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Republic of the Philippines


Virac, Catanduanes
Learning Material No. 4
Name : Kathreen R. Makiling Course/Block:
Student ID : 2020-03892

Self-Assessment Test (SAT)

After reading the Learning Material: Write a Reflection paper on the following using short bond
paper (encoded or handwritten)
“My role in the implementation and improvement of the curriculum” (50 pts.)

Curriculum implementation is a process of clarification whereby individuals y individuals

and groups come to understand and practice a change in attitudes and behaviours; often
involving using new resources. As a student as a student taking the teacher profession I need to
study how I can keep up with new curriculum implementations. My roles is to be observant of
the new teaching flow and continue to study the new implementation so as not to have a
teaching problem and not to stay with the previous teaching style. A school curriculum will
always help the teacher to adjust in the environment better. There are implementation models
that teach how a teacher will deal with innovations. Students taking up the teaching profession
need to know how to keep up with innovations. Also there are Curriculum Change categories
that let me know what the innovations in teaching are. I just need to adjust just in case I become
a teacher to its new implementations. It is important to have best quality of teaching experience
to confidently support enough on how I can successively flow the way of giving learning for
learner and for others.
A curriculum should be evaluated periodically and adjusted to reflect the changing times.
Information and experiences should be added, deleted or adjusted to reflect the prevailing
beliefs or findings. Students change because of the impact of media on/in their lives. As
educators, we have to change also, or we lose a generation of learners. Curriculum is
constructed with the learner as its central focus. Yet the voice of the learner is largely excluded
from the curriculum design and implementation process. It just requires that not only the teacher
will know but also the students who need to be informed of innovations. It is important to the
strength of the argument in favor of student voice in curriculum theory to go one step further and
seek a link between engagement and academic achievement. As student participation
continues to gain attention in the field of curriculum theory, new arguments have added to the
historical concerns about the lack of voice for the learner. According to Rudduck and Flutter
Students have a strong understanding of process and structure, if they do not feel connected to
the curriculum or objectives of a course, they will become their own barrier to learning through
disruptive practice. In this way students are trained to adapt to the new curricula proposed
within the school.
Teachers must build lessons that include simulations, experiments, case studies and
activities to deliver curriculum. This interactive approach intertwines curriculum and practical
experiences that immerse students in learning. The curriculum process provides opportunity for
teachers to be creative and put their unique stamp on the classroom experience. If you are
taking a teaching course you need to be more critical of the flows the school is proposing. You
need to know every step. I as a student taking up teaching I have to study it to know how to deal
with this kind of situation, so that I can immediately face the new curricula within the school. And
as a student who still needs enough knowledge to address problems within the classroom my
role is to be selected among the appropriate ones to be carried out as a teacher, I should just be
aware of the ones being implemented within the school.
Republic of the Philippines
Virac, Catanduanes

The advantages/disadvantages of the K to 12 curriculum. (50 pts.)

What is K to 12 programs? K to 12 programs is an education system under the

Department of Education that aims to enhance learners' basic skills, produce more competent
citizens, and prepare graduates for lifelong learning and employment. Since having a k to 12
program, many teachers, students and parents have changed with its new implementation in a
school. This is an additional year for high school students to learn more about the background
of their future profession they will take in college. It became an issue and was discussed on
television, where you can see the different opinions of teachers, students and parents. Here are
the advantages and disadvantages mentioned. First is to discuss its disadvantages.

The new implementation in a school does not mean it no longer faces testing. The k to
12 program new implementation in the curriculum faces challenges. It is made up of school
faculty and people outside the school. There are people who see it as having disadvantages.
Many say it is more time for students to study. Poor students are unable to continue their child’s
education because it also has additional costs and they do not yet have support for their
children. Its causes are the financial problem. Students who still want to study are losing hope
because there will be no support their studies. There are students who will just help their
parents with work first. Another is the time or period that should have been in college. The
previous four years spent in high school have become six years old. The two years that should
have been in college were even taken back in high school. Perhaps for others it will be a barrier
for them not to continue their students in education. It’s sad to think that many of us cannot
determine the benefits of its first.

Despite the issues it faces. it has benefits that everyone should know. The K to 12
programs is designed so that students can further hone their skills so that in choosing their
professions it will help them to have a lot of knowledge to acquire it. Perhaps, with this
additional two years in high school it will worth it in turn because it will help them get their
profession and be successful in life. Also the students will be prepared to be professional to do
the work required by their job. Because of this knowledge they can help not only their family but
also their people. A student will have a contribution even if they have not finished the study
because they already have the knowledge here with proof that they have experience here. It
was said that Department of Education asserts that with the implementation of this program, the
problem of unemployment in the country will be resolved. This programs gives the Filipino
students a chance in the global competency. The Graduates of K to 12 program will be
prepared for higher education. Due to an enhanced curriculum that will provide relevant content
and attuned with the changing needs of the times, basic education will ensure sufficient mastery
of core subjects to its graduates such that graduates may opt to pursue higher education if they
choose to. So many people need to know that it benefits the students that they have in-depth
knowledge because of it. Every support of the members within the school is important to make it
clear to others that it is of great help. For the success of the new implementation proposed in
the school requires every cooperation and contribution of knowledge of the school leaders.
Republic of the Philippines
Virac, Catanduanes
1. Prepare DETAILED and developmentally sequenced lesson plan (for your subject) with
well-aligned learning outcomes and competencies based on curriculum requirements.
(100 pts.)

