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1) len —+ Voted Of, Paine da “ae : This chapter distlsSes essential 2orhwonelte GP ardartadadement and useful guidelines in succegsful planning and implementation of projects. PROJECT i A Project’ 's a plan or an undertaking'c and activities such as()) G and . construction project is an endeavor having a defined beginning and end, undertaken to meet specific goals and objectives. Pasa paar ta pn. the Broek done of “te devel Guity, within te gveo damian Ob Well og fun Hie jp’ Bibel The concept ‘Of Project" is applied in many industries. In each field, the + Set of tasks and processes involved vary. In manufacturing, a Project can be a repetitive, permanent or semi- Permanent functional/work meant to produce Products for trade. The whole process of a manufacturing project usually spans the Tange of activities from acquisition of raw materials to packaging of finished products.~ Manufacturing involves crucial but usually under-prioritized ctions such ag inventory control, quality control, and industrial safety. ii oonancies, 8 Project may entail the exhaustive tasks of planning, complianee "4 delivering the required professional services. in required to with the Terms of Reference (TOR), consultants may be Conduct preliminary Surveys, prepare inception reports, gather dat t and analyze information, and formulate draft and fea ita, presen reports. In lending institutions, analytical processes 0! negotiations, contracting review. Missions are dispatch 1 " ‘A ‘Project’ is likewise latly referred to in Construction? There hat * itigariledls iene “Project” with all the concerned activities “(Refer to 1.2 Project Development Cycle) and a (construction project ‘wherein at times, the pre-investment and post-investment phases are absent or performed by other patties. Factually, a construction project ig concerned mainly on project implementation. It is one endeavor that has a clearly defined beginning and end, undertaken to meet specific goals ang objectives. PROJECT DEVELOPMENT CYCLE llectively to hj Project could pertain collecth igh 1 aroject identification, pre-appraisal, appraise’ tation, and project supervision and or document ed to undertake these tasks The cycle of Project Development is classified generally in three phases: pre-investment, investment, and post-investment. Identification of this timeline is important.‘ . 4 through 'sellen work stages: project aration; appraisal and financing, oe ; rare: Operation and inte i ost-pre uation. In each stage, there are vital activities that must be carried out well to ensure success of the project. 1. Project Identification or Initiation ( Coceplntyptns) + projet The initiation process dicta However, it is of prin en tes. the. nature i sere eng be ee estas Sty te Dae nine : hype “ Condition of an area covered Pe, Chive! aunties Project Preparation a bore reponrion after the initiation phase of the project, ‘adequate’ fovel of details must Pa formulated This is the Project Preparation stage. The basic purpose the preparation is to identify the resources needed, estimate costs, plan time schedules, define work ‘heeded, and identify potential risks during project execution Project preparation is comprised basically of the following fe \ Mate \s “ determining the scope of work and coverage, \ te site &Y ¢ « identifying deliverables or outputs; —+ Dyn Or ie * visualizing the project team composition; Cote Ory, ty gage) Psrelene' & ‘“e estimating the resource requirements for the various activities, Servers forecasting project costs; 0} becioet 1 eR) woney ene * preparing projected cash flow, ae te ol te [Wor estimating time vis-a-vis logical sequence of activities; __ formulating budget; Prick, buy ON, the dexdans dire rot viaht Nature , © Mon youer 2 yi atiuok . . * planning risks; and —* . Cow agen defining quality standards. ee Usually pre-feasibility and feasibility studies are formulated at the Preparation stage. There are times when Industry Studies are also undertaken. For simple projects, a Project Profile is sufficient. 3. Appraisal and Financing —+ —b6dgr » If a project requires external financing sources, the process of application, appraisal or evaluation, negotiations, and financing is inevitable. The project owner then must be meticulous and patient in complying with the requirements as the lending institution (e.g. a bank) conducts appropriate due diligence in assessing the project and its Principals prior to approval of financing. For huge and complex projects, pre-appraisals are icted. condu Ct 4. Engineering and Detailed Design The Investment Phase commences with the preparation of Engineering and Detailed Designs. Plans and designs are developed after 3 a= ! y itions ang ring var factors ke owners preference, local cond a considering various wet sll H etl ; = aroun cis are considered in the devs lopment of the plans ang m designs. Amon: mare the ‘ 5. implementation / Construction i ing i i onstruction of an Capital outiay is poured in during implementation or ci envisioned project. This topic is discussed at length in