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DSP First, 2/e

 This Lecture:
 Chapter 3, Section 3-1

Lecture 5  Other Reading:

Spectrum Representation  Appendix A: Complex Numbers

Aug 2016 © 2003-2016, JH McClellan & RW Schafer 3


 Want to visualize relationship between
 Sinusoids with DIFFERENT Frequencies frequencies, amplitudes and phases
 SYNTHESIZE by Adding Sinusoids  Plot Complex Amplitude vs.vs Frequency
x (t )   Ak cos(2 f k t   k )
Complex amplitude
7e j / 3 7e  j / 3
k 1 4e  j / 2 4e j / 2
 SPECTRUM Representation
R t ti
 Graphical Form shows DIFFERENT Freqs –250 –100 0 100 250
f (in Hz)
Spectral line
Aug 2016 © 2003-2016, JH McClellan & RW Schafer 4 Aug 2016 © 2003-2016, JH McClellan & RW Schafer 5
Another FREQ
A 440
 Synthesize Complicated Signals
cal axis

 Musical Notes
cy is the vertic

 Piano uses 3 strings for many notes

 Chords: play several notes simultaneously
 Human Speech
 Vowels have dominant frequencies
 Application:
pp computer
p g
generated speech

 Can all signals be generated this way?

Time is the horizontal axis  Sum of sinusoids?
A musical scale consists of a discrete set of frequencies.
Aug 2016 © 2003-2016, JH McClellan & RW Schafer 6 Aug 2016 © 2003-2016, JH McClellan & RW Schafer 7

Fur Elise WAVEFORM Speech Signal: BAT

 Nearly Periodic in Vowel Region

Notes  Period is (Approximately) T = 0.0065 sec

Aug 2016 © 2003-2016, JH McClellan & RW Schafer 8 Aug 2016 © 2003-2016, JH McClellan & RW Schafer 9
Euler’s Formula Reversed INVERSE Euler’s Formula
 Solve
S l ffor cosine
i (or
( sine)
i )  Wh
Whatt is
i th
the ““spectrum”
t ” representation
t ti for
e j t  cos( t )  j sin( t ) a single sinusoid?
 Solve Euler’s formula for cosine (or sine)
e  j t  cos(  t )  j sin(  t )
e  j t  cos( t )  j sin( t ) cos( t )  12 ( e j t  e  j t )
e j t  e  j t  2 cos( t )
sin( t )  1 ( e j t  e  j t )
cos( t )  12 ( e j t  e  j t ) 2j
Aug 2016 © 2003-2016, JH McClellan & RW Schafer 10 Aug 2016 © 2003-2016, JH McClellan & RW Schafer 11


 Cosine
C i = sum off 2 complex
l exponentials:
ti l A cos((7t  0.1)  A2 e j 0.1e j 7 t  A2 e  j 0.1e  j 7 t

A cos(7t )  A e j 7t
 2A e  j 7t A  j 0.1
A j 0.1
2 2
 One has a positive frequency
 The other has negative freq. -7 0 7 
Freq. in rad/s
 Amplitude of each is half as big
Aug 2016 © 2003-2016, JH McClellan & RW Schafer 12 Aug 2016 © 2003-2016, JH McClellan & RW Schafer 13
Negative Frequency is still
NEGATIVE FREQUENCY a rotating phasor

 Is negative frequency real? e j t  cos( t )  j sin( t )

 Doppler
pp Radar p provides intuition
 Police radar measures speed by using the  View as vector rotating counterclockwise
pp shift p principle
p  t
 Let’s assume 400Hz 60 mph  Angle changes vs. time
 +400Hz means towards the radar
 -400Hz means away (opposite direction)
e  j t  e j (  ) t
 Think of a train whistle
Negative frequency  clockwise rotation
Aug 2016 © 2003-2016, JH McClellan & RW Schafer 14 Aug 2016 © 2003-2016, JH McClellan & RW Schafer 15

General form of sinusoid

spectrum SPECTRUM Interpretation

 General form:  Cosine

C i = sum off 2 complex
l exponentials:
ti l

A cos(t   ) A cos(7t  0.1)  Ae j 0.1e j 7 t 

 e e
A j j t
 e A  j   j t
e  2A e j 0.1e j 7 t  2A e  j 0.1e  j 7 t
2 2
 One has a positive frequency
 Amplitudes
A lit d are multiplied
lti li d b
by ½  The other has negative freq.
 Complex amplitudes are complex conjugates  Amplitude of each is half as big
 Called
C conjugate symmetry
Aug 2016 © 2003-2016, JH McClellan & RW Schafer 16 Aug 2016 © 2003-2016, JH McClellan & RW Schafer 17

