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STATION 1: “Oil and water do not mix.” We all know that. As a metaphor, it is often used to
explain why relationships between opposites are difficult. In this lab you will trace this metaphor
back to its source--the nature of oil and water, solutes and solvents, and why some substances do
not dissolve in or mix well with others. We will be looking at the polarity of substances and
attractions (or “weak bonds”) between molecules and how those influence solubility. 

Background: A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances. The word

homogeneous means mixtures that exist in a single phase, means that the appearance,
properties, and composition are uniform throughout a sample.

1. Draw the Lewis Dot structure for water, carbon tetrachloride, and methyl alcohol. Then use
the periodic table of electronegativities to determine if each bond is polar or non-polar, and
determine whether the molecule is polar or non-polar.

2. List the 3 solvents in order of increasing polarity.

1.Carbon Tetrachloride-0.5
2.Methyl Alcohol-1.1
3. Draw the Lewis Dot diagrams for iodine (I2) and copper (II) chloride, the solutes for
this lab.

Copper II chloride is a(n) (circle one) ionic covalent compound.

Iodine is a(n) (circle one) ionic covalent compound.

Part I

Water + Iodine Very Soluble

Alcohol + Iodine Partially Soluble
Thinner + Iodine Insoluble

Water + Iodine
After pouring the betadine, it mixed with the water but the result is in the lower
part of the cup is more colorful than the upper part. The formation of the complex changes
the colour of light absorbed. A solution of iodine in water is yellow-brown instead of violet.
So, I conclude that when water and iodine combined together iodine is not very soluble in
water, but produces a slightly yellow solution.

Alcohol +Iodine
After pouring the betadine, it mixed well and the color form is light. So, I conclude
that iodine in alcohol is partially soluble.

Thinner + Iodine
After pouring the betadine, it didn’t mix with the water but the result is the
betadine was formed into small round shape. So, I conclude that iodine didn’t dissolve in
the thinner creating a heterogeneous mixture.

Part II
Water + Thinner
Based on the experiment conducted the thinner is insoluble in water. And also while
looking at the reaction it have a bubble in the middle and lower part of the glass.

Thinner + Alcohol
Based on my observation after mixing the two of them the upper part is like in a
blurred style, it has color while the lower part is clear.
Alcohol + Water
Based on my observation it is another way around of thinner and alcohol. The lower
part is blurred while the upper part is clear.

1. Polar liquids (circle one) mixes do not mix with non-polar liquids.
2. Using what you have learned from this lab, explain why oil and water don’t mix. Be sure
to include the term polarity or polar in your explanation
Water and oil did not mix. They are said to be unchanged by the passage of time.
Water has a positive charge on one end and a negative charge on the other because it is a
polar molecule with a positive charge on one end and a negative charge on the other. The
positive end of one water molecule attracts the negative end of another, causing water
molecules to stick together. As a result, oil molecules have a non-polar structure. Instead of
having one positive and one negative end, it has an evenly balanced charge. This means
that oil molecules attract each other more strongly than water molecules, while water
molecules repel oil, molecules, hence the two never mix.

STATION 2: Viscosity is a measure of how resistant a liquid is to flow, or how “thick” a liquid
is. Liquid water has a low viscosity; shampoo has a higher viscosity. There are three test tubes,
each one filled with a different covalent liquid. The Lewis Dot diagrams for those compounds
are below. 
1. For each compound, determine if it contains any polar bonds and label them appropriately.
 Water- polar covalent bond
 Shampoo- non-polar covalent bond
2. Use the magnet provided to slowly raise the metal ball within each liquid, then watch it fall. 
Which liquid has the lowest viscosity? WATER
Which liquid has the highest viscosity? SHAMPOO
3.Molecules with more polar bonds are (circle one) more less viscous. Why do you think
that is?
Because the chemical chains become entangled in each other, the molecules must
first unravel before the liquid can flow.
STATION 31. Below are the Lewis Dot diagrams for acetone (nail polish remover) and ethyl
alcohol. You can redraw the Lewis Dot diagram for water below. Use your Periodic Table of
electronegativities to determine the polar nature of each bond, and note it on the diagrams.

Conclusion Questions:
1. What is polar bond?
Polar bond is a covalent bond between two atoms where the electrons forming the
bond are unequally distributed.

2. List 3 properties affected by the polarity of a molecule.

a) Solubility
b) Surface Tension
c) Melting and Boiling point

Part I: Solubility of Liquids
(Water + Iodine)
( Alcohol +

(Thinner + Iodine)

Part 2
Water + Thinner

Thinner + Alcohol
Alcohol + Water

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