Nama: Hari: Kelas: Kelas 1 Jam

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A. Cross (x) a,b, or c for the correct answer!

Silanglah (x) huruf a,b, atau c untuk jawaban yang benar!
1. Dewi : what number is this?
Tito : this is number….. 8
a. Four
b. Eight
c. Twelve
2. This is number…..
a. Eleven
b. Fifteen
c. Twenty
3. Before number ten is…..
a. a b. c.
11 10 9
4. One plus one equals…….
a. a b. c.
1 2 0
5. The nam of this number is….
a. Three
b. Six 9
c. nine
6. which one is number seven?
a b. c.
7 17 4
7. after number eleven is……
a b. c.
10 11 12
8. five minus two equals…..
a b. c.
5 3 2
9. 2 + 1 =……
a. Three b. two c. one
10. r – f – u – o
the correct word is…..
a. furo b. four c. ourf
11. 4 – 3 = …..
a. Two b. one c. zero
12. After number six is …..
a. Seven
b. Five
c. Eight
13. 2 + 1 = is read ….
a. Two and one equals three
b. Two minus one equals three
c. Two plus one equals three
14. Which one is zero?
a b. c.
0 10 20
15. How many marbles are there?

a. Five b. six c. seven

16. It is at 1.00 p.m.
You greet by saying….
a. Good morning
b. Good afternoon
c. Good night
17. Which one is to greet?
a. Hi b. see you c. good night
18. These expressions are greetings, except…..
a. Hello b. good evening c. talk to you later
19. Dina : good afternoon, sir.
Mr Eko :…….
a. Good morning b. good afternoon c. good evening
20. Sasa : see you, Lina.
Lina :…….
a. Good afternoon.
b. I am fine, thanks
c. See you

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