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SANTO TOMAS catholic school

Mangaldan, Pangasinan
Tel No. (075) 522-5358

Chapter I
Background of the study
Lazaro et. Al (2014) The apparent use of floor wax and its benefits to people

cannot be denied and are already proven. It is meant to increase hardness and glossiness

in flooring and create resistance against slips and scuff marks. Products obtained from

petroleum, particularly floor waxes and polishers are mostly used in the society,

especially in households.

Radaza and Amante et. al (2014) noted that floor wax is important for

housekeeping. It is used in coating to protect floors. Because waxes are insoluble in

water, they are particularly useful for water proofing. Some plastics have characteristics,

and maybe blended with waxes, add glass, durability, and increase toughness.

Besides, an article from Green Shield floors (2014) said “People in general want

their surroundings to be clean and tidy, to their roofs, walls, and floors.” In doing so,

people use multiple cleaning agents, many of which are used for a specific things and

reasons. But there are some major considerations on how to coat and protect their floor. It

is believed by some that the chemicals that have been found in cleaning agents have

unnatural formulas that can be released into the air and will not only bring certain

illnesses, but will also give rise to a different environmental impact.

Furthermore, Popvitch ( even stated that “besides being expensive,

store-bought cleaners contain number of chemicals. These chemicals can be hazardous to

SANTO TOMAS catholic school
Mangaldan, Pangasinan
Tel No. (075) 522-5358

your health and are not necessary to have a clean home. Making your own household

cleaners saves money and ensures the ingredients are natural.

Food and Agriculture Organization (2017) stated that “Leucaena Leucocephala is

considered as ‘Miracle Tree’ because of its variety of uses. Its valued, either locally or in

global perspective.” It is used in livestock industry, as timber, as gum, and even used as

treatment to some disease or illness, Ipil-Ipil trees absorb excess water from rain and

cover the soil from heavy water protecting the soil from flowing away, the plant is also

much used as a cover crop, the bark is valued for its significant potential in producing

brown dye, seeds of Ipil-Ipil in some provinces are used as coffee substitute.

In addition, according to Stylecraze (2017), the leaves of Ipil-Ipil have a great

medicinal value. The chinese medicine uses properly cooked such leaves and used it as a

worm repellant, where worms can be found anywhere in our homes, worms are one of the

reasons why fragile floors are easily broken.

Also, Lazaro et. Al (2014) said Ipil-Ipil contains epicuticular waxes such as

paraffin and fats. It will be easier to produce more products out of Ipil-Ipil for it has the

ability to grow vigorously and numerously it grows fast and is not endangered at the

present time. It is also a good choice to make a floor wax out of Ipil-Ipil leaves because it

can kill bacteria that exists in your homes. It doesn’t only protect your floor from stains,

scratches but it also natural, safe and eco-friendly.

SANTO TOMAS catholic school
Mangaldan, Pangasinan
Tel No. (075) 522-5358

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to produce floor wax from leaves of Ipil-Ipil (Leucaena

Leucocephala). Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the acceptability level of Ipil-Ipil (Leucaena Leucocephala) as a floor


 Effectiveness

 Odor

 Affordability

 Texture

 Color

 Safety

2. Will the shelf life of the Ipil-Ipil floor wax be a cause of concern?

3. Can we put floor wax on tile floors?

4. How long does it take till you can walk on the waxed floor?

Scope and Delimitations

The main focus of this study was to determine the production of floor wax out of

Ipil-Ipil (Leucaena Leucocephala) leaves in order to lessen the use of harmful chemicals

that may affect health problems of people who will use the product. The study was

conducted at Barangay Poblacion, Mangaldan, Pangasinan.

SANTO TOMAS catholic school

Mangaldan, Pangasinan
Tel No. (075) 522-5358

Significance of the study

The researchers aim to provide a floor wax made of Ipil-Ipil (Leucaena

Leucocephala) leaves because it has been growing fast and not endangered at the present

time. Besides it can also help people who can’t afford to buy or doesn’t have enough

income to buy tile floor for their house. Moreover, Ipil-Ipil (Leucaena Leucocephala) is

also a good choice to make a floor wax out of leaves because it is natural and eco-

friendly that can be much safer to humans.

