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DIRECTIONS: Fill in the boxes below the list of OBJECTIVES: This activity will educate students
activities, accomplishments, projects that you on the importance of self-efficacy and will also
have done regulated by reactive and proactive impart to students the significance of one of its
self-regulation. Answer the questionnaire below processes self-regulation.



d b y A lb e rt Bandura
derline r
- e ff ic a c y was first un h e d e fi n ed it as ou
S o c ia l C o gnitive Theo
ry where
a b ili ty to successfully Assessment Questionare
ca p
ou r ow n . 1. Which from the reactive and proactive self-
beliefs on a in g o a l o r an activity s e lf -
e a cert ncerning regulation did your activities finish faster and
something lik p o rt a n t p rocesses co k e e p
most im is is our ab
ility to longer?
One of the ti o n a s th a v io r
self-regula actions and
be h 2. Why do you think this was the case?
efficacy is o n tr o l o u r a lso
itor, and c g a task. Ba
ndura 3. Which type of self-regulation do you prefer for
track, mon o f p e rf o rm in
e ty p e
pro c e s s regulate th personal growth? Why so?
while in the h e r re a ctively self p o n s e
t we e it only in re s 4. Which type of self-regulation do you prefer if given
believes tha h e re w e take action s e lf -
lation w proacti ve work or academic-related tasks? Why?
of self-regu d e m a nds while a ls to
on a n d f higher g o 5. What do you think is the importance of reactive
to obligati lu n ta ry p ursuance o
the v o self-regulation and proactive self-regulation?
regulation is o n a l g o a ls. a c ti ve
rm pe rs and pro
meet long-te to le a rn b oth reactive sa
s s e n ti a l fo r us d u c ti v it y . a lan ible
It is e our pro r
A lex
u la ti o n a s this drives a wayan: F Criteria:
self-re g
: awy g The
e Kad n
ndi n
Relevance to topic 3

fer sta ity: ity.

Re gong d er C s Analysis 3
Ba arning it: Un anila Univer
e K
L ool 20) rma . M l Clarity 2
T . (20 No
e Sentence Skills 2
Self iilippin
by: Rosa Laudencia Ph = 10 pts.

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