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SHS of Boracay NHS Attitude Towards Budgeting and Spending their Allowance


Name (Optional): ______________________________ Date: ___________

Grade and Section: ___________________ Age: ___________ Sex: ___________

Direction: Please encircle the letter of your answer and answer the following questions honestly
based on what you actually do.

1. Do you make/write a budget plan?

A. Yes: __ Always __ Often __ Sometimes
B. No: Never
2. When it comes to budgeting my money:
A. I take pride in following my budget closely.
B. I take pride in living so simply that I've never needed a budget.
3. When it comes to spending:
A. I'd rather save my money; spending it makes me nervous.
B. I don't care where my money goes; I have more important things to think about.
4. Are you tracking where you spend your money?
A. Yes
B. No
5. Do you save money?
A. Yes
B. No
6. When it comes to saving:
A. Saving comes naturally to me. I am regular and consistent about it.
B. I know I ought to be saving money, but I never seem to get around to it.
7. What is your top priority when it comes to spending money?
A. Needs
B. Wants
8. When I really want to buy something that's not in my budget:
A. I'd have to think hard before giving myself permission to spend the money.
B. What's budget? Everything will work out all right.
9. Are you worried about your financial status?
A. Yes
B. No

10. Do you consider yourself responsible enough in budgeting and spending your money
A. Yes: Why? _______________________________________________________________
B. No: Why? ________________________________________________________________
11. For you, why do you think budgeting must be an attitude?


When you have finished answering the following questions, calculate your results and
determine what is your attitude towards budgeting and spending your allowance.

If most of your answer is letter A you are a Tightwads. You love saving and you hate spending
money. You will hold on to your money as long as you can. You prefer to buy what you really
need rather than to buy what you want but you don't need.

If the number of A's are equal to the number of B's you are an Average Spender. You spend

what you think is appropriate. You think about purchases. You weigh options, take
time to decide, and, generally, try to make smart moves and save a little money.

If most of your answer is letter B you are a Spendthrifts. You love spending money. Your
mindset is what is budget? Money are meant to be spend. You spend money impulsively with out
thinking what will happen next.

Statement of the problem:

This study seeks to determine the attitude of Senior high school students of Boracay National
High School towards spending and budgeting their allowance.

1. What are the attitudes of the students towards budgeting and spending?
2. How do students budget and spend their allowance?
3. Why budgeting must be an attitude?

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