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ffiffim ITELNI5

First Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Dec.2f/lllJan.20tg

Basic Electronics
Time: 3 hrs.
N4 ax. Marks: 100
Note: Answer any FIVE.f17r! qustfu,ns, chrosing
one fu, questiun.frotn eacrt motrure.

-o. I a' . operation

Explain the
Module_ |
of nN ;rn.tio?EEinder anrl reverse biased
with the help of V[ citaracteristics curve. conditions.
b. Derive the ielation between tr and p. Calculate
l(.and lf fur rransistor,nr, n", J:: I?l:!i
and Is: 100 pA.
c' with a neat circuit diagranr a,d exprain ihe r.vorking orcentr"-,rrtii,i',ill:
rectifier and derive the efficienc;, for the same. (08 Marks)

2 a' with a neat diagram, exprain the operation ol pr,,\p and NpN
a9! b A half wave rectifier from u tupply 230 v 50 iJz with (08 [Iarks)
step down translormer ratio j:l to a
resistive load ol I0 KQ' The diode forward .esistance
is 75 e ancl translormer secondarv is
l0 Q. Calculate the DC current. DC voltage. et-ficiency
c. and ripple fhctor. ,r.;;;..;
with neat circuit diagram. exprain trrc Jo',,ron
output characteristics. "*it*r.i.*it "irJ-.lo"r-, irir, rna
(06 luarks)

3I }l:f_, equation r,,a .;,"rffire base-trias rransistor circuits.

:c u. r_restgn "..1r:1r,
(06 Marks)
an Adder ustng op_alnp to give the output voltage
.o; .
% = _[2V, + _:V, r 5V. ]
(06 Marks)
c Derive the equations for output vortage
for an inverling anrrrifier and an integrator.
(08 NIarks)

4 a. Explain the characteristics of an ideal op?ulp.

IV"ntion the applications.
b. Accurately anaiyze the voltage divijer blas (06 NIarks)
rvnicn has V61. = lg V. Rr
R:: 12 KJ) and Re: I KC). Determine V1, V6. V1p. Ic and poirlt. :
33 K().
ht = 200. e \.\, hen transistor
c. Write shod notes on op_amp viftual ground
(08 i\tarks)
(06 NIarks)
..) : Module-J
5 a. pc;-lo.rn the flollowine:
: ".1 i) Convenf57145)r""-r )r..
.b. ;i) Subtract(28)ro-(19)rousing2,scomplement
z Realize y = AB + CD + E ,sing-NRNO gu,".
'-'method. (06 ,U$rks)
E c. Explain the full adder circuh.i,ith truthiable. (06 l\tarks)
Realize the circr"rit for sum and carry us
togrc gates. ing
(08 Marks)


6 a. Pcrlirrm the lblloir ing:
i) Convert (FA27D)I6 = ( ):+=( )r=( )ro
ii) Subtract l0.0l0l l0l.lll0using l's complirnent method. (06 Marks)

b. Y=A+AB+ABe simplityand implement using logic gates and NOR gates. (06 Marks)
c. State anci prove De Morgan's theorem ttsing two variable. (08 Marks)

7 a. Bring out diflir',:nces between flip flops and latches. (0'l Marks)
b. Explain SR flipflop with circuit diagram and truth table. (06 Marks)

c. With a neat block diagram explain the architecture ol805l miclccontro ller. (10 Marks)

g a. Explain the operation of NAND gate latch with circuit and truth table. (t0 Marks)
b. what is stepper rnotor? \\/ith a neat block diagram, explain the working principle of
nriclocontroller based stepper motor controlsystenl. (10 Marks)

9 a. Deflne communication. With neat trlock diagrarrr. explain the elements of communication
system. (06 Marks)

b. derive an expression for amplitude mciulation and draw the necessary waveforms.
(08 Marks)
c. What is transducer? Compare the active and plssive transducers. (06 Marks)

l0 a. Bring out the diffbr.ence betweeu arnplitude modularion and frequency modulation.
(06 Marks)

b. If aFM wave represenred by the equation V=l0sin(8x108+4sinl000t),calculate:

i) Calrier fiequency ii) Modulating freqrtcncy
iii) Modulation index iv) Band width (06 Marks)
c. With necessary diagrair: erti..! equations, explain the following:
i) Piezo-electric transducer
iD LVDT. (08 Marks)



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