Thanking and Apologizing

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Hello Kids,

This time we are going to learn about Thanking/Gratitude and Apologizing.

Please do the exercises below on your notebook or you may do it on Microsoft Word then
print it out.

Keep your worksheet very well in your folder. When it is needed we would like you to submit

Don’t forget to find new words that you don’t know the meaning of in your dictionary and
write them down in your vocabulary list.

OK Kids have a nice Learning.

(Sekarang kita akan belajar tentang Thanking/Gratitude yang artinya ucapan terima kasih
dan Apologizing artinya permintaan maaf. Kalian boleh mengerjakan di buku Latihan
atau diprint. Simpan dengan baik)


Thanking/gratitude adalah ungkapan bahasa Inggris untuk menyatakan terima kasih. Ada
beberapa situasi kapan dan mengapa harus mengucapkan terima kasih. Sebagai contoh:

1. thank for a gift (hadiah),

2. thank for favor (kemurahan hati),

3. thank for an offer of help (bantuan),

4. thank for being asked for health (kondisi kesehatan),

5. thank for compliments (pujian), dan

6. thank for an invitation (undangan).


Dear students, study the pictures, and then, answer the following questions.

Ananda sekalian, pelajarilah gambar berikut! Lalu jawablah pertanyaan berikut!

Answer the following questions.

1. Why does the man thank the girl?

2. What does the man say to thank?

3. How does the girl respond to it?

4. What occasions should we thank?

5. What are the other examples of thanking and the responses?

The following are the expressions of thanking and their suitable responses.
NO Expressing of Gratitude/Ungkapan Terima Kasih

1. Thanks You’re welcome

2. Thanks a million Don’t mention it

3. Thank you very much My pleasure

4. Thank you so much That’s O.K.

5. Thanks for your help No problem

6. I’d like to show my gratitude. Never mind.

7. Thanks for everything That’s all right

If you know another expression, write it down in your notebook.


Watch the Expression of Gratitude Video.

(Lihat ungkapan gratitude dalam video)


After watching the Expression of gratitude video complete the statements below.

(setelah itu lengkapi kalimat-kalimat berikut)

1. Expression of Gratitude digunakan untuk ……….

2. Kita mengucapkan terimakasih ketika kita ………

3. Sebutkan 3 expression yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan gratitude.

a. ....
b. ....
c. ....

4. Sebutkan 7 response yang bisa digunakan untuk menjawab seseorang yang

mengungkapkan gratitude.
a. ....
b. ....
c. ....
d. ....
e. ....
f. ....
g. ....


Arrange to be Good Sentences.

1. with – for – helping – my homework – Thank you – me
2. dictionary – the – for – Thank You
3. I – the – explanation – would like – to – for – thank you
4. notebook – lend – Thanks – to – me - your – a lot
5. to – your – my – I’d like – coming – show gratitude – for


1. What do the speakers say to apologize?

2. What do the speakers say to respond to the apologies?

3. Why do the speakers apologize?

4. In what situation, do you apologize to your friend?

5. What do you say to apologize?


The following are expressions of Apologizing and Responding.


1. I am really sorry. It’s O.K. Forget it.

2. Sorry for arriving late. O.K., but don’t do it again.

3. Please forgive me. Never mind

4. I do apologize. Sure.

5. Sorry for what I have done. I didn’t mean to. It’s all right.

6. We apologize for your loss Don’t worry about it


Find the words below in Indonesian.


1 chew

2 Slippers

3 Delicious

4 Worry

5 Of course

6 Fine

7 Promise

8 Buy

9 Forget

10 Confession

11 Owe

12 Accept

13 Don’t worry

14 Keep it back from you

15 You should be


Watch the videos about apologizing then complete the conversations below.

Conversation 1 (Video Apologizing-Pen)

Femae : Pardon me, do you happen to have the pen I gave you?

Male : Yes, I do, Just a second. I __________, I seem to have lost the pen.

Femae : Don’t ____________________. It’s just a pen.

Male : I really am sorry.

Femae : Please ____________________ about the pen. It’s not important.

Male : I don’t know what I’ve done with the pen.

Femae : Oh, is that there?

Male : Where?

Femae : There, stuck behind your ear?

Male : Waw, so it is. Here you are, ______________that.

Femae : Don’t ______________

Conversation 2 (Video Apologizing-Step on Foot)

Man in yellow : Hey there watch it.

Man in black : ________________?

Man in yellow : You _____________ when you ________ and you stepped on my foot

Man in black : I stepped on your foot

Man in yellow : You stepped on your foot

Man in black : I ____________

Man in yellow : You _________________ where were you going

Man in black : ________________ and I promise to pay more attention in the future

Man in yellow : Forget it. It’s no big deal

Conversation 3 (Video Apologizing-I am going to be late)

Lady in Black : Hello

Paul : Hi, This _______________

Lady in Black : Hi Paul, How are you?

Paul : I am afraid I _________________________.

Lady in Black : Oh really, will you be a little late or very late?

Paul : Well I ____________________. I think I’ll just be a little late

Lady in Black : Oh that’s all right

Paul : I __________________

Lady in Black : Don’t __________________

Paul : Ok ______________ bye

Lady in Black : Bye

Paul : Oh I am sorry

Conversation 4 (Video How old are you?)

Girl : How old are you?

Man : I am __________ years old. How old are you?

Girl : You can’t ______________.

Man : But you just asked me

Girl : But I am ________ and it’s not ________ to ask that kind of ___________ to

Man : Oh, I _____________, I did not mean to ask you ______________ question

Girl : I hope not

Man : Please ____________ me, I will not ask again

Girl : Oh don’t _____________________. That’s all right

Man : Are you over thirty?


What Kinds of Expressions will you say for the following situations?

Put a tick (✔) in the correct column and write a suitable expression for
each situation.

No. Situations Kinds of Expression Expressions

Thanking Apologizing

1 You are washing your bicycle.

Accidently, the water is squirting at
your sister who is passing by.

2 Your friends treat you at the school


3 Your mom asks you to buy several

items, but you forget to buy sugar.

4 Your friend lends you an umbrella

because it is cloudy.

5 Your friend wishes you on winning the

robotic competition

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