718, 10U1, 1901, 1905, 0256, 0251 * vessels 0251 Damaged: + tanks FB 0252, 0253, 0254, 1906, 1204 « vessels FA 025, 0253 + reactors DC 0251, 0252 + other associated equipment, instrumentation, cables, substation R Picture 10: Fire in crude oil and vacuum gas oil tanks, 18 April 1999 18 April in fuel oil tan track from the neighbai nks FB 1801 due lu the hea! II DESTROYED AND SPILLED QUANTITIES OF OIL AND OIL PRODUCTS During the mentioned attacks, fire broke out and the following quantities of products were destroyed: Special gasoline about 400,000 kg Merox gasoline about 700.000 kg Motor gasoline 86 about 2.000.000 kg Motor gasoline-95 about 400.000 kg Diesel about 1.060.000 ka Low sulphur fuel oil about 7.000.000 kg JF-1 about 700.000 kg FCC feedstock about 7.000.000 kg Crude oil in RNP about 40.000.000 kg Slop about 2.000.000 kg Ihe quantities of destroyed and spilled oil products are still not determined precisely due Lu the impossibility of precise measuring in PK-i1 and PK-15 tanks. III ECOLOGY AND TOXICITY Burning of: CRUDE OIL SPECIAL, AND MOTOR GASOLINES DIESEL. FUEL OIL. FCC FEEDSTOCK ( HEAVY VACUUM GAS OIL) SLOP GASOLINE AND DIFSEL COMPONENTS causes thick, black smoke to appear, consisting of: sooT CARBON DIOXIDE CARBON MONOXIDE STEAM SULPHUR DIOXIDE NITROGEN OXIDE UNBURNT HYDROCARBONS. W Due to incomplete combustion of great quantities of oil and oil derivatives from the burning tanks and due to the impossibility of putting out sugh an extensive tire, all was seriously polluted not only in the area of Pancevo, but also in much broade: region. We are informed that this harmful cloud of smoke from RNP reached the neighbouring countries as well Picture 12: Fire in RNP, 18 April 1999 Cloud of smoke can be seen above Pantevo Burning of TETRACTIYL LEAD, a component in motor gasoline blending caused the following to be formed: LEAD OXIDE, CARBON DIOXIDE AND STEAM LEAD OXIDE, being heavier than air, fell on the ground causing local pollution 01 soil. During the process of fire extinguishing, LEAD OXIDE, being dissolvable ir water entered, by way of stormwater sewage, the waters that lead to the Danube. where it had a harmful effect on the water animals The following table presents harmful substances that were released durinc the buinbiny of tanks and other facilities in NIS RNP, with maximum allows concentration of toxic substances (MDK), the category of toxicity, flammability, anc hazard according to the current world standards: 13 Serial | Harmful substance [MOK Category | Category | Hazard no. | [process [water [urban | of of Class area area | Toxicity | Pamma bility pom | Mg/dm? | May” - i ‘GASOLINE 500 at is i 4] AL 2. BENZENE 10 OS 3 3 3 AL 3 DIESEL 1 a a, FUEL OIL T 5. CRUDE Olt ot 2 6 | SULPHUR 5 05| 0.005] 3 DIOXIDE 7. TEIRAETIYL ot 3 LEAD. fr CARBON ‘5000, 9000 1 DIOXIDE _ '9 ‘CARBON 7 i 2 |__ MONOXIDE 10, CARBON- SOOT 4 0.05 1 ii. NiTROGEN 75 0.085 |” 2m \ OXIDES | | 12. LEAD OXIDE 0.01; 0.001 | 0.0007 3 REVIEW OF THE DESTROYED QUANTITIES OF OIL AND ITS PRODUCTS. DURING THE BUMBING THAT TOOK PLACE FROM MARCH-JUNE 1999 Product Quantity Period t Crude oil 9260 12-18 April 28440 7-14 June Liquid Petroleum Gas 230 TI-12 April (LPG) Benzene 80 1-12 April Special Gasolines 360 11-12 April Straight-run Gasoline 1500 11-12 April ‘Motor Gasolines 4350 1-12 April Kerosenes 1240 1-12 April Diesel Fuels 350 7-8 June Heavy Vacuum Gas Oil 6660, 17-25 April Fuel Oil 7550 17-25 April Intermediate products 1890 1-12 Apiil (out of specification) TOTAL: 61910 Out of these, 56960 tons or 92 % were burnt, while 4950 tons or 8 % were spilled from the tanks It should