The researchers believe that this study is deemed significant to the following:

1.) Parents. Through this study, they will be guarantee that it will not cause harmful

effects to their members of the family.

2.) Community. The study will increase the awareness of the whole community

regarding the possibility and effectivity of using Ipil-Ipil leaves as a source of

floor wax.

3.) Agricultural Industries. Through this study, farmers and others who are

involved and concerned with agriculture will value the worth of Ipil-Ipil and will

continue to culture and plant these trees.

4.) Commercial Industries. It has been with optimism that this investigation was

undertaken to help the sectors that produce products, most especially those

involve in floor wax manufacturing to resort to an alternative source of floor wax


SANTO TOMAS catholic school

Mangaldan, Pangasinan
Tel No. (075) 522-5358

5.) Future Researchers. This study can be used as basis by the future students,

researchers, investigations in conducting or improving studies that are related to



Null: Ipil-Ipil (Leucaena Leucocephala) leaves cannot yield an acceptable floor wax.

Alternative: Ipil-Ipil can be a great source of alternative ingredients for floor wax

IV-DV Model of the study

Dependent Variable
Independent Variable Effectiveness of Ipil-Ipil
(Leucaena Leucocephala)
Ipil-Ipil (Leucaena
leaves and its quality as an
Leucocephala) leaves
alternative ingredient of floor

Ipil-ipil leaves used an

ingredients (e.g mineral oil
and paraffin wax) used
(intervening) 5
SANTO TOMAS catholic school
Mangaldan, Pangasinan
Tel No. (075) 522-5358

Chapter II
Review of Related Literature
This part of the chapter presents a review of what Ipil-Ipil (Leucaena leucocephala) is, its

composition and its worldwide use.


Pascual, F. P. (2014) Leucaena leucocephala, more commonly known in the

Philippines as Ipil-Ipil, is a leguminous plant whose pod and leaves are used as diet

components in animal feeds. Protein content of the leaves and seeds are relatively high

depending on the variety. Besides the protein content, the leaves contain beta-carotene,

which imparts a yellow color to egg yolks. (Wikipedia) Along in the Philippines, Ipil-Ipil

is the named used for the tree, it is also called komkompitis in Ilocano, and loyloi in

Bisaya. Its scientific name is Leucaena leucocephala.

Moreover, Kenneth Laruan (2014) stated that, Ipil-Ipil can adapt to tropical

conditions such as in the Philippines and can tolerate extreme temperatures which make it

suitable to highlands and lowlands. That’s why it’s a good practice to produce more

products from Ipil-Ipil locally.

SANTO TOMAS catholic school
Mangaldan, Pangasinan
Tel No. (075) 522-5358

In addition, BioNET-EAFRINET reported that Leucaena leucocephala grows

very fast in suitable sites; pollarding and coppicing to form dense, homogenous thickets

that are difficult to control once established. Invaded areas become unusable and

inaccessible with most other vegetation replaced. L. leucocephala constitutes a threat to


Biodiversity. Once L. leucocephala establishes itself it displaces native

vegetation and can promote suitable conditions for the establishment of even more

aggressive invaders.

According to the Agriculture, Livestock & Fisheries (2015) An Ipil-Ipil tree has chemical

compositions of Nitrogen, Potassium, Phosphorus, and Sulfur. Therefore, it can be

concluded that the Ipil-Ipil tree leaf has beneficial effects and could be combined with

alternative floor wax for maintaining clean and glossy floors.

However, Paulsen (1999) as cited by Larsson, (2009) stated that, “Two of more

common floor care methods currently in use are wax treatment and polishing. Both

methods entail the floor being given a basic treatment on installation, during which a

protective layer of wax or polish is applied. This is followed by frequent care up until the

floor needs to be restored to its original condition through what is referred to as periodic


SANTO TOMAS catholic school

Mangaldan, Pangasinan
Tel No. (075) 522-5358

In connection to floor care methods, (2011) the researchers have known one unusual but

common practice inside the classrooms of one town in Eastern Samar, Philippines. This

practice involves the use of Ipil-Ipil (Leucaena Leucocephala) leaves in waxing and

polishing a concrete cemented smooth pavement. The continued application and rubbing

of Ipil-Ipil leaves against the concrete smooth pavement results into a shiny colored-

green floor. Being a natural, safe, and eco-friendly method, this practice has been

continuously used and observed in most schools of town.