Chapter I, 6. Operation and Maintenance JO7, ad adget When the constructed structures are completed and turned over to the _ project owner, they are then operated and maintained. Allied to these activities are repairs, rehabilitation, redevelopment and expansion. (Sm . ona, Ort? fpeatlaah BR prege = 7. Post-Project Evaluation LAN vopnsible ibe © yes. ef - When the pores ipeibastics aon operation, a post-project evaluation is undertaken. objectivevis to compare plans’ and targets with the actual completed structure. If necessary, improvements are made. Shown in Figure 1 is the schematic presentation of the Proj 5 i ject Development Cycle. Project Implementation or the Construction stage is ee referred to as the “Project.” However, theoretically, those enume! in the cycle represents the complete set of project activities. MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS Managers are expected to perform certain duties or oe as they move projects to successful completion Experts ‘ jave Classifieg Management functions in variety of ways. It is widely accepted t! Management's fundamental functions are planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. But as more factors come in to play, especially in bi and complex projects with more stakeholders, the functions of Management have become more specialized allowi for am thorough handling of each work activity. Each adjurict function then evolved into a discipline of its own. Below are nine (9) identified functions of Management: 1. Planning Pianning is setting up of goals, objectives and targets of an organization or. Specific to the focus of this book, a construction project. Target-setting re‘ers particularly to certain factors like time, budget, profit, desired Quality, and scope of work. Planning is inevitable to ensure the delivery of desired results (yernddo MY (Cgeopre) 7 meting dsr quit? Covey yet RE ce oy os 2. Organizing re pope Organizing is a Management function that deals with the development of an organization structure, a functional chart and a position chart - all aimed at realizing the established objectives and targets of a project. OH ort Hanns nted dp Crpring — Pope —WOrtin the popeaty srl, - ing foleras —e Preinary ery Staffing deals with the recruitm employees through a process of human resource development (inc! and benefit scheme). ent and development of competent evaluation, selection, placement and ludes, setting up of training programs (ades oactoned on the Qroup, —exomp “Fey omurt aR Hr neon, the atiamp\shy fy wre Or oa Cpe. Hire” oe Poy srecting te ore, Fe hard et MMPOG Tete Ianh, Cogeay Oreo ton:) Directing is Fowiding instructions to lower level personnel; communicating the work to be done periodically: leading the tasks required in a project; and motivating people to work efficiently and effectively. Gion es Nate —e Cramton. Cov at + nal Cavan tem port oF Aeipling. contnl 9E 5, Controlling ———~* iddie_and_ top-level ject ling is a function performed by middle _and_top-level_proj¢ pekonly and managers. They measure accomplishments ee = s targets. They check personnel productivity and examine the quality con if there are deviations, appropriate corrective aeons, ba werommended and verified thereafter if such were followed after reasonable period of time. ; emf He feet, 7 op ostnctl- orting —— a “day nord stent neon well renow veset 40 beset oxster : deals with the periodic preparation of required reports fo Eon to hight rities and to the project owner. lf ee On eaes of the TepOns-SNOUd TKeWise_ be given to financial or lending institution for variation. Forms depicting all pertinent, : information are developed and subsequently accomplished. Dont pretend y Raper fot Yo eject year — ower a He” OHdact) tet yy Ya 7. Monitoring and Evaluation —» tidiigke Hy job done. oO super viso~ MUS he Knavleggabde ) Nawig SuRpent Krouledae «Far erompe you should Krad thequal Monitoring and Evaluation are related to Controlling. There are instances when Monitoring is performed mofithly and Evaluation is done on a semi- annual basis. Issues, problems, and constraints that hinder project completion and implementation of plans are identified and analyzed. Solutions are recommended and actions are developed and executed. The forms used in Monitoring and Evaluation may vary on the details or Gepth of the Contents. C eruring sp you os within ty Peygene” 188, Brew toys to Coltulae He Las Os ell On ne pre 4 Cs. He preltems onsen 8. Coordinating © cune bor cho —b /. OF Compledon You > face the fee Qerourt ofend Within Me 49H oF z im Solving tt is the venue municate project participants’ views, eee and opinions. After productive deliberations, decisions are made Fanicipants agree on course of actions to take. Phere edkitotin Hert tS COmeruniathen 1 Goll O4 Syece Coferash HOG 9. Reviewing fio! Spano do Weeticrgnle t A project is reviewed in a wholistic manner i: aft 95% completed or The Wi rics of Pre Mapes es pecan ially its ie pallets or Construction Management, Pro ritien Wiad silk ae ads very PIHEN schedule. fy

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