Mapa Mental Analítica

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the nature ofble.

man is mutare,
And therefo ral Among these
what is natu mutability
to man can fail factors is
sometimes perversion
of the will of
Law is th manTus
object ofe brillantes
justice ideas van aquí.

Thomas de
Aquino shows
that the hum
anyone who
commits works
The treatise of justice will,
By mutu
agreemeanlt, y

injustice im
against hof God's
precept ause his
law, bec uced to
of Santo Tomás de Aquino can make
something fa
act is redultery,
theft, ad

divine rig
particu, lar a third ht is
justice ia“which species apart
immed mtaen "Justice isotrhdeing from
orders s the habit acc one, natural and
towardf to which stant positive
good o r Justice as a
anothe with con etual
person lar" general int and perps
particu virtue Sacalls will, give is right
Thomas tice to each h
legal jus

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