Moreover, the article from (2017) their studies stated that the janitors

from Dipolog City, Philippines, use Philippine medicinal trees such as Ipil-Ipil for

waxing their floor to maintain their sanitary condition. They choose Ipil-Ipil because of

its unique properties. Also, they use this for it preserves their bamboo floor tiles.


H.M. Shelton and J.L. Brewbaker (2014) Leucaena Leucocephala derives from

'leu' meaning white, and 'cephala' meaning head, referring to the flowers. Ipil-Ipil grows

gregariously and in abundance mostly found in the settled areas at low and medium

altitudes. It was originated from Mexico and Central America and is introduced to the

Philippines by the Spanish through the galleon trade.

P. Nagendra Prasad (2013) In India, it is popularly known as kubabul or subabu. During

the 1970s and 1980s it was promoted as a "miracle tree" due to its multiple uses. It has

SANTO TOMAS catholic school

Mangaldan, Pangasinan

Tel No. (075) 522-5358

also been described as a "conflict tree" because it has been promoted for its forage

production and naturally spreads like a weed.

Lyons and Miller (1999) stated that Leucaena leucocephala is invasive in parts of

Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. It is especially abundant in the humid coastal lowlands and

in other humid areas. L. leucocephala is common in many provinces of Kenya; Western,

Rift Valley, Coast and Central. In Tanzania L. leucocephala was introduced on

experimental basis in Morogoro where it proved a success as an agroforestry tree.

According to Mohamed Z. Zayed, Sobhy M. A. Sallam, Nader D. Shettain “Review

article on Leucaena Leucocephala as one of the miracle timber trees” (2017). Leucaena

leucocephala tree has multipurpose uses, such as generation of firewood, timber, greens,

fodder, and green manure, as well as to provide shade and control soil erosion. It has been

used for medicinal purposes because of possessing multiple pharmacological properties.

Studies have shown the presence of various secondary metabolites such as alkaloid,

cardiac glycosides, tannins, flavonoids, saponins, and glycosides in this species. In

traditional medicine, it is used to control stomach ache and as contraception and


M. G. Singh (2016) According to the study “Leucaena leucocephala: A

Multipurpose Tree”, Leucaena leucocephala is a long lived perennial legume tree. It is

non-climbing, erect, thorn less shrub or small tree; grow in arid and semi-arid areas. It is

a multipurpose tree, young leaves and seed used as a vegetable. It is used as soil fertility

SANTO TOMAS catholic school
Mangaldan, Pangasinan
Tel No. (075) 522-5358

Improvement. Various parts of L. leucocephala have been reported to have

medicinal properties. In present paper detailed taxonomic description, photographs,

botanical description and its uses are discussed.

Duke (1983) It is guaranteed that the use of Ipil-Ipil as floor wax is safe for Ipil-Ipil can

also be used as source of food for animals. It contains legume that is promoted in several

countries of Southeast Asia (at least Burma, Cambodia, Laos,and Thailand) This legume

provides an excellent source of high-protein cattle fodder.

In addition, AW (1998) stated that “Leucaena is relatively resistant to the pests and

diseases prevalent in Hawaii, but extensive plantation culture may invite the breakdown

of this apparent resistance. Twig borers, seed weevils and termites, as well as damping off

may hinder the plant. Consequently, Leucaena Leucocephala as floor wax can kill

pesticides or any bacteria that might stay and occur on your floor. Therefore, using it will

protect the floor from those unwanted bacteria.

On the other hand, The New Encyclopedia (2010) states that, “waxes is any classes of

pliable substance of animal, plants, minerals, or synthetic origin that differs from fats in

being less greasy, harder and more brittle and in containing principally compounds of

high molecular weight. Waxes melt at moderate temperature and from hard films that can

be polished to high gloss, making them ideal for use in a wide array of polishes.”

SANTO TOMAS catholic school
Mangaldan, Pangasinan
Tel No. (075) 522-5358

SpecialChem S. A. (2010) describes floor polishes as applications to resilient flooring

such as vinyl tile or wood to maintain a clean and sanitary appearance in high traffic

public area. The polish is cleaned and buffed, often daily, to restore the shine, and then

periodically stripped and re-applied. Longer maintenance intervals are often preferred, to

minimize labor cost, but if only the polish has sufficient durability.