Detailed Lesson Plan in MUSIC 8

At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
Cognitive Domain: Classify instruments according to their uses.
Affective Domain: Show teamwork and cooperation through participating in a group
Psychomotor Domain: Find out the characteristics and classification of traditional music
from India
a. Topic: Traditional Music of India
b. References: Music and Arts of Asia 8
c. Materials: Visual Aids, Flash Cards, Pictures and Name Tags
Learning Activities

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

1. Daily Routine
 Greetings
 Prayer
 Checking of Attendance

“Good Afternoon Students” “Good Afternoon Ma’am”

“Let us pray first” (One student will lead the prayer)

The Lord’s Prayer
Our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy
name thy kingdom come thy will be done on
Earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our
daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as
we forgive those who trespass against us and
lead us not into temptation but deliver us from
evil. Amen
“So, let me check your attendance. Say (Student will say present)
present if you’re here”
(Call the student’s name one by one)
2. Review/Warm Up Activity/Drill
“Perfect Attendance! So, all students are Yes Ma’am!
present. Are you ready to discuss our new
topic today?
“Okay, Let’s Begin.I have here the picture of
different Instruments from India. Now class I
want a volunteer to paste this on the board
and put it to their classification.”
1. Motivation They will classify the instruments fits to its
Individual Activity classification.
The students will come on the board one by
one to paste the picture of different
Republic of the Philippines
Virac, Catanduanes
instruments to its classification.
2. Discussion (students will paste the word in the board)
“Very good! You may now go to your chair” (Students will back to their chair)
“Now, let me introduce you the five (Student will volunteer to read the first
classifications of Musical Instruments from classification: Ghan – It is one of the oldest
India. Would someone read the first classes of instrument in India. It may also be a
classification of musical instruments from melodic instrument or instruments to keep tal.
“Thanks, Now let’s take a look at the picture (Students answer: because Ghan is described
that paste in the Ghan. Why is it belonging in as non-membranous percussive instrument
the Ghan? but with solid resonators.
“Very good. Well said. Did you understand “Yes Ma’am!”
“Now, Would someone read the second (Student will volunteer to read the second
classification of musical instruments from classification: Avanaddh is described as a
India? membranous percussive instrument.)
“Thanks, Now let’s take a look at the picture (Students answer: because Avanaddh is
that paste in the Avanaddh. Why is it typically comprise the drums)
belonging in the Avanaddh?”
“Very good. Yes it is typically comprise the “Yes Ma’am!”
drums, remember always that class”
“Next classifications. Who can read the third (Student will volunteer to read the third
classifications?” classification: Sushir is characterized by the
use of air to excite the various resonators.)
“Thanks, Now let’s take a look at the picture (Students answer: because Sushir also known
that paste in the Sushir. Okay, very good. as “blown air”.)
Why is it belonging in the Suchir?”
“Very good, well said. Sushir is described that “Yes Ma’am!”
instruments are blown air. Did you understand
Would someone read the fourth classification (Student will volunteer to read the fourth
of musical instruments from India? classification: Tat is characterized by the
stringed instruments)
“Thanks, Now let’s take a look at the picture (Students answer: because Tat is
that paste in the Tat. Okay, very well. Why is characterized by plucked instruments.)
it belonging in the Tat?”
“Very good. Now, who can read the last (Student will volunteer to read thefifth
classification of instrumental music from India? classification: Vitat is described as bowed
stringed instruments.)
“Thanks, Now let’s take a look at the picture (Students say no)(students ask question)
that paste in the Vitat. Okay all are correct.
Let’s clap our hands for the achievement that
you had today. Well done, class! Do you have
any questions? Any clarifications?
3. Analysis “Yes, Ma’am!”
Okay, thank you for your participation in this
class. Now, let’s have a short activity”

“Now, I will paste another picture of different

instrumentals that be found from India. Using
the pictures shown on the board, Name the
following Indian musical instruments. Write the
answers on a sheet of paper or in your
PICTURE 1 (Karta) (Student Answers)
PICTURE 2 (Shankh) Sushir
PICTURE 3 (Tabla) Avanaddh
PICTURE 4 (Sitar) Tat
Republic of the Philippines
Virac, Catanduanes
PICTURE 5 (Banam) Vitat
4. Generalization “Yes Ma’am”
Now, class, can you now classify instruments
to its classification from India?
5. Application Group 1: Ghan
Group Activity: Search for other instruments Group 2: Avanaddh
depicting in the classification of instrumental Group 3: Sushir
from India. Group 4: Tat
Group 5: Vitat
Directions: Identify the following musical Directions: Identify the following musical
instruments in the Classification from India. instruments in the Classification from India.
Choose from the choices below. Write only the Choose from the choices below. Write only the
letter of the correct answer before the number. letter of the correct answer before the number.
A. Ghan A. Ghan
B. Avanaddh B. Avanaddh
C. Sushir C. Sushir
D. Tat D. Tat
E. Vitat E. Vitat
1. Banam 11. Banam – E. Vitat
2. Sitar 12. Sitar – D. Tat
3. Ghatam 13. Ghatam – A. Ghan
4. Nout 14. Nout – A. Ghan
5. Shankh 15. Shankh – C. Sushir
6. Bansuri 16. Bansuri – C. Sushir
7. Dhol 17. Dhol – B. Avanaddh
8. Tabla 18. Tabla –B. Avanaddh
9. Gopichand 19. Gopichand – D. Tat
10. Chikara 20. Chikara – E. Vitat
V. ASSIGNMENT (Student answer)
From different classifications of instrumental
music from India. What is your favorite type of
instrument and why?

Prepared by Kathreen R. Makiling

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