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At the end of this topic, the students are expected to:

1. Define and understand the definition and concept of recreational Activity;

2. Identify and understand the benefits and classification of recreational activities;
3. Enumerate with understanding the different recreational activities;
4. Show appreciation by participating the live discussion, reading the module
prepared by the teacher and applying the relevant idea of recreational activity in
time of pandemic, for active and healthier lives.


a. Meaning of Recreational Activity


Anything that gives you peace of mind and happiness is deemed recreation. The world
is moving at a fast pace and the need for recreation has been doubled. After the tiring schedule of
workplace, people run short of energy, resulting in poor performance both official and
domestic. An activity that a person would love would put them on track to pursue the serious
goals in life.

Cagamutan Norte, Leganes, Iloilo - 5003
Tel. # (033) 396-2291 ; Fax : (033) 5248081
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What is Recreation?

Recreation is about activities, pastimes, and experiences which are freely chosen. They
are usually undertaken in free time and produce feelings of well-being, fulfillment, enjoyment,
relaxation and satisfaction.

Why is recreation and leisure important?

 Recreation is important in promoting quality of life.

 It increases self-esteem and confidence.
 Gives people the opportunity to make their own choices.
 It gives satisfaction, enjoyment and pleasure.
 It enables us to become involved and feel part of the community.
 It increases the opportunity to gain and develop new friendships.
 It allows us to be challenged, take risks and experience new things.
 It bridges the gap between attending and participating in the community.
 It allows people to contribute their skills and feel a sense of belonging and
 It promotes friendships through shared experiences.

b. Benefits of Recreation Activity

Benefits for adults

We all know that leading an active lifestyle is good for us. If you participate in regular
moderate physical activity, you can expect to enjoy numerous health and social benefits,

 reduced risk of heart disease and stroke;

 reduced risk of developing high blood pressure;
 reduced blood pressure in people who already have high blood pressure;
 prevention of some cancers;
 reduced risk of becoming overweight;
 reduced risk of developing diabetes and prevention and treatment of non-insulin
dependent diabetes - it has been estimated that 30 to 50 percent of new cases of type
2 diabetes could be prevented by appropriate physical levels of activity;
 better bone and muscle development and prevention of osteoporosis;
 improved muscle flexibility, strength and endurance;
 reduced risk of dying prematurely;
 reduced risk of falling, and improved mobility and strength for older adults; and
 Improved quality of sleep.

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Tel. # (033) 396-2291 ; Fax : (033) 5248081
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Physical activity can also help:

 encourage social interaction;

 improve concentration and learning;
 increase personal confidence and self-awareness;
 reduce feelings of depression and anxiety;
 enhance self-esteem; and
 Improve quality of life.

Benefits for Children and Young People

The Australian Medical Association estimates that 20 to 25 percent of Australian children are
either overweight or obese - this is an alarming health trend. The problem is that overweight
children are more likely to turn into overweight adults who are often inactive and face a huge
range of health problems.

Being active not only keeps children and young people fit and healthy, but provides all kinds
of social, emotional and intellectual benefits.

Research shows that children doing regular physical activity can have:

 improved emotional wellbeing - helps young children feel more confident, happy and
relaxed, with improved self-esteem and self-concept;
 improved health - encourages healthy growth and development of children's bodies,
and similar benefits of physically active adults;
 improved mental health - improves concentration skills and ability to manage anxiety
and stress;
 enhanced social skills - develops skills such as cooperation and teamwork, and a great
way to have fun, meet new people and develop friendships;
 increased capacity for learning and productivity - active children are generally more
motivated and better organized than children who are inactive, and physical activity
has direct links to improved learning outcomes;
 a more positive school environment - active students are generally less aggressive and
experience fewer discipline problems; and
 A reduction in anti-social behavior - active children are less likely to smoke, use illicit
drugs or be involved in criminal activity.

Cagamutan Norte, Leganes, Iloilo - 5003
Tel. # (033) 396-2291 ; Fax : (033) 5248081
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c. Types and Classification of Recreational Activities

Indoor Recreation provides an ideal opportunity to explore and develop a full range of
abilities. We develop the majority of our physical, social, creative, intellectual and spiritual
perspectives at an early age.


