Quiz On Present Tenses

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li \x'li‹'n sl1‹’ h.w I ittJc'.

.il ‹ › łi‹' ‹ ›'‹ l‹ ›‹ k ‹'v‹'1’y ŁÎ.t}'.

|ț t'; i i’|y I ‹ j‹|tly ;l.•, | | ł,IVf' ‹I ł3 íl ț ł| łf łl II ł UI L*!t I .

ii .iI I lJ‹* x‹i n1t' I Ímf* c:very We:cL

I› I ‹›tl.iy I ‹ › t” ;i I i í‹•iicJ \ h‹›’s ill
I› i‹› ț’‹›tii sist‹'rî’ I.‹’‹iv« l›cr .‹lc›n‹'!
it .ti the wct'kctid.
1› li‹'t it i1st' Pvt:'re h;iving ;ı p‹ir t y ‹it lu nt’li I imi• .

It l›tit t lir-y g‹’t l‹›iig I r›lí‹lays.

it i rtv Ili.i t it has íi new Chief Iîxe‹:utivc.
when flu:i e is țți c;it ct demand f‹ir its pr‹id ti‹ ts.
‹ '‹'i‘y i iint somet fling bad hilppcns .ø YVJY k.
Í3t'Cil¥lS£? Íic isn't h.ipJiy at work any more.

III v‹•I’l3S ijy hracketș.

' ' ' * ' " ' ' "‘ ( ’•’ì ••‘ ‹ i i ‹'ri I cv‹:ry M‹›nd.iy at two o’clock.

(rt y) to Iix the television

7 1 n iu)’ ‹ ‹›i i it I i v ii'‹ (t/rir‹') i i ii t llt' i ight- It ‹uid sitlc i›l’ the r‹iiid.
H b ł y I i ii•ii t) J‹ii•’' Jiii i‘‹' n t s (ii ‹i r‹ 1) i’otlnd t htm wtii’ld th is sutriiiicr, ,ind
}ir‹iJ mil ›l v itu › ii’l li‹ ' It:i‹ k 1 ‹ i i :i i r›l i Jolt' ‹ii’ ø l‹i nt lã .s.
*9 ’J“J j t• ‹ ’ri IIr'r(i ' (l’t ï i1) t Int’ hit 143 C t:

) () NLi t I i I ‹ ' I .s ‹ ›l t\’Ïl‹ I mil ł I t’l J lit'ñ

Fill in the gaps with the x erbs in the box in the correct present tense.
. i

We 1 .......... ........... energy for three main things: electricity production, heating and
tFfiÏM5P r For the First two, we 2 ..... .. .. options sucé as solar and wind power
*,” ”or natütral gas.. Büt oil is still the world’s number one source of energy, and foi transport
at leäèt,. therë is currently no alternative. In China, domestic energy consumption
3 ............................, year by year and demand in similar regions 4.......................fast. VVe
5 ..._..:..................... how to use energy more etficiently non lhan in the past but the worldwide
rise in ôemand 6........................concern amongst experts. Some experts 7......................that
oil supplies will start to fall within the next twenty. years. Most experts 8.....................that
we nêed to find a new source of energy soon.

Look at the folloivinq e.xtracts. here are sLx incorrect •eifis. Finfi and correct them.

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