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Performance Task Midterm for Organization

and Management
Prepare a personal SWOT Analysis, identifying your Strength, Weakness, Threat and
Opportunities as a student. These two tasks will be submitted in our google classroom. Please
take note of above assessment rubric.


Exemplary(5pts) Proficient(4pts) Needs Practice(3pts) Comments
The submitted The submitted
The submitted
culminating output culminating output
Comprehensiveness culminating output
manifests qualities manifests the
of Content does not manifest any
that go beyond required qualities.
of the requirements
Writes clearly, Writes clearly and
effectively and Writes clearly and unclearly in different
confidently using uses suitable volume portions. Occasionally
Clarity of suitable volume and and place. Selects engages the reader.
Presentation place. Selects rich and words appropriate Selects words
varied words for for context and uses inappropriate for
context and uses correct grammar. context uses incorrect
correct grammar. grammar.

Clearly defines the Defines the topic or Does not clearly define
topic or journal and its thesis. Supports the the topic or thesis.
significance. Supports thesis with evidence. Does not support the
the journal and key Presents evidence of thesis with evidence.
findings with an research with Presents little or no
analysis of relevant resource. Provides evidence of valid
Coherence of Ideas and accurate evidence. some evidence of research. Shows little
Provide evidence of problem solving and evidence of problem
complex problem learning stretch. solving and learning
solving and learning Combines existing stretch. Shows little
stretch. Combines and ideas. evidence of the
evaluates existing combination of ideas.
ideas to form new

Entire journal was

Entire journal was Entire journal was
Timeliness mildly clear on
properly coordinated. poorly presented.
different parts
Example of a Personal SWOT analysis template.

You can further search the internet for guide question in assessing your self through SWOT

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