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E mnekode: EN-17.3

Emnenavn: Business English

Dato :

Varighet: 0900-1300

Afztall sider itlkl. forsirle: 6

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A RRBd the articIe’°Fhe AM effect" (see pages ) and answer

the questions.
The test describes.how Unilever prornoted their AXE deodorant spray ïn tke USA.
List the jazomotional.activities they used.

Choose the right answer for each of the following questions.

Who yyere the ta@’et audience in Unilever‘s promotional campaign
A Young women
B Young meri
C Men of all ages
D Men artd worné

How üirf peoyle get.aq irlvttation to the house party7

A By re¢eTvirtg dlrect m9\I
B By 9nswering an advertfsernent
C By äppfying thro0gh an Internet sit-e
D By parti«ipating in a.gaine

3 Whät was the aim ofthe p0b\tcity for the housé party7
A To. show an” exotic jocatiön
B To \mprove men's.dating.skäls
C Tö’excfte péople’s suFjöSit\'
D To show people 1ey needed AkE

4 According to Mary Drapp, what was the aim of the promotional campaign?
ATo fn¢réase brand aw'areness
B Tq encourage people to visit the website
C To encourage a different type of customer to bu'y thé product
0 To show the éffectlveness of the product

5 What was unique about the promotion ot’AXE7

/\ The house pay
B The téTévision programme
C The free disc
a The use of the Internet

6 What wasthe ëffect of the marketing campaign7

A TwenJMo per.cent more people knew about AKE
B Sales of AX£- increased by 22%
C There was an increase in the percentage of young met who knew.about AXE
D Brand awareness rose.to Z.79t

3 Find wards or expressions In the text that match thè gdfinitions {1—SRI)

t build on an exłstińg success

2 concentrated on
3 how muck of the markët is taken ôy a particular product
4 knowledge that a certain brand exists
6 publičisëd'strongIy
5 sł õps, sopennarkets, etc.
7 start using (your computér)

9: vlsiîs (to a webshe’)

1a start sellinğ for the first time

B Prepare a promotional campaign

Yõu work on the creativëtèam in the marketing departmerit ofa large multinational
company. The company has decldëd that It is time to lauńch In your country a shampoo
which has been very successful in the United States and Canada. The tärget customers for
thls shampoo, called Provocation, are young women aged 1ż—2S.

Your task is to come up with some goog ideas for a promotional campaign for the laúnch.
Yõur Ideas äre to:be discussed atthé next markețing departmdnt meeting, sö.you’ll ńeed a
list of notes.

2. (20 %)
Write an emaïI announcing a committed meeting

You are Joan Smith, and the comminee you are leading is a volunteer group planning a
fraśhmlëa i ø papa-r «t ari area park, Your meeżìńg goaț ïs to b›atnstorrn ways to encouragë
públÎc particìpatìen In this environmental event, to be hetd 18 ß4ay,

Writa an email zn’essage telling:committee members about’the meeting Include time, date,
duratlön and țzîcation (choose apeace you know). Ivłe«tion the purpose ofŁhe melting, and
mentiõn one or two ofyaur own ideas to inspire the others and encourage attendance.

3. (2096)
Wtite a memo announcinga new slBR@ÎFT@.roOm Bt Phidias & Associates

"We’re golng.to.:ğa what?" you àsk in ąstontshment. But yõur boss ïs standing.over yõur desk
and he iš ’Iî ot smiling. Joñàs T. Phidias..is sčnìór p.artnër of P-hidiásg Asśo.cîafes, a San
Francisco architectural firm. an,d he is. complżtefy serious.
'A nap room;° he says somewhät ÏmpatÏedtly. "We’va hired a subcontr.äctòr to..
cońvert.tÏiose two back ôffices that we haven*t6een vsln& Yöu know what press.ures oür
people are.under to handle the.stmss..of țong hours and stìfl be cr.eative..vv'ell, we’ll soon be
offeïing.’them the.öpportuûity.to rejuvefiate.with îä. quick,.creative:nap."
Frem his snappłsh tone, you realize that yo.ur response was not.whät he had
expected. Quicftlÿ you compDse ÿö.urțélf. As ÿou think aböut łt, his Idea makes:a lòt of sense.
You have felt the need yourself — after working late on:a rush job, you have wondere.d how
you arè suppased to.be c?eatİvely inspired yyhen you can barelÿ get your eÿes to focús,
°why, naps could be greatt* you finally manage.
"Yeś," he lriteiruğts. 'Morias £dson ł‹new the.creatüe.value of a quick nap. I’ve just
read The Art.of Napping. by.William A. Aritłiony, and the benefits of a nap room are too great
to îğnõïe."
"Œher companies are pro•'0B that Dd 5 CAT Improve employees' .mental function
suffiči+•ritly to.affect the bottom line. t’ve dećtdëd that no matter what they źhi iL of It,
Phidîas & Associates’ employees arë going tp take ńaps during working hours. Draft a memo
to teİI them of my decisİóri, anrI j want no argumerńs.from theml* he instructs.ąs he strides

Your task•
As Ph\dias’s assistant, write a memo informing aîl staff1at the new ”nap room° will be
ready for their convënîënce in appraXimateîÿ threë weeLs, aílô that they will bye. expected’Ïo
rnaLe good.use of it. Explain its"purpose and try to keep humour out of.your memo;.since It
will ôe sent from J.onas T..Phjdias.