Indoor activities are also a part of their creation programmed. The word literally tells
us that indoor recreation activities are undertaken on the comfort of one’s home or more
specifically indoor and they are to recreate the mind and soul. For such indoor recreation
activities, there are well-established clubs or recreation centers that have well-equipped
indoor leisure facilities, which cater for sports activities for all ages and abilities, but it can be
done just at home for simple activities.

Table games: Bingo, Uno & Trouble

Hobbies and Crafts: Woodworking, Photography, Needlework/Sewing, Collecting, Drawing &
Physical Fitness: Fitness walking, Swimming, Roller-skating, Weight Training, Aerobics
Lifetime Skills: Bowling, Pool, Ping Pong, Football, Darts, Air Hockey, Racquet Sports,
Climbing Wall / Rock Climbing, Dance


As the name implies, outdoor recreational activities are done outside of a building, in open
Many indoor sports and games can be played outdoors as recreation (since recreation rules
and regulations can be modified).

For example, competitive badminton can only be played indoors, however when it comes to
recreation it can be enjoyed outdoors even with no center net or dimension, and the rules can
be modified.

Outdoor recreational activity can be played among friends, family members, colleagues or
even with strangers. Examples of outdoor recreational activities include;

Playing “TAG”

This is one recreational activity that requires lots of cardiovascular endurance, agility,
speed, reaction time and quick thinking. It is a great game to burn calories among
individuals. It is usually played by more than 2 people in an open space. One person
starts as “IT” (the catcher) and tries to tag another player as they run to avoid being

Cagamutan Norte, Leganes, Iloilo - 5003
Tel. # (033) 396-2291 ; Fax : (033) 5248081
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tagged and made the “IT”. Only the catcher “IT” can tag another player in the game
and that person automatically becomes the next “IT” and the game goes on like that
till everyone is exhausted, players give up or someone get injured (hopefully not).
That’s why it’s important that I mention, safety as a major priority when playing Tag.
Things could go wrong in the quest to avoid being tagged or to tag someone, that’s
why it should be played in a safe environment with open space away from the road
with fast moving traffic.

Playing Ball Games (e.g Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball, Golf, American Football, Handball,

- Ball games are very common recreation games that is active in nature. It helps
improves physical fitness and overall quality of life. Recreational ball games rules are
usually modified to suit the players involved and the equipment available. For example,
individuals playing soccer can use two bags to form an improvised goal post, basketball
players can play 2 vs 2 using only one rim and half of the court, among others.

Racket Games (e.g Tennis, Badminton, Table Tennis)

- They usually require a racket (a handed frame usually with an open hoop across with
a network of strings) used for striking the ball or shuttle cock over the net into the
opponents court/area. Recreational tennis is usually enjoyed better on the court
(grass, clay or artificial smooth floor). However badminton can be on almost any
smooth surface on on the beach in an open space. Most racket games require an open
space vertically and horizontally. During competitive sports, badminton, table tennis
are played indoors because of the significant effect of wind direction on the table tennis
egg and badminton shuttle cock. However, tennis is usually played outdoors during

Mountain/Rock Climbing

- This is usually done in an area with lots of mountains, rocks and hills. Many people
do this for fun and enjoyment. Mountain climbing can range from climbing a
relatively easy obstacle through a network of roads by walking to climbing a
difficult height using ropes. Mountain climbing is better done with a partner or group
of people. However when it comes to climbing a difficult or very high mountain, it is
necessary to have an expert around.


This involves taking long walks usually following a trail (footpath). It involves lots of
exploration and individuals can determine the distance they want to cover based on
their perception or fitness level. Hiking is relatively cheap as it requires no special

Cagamutan Norte, Leganes, Iloilo - 5003
Tel. # (033) 396-2291 ; Fax : (033) 5248081
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Nature Viewing and Photography Activities

As the name implies, it simply involves things we do to enjoy the environment and
natural things. It may include going to the zoo, conservation center, going on a
canopy walk, going to the beach to relax, among others. With the advent of smart
phones and high quality cameras, it also includes taking pictures of these things and
putting them on social media. This is a common recreational practice today.


This may involve a journey on a large ship or boat without a preside destination just
for fun. Lots of companies offer these services to individuals for recreation, where
everything they need is on the cruise ship and they can be on it for days and worry
about nothing but having fun.