SANTO TOMAS catholic school
Mangaldan, Pangasinan
Tel No. (075) 522-5358
Chapter III:


This chapter presents the experimental aspect of the study which includes the

research design and the applied procedures which are relevant to the proper conduct of

the experimentation.

Figure 1: Process Flow Diagram

SANTO TOMAS catholic school
Mangaldan, Pangasinan
Tel No. (075) 522-5358


 Juice of the Ipil-Ipil leaves (400g)

 Mineral Oil (120ml)

 Paraffin wax (100g)


 Stove

 Casserole

 strainer

 container

 scale

 blender

 Wooden spoon

General Procedures:

 Plant collection

 Fresh Ipil-Ipil leaves from the researcher’s residence.

 Extracting of the plants

 Put the Ipil-Ipil leaves in the miller and add 3 tablespoons, blend it

continuously until it forms a liquid substance.

 Use the strainer to separate the leaves and the juice of the Ipil-Ipil

SANTO TOMAS catholic school

Mangaldan, Pangasinan
Tel No. (075) 522-5358

 Boil 200 ml of water and add blended Ipil-Ipil leaves leave it until its

boiling and turn off the stove.

 Put it into clean container and use a strainer to separate the left leaves

from the first process of straining.

 Put the juice of the Ipil-Ipil leaves in a clean container and set aside.

 Melting the paraffin wax:

 Turn on the stove into medium heat pressure and put the 100g of paraffin

wax into the casserole gently stir to avoid the wax sticking to the base of

the pan continue stirring until it’s melted

 Adding of the additional ingredient

 Once the paraffin wax is melted carefully pour the 120 ml of mineral oil

and continue stirring

 Making ipil-ipil floor wax

 Add the juice of the Ipil-Ipil leaves into the paraffin wax with mineral oil

stir the mixture well until its boiled and turn off the stove.

 Putting it in a container

 Pour the Ipil-Ipil floor wax gently into a clean container and set aside until

it’s ready to use.

SANTO TOMAS catholic school

Mangaldan, Pangasinan
Tel No. (075) 522-5358

Figure 1.1: Ingredients

Ipil-Ipil leaves Paraffin wax

Mineral oil

SANTO TOMAS catholic school
Mangaldan, Pangasinan
Tel No. (075) 522-5358

Figure 1.2: Equipments

Casserole Strainer Container

Scales Blender
Wooden spoon

SANTO TOMAS catholic school
Mangaldan, Pangasinan
Tel No. (075) 522-5358

Figure 1.3: Melting the Paraffin wax

SANTO TOMAS catholic school
Mangaldan, Pangasinan
Tel No. (075) 522-5358
Figure 1.4: Extracting Ipil-ipil leaves

SANTO TOMAS catholic school
Mangaldan, Pangasinan
Tel No. (075) 522-5358

Figure 1.5: Making the Ipil-Ipil (Leucaena Leucoceplaha) leaves as an alternative

ingredient for floor wax

SANTO TOMAS catholic school
Mangaldan, Pangasinan
Tel No. (075) 522-5358

Chapter IV

This chapter treats statistically the hypothesis stated in the chapter 1 of the study. Data

collected are analyzed and findings are based on this analysis.

Ipil-Ipil Floor Wax Acceptability Measure Data

The main purpose of giving the Ipil-Ipil floor wax acceptability measure was to

determine the effectiveness of Ipil-Ipil floor wax when applied in a concrete cemented

smooth pavement and wooden floor.

There were two hypotheses drawn from the Ipil-Ipil floor wax acceptability

measure data.

The Null hypothesis stated that Ipil-Ipil (Leucaena Leucocephala) leaves cannot

yield a more acceptable Ipil-Ipil floor wax.

The Alternative hypothesis stated that Ipil-Ipil can be great source of alternative

ingredient for floor wax.

A mean rating of 3.0 was set as the level of acceptability of the floor wax

effectiveness for the measure used as tool in the study. The ratings ranges from as high as

5 (Very Satisfied) and as low as 1 (Very Dissatisfied)

SANTO TOMAS catholic school
Mangaldan, Pangasinan
Tel No. (075) 522-5358

Below is the rating scale used by the 20 respondents of this study in rating the

made floor wax acceptability or effectiveness in a concrete cemented smooth pavement

and wooden floor.