particularly be pointed out that, during the fires from 11-25 April, about 780 tons of sulphur dioxide were emitted, and about 570 kg of lead oxide formed as a result of burning lead additives in motor gasolines. In the fire that took place from 7 to 14 June, another 850 tones of sulphur dioxide were emitted, In addition to that, undetermined quantities of the products of incomplete combustion of oil and its derivatives, svot, ash, polycyclic aromatics, etc, have been emitted, causing the pollution of soil. EQUIPMENT AND STRUCTURE OF PLANTS The oil Refinery ,Pandevo" is inated in Pantevo by the river Danube, about 15 km from Beograd. The installed processing capacity is 4.820.000 tons of crude oil per year. It is energy type of refinery the production of which includes fel production, as well ae the production of paraffin and aromatic solvents, raw materials for petroche- mica! industry, bitumens and Sulphur. Crude oil (domestic and imported) is Uclivered to the refl- hnery by Yugoslav oil pipeline, and dispatch af derivates is tied out by four types of transport means: By rail tanks, by crucks, by barges and by productlines. The major process lunits at the disposal of RNP are the following: ~ Crude unit — first degree distillation of erude ail separa ‘ing fractions which are processed further and submited to secondary processes, or mixed to produce final pro- ducts — Gas processing and fractionation unit — separation of li quid petroleum gases from light gasoline in light fracti- ons obtained by stuaiglt — run and secondary oil pro- cessing. and fractionation of the liquid gas mixture obtai ned, Hydrodesutphurization units — catalytic treating proces- ses with hydrogen of straight-run gasoline, kerosene, aud cracked gas oil fractions Gasoline reforming (platforming) unit — catalytic pro- ‘sess to inuprove autidetonation properties of component for motor gasoline production, Aromatic extraction unit — solvent extraction by sulfo- Jane ot benzene and toluene from reformate and pyroly- Vacuum distillation unit — distillation in a vacnim of the atmospheric residue and separation of vacuum gas oil factions, Fluid catalytic eracking (FCC) unit catalytic eracking of vacuum gas oils with fluidized catalyst to produce ad- ditional quantities of LPG, gasolines and gas oils, Alkylation unit ~ Alkylation with sulphuric acid of ge. ses obtained by catalytic eracking ta produce high quality gasoline component alkylate, Aminie Washing unit — retining of refinery gases to pro. duce feed for sulphur production and reduee air pollu ~ Claus unit — production of liquid sulphur by oxidation of hydrogen sulfide, Bitumen unit ~ production of road industrial bitumens by oxidation of vacuum residue, Visbreaking unit — viscosity reduction of vacuum resi- ‘lue by its mild thermal cracking, — Meiox units — refining of LPG, gasoline and kerasene tions by extraction and ,Sweetening* of sulphuric compounds with sodium hydroxide solution in presence of merox catalyst — Waste gases recovery unit — Recovery of waste gases from retinery flare system back to the processing. Using up-to date process techniques Pantevo Refinery un with very flexible production, which achieves 800% of, white oil products. Refinery also has its own power laut, storage tank area, blending facilities, auxiliary systems, laboratories, maintenance structures, warchou- ses and other facilities. LIST OF RETINDRY PRODUCTS Propane, propyleuc, bu Liguid petroleum gases: isobutane, propane—butane mixture, Paraffin solvents: special gasolines 35/105, 65/105, 80/120, 140/200, medicmal gasoline, vents §. 