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t. Look at the map in activity B and write directions.

1. From the police station to the supermarket,


2. from the Hotel to [he Italian restaurant.


O Complete the sentences with the Imperative (affirmative or negative) of the verbs in the box.
dove fast watchout drive stop use

How to be a safe driver:

1. and wait when the trattic lights are red.

2. your cell phone.

4 00 tot busesandkids-
5. . in the city.

Writesentences using Don't and the ideas given.

1. Take the Use public

taxi car
subway transportation
to work. to go

3. call 4.
now PC
Jenny Buy
later. a laptop.
. She's busy.

f. Completethe dialogue with the sentences a-e.

a. It's a 5-minute walk from here. A: Excuse me. I don't understand this map.
b. How do I get there? Bid
c. No problem. A: Thank you. Where'sNorth City Park?
d. Don't worry, I can help. B: It's on Walnut Grove Road.
e. I don't know my way around.
A: 2 Is it near here?

A: OK, that's not far. 4 -b

B: Go straight and turn left at the traffic lights. Then at the gas station, turn right.
That's Walnut Grove Road and the park is on your right.
A: Thank you very much!

Match. B. Complete with the words in the box.

organize volunteers protect call bench bring
1. recycle
2. save 1. Let's sit on that in the park and have our lunch.

3. turn off 2. How do you help the environment?

4. use 3. Let's a garage sale. We can sell all our old t ings.
5. plant 4. The organization "Green Neighborhood" has lots of ee r S

5. I'm here for you. me when you need me.

a. trees
b. public transportation 6. Please, us a bottle of water.

c. energy
d. the faucet
e. cans

t. Complete the dialogues with object personal pronouns.

1. A: Jenny, where's my MP3 player? I can't find
things, Tara. Look in your room.
B: I don't know. I never take your
A: No, it isn't there.
clothes on the floor! Let's pick up. Maybe your MP3 player is on the floor,
B: Are you sure? Look at all those
under all those clothes.
A: Here it is. Thanks, Jenny. You always help

2. A: Excuse me. We'd like some information about E-cycling Day. Can you tell about it?

B: Miss Dale knows about E-cycling Day. Please talk to She can give O.) all the information you

Complete the dia'ogues with the correct subject or object persona' pronouns.
1. A: Hello. Mr. Donaldson. Is Jake here? 2. A: What are all those notebooks in the gara
B: No. at the hardware store. 're old. I want to throw
wants to buy paint. away.
A: What does he want to do with A: You can recycle , you know
B: Well, the fence around our yard looks old and B: That's a good idea.
wants to paint A: There are recycling bins next to the
A: Maybe can help (, supermarket. Maybe cango
B: sure. together.
B: OK. Thanks.
A: Don't mention it.

E. Listen to an announcement about a flea

market and complete the flyer.

9 a.m.- 6 p.m.
at Fairview 2

Bring your old 3

and 4

Please, don't bring

For info call: 315-555-9986

n. Look at the famous places

Use the words in the box to
complete the names.
museum zoo aquarium castle theater

1. The Egyptian

2. London

3. The Maracanä 't t)

4. Warwick
5. The national in Slovenia in Japan

B. Replace the words in bold to avoid

1. Lots of tourists visit the Louvre. Touris s love the MonaLisa.
2. There are lots of markets in London. The
mar ets are very popular.
3. I want to walk around the city. The city is really
4. Look at that castle. People from all over the
world come to see that castle.
5. Jenny is my friend. I want J nny to come to New York
with me
6. I have lots of photos from Barcelona. Do you want to see the

t. Read and write what the words in bold refer to.

When you go to New York There are lots of sights in the city of Krakow in Poland.
City, don't forget to visit Visit them and learn about the city's history. There's the
the Empire State Building. beautiful Wawel Royal Castle. It's a museum today with
It has 102 floors and is beautiful paintings and furniture. Lots of tourists visit it
1,250 feet high. There are every year and they also walk around the Old Town. There
are lots of beautiful buildings, nice streets and stores.
73 elevators in the building
and tourists can take them
to go to the 86th and 102 nd
floors to see the view. It is
fantastic! You can see for
almost 80 miles from
the top!

4. them (line 2):

1. It (line 4): 5. It (line 3):
2. them (line 7): uns 6. it (line 4): V WN
3. It (line 9): 7. they (line 5):

D. Complete the dialogue with the sentences a-e.

B: There are lots of things. There are two v ry nice
a. What else is there to see in this city?
Bellview. museums and a theater downtown. 2 It's beautiful.
b. Then remember to go for a walk in
A: OK. Sounds nice.
c. Then walk around.
B: And, do you like parks?
d. It's usually the best way to see a city.
e. Also, don't miss the old castle. A: Sure.
That's next to the castle.
A: Excuse me, where's the aquarium?
traffic lights and go straight. A: OK, thanks. How do I get downtown? Take a bus?
B: Oh, just turn left at the
The aquarium is on your right. B: Yes, take bus 101.4 L

A: Thanks. 1 A: You're right. 5

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