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Outcomes in Hospitalized Pediatric Patients With

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

WHAT’S KNOWN ON THIS SUBJECT: Systematic health disparities AUTHORS: Mary Beth F. Son, MD,a,b Victor M. Johnson, MA,c
in adults with systemic lupus erythematosus are well documented Aimee O. Hersh, MD, MS,d Mindy S. Lo, MD, PhD,a,b and
and are likely driven by biologic as well as modifiable factors. Karen H. Costenbader, MD, MPHe,f
Sociodemographic factors and health care delivery aDivision of Immunology and cDepartment of Anesthesiology,

characteristics have been associated with poor outcomes. Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts; Departments
of bPediatrics and fMedicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston,
Massachusetts; dDepartment of Pediatrics, University of Utah,
WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS: In hospitalized children with systemic Salt Lake City, Utah; and eDepartment of Rheumatology, Brigham
lupus erythematosus, race and ethnicity were associated with & Women’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts
increased risk for ICU admissions, end-stage renal disease, and KEY WORDS
death. Identification of sociodemographic factors associated with end-stage renal disease, mortality, outcomes, systemic lupus
outcomes is important to address the needs of these vulnerable erythematosus
ESRD—end-stage renal disease
ICD-9—International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision
LOS—lengths of stay
PHIS—Pediatric Health Information System

abstract SLE—systemic lupus erythematosus

Dr Son conceptualized and designed the study, drafted the initial
OBJECTIVE: Disparities in outcomes among adults with systemic lupus manuscript, and interpreted the data; Mr Johnson performed
the initial and revised data analyses, and reviewed and revised
erythematosus (SLE) have been documented. We investigated associ- the manuscript; Dr Hersh interpreted the data and reviewed and
ations between sociodemographic factors and volume of annual inpa- revised the manuscript; Dr Lo performed a record review of
tient hospital admissions with hospitalization characteristics and poor pertinent records, interpreted the data, and reviewed and
revised the manuscript; and Dr Costenbader contributed to the
outcomes among patients with childhood-onset SLE. design of the study, interpreted the data, and reviewed and
METHODS: By using the Pediatric Health Information System, we ana- revised the manuscript critically for content. All authors
approved the final manuscript as submitted.
lyzed admissions for patients aged 3 to ,18 years at index admission
with $1 International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision code www.pediatrics.org/cgi/doi/10.1542/peds.2013-1640

for SLE from January 2006 to September 2011. Summary statistics doi:10.1542/peds.2013-1640
and univariable analyses were used to examine demographic char- Accepted for publication Oct 25, 2013
acteristics of hospital admissions, readmissions, and lengths of stay. Address correspondence to Mary Beth F. Son, MD, Division of
We used multivariable logistic regression analyses, controlling for Immunology, Boston Children’s Hospital, 300 Longwood Ave,
Boston, MA 02115. E-mail: marybeth.son@childrens.harvard.edu
patient gender, age, race, ethnicity, insurance type, hospital volume,
PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275).
US census region, and severity of illness, to examine risk factors for
Copyright © 2014 by the American Academy of Pediatrics
poor outcomes.
FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated they have
RESULTS: A total of 10 724 admissions occurred among 2775 patients no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.
over the study period. Hispanic patients had longer lengths of stay, FUNDING: No external funding.
more readmissions, and higher in-hospital mortality. In multivariable
POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The authors have indicated
analysis, African American race was significantly associated with ICU they have no potential conflicts of interest to disclose.
admission. African American race and Hispanic ethnicity were
associated with end-stage renal disease and death. Volume of
patients with SLE per hospital and hospital location were not
significantly associated with outcomes.
CONCLUSIONS: In this cohort of hospitalized children with SLE, race
and ethnicity were associated with outcomes. Further studies are
needed to elucidate the relationship between sociodemographic fac-
tors and poor outcomes in patients with childhood-onset SLE.
Pediatrics 2014;133:e106–e113