A cos((7t  0.1)  A2 e j 0.1e j 7 t  A2 e  j 0.1e  j 7 t  Sine = sum of 2 complex exponentials:

A sin((7t )  2Aj e j 7t  2Aj e  j 7t
A  j 0.1 A j 0.1
e e
2 2  12 Ae  j 0.5 e j 7 t  12 Ae j 0.5 e  j 7t
 j  e j 0.5
-7 0 7 
Freq. in rad/s  Positive freq. has phase = -0.5
AMPLITUDE, PHASE & FREQUENCY are labels  Negative
N ti ffreq. has
h phase
h = +0.5
Aug 2016 © 2003-2016, JH McClellan & RW Schafer 18 Aug 2016 © 2003-2016, JH McClellan & RW Schafer 19

GRAPHICAL Spectrum of sine SPECTRUM --->

EXAMPLE of SINE ((has Phase of –/2))
 Add the spectrum components:
A sin(7t )  1
Ae  j 0.5 e j 7t  12 Ae j 0.5 e  j 7t 10
7e j / 3 7e  j / 3
( 12 A)e j 0.5 ( 12 A)e  j 0.5 4e  j / 2 4e j / 2

–250 –100 0 100 250

f (in Hz)

-7 0 7 
AMPLITUDE, PHASE & FREQUENCY are labels What is the formula for the signal x(t)?
Aug 2016 © 2003-2016, JH McClellan & RW Schafer 20 Aug 2016 © 2003-2016, JH McClellan & RW Schafer 21
Gather (A,)
(A  ) information Add Spectrum Components
 Frequencies:  Amplitude & Phase
 Frequencies:  Amplitude & Phase  -250 Hz  4 -/2
 -250 Hz  4 -/2  -100 Hz  7 +/3
 10 0
 -100 Hz  7 +/3  0 Hz
 100 Hz  7 -/3
 0 Hz  10 0  4 +/2
 250 Hz
 100 Hz  7 /3
 250 Hz  4 +/2
Note the conjugate phase
x (t )  10 
DC is another name for zero-freq component 7e  j / 3e j 2 (100)t  7e j / 3e  j 2 (100)t
DC component always has 
 or (for real x(t) )
4e j / 2e j 2 ( 250)t  4e  j / 2e  j 2 ( 250)t
Aug 2016 © 2003-2016, JH McClellan & RW Schafer 22 Aug 2016 © 2003-2016, JH McClellan & RW Schafer 23

Add Spectrum Components

2 Simplify Components
7e j / 3 7e  j / 3 x (t )  10 
4e  j / 2 4e j / 2
7e  j / 3e j 2 (100)t  7e j / 3e  j 2 (100)t
250 –100
100 0 100 250
f (in Hz)
4e j / 2e j 2 ( 250)t  4e  j / 2e  j 2 ( 250)t
x (t )  10  Use Euler’s
Euler s Formula to get REAL sinusoids:

7e  j / 3e j 2 (100)t  7e j / 3e  j 2 (100)t A cos( t   )  12 Ae j e j t  12 Ae  j e  j t

4e j / 2e j 2 ( 250)t  4e  j / 2e  j 2 ( 250)t
Aug 2016 © 2003-2016, JH McClellan & RW Schafer 24 Aug 2016 © 2003-2016, JH McClellan & RW Schafer 25
FINAL ANSWER Example: Synthetic Vowel

 Sum of 5 Frequency Components

x (t )  10  14 cos(2 (100)t   / 3)
 8 cos((2 ( 250)t   / 2)
So, we get the general form:
x (t )  A0   Ak cos(2 f k t   k )
k 1
Aug 2016 © 2003-2016, JH McClellan & RW Schafer 26 Aug 2016 © 2003-2016, JH McClellan & RW Schafer 27

Example: Synthetic Vowel (Polar Format)
 Sum of 5 Frequency Components



Aug 2016 © 2003-2016, JH McClellan & RW Schafer 28 Aug 2016 © 2003-2016, JH McClellan & RW Schafer 29
SPECTRUM of VOWEL Vowel Waveform
(Polar Format) (sum of all 5 components)
One epoch or
0.5Ak 2
one period

k -1


Note that the period is 10 ms, which equals 1/f0

Aug 2016 © 2003-2016, JH McClellan & RW Schafer 30 Aug 2016 © 2003-2016, JH McClellan & RW Schafer 31

O by
y Dudley

Resonance controls

Stops & plosives

Aug 2016 © 2003-2016, JH McClellan & RW Schafer 32

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