Who Created Me (mk1) RevD

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Mankind Series (MK1)

Who created me?

By: Engr. Altaf Hussain Awan

During this modern age of Science and Technology, man is crossing the limits of earth's
atmosphere. Even planets are approachable by human beings. We have developed Nano
robots to travel inside our blood stream and repair arteries. No doubt we are the most
wonderful creation of this universe. When I realize the extraordinary mental capacity of
human being, I start wondering where I came from! No doubt that I am designed and
created with perfect beauty and precision. From biological point of view, my parents are the
apparent cause of my entry to this world. But Who created my parents? And their parents?
Of course, this question leads us to the creation of the very first human being.

I have no choice but to believe that there is someone who created the whole universe with a
purpose. He designed and developed the perfect environment for human before creating
him. In fact, the powers of universe are put into service of human being. Hence, my first and
foremost duty is to comprehend the personality and the powers of The One Who is the
Creator of everything I can imagine and beyond.

Thinking deeply about the most sophisticated modern technology leads us to the Creator. A
man from jungle enters a city and sees all vehicles stopping at the Traffic Signal when it is
red. These vehicles start moving when the signal turns green. The man from jungle starts
thinking that it is the signal which causes the movement of vehicles. He discusses this
matter with a passerby who tells him that every vehicle has a driver who drives it. An
engineer next to them argues that the basic mechanism causing the motion is the engine of
the vehicles. Hence, level of understanding leads us to the truth. The highest level of
understanding will definitely lead us to the Ultimate Truth which is nothing but the fact that
there is one Creator Who is the cause of all existence and movements.

In 2011, I had a chance to visit the Comoros Islands. These islands are situated in the
Southern Sea, south-east of the continent of Africa. The major portion of the islands is
covered by thick forests. It rains almost daily which is the major cause of growth of a number
of fruits including mangoes, papaya and even sugarcane. These fruits are free for all.
Definitely there is someone who created all kind of provisions for the mankind.
If we say that even a small thing such as tissue paper cannot be made without making it, how
can humans come into existence without a Creator? No theory , evolution or anything can
explain the creation of tissue on its own then how can we use such theories to explain

Also, when the computers were newly introduced everyone was impressed by how well and
fast they could work, but even then no one praised computers without praising the creator of
them as it was understood that the praise belongs not to the machine but to the one who
came up with its idea and made it. Why is it then that we understand some principles using
some concepts but negate them as explanations of others?

It is the only concept of Unity (One Creator) which gives us a clear understanding of
ourselves and the universe. This concept of One Creator is the only way of peace and
tranquility on this earth. If the entire humanity believes in this concept, there may not be any
conflict and clash among the believers.
Mankind Series (MK1)

This very concept is elaborated in Quran, the Holy book of Islam:

“O mankind! Worship your Lord (Allah), who created you and those before you so that you may
become pious (Al-Muttaqun, the one who believes in Monotheism, loves the Creator and abstains
from all kind of sins which He has forbidden). Who has made the earth a resting place for you
and the sky as a canopy and sent down water (rain) from the sky and brought forth herewith
fruits as a provision for you. Then do not set up rivals to Allah (in worship) while you know (that
He alone has the right to be worshipped)” (2: 21-22).

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