5 : Very satisfied

4 : More than satisfied

3 : Satisfied

Criteria for Acceptability Mean

Effectiveness 3.0
Odor 3.2
Affordability 3.05
Texture 3.3
Color 3.1
Safety 3.5
(Overall mean) – 3.1917
2 : Partly Satisfied

1 : Not at all satisfied

SANTO TOMAS catholic school

Mangaldan, Pangasinan
Tel No. (075) 522-5358

As shown in table, the mean ratings of the Twenty (20) respondents to the following

criteria for effectiveness of Ipil-Ipil floor wax from Ipil-Ipil leaves; for Effectiveness 3.0,

for Odor 3.2, for Affordability 3.05, for texture 3.3, for color 3.1, for safety 3.5.

3.00 = standard level of floor wax acceptability

The results show that a weighted mean obtained by the Ipil-Ipil floor wax from

the leaves for each of the five criteria for effectiveness or acceptability reaches the

standard mean of 3.00 set as the level of Ipil-Ipil floor wax effectiveness/acceptability,

resulting to an overall mean of which reaches and exceeded the standard level.

Evidence by this outcome, that the Ipil-Ipil leaves produce an acceptable Ipil-Ipil

floor wax

Therefore, the Null hypothesis is rejected; statedthat Ipil-Ipil (Leucaena

Leucocephala) leaves cannot yield a more acceptable Ipil-Ipil floor wax.

This finding leads one to believe that Ipil-Ipil can be great source of alternative

ingredient for floor wax suited to be applied on a concrete cemented smooth pavement

and wooden floor.

SANTO TOMAS catholic school

Mangaldan, Pangasinan
Tel No. (075) 522-5358

Chapter V

Conclusions and Recommendations


Based on the findings, the researchers came up with the following conclusions:

1. The researchers learned that the Ipil-Ipil (Leucaena leucocephala) is effective to the

floor because it contains protein, carbohydrates and fats.

2. The researchers learned that the Ipil-Ipil (Leucaena leucocephala) leaves as an

alternative ingredient for floor wax in terms of its odor, reaction to the wood floor and the

ability to preserve it is highly acceptable.


1. Improve the scent of Ipil-Ipil floor wax to have better fragrant.

2. Further studies should be conducted to make the Ipil-Ipil floor wax more effective in

making floors shiny

3. We recommend the use of Ipil-Ipil floor wax, instead of commercial floor wax

SANTO TOMAS catholic school

Mangaldan, Pangasinan
Tel No. (075) 522-5358


Author: Pbworks (May 2007)





Author: Godofredo U. Stuart (March 2018)


Author: Answers (2019)




Author: Hardwood Floor wax (March 30, 2017)

SANTO TOMAS catholic school

Mangaldan, Pangasinan
Tel No. (075) 522-5358



Author: Lyn Ford Tan Hueco (2015)




Author: Connor Sephton (2014)



Author: Romeo D. Alberto (Novemer 5 2013)




Author: James A. Duke (1998)

SANTO TOMAS catholic school

Mangaldan, Pangasinan
Tel No. (075) 522-5358

Author: George (September 20, 2012)

Author: Preeti Bhatt (March 5, 2019)



SANTO TOMAS catholic school
Mangaldan, Pangasinan
Tel No. (075) 522-5358
Appendix A:
Survey on the Level of Acceptability of Ipil-Ipil (Leucaena Leucocephala) Leaves
as an alternative ingredient for floor wax.
I.Fill the respondent’s information.
Name (Optional)



II. Directions: Put a check ( ) to rate the level of acceptability of Ipil-Ipil (leucaena
Leucocephala) Leaves as an alternative ingredient for floor wax with 5 as very satisfied
and 1 as not at all satisfied.
Very More than Satisfied Partly Not at all
Satisfied Satisfied (3) satisfied satisfied
(5) (4) (2) (1)







III. Comments/Suggestion/Recommendations:

Date Signature

SANTO TOMAS catholic school
Mangaldan, Pangasinan
Tel No. (075) 522-5358


Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

Personal Background:

