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Chapter 1: THE DINNER

Kate woke up with a massive headache and her body aching like she’s been slammed to a wall.
Last night was their engagement party. The last thing she remembered is her being carried by
josh. She looked around to check her surrounding and she saw herself in one of the guestroom
of her fiancé house. She felt cold and when she checked herself below the white satin sheet,
her eyes widens—she’s naked underneath! She quickly covered herself again, when she tried to
move she winced. She felt sore; there’s only one explanation for it. She had sex! It’s not like
she’s a virgin, she had given her first time to her longtime boyfriend and now fiancé, Josh Miller.

“Maybe, he already went down.” She muttered under her breath, she assumed that she had sex
with Josh since she isn’t that type of person who'll just do it with anybody, especially to a

She tried her best to stand up enduring the pain below her and the raging hangover. She never
had this thrill feeling, even in their college days but she didn’t mind since few months from now
she’s going to be Mrs. Miller. She used the sheet to cover herself; her plan is to go to her room
then change before going down.

‘What time is it anyways?’

After change she went down the staircase and she saw the maids cleaning up after the party.
She went to the kitchen and greeted the cook. She was served classic eggs benedict for

“Thank you, Lea.” She said as her plate was placed in front of her.

The cook smiled back in return and went back to her chores. As she was eating, she was trying
to recall what the hell happened last night—she sighs when she didn’t succeed. She was going
to take another bite when she felt a hand cover her eyes. The familiar smell of perfume whiffed;
she already knows who it is but she just let him play the game he intended to do.

“Guess who?” she shivers when she heard his baritone voice near her ear.

“Wait, let me think.” She paused a little as if she’s deeply thinking about it. “Oh, I know,
Channing Tatum?” she said trying to tease him, which succeeded when she heard him groan.

“Wow, I’m deeply hurt. “She heard him teasingly complaining while he removed his hand on her

“In my defense, you should be thankful that I thought you’re Channing Tatum.” She said taking
another bite; she pointed her fork to him and continued “because he is hot as hell.”
And with that statement he lunged to her and carried her by her waist before turning her around.
She squeals and wrapped her hand around his neck—burying her face on the crook of his neck.
She felt his kisses on her hair. Her fiancé, Josh is really the sweetest guy she knows.

“I love you, Kate.” She blushed when she heard him. She looked up and was about to say it
back when she heard someone fake a cough. They look at the direction and they saw her sister,
Raven with her resting bitch face and an eyebrow arching.

“Please if you’re going to be like this, take it to your room.” Raven said with a bitchy tone.

Kate just laughed it off, pulled herself off of Josh and approached Raven before giving her a big
hug which Raven gladly accepted. Raven might be a bitch but she is Kate’s only sister, plus,
raven is actually nice if people get to know her; at least, that’s what Kate thought.

“By the way, what are doing here?” Kate asks after the hug. “I’m just here to visit plus to invite
you to-“Raven didn’t get to finish her sentence when they heard a ring coming from Kate’s
phone. Kate checked the caller I.D and she saw that it’s from the office.

“I am so sorry, I got to take this. “She said apologetically to raven; she glanced at Josh and
smiled before going to the backyard to answer the call. It took her awhile to get back inside the
house since it is an important matter.

She was confused when she entered and saw no one inside the house. She tried to call or the
both of them but no one answered; that is until she got a message from Josh telling her that he
have important matters to attend. She understands it so she didn’t pry even more; josh is a CEO
of a pharmaceutical company. For her sister, she also received a text. The text is about her
suddenly being called back to their house. She didn’t put too much to it and went on with her

After a few months since the engagement party; Kate’s parents invited her to dinner with raven
and with Josh too which she gladly accepted. It also been a few months when josh became
suddenly cold towards her; he would go to work early and go home late, at first, she didn’t think
too much to it since his job is really stressful and hard but it became like a routine; he rarely
have time to her too. This sudden change is making her worry. So she thought this dinner would
actually fix their communication.

She texted Josh about the upcoming plan and he answered with a single ‘K.’ Kate’s eyebrows
furrowed when she read the text. No I love yous. No take care. No xoxos. What happened to the
guy she was with since college, where did that sweet guy go? She let go off a deep
disappointed breath before getting ready.

It took her a few hours to finish but it was all worth it. She wore a black sleeveless dress that
hugs her curves with a slit on the side up to her thighs which compliments her pinkish
complexion; she put her hazel brown hair into a messy bun and for her make-up she just went
natural. She texted Josh once again for the nth times but still no response. She waited half an
hour before she actually got a text back telling her that he is already outside waiting for her in
the car.

She immediately went outside. She was about to enter the shotgun seat when she saw her
sister, Raven inside already. She was speechless, no, more like shock. It was an awkward
silence before Raven broke

“I’m sorry; I was used to be in the shotgun seat.” Raven paused when she realize what she said.
“I mean back when we were kids. I’m always at the shotgun.” Raven laughed a little forced
before getting down. “I’ll seat at the back.” Raven smiled a little. Kate sat down beside josh still
confuse and frazzled.

The ride to the restaurant was suffocating, no one talked and the only source of sound is the
radio playing some melodramatic melody. The moment they arrived they were guided by the
server to their reserved V.I.P table. Kate approached her mother and immediately hugged her.

Katherine Millard didn’t look a day older than 40 despite her age being almost 60. Kate has
always been a mother’s girl. Of course, she didn’t forget her father, Jaxon Millard, compared to
her mother, Jaxon looks better with age. He is intimidating and has an aura of someone who
demands respect.