Usually done with a bicycle, cycling is a great example of an active recreational

activity. Cycling varies based on the type of bicycle used, the distance covered and
the group of people involved. Cycling helps in weight loss and preventing various
non-communicable diseases like stroke, heart attack, diabetics, arthritis among


Depending on the location of the swimming pool, swimming can be an indoor or

outdoor activity. However, since most body of water (sea, lakes, rivers, etc.) are
outdoors, I’ve decided to rate swimming as an outdoor recreational activity. While
swimming, there is need to have a life guard present so as to prevent drowning
because even experienced swimmers can drown.

Skating, Skiing, Surfing

This requires special equipment to practice. They are also a good active recreational
activity. Skating can be done on ice skates or roller skates. Skiing is the act of
traveling on snow with a skit. Surfing involves ringing a wave towards the shore
while standing or lying on a surfboard.


 What are the disadvantages of recreational activities?

 Why is recreational activities beneficial?
 What are the importance of recreational activities?
 What are the characteristics of recreational activities?

Cagamutan Norte, Leganes, Iloilo - 5003
Tel. # (033) 396-2291 ; Fax : (033) 5248081
Email Address :



At the end of this topic, the students are expected to:

1. Define and understand the definition and concept of group games;

2. Identify and understand the benefits and classification/types of group games;
3. Enumerate with understanding the different group games;
4. Show appreciation by participating the live discussion, reading the module
prepared by the teacher and applying the relevant idea of recreational activity in
time of pandemic, for active and healthier lives.


a. Definition of Group Game

 A group-dynamic game is an experiential education exercise that helps people

to learn about themselves, interpersonal relationships, and how groups
function from a group dynamics or social psychological point of view.

b. Group Game History

 The history of games dates to the ancient human past. Games are an integral
part of all cultures and are one of the oldest forms of human social interaction.
Games are formalized expressions of play which allow people to go beyond
immediate imagination and direct physical activity. Common features of
games include uncertainty of outcome, agreed upon rules, competition,
separate place and time, elements of fiction, elements of chance, prescribed
goals and personal enjoyment.

 Games capture the ideas and worldviews of their cultures and pass them on
to the future generation. Games were important as cultural and social bonding
events, as teaching tools and as markers of social status. As pastimes of
royalty and the elite, some games became common features of court culture
and were also given as gifts. Games such as Senet and the Mesoamerican ball
game were often imbued with mythic and ritual religious significance. Games
like Gyan chauper and The Mansion of Happiness were used to teach spiritual

Cagamutan Norte, Leganes, Iloilo - 5003
Tel. # (033) 396-2291 ; Fax : (033) 5248081
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and ethical lessons while Shatranj and Wéiqí (Go) were seen as a way to
develop strategic thinking and mental skill by the political and military elite.

 In his 1938 book, Homo Ludens, Dutch cultural historian Johan Huizinga
argued that games were a primary condition of the generation of human
cultures. Huizinga saw the playing of games as something that "is older than
culture, for culture, however inadequately defined, always presupposes human
society, and animals have not waited for man to teach them their playing".
Huizinga saw games as a starting point for complex human activities such as
language, law, war, philosophy and art.

c. Goal and Objectives of Group Games

Playing games and participating in activities gives a person an opportunity to

share, laugh and have fun. Sharing the experience with family and friends only
enhances it. While a child may consider winning as the ultimate objective, it’s
important to point out that the real objective may have absolutely nothing to do with
winning, but how the game is played.

1. To Learn

While winning may be the ultimate prize, it is equally important how you get there,
and you can only get there by learning and following the rules. One major objective of
playing games and participating in activities is to learn problem-solving, strategy,
trust, calculated risk-taking, how to adapt to unforeseen issues and how to share. The
rules of most games can have far-reaching positive effects when they are applied to
real-life situations.

2. Sportsmanship

From the time a child can play sports or master a board game, it’s important to not
only teach her the rules of the game, but also to teach sportsmanship -- having
respect for other players and being gracious not only in losing, but in winning as
well. There are adults who never learned the nuances of sportsmanship, and it is
often quite obvious. The objective of all kid’s games and activities is to practice fair
play -- after all, you don’t want your child to be the last one standing when her
teammates are tasked with choosing a partner.

3. To Be Challenged

A game or activity can quickly lose its draw when a child is no longer challenged.
Physical as well as mental activities should offer your child an opportunity to push
himself. However, if a child feels that no amount of effort or strategy will allow him
to accomplish a win or at least a show, he will shy away from participating. It’s

Cagamutan Norte, Leganes, Iloilo - 5003
Tel. # (033) 396-2291 ; Fax : (033) 5248081
Email Address :
exciting to be challenged -- to work harder and smarter to achieve a goal -- so
games and activities should be age appropriate and within your child’s ability.
Positive encouragement from a friend, parent or coach goes a long way in giving
your child the courage to try and succeed.