6, 7 — Aromatic products and solvents: benzene, toluene, par solvents 1, 11, IH, — Gasolines: motor gasolines (premium MB-98, reguler MB 86), unleaded motor gasolines (RMR 90, BMH 95 aviation gasolines (grades 67, AB 80/87, AB 100/130), straight-run naphtha, ~ Kerosenes: jet fuel JP-1 Kerosene for motors (PM), Diesel fuels: very light diesel fuel (D-1) light diesel f (D-2), suediui diesel fuel (D-3, light dlesel fuel with low sulphur content (10-28), Fuel oils: fuel oil ¢ (L), medi 60/8 1), lighting kerosene (PO), light (EL), light special (LS), light T), extra heavy (ET), Bitumens: road bitumens (BIT-200, DIT-130, BIT-% BIT-60, BIT-45, BIT-25, BIT-15), industrial bicumens (75/30, 85/25, 88/40, 105/15, 118/15, 135/10), — Devanted oll, — Liquid cutphur In addition to products according to the Yugoslav stan: dard (JUS), Panievo Refinery is capable of manufacte Fing other products in accordance with the special de mands of final users and different world standards, ni VEDVIC MOOTE dNu-SIN ad = LEVELS AND QUALITY OF UNDERGROUND WATER IN RFFINERY AREA Underground water levels in the Refinery area are presented in the Appendices No | and 2, based on the measuring of 21 piezometers in the period November 1997 to December 1998, It can be seen that water levels are near the ground surface, at the depth of 1 to 4 meters The main direction of the underground water movement is from the northern to the southern side of the Refinery. ‘The arrangement of piezometers in the Refinery is shown in Appendix No 3, and the ground plan of the Refinery and the town of Pangevo is given in Appendix No 4 Appendix No 5 presents the quantities of organic substance in underground water samples taken trom piezometers in the period from fall/winter 97/98 to September 1999. I is evident that the quantities of organic substance in the samples taken in September 1999, that is after the bombing, are much larger in comparison with te earlier periods Appendices No 6 and 7 present analysis results regarding underground water samples from the Refinery, selected and taken by the UNEP team on 22 July 1999. Appendix No 6 shows underground water metal analyses, performed in Refinery’s Laboratory- this Paper was presented at the IT International Conference of BALKAN ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATION (B.E.N.A.), which took place in Sofia from 19 to 21 November 1999, Underground water and soil analyses, given in Appendix 7, were performed by the Public Health Institution from Belgrade. REVIEW _OF CONTROLLING LADD REROUID WATER. MNS PiEkOr Freaometar eleva () | Noventer | December February | March Ao | “tiew 1997 soar | I tos07 | “ose | “ite 1812 Tae Pat 83.20 7479 | 7487 | 7182 | rat | 757 nize | rece | 74.04 | 21.00 | 717 Boz rs7a | 7655 | 7150 | 7.41 | 7141 | 71.70 reas | 7218 | 7208 | 7191 | m1 82.21 qse9 | 7614 | 7183 | 7138 | 7150 r97 | 7192 | m2 | 117 ere rex7 | 7640 | nse | ris3 74 nist | 7200 | 7208 | r192 | 717 ~ TE | aa see | 76.05 2 pod rem | raze | rese | rece | rez ee| iat a | 1-10 rs {rere [| | rea | ruza | ries | 2103 pre 706 | 7772 | ra3t | 7308 | 7572 © | 7609 | 76st | 7605 | 74:18 | 7402 vie waz | 7677 | 7s2[ 7338 | 7359 | 7964 | | 7435 | 74.59 | 7450 | 74.43 | Ta41 pra 720 | 7500 7 vast | 7432 | 7423 7a00 | 7041 | 7339 7378 | 7320 | 7ast 7480 | 7514 ress | re2% | 7216 mas | 189 rasa | rex | 72.08 mea. 24 720 | 70.28 razz | 7313 | raa3 rs | 727 | 72.69 oe-2t reo | res2 | rem | rem | v2 naar | mat | rae | wot axe | 7004 | rear | reer | rome ras | mer | m0 | 22 oe root [rom [ren [rene [rem [roe | 1 fram [rae fost [mas [mer

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