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of Printed Pages : 4 ECO-5


Term-End Examination
December, 2012
Time : 2 hours Maximum Marks : 50
Note : Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal

1. Who is a minor ? When can a minor enter into a

valid contract ? What happens if a minor
misrepresents his age ? 2+4+4

2. Define and differentiate between : 5+5

(a) Misrepresentation and fraud
(b) Coercion and undue influence

3. Explain the remedies available to an aggrieved 10

party on breach of a contract.

4. How will you determine whether a group of 10

persons constituted partnership. Explain with

5. Explain the rule of "Caveat Emptor". What are

the exceptions to this rule. 6+4

ECO-5 1 P.T.O.
6. Who is an unpaid seller ? Explain his rights as
against the goods. 2+8

7. Explain the duties of bailor and bailee. 5+5

8. Explain the following : 5+5

(a) Irrevocable agency
(b) Discharge of a surety

9. Answer the following problems. Give reasons for

your answer : 5+5
(a) B borrowed from A 40,000. C, D and E
were co-sureties who had bound themselves
in sums of 10,000, 15,000 and 25,000
respectively. How much each will pay if B
does not pay ?
(b) A buys 'LUX' soap specifically. The soap
turns out not fit for bath. Is the seller bound
to take it back and if so why ?

ECO-5 2
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FITRT :2 E/T4 37fidH 3 : 50

372" TIN' TIT9Y dtH 1 F

- 07/ TIV 37.T `-/H/ri

1. t? 1&ch 34--4zR,
EF t, -OtT 31--14q

cht til)c11 t? .) 3 f ,11-1G0 cht 31 alTa

44.4 -4 31-Tif 2r9- -ft-2Tru


2. ctl LIForrErr -uqr *14 : 5+5

(a) fil'afiquiff c.2,T *Lid

(b) -51747air 3-1-fq-d 51TM

3. 3TVN WI c4 ft-zit i TR-T39 39-qT4 cr) 10


4. 311q dt1.1 Fcb .961{4ciql 1, TrT-6- 10

t 3321-dT qiur Trfo ciRsit

5. tilcfgri t~ ' fTf fd 4C1 Wrr-7 I t-ffizTrf 4) 6+4

mfr 3Tcr-
ag t?

ECO-5 3 P.T.O.
6. 31q -ci f T 61c11 ? 141- 51-fd- 3Tf 31-N-W1-4 2+8

7.f-9. -)-ITT oqRsqf 1--F-7 5+5

8. : 5+5
(a) 3-114- 9-Th -cf--{=ft (Irrevocable agency)

(b) ci-)1 3-7-4 Tfzr if-TT

9. F-H-1 d 71TR7ETTA chRul Trfo 7-1k q11',-R : 5+5

(a) B A -A 40,000 Z 3NR FriM C, D EE

-4 'OPT: 10,000 !, 15,000 Z,

12.11 25,000 Z ch1 1■

14-1qR-1 c-fi I -zit B 'UPI chi
11--Tr-d-F Tftr
51-Tr-d-r4 ?

(b) JO. fq-FT7 tc\ 74 44- 1"

1614 - trEf Tilfqff I cv-ii fq----d-r 7-A
a1-Rd Fri -raf t? Tit

ECO-5 4

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