4 (40.96)
Troubleshooting report on improving.the students‘ canteen

Imağine that ÿou ale a consultant hired tö Improve the profits of your čampús œntèen. You
have visited the canteen on several occasîöns; each time posing as a regular student and not
revealing thè true.purpose.of you yîsits. Writé a short repo.rt to the canteen ownèrs (SLA,
Kûstlansand); explaining what you did and what you observed. Include a description of.the
prëmîSes;.İnside a.nd out, anô mention the operiing hoúr4. Des.črtbe the mčnu, sérvlce and
food thor.ougȚlly,.polntlñg oat the good as well as the bad aspects. î-inalìy, male
recómmendätionś for ãny lïnproyements tÏiàt will ‹rake țhe cańteen more profitable. Sign
the feport "John Smith, consultarit".
UiA/Eksamen/EN-1zaN 20ò9

The AXE effect

When Unilever wanted ta launch its ĂXE deodorant spray for men in the Üńlted Stateš, ft
combined yoúng mełł’S natural Interest in pretty gins with the attradion of a great house
party. The iôèä was simpìe: böy buys AXE; hoy meets gìrI, boy smells nic , gIr1 likes bay.

The product, which was already popúlar İn other parts o’f the world, y/as launched țn the
Unlted States with a powerful pżornotïona] plan to make It äppealto Ameritań. rnäle yolJth
culture: Using the slogan °.the AXf .effecc", the company used a númber of marketing ploys
to bring the produ;cttö thd attention ofthä pubîiç. These iricluded an online game, fręë
samples of daodorant, often given by attractive female modøls, in retäîl stores, point1f—
saleś displays, rnedła advert)sirig añd publit relations (PR), all of whłcfi hyğed the centrèpîecè
of the promotion- a once-łń-a-lifetime party at a Florida mansion.

Unilever began the December before by direcț-malting mIIlİons of college students and
yõung.males.aged between 11 and 24, who received fre.e sàmples and ml formation aö.out tlie
ëvent,.which was advertised as the AXE House Party: lots of girls, rock stars and a beach
ńõuse. A radio. adverfisirig,campaign ąnd online publićity câlled for yöuńg men to (og on to
.the Internet to play a video.game on the AXE website. Participants had to apply their
dating skills tq s.core. points. If th.e.p.!ayér č.eafihèd a certain (ev.eî, hé ëńtere.d ä lottery.to win
a trip to the party.

AXE fočúsed:õn the ìńtrìğue ähd discoŸeiÿ uftŁč party. Leaflets simìîar to ones made for a
party bya group of college students were posted in relevant locätions such as meIł"stołtets
at nightclubs. There ’wer« àlso print ads ìn Rolling stone and Spin mägazirłes.

°It wàs all aóöut gettinğ into the mind of the 10-sometfiłngguÿ,“ says Mary Dräpp, rnafiageF
of sttategìc alliances a»d sponsorshÎps for Unilever. And they succeeded in doing that. Thelr
websité réceiVed more.thart gS3;0o0tłiU; or 20% fnore than the goal. Some 100 lucky young
men were flown in to attend the party, held near Młamt. Hundreds of girls were invited to
daùce änd enjoy musłœl acts from Nellÿ, Andrew W.K:, hÏcole and the Rîddlin Kids. Gvësts
could use the pool, go to a game roołYt or play air hotkey, cards or billiards.
1”he party was ftlna+d anet editerl into an l\o‹ir-long show h› oadcast nn TNN in A[›ril. “To our
knovvleJge. i obu‹Jy has ever taken a cc ns‹inJer promo tion and ‹HrneJ it into n television
show,” says Steve Jnrvis, the nJ arketiiJg consult ant for AXE. "Th at was something coiJ\pletely
origin al." Aher the party, AXE coistiilried to capitalise an the event. Some 50fJ,000 special
packs went on sale Mt retail stores, offering two cans of the deodor ant spray with a free AXE
house-party CD thaI featured scngs front the artists who had appearecl at the party.

Following the piolnotion, resHlt s included a 22% increase in genef at hranJ awareness among
males aged 11 to 24 and a 3.0@ to 3.7% increase in antiperspir ant and Jeodoi ant inarket

Adapted fro in Promo

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