Age : 16 yrs. Old

Address : #203 Navaluan, Mangaldan, Pangasinan
Birthday : June 13, 2002
Birth Place :Region 1 Medical Center Dagupan City
Height : 164.59 cm
Nationality : Filipino
Sex : Male
Civil Status :Single
Language/ Dialect Spoken :English, Filipino, Pangasinan
Religion : Roman Catholic
Father’s Name : Ricardo Visperas
Occupation :Military
SANTO TOMAS catholic school
Mangaldan, Pangasinan
Tel No. (075) 522-5358

Mother’s Name : Alicia Visperas

Occupation :Teacher

Level School Year Awards

Senior High School (SHS) Santo Tomas Catholic 2018-

School (STCS) Present

Junior High School (JHS) Santo Tomas Catholic 2014-2018

School (STCS)

Elementary Santo Tomas Catholic 2012-2014

School (STCS)
Pre-Elementary Santo Tomas Catholic 2007-2012

School (STCS)
Educational Background

SANTO TOMAS catholic school
Mangaldan, Pangasinan
Tel No. (075) 522-5358


Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

Personal Background:

Age : 18 yrs. Old

Address : Longos Proper San Fabian Pangasinan
Birthday : January 4, 2002
Birth Place : San Carlos City
Height : 169. Cm
Nationality : Filipino
Sex : Male
Religion : Roman Catholic
Civil Status : Single
Language/Dialect Spoken : English, Pilipino, Pangasinan,
Father’s Name : Pasmel Mejia
Occupation : Civil Engineer
SANTO TOMAS catholic school
Mangaldan, Pangasinan
Tel No. (075) 522-5358

Mother’s Name : Irine Mejia

Occupation : Business Woman

Educational Background:

Level School Year Awards

Senior High School (SHS) Santo Tomas Catholic 2018-

School (STCS) Present
Junior High School (JHS) Santo Tomas Catholic 2014-2018 Directors

School (STCS) List

Elementary Living Lights Academy 2012-2014 With

Foundation Honor
Pre-Elementary Clarice Angel School 2007-2012

SANTO TOMAS catholic school
Mangaldan, Pangasinan
Tel No. (075) 522-5358


Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

Personal Background:

Age : 16 yrs. Old

Address : Rizal St. Pob. Mangaldan, Pangasinan
Birthday : April 15, 2002

Birth Place :Region 1 Medical Center Dagupan City

Height : 173.73 cm
Nationality : Filipino
Sex : Female
Religion : Roman Catholic
Civil Status : Single
Language/Dialect Spoken : English, Pilipino, Pangasinan
Father’s Name : ZaldyCatambay
Occupation :Civil Engineer
SANTO TOMAS catholic school
Mangaldan, Pangasinan
Tel No. (075) 522-5358

Mother’s Name : Grace Catambay

Occupation :Business Manager

Educational Background:

Level School Year Awards

Senior High School Santo Tomas Catholic 2018-

(SHS) School (STCS) Present

Junior High School Santo Tomas Catholic 2014-2018

(JHS) School (STCS)

Elementary Santo Tomas Catholic 2012-2014

School (STCS)
Pre-Elementary Philippine School Bahrain 2007-2012 With

(PSB) Honors

SANTO TOMAS catholic school
Mangaldan, Pangasinan
Tel No. (075) 522-5358


Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

Personal Background:

Age : 17 yrs. Old

Address : Abalos St. Pob. Mangaldan, Pangasinan

Birthday : March 02, 2002

Birth Place :Medical CentrumDagupan City
Height : 161.54 cm
Nationality : Filipino
Sex : Female
Religion : Roman Catholic
Civil Status : In a Relationship
Language/Dialect Spoken : English, Pilipino, Pangasinan
Father’s Name : Adolfo Limon Jr.
Occupation :OFW
SANTO TOMAS catholic school
Mangaldan, Pangasinan
Tel No. (075) 522-5358

Mother’s Name : Joanne Limon

Occupation :Teacher

Educational Background:

Level School Year Awards

Senior High School Santo Tomas Catholic 2018-

(SHS) School (STCS) Present

Junior High School Santo Tomas Catholic 2014-2018 With

(JHS) School (STCS) Honors

Elementary Santo Tomas Catholic 2012-2014 With

School (STCS) Honors

Pre-Elementary Santo Tomas Catholic 2007-2012 With

School (STCS) Honors


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