“Good thing, you decided to come, princess.” Her dad said having giving her kisses. Her parents
also greeted Josh and Raven. Josh sat down in the middle of the two sisters like always. The
food arrived and they started conversing about the past and their college days; until the topic
about achievements came.

“Remember when Kate came home with multiple awards. She complained on where she’ll put
them all, she was so flustered.” Her mother said before laughing.

“Yeah, and you have to empty my cupboard and throw some of my stuff to make some space.”
Raven interjected, the whole table went quiet. “Guys, don’t look at me like that; it’s been a long
time.” She added with a fake laugh at the end of her sentence before returning to her T-bone
steak. Kate sighs at the remark of Raven.

She was taken back when she heard Josh’s breath became ragged, she looked at him to see
his face flushed and red. She placed her hand on his cheeks to feel his temperature which
made him flinch. She rummaged on her purse to get a handkerchief and wiped his sweat.

“You’re sweating so hard, do you need to go to the bathroom?” she asked worry evident on her

“Yeah, I’ll excuse myself.” Josh bent down to kiss Kate’s forehead before excusing himself. Not
even a minute later, Raven excused herself too to go to the powder room. She was confused at
first due to the circumstances but she didn’t want to jump into conclusion. Plus, it’s her sister
that we’re talking about here. Not some bimbo by the street but her sister.
Kate couldn’t help herself but to follow them after a few minutes of them being away. She strides
her way to the restroom. She knocked at the door and she heard small muffles.

“Raven? Is everything okay?” she asked after knocking once again. “Do you need help?”

“N-no need, I got this all in control. My stomach just didn’t digest the food well.” Raven almost
immediately answered but she sounds like she’s struggling. Kate isn’t someone who likes to pry
so she let it be. She returned back to the table after a few minutes her sister came back with
Josh. They said that they met on the way back. Josh is in a disheveled state.

They went home after the dinner. She thought it’ll be the chance for them to bond once again
when josh entered the bathroom. She removed her dress and wore a robe before joining him
inside. She hugged him from behind his naked body as the water cascade. He pulled her off of
him before shaking his head. No words are needed; she knows what he meant. She stepped
out of the shower trying to hold her tears back. She didn’t want to cry in front of him.

She lay down on their bed silently weeping while he is still inside nonchalant and cold. She fell
asleep that night broken and dead.




- Our Main Protagonist. She is gullible and too trusting for her own good. Until the night of
her engagement party when what she thought was right is actually a mistake changed her life.
Her sister and her fiancé are cheating behind her back. She ran away from her problems and
there she met Artemis Allen.


- A flirtatious and persistent best friend of Kate’s fiancé. He found Kate on her worst moment
she was broken, alone and pregnant. He took her in out of pity but he fell in love with her in the


- Kate’s fiancé. They’ve been together since college. He proposed to her the moment
they finished college. He loves Kate, that he knows, but in the time of weakness; he let
himself be seduced by Raven, Kate’s sister. The main reason why she can’t trust
anyone anymore.

- - Kate’s younger sister. She feels inferior to Jess, she feels like she isn’t enough. She’s
jealous of jess to the point shell seduce Kate’s fiancé just out of spite her. She’ll is the main
antagonist of this story wanting to destroy Kate with all her might. She wants Kate to be left with


Kate woke up in a familiar ceiling—it was the guest room of her fiancé house. They had an
engagement party the night before. She then realizes she is naked under the sheets. Few
months later she found out she is pregnant at the same time she found out her fiancé and her
sister having an affair behind her back. She ran away to the countryside with unborn baby
hoping to give it a life away from the people who broke her.

She arrived at the countryside and met multiple misfortunes. She became homeless and she
got robbed. At her lowest point she was rescued by Artemis Allen, her fiancé’s best friend. He
took her to his home. He bathe her, fed her, sheltered her, clothe her—he was accommodating.
He found out she is pregnant and he became more protective.

Kate later then found out that Raven, her sister, and Josh, her fiancé, are getting married. She
cried her eyes out but Artemis was there to take care of her. She was invited to the wedding
which once again broke her heart. She was about to say no to it but Artemis told her they
should attend just to show them that she is stronger than before.

They went to the engagement party where she saw josh again. They wanted closure and so
they did. She told Josh she is pregnant. Josh was confused since nothing happened to them
during that engagement party, since he started having an affair with Raven there.

Kate was surprised and horrified. She doesn’t know who her baby’s father is. Once again she is
lost and confused. Artemis is there again to take care of her. She is starting to depend on him
unhealthily. She starts to act possessive and clingy to Artemis. Artemis didn’t like it, he was
turned off.

Kate became vindictive and jealous scared to lose Artemis to others. Artemis put up with her for
the baby inside her. Artemis then met someone named Dea Callaghan; she is sweet and
reminds him of the old Kate. He fell in love with her and starts to neglect Kate. He started seeing
Dea behind Kate’s back.

Kate found out about it which broke her heart twice. And she did was she does best, she ran
away. This time she learned her lesson. This time she is better than ever. She gave birth to a
healthy boy and she started a new life. The boy looks so much like Artemis and there she knew
Artemis is actually the father of her son. She was alone yet happy and independent. She no
longer trusts people that easily.

After a few years, she met Artemis again, in a business merging. He begs for her forgiveness
and a second chance. Kate didn’t make it easy for him. He also found out that the baby Kate is
carrying is actually his. He worked even harder until Kate forgave him.

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