Diass Week 5

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Activity Sheet No. 5 Date: ___________________

Learning Competency & Code:
1. Identify the goals and scope of social worker
2. Explain the principle and core values of social work
3. Value rights, responsibilities, and accountabilities
Name: ____________________________________ Section: ________________
Address: __________________________________ Contact No.: ________________
The environment keeps on changing rapidly and this implies a significant to the coping

capacities of social organizations and institutions. Global and local societal challenges create
shifting context that requires new practices and services. The social situation calls for humane and
sustained development interventions and services that seek to enhance individual and community life.
In the context of social turmoil and human battle, the social work emerges as a relevant and valuable
Like any profession, social work embraces its own vision, values principles, practices, and
functions. It is an evolving profession that grows in institutional, political, and social contexts. The
provision of social work services in various contexts is contingent on arrays of interconnecting aspects
that form and describe how social work is appropriated. Nevertheless, what is essential is an
environment that facilitates individuals and community to participate in generating a more
compassionate and inclusive setting.
The principal mission of social work profession is to develop human beings and assist other institutions
in attaining the basic human needs of the people and in empowering the lost, the least, and the last.
1. The Goal on Caring
The caring portion is significantly necessary in the effective execution of social worker’s role in the
2. The Goal on Curing
Curing refers to the aspect of treating people with problems in social functioning.
3. The Goal on Changing
Changing refers to the active participation of the social workers in social reforms
1. Social Work as Primary Discipline
a. The adoption and services to unmarried parents is about facilitating the difficult decision of
unmarried parents whether to keep the baby or place the child for adoption.
b. The foster care is about removing the children from their homes and placing them temporarily
in a foster care.
c. The residential care is a group care home or a residential treatment center for a child.
d. The support in own home involves providing support services in order to keep children in
their own homes.
e. Protective services are about protecting the child from child abuse, maltreatment and
exploitation by one or both parents.
1. Right to self-fulfilment
-each person has the right to self-fulfillment which derived from his/her inherent capacity and
thrust toward the goal.
2. Responsibility to common good
-each person has the responsibility as a member of the society to seek ways of fulfilment that
contribute to common good.
3. Responsibility to society
-the society has the responsibility to facilitate self-fulfillment of the individual and the right to
enrichment through the contribution of its individual members.
4. Right to satisfy basic needs
-each person requires to the harmonious development of his powers socially provided and
socially safeguarded opportunities for satisfying his/her basic needs in the physical, psychological
economic, cultural aesthetic, and spiritual realms.
5. Social organizations required to facilitate individual’s effort at self-realization.
6. Self-realization and contribution to society-to permit both self-realization and contribution to society
by the individual, social organization must make available socially-provided devices for need
satisfaction as wide range variety, and quality as the general welfare allows.
1. Acceptance-this involves resecting the clients as they are under any circumstances and understands
the meaning and causes of the clients behavior.
2. Clients participation in problem solving- a client is made to understand the s/he is expected to
participate in the entire process.
3. Self-determination- The idea behind this principle is the clients (individual, groups, or communities)
who are in need have the right to determine their needs and how they should be met.
4. Individualization-This involves recognizing and understanding the client’s own unique characteristics
and using different principles and methods for each client.
5. Confidentiality- this means that the client should be accorded with appropriate protection, within the
limits of the law, from any harm that might result from the information s/he divulges to the worker.
6. Worker self-awareness-this means that the social worker is conscious about her/his role in making
use of her/his professional relationship with the client in a way that will enhance the client’s
development rather than her/his own.
7. Client-worker relationship the purpose of client-worker relationship is to help the client in some area
of her/his social functioning in which, at the present, s/he is expecting some difficulty, and where the
worker is in the position to offer help.
1. Rehabilitative Function-refers to restorative, curative, and remedial actions.
2. Preventive function-detects impending imbalance between the individuals or groups with the
government. 3z. Developmental Function-ascertains and strengthens the full potential in individuals,
groups, and communities.
1. Commitment to clients 9. Sexual Relationships
2. Self-Determination 10. Physical Contact
3. Informed consent 11. Sexual harassment
4. Competence 12. Derogatory Language
5. Cultural competence and social diversity 13. Payment to services
6. Conflict of interest 14. Clients who lack decision making capacity
7. Privacy and confidentiality 15. Interruption of Services
8. Access to records 16. Termination of service
II- Activity
Choose and Explain
Instruction: Choose and explain at least one principle and one role and function of social worker.
Discuss this based on your understanding and you may cite and examples based on your encounters
with a social welfare agency or DSWD here in Tangub City. (Write your answer/explanations at the
back of this paper). 😉😊😊

Parent’s Name & Signature
Teachers Name & Contact No.:

1. Sittie Badria M. Datu-Dacula Date Submitted: _______________



Printed Name & Signature Teacher

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