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Childhood-onset systemic lupus erythe- admissions per hospital with outcomes, deaths. We classified hospitals accord-
matosus(SLE) is an uncommon disease including ICU admissions, end-stage ing to the volume of inpatient admis-
with potentially devastating effects renal disease (ESRD), and in-hospital sions per year, in quartiles.
mediated via 2 mechanisms: the attack mortality. Secondary ICD-9 codes were examined
of visceral organs (including the brain to determine the frequency of SLE renal
and kidneys) by the immune system METHODS disease, including glomerulonephritis,
and therapeutic regimens that are nephrosis, renal failure (ICD-9 codes
Data Source
dominated by corticosteroids and 580–585 with all subcodes included),
other powerful immunosuppressive The PHIS is a database contributed to and dialysis therapy (ICD-9 codes V56.0
medications. Children with SLE tend to by .40 freestanding US pediatric and V56.2).
have more severe disease at pre- hospitals and is administered by the
sentation and more disease activity Children’s Health Association.12 Data are Validation of Diagnoses
over time compared with their adult updated quarterly and were available
To assess the accuracy of coding for SLE
counterparts.1–4 Hersh et al5 reported for inclusion between January 1, 2006,
by using the ICD-9 code 710.0, one of the
that childhood onset of SLE is a pre- and September 30, 2011. Anonymous
study authors (M.S.L.) reviewed the
dictor of mortality among adult pa- patient identifiers allow for tracking of
medical records of patients at our in-
tients with SLE. patients across admissions within the
stitution (Boston Children’s Hospital)
Disparities in the incidence, severity, same hospital.
identified in the query. We defined the
and outcomes of adults with SLE are positive predictive value of having a di-
well characterized; women, minorities, Data Collection
agnosis of SLE as the number of
those lacking medical insurance, and We searched the PHIS for all inpatient patients with confirmed SLE per the
those with lower socioeconomic status discharges with an International Clas- 1997 American College of Rheumatol-
are at increased risk for developing the sification of Diseases, Ninth Revision ogy criteria for SLE, which have been
disease and for poor outcomes.6–11 (ICD-9) code for SLE (710.0) for patients validated in children,13 over the total
Fewer studies have examined socio- aged 3 to ,18 years from hospitals number of patients identified.
demographic disparities among chil- that contributed full data for the entire
dren with SLE. The Lupus in Minorities: study period. The index admission was Data Analyses
Nature Versus Nurture cohort consists defined as the first admission with Continuous variables (eg, age at ad-
of African American, white, Texan His- a code for SLE. All subsequent admis- mission, LOS) were summarized by
panic, and Puerto Rican Hispanic sub- sions after the index admission date mean 6 SD or median (first quartile
jects. Comparison of its youngest were included. The follow-up time was – third quartile) as appropriate. Fre-
participants, aged 13 to 18 years at determined by subtracting the admis- quencies and percentages were pre-
diagnosis, with their adult counter- sion date of the first admission from sented for discrete variables (eg,
parts showed that Lupus in Minorities: the discharge date of the last admis- gender, ethnicity). Demographic char-
Nature Versus Nurture participants sion per patient. Admissions lasting acteristics of hospital admissions and
with childhood-onset SLE were more ,48 hours with a pharmaceutical code readmission, proportions of patients
likely to have renal and neurologic for cyclophosphamide were consid- with renal disease according to study
manifestations and renal damage com- ered infusion admissions. Patient in- region, severity of illness indices for
pared with the adult SLE group, as well formation was recorded, including age ICU admissions, and admissions for
as a twofold higher mortality rate.2 As at first admission; race (white, African cyclophosphamide administration were
in adults with SLE, it is likely that the American, Asian, Native American, or examined by using the Pearson x2 test.
poor outcomes described in certain other); ethnicity (Hispanic, non- Differences in LOS among the highest
populations of childhood-onset SLE Hispanic, or other); medical insurance and lowest quartiles of hospital volume
patients are driven by biologic as well (private, government, self-pay, or no were analyzed by using the Wilcoxon
as modifiable factors that are difficult charge/other); hospital and ICU ad- rank-sum test. Characteristics of all
to disentangle. missions; lengths of stay (LOS); perti- admissions were summarized accord-
By using the US Pediatric Health In- nent diagnoses based on ICD-9 coding; ing to race/ethnicity and then compared
formation System (PHIS) database, we All Patient Refined–Diagnosis Related by using the Wilcoxon rank-sum test
examined the association of socio- Groups Severity of Illness index, version and Pearson’s x 2 test. Less frequent
demographic features and volume of 25 (3M-Corp, Minneapolis, MN); and subgroups under race, ethnicity, and

PEDIATRICS Volume 133, Number 1, January 2014 e107

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insurance were combined to facilitate TABLE 1 Demographic Characteristics of Study Cohort
analysis. We