4. Fun

Above all else, the objective of kid’s games and activities is to have fun doing
something with others. According to the National Institute for Play, having fun with
other children is an integral part of a child’s development based on the need to belong
or have something in common. Playing for the sheer joy of it nourishes the soul and
lightens the heart.

d. Advantage and disadvantage of Group Game

Advantages of Playing Outdoor Games

Group Games play an important role in the overall development of mind and body of
a child, a teenager, and even an adult. The advantages of playing games are
mentioned below:

1. Physical fitness: Outdoor games played in the open air exercise all the limbs
of the body and make us physically fit.

2. Pleasure: Every one taking part in a outdoor game tries his best to show his
skill. These games benefit our health and give us pleasure.

3. Learn to obey rules: All the players are to obey the rules of the outdoor games
and sports that they play. If any player plays foul game, the referee at once
pulls him up. In this way, they learn to play clean game according to rules.

4. Discipline and team spirit: Again, several players have to combine together
as a team. They have to play under the leadership of a captain. They learn
discipline and develop team spirit.

5. Virtues: These games call forth several manly virtues, such as courage,
endurance, patience, and presence of mind.

6. Learn to organize things: Every player has to sacrifice his personal gains and
passions. The captain gives proper direction to his team without fear and bias.
Thus, the players learn discipline and organization. The captains ripen into
leaders of men in society in course of time.

Cagamutan Norte, Leganes, Iloilo - 5003
Tel. # (033) 396-2291 ; Fax : (033) 5248081
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7. Learns to accept defeat with grace: When an outdoor game is fought and
lost, the defeated party accepts the result in good grace. The victors do not
cast a fling at the players who have lost the game. Thus, a sporting spirit
develops and the players learn how to be generous and fair to others.


Too much of the outdoor games are harmful.

 Sometimes boys may be inclined to sacrifice their studies to ambition for

athletic distinction.
 At times young boys and girls get so excited that they put lots of physical
strain on their body. This causes harm to their physical and mental fitness.

e. Group Game Benefits

1. It gives them an opportunity to learn new things.

 Playing games can be a brilliant way to enhance learning abilities. You may
learn important life lessons and skills, develop a problem-solving attitude, get
to explore nature, acquire new information and an elementary understanding
of science. Moreover, when kids learn outside, they think of learning as an
ongoing and fun activity not as boring activity which is something they should
do in the classroom.

2. It can help in their physical development.

 Games keeps person active and can boost their physical stamina and fitness.
Playing games can also strengthen their muscles and bones, build immunity,
and lower the risk of many diseases like diabetes, heart problems,
and obesity. Being in the fresh air and sunshine can naturally provide them
with Vitamin D. Being exposed to electronic gadgets for longer duration can
impair your vision, But games can improve their eyesight.

Cagamutan Norte, Leganes, Iloilo - 5003
Tel. # (033) 396-2291 ; Fax : (033) 5248081
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3. It can boost their creativity.

 Indulging in games can makes you more creative and boost your imagination
and skills. Being in the open and surrounded by plants and trees, and other
objects can stimulate persons imagination power and tap into their creativity.

4. It can help them acquire social skills.

 A person who spend time in playing games with other tend to interact
effectively with other, in contrast to a person who remain indoors and are
isolated and withdrawn. If you spends more time indoors and lives within a
shell of his own, you should urge him to go out and play with other.

5. It can help them develop a positive attitude.

 Children who play games tend to develop a positive attitude towards life and
have a calmer and happier disposition. Also, game play provides a great
opportunity to channelize their energy in a meaningful way.

6. It helps in personality development.

 Games aid in the personality of a person. They learn to be independent and

self-reliant. They learn to deal with emergency situations, setbacks, etc., sans
adult supervision. This instils confidence in them and equips them to tackle life
situations later on. Games also helps them develop qualities like discipline,
sportsmanship, and leadership – all of which are useful later in life.

7. It helps improve the attention span in children.

 Playing games can also improve attention span in children. By playing games,
your child’s concentration and observational and reasoning skills will improve.
Kids with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) can also benefit from
outdoor play – it can improve their attention spans too.

Cagamutan Norte, Leganes, Iloilo - 5003
Tel. # (033) 396-2291 ; Fax : (033) 5248081
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8. It strengthens their motor skills.

 Engaging in different games can help persons develop their gross and fine
motor skills. They achieve better agility, coordination, and balance by playing

9. It improves their love for nature.

 Spend considerable time in games that may be more inclined to establish a

lifelong bond with nature.

10. It makes them lead a healthier lifestyle.

 Productively involve in games that more likely to lead a well-balanced and

healthy lifestyle later in their adulthood. They have good decision-making
abilities. They learn to challenge themselves and push their limitations thus
becoming better at risk assessment.

f. Suggested Group Games for Fitness

Double Jump Touch

 Physical Fitness Component/s Target: Leg Strength & Power

 Formation: Free Space within the Boundary
 Skills: Basic Jumping and Tagging
 Procedure: Players stay inside a boundary. Two or three players are chosen
as taggers. The others find themselves a free space within the boundary.
Players move by jumping with feet together. Taggers try to tag free players
by jumping close to them. Free players jump away also to avoid being tagged.
A player that is being tagged becomes a tagger and the first tagger becomes
a free player.

One against three

 Physical Fitness Component/s Target: Agility and Flexibility

 Formation: Three players form a circle by joining hands
 Procedure: Players form groups of four. Three players join hands in a circle
and number 4 players stays outside as the tagger. The tagger tries to tag
number 1 while number 2 and 3 dodge and twist or move in a circle to protect

Cagamutan Norte, Leganes, Iloilo - 5003
Tel. # (033) 396-2291 ; Fax : (033) 5248081
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number 1 player from being tagged. This continues until certain period of time,
like 20 minutes.

Indian Poison

 Physical Fitness Component/s Target: Arm Strength and balance

 Formation: All players form a circle by joining hands or hook elbows
 Procedure: Within the circle is a smaller circle with 5 to 10 indian clubs. Upon
signal, all players try to pull or push each other so that one of them will be
able to knock down the indian clubs. As soon as the player steps inside the
small circle or knocks down the indian club, the game stops and the guilty
player is out of the game. The play resumes until there is only one player left
and he is declared the winner. See to it that the player do not have any sharp
objects or jewelries on their bodies.

Carry the bucket

 Physical Fitness Component/s Target: Arm Strength

 Formation: line by 3’s
 Procedure: Players form groups of three. One player, the bucket, sitson the
ground with knees held firmly against the chest. Two players grasp the bucket
under the arm and swing backward and forward. Then they carry (running)
the bucket to short distance. Change roles.


 Physical Fitness Component/s Target: Arm Strength

 Formation: 4 players form a circle by joining hands
 Procedure: Players are grouped to odd and even numbers. All players who
are assigned odd numbers sit on the floor with knees straight and feet together
at the center of the circle, while even number players remain standing and
holding each other’s wrists. On signal, all even number players take a step
outward at the same time, odd number raise their hips and legs off the floor
to an incline position. Even number players move clockwise/ counterclockwise
while odd numbers take pivot on heels.

Walking Chair Relay

 Physical Fitness Component/s Target: Leg Strength

 Procedure: The players make a column with the first player assuming a
“sitting in the air” position. With his trunk straight, he flexes his knees. Others
behind follow the same position with their hands on the hips of those in front

Cagamutan Norte, Leganes, Iloilo - 5003
Tel. # (033) 396-2291 ; Fax : (033) 5248081
Email Address :
of them. At signal, players with flexed knees move forward keeping in step
toward the finish line. The first team to reach the finish line wins.

Skin the snake relay

 Physical Fitness Component/s Target: Flexibility

 Formation: Two groups of players stand in a single file.
 Procedure: Each player extends his right hand backward between hus legs.
The player behind grasps the hand of the player in front of him with his left
hand. On signal, the players on each team start moving backwards. The last
player in line lies on the ground while still holding on to the hand of the player
in front of him. The next to last player then straddles the last player who is
lying down and also lies down. The player on the line stands up and walks
forward in a straddling position. As this is done, he pulls the next player
forward. This action is continued until all the players are back on their feet.


1. Why do we need to do some outdoor games and activities ?

2. What are the benefits of playing games?
3. How games and activities help students?
4. What does great Games mean?



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