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Rundown of Webinar @ Mumtaza Islamic Junior High School

Schedule Activity PIC Notes

13:45 – 14:00 Preparation at Eating Mr Dimas, Properties (table, takoyaki, banners, mics) are ready.
Competition (Area A) Kamola Contestants are ready with their Japanese-themed costumes, and so is the MC.
Preps in School (3 Preps at School Studio Kitty, Mr Anwar Host, sound, songs & video ready.
areas) & in Mr
(Area B)
Tomo’s Place
Preps at Word Guessing Student Council & Words are ready on cardboards, contestants & Host ready.
Game (Area C) Quiz contestants
Preps @ Mr Tomo’s Tomo & team
14:00-14:02 Kamola & Kitty opening Kamola, Kitty & Kamola opens the Webinar, greeted back by Kitty.
14:02-14:05 Welcoming Everyone Kamola & Eating Kamola introduces the contestants, then interviews Mr Ibnu (principal of Mumtaza
Competition JHS), Albi (representative of Student Council & Year 8), and Lia (representative of
contestants Parent & Teacher Association), to welcome everyone in the Webinar.
14:05-14:08 Rundown Kitty & host Kitty reads rundown : Mr Tomo introduction & speech, game of guessing word,
eating competition, best costume & zoom background, Q&A session, and sayonara
video for Mr Tomo.
14:08-14:10 Kitty introduces Mr Tomo Kitty, Mr Tomo & A one-minute video of Mr Tomo introduction, and then Mr Tomo greets everyone
as Speaker Host
14:10-14:20 Word Guessing Game Student Council, The game is about 4 contestants guessing 4 words, related to Mr Tomo’s previous
Contestants & introduction. For each word, clues will be given by Mr Tomo and some other pre-
Host appointed students. Host will hand over the prizes to the winners.
14:20 – 14:30 Mr Tomo begin his Tomo & Kitty Mr Tomo tells about his biography and life journey. This includes struggles that he
speech had gone through, work ethics that will inspire students, etc that related to the
theme : Successful at Young Age
14:30-14:40 Eating Competition Area A, Mr Tomo, As the eating competition begins, Mr Tomo will give comment for each contestant.
begins Kamola & Host The winner will be decided and announced by Mr Tomo right afterward.
Host hands over the prize to the winner.
14:40-15:00 Questions & Answers by Kitty, host List of questions will be provided previously to Mr Tomo, so he can come up with
Mr Tomo interesting and funny answers as he pleases. Students who ask will also be pre-
appointed. The questions will still regard to the theme: Successful at Young Age.
15:00-15:05 Winner of Best Costume Mr Tomo & Host Mr Tomo will decide the winners of Best Costume & Zoom Background.
& Zoom Background Host will announce the prizes.
15:05-15:10 Saying goodbye to Mr Host & MC A video of sayonara for Mr Tomo will be played. And Mr Tomo will say good bye to
Tomo everyone.
15:10-15:15 Pray & Closing MC & Appointed One of the appointed personnel will lead reading the pray, and MC will close the
Personnel Webinar.
Examples of Questions & Answers:
1. How close are the Waseda Boys together, do you guys support each other’s study?
2. Can you name an Indonesian figure/celebrity that inspire you in a positive way?
3. If there will be an Indonesian fast food open in Waseda, what would you like the menu to be?
4. Is studying in Japan hard? Do you think I can endure studying in Japan?
5. Do you prefer asking questions to google, youtube, or your professor?
6. How do you keep balance between studying and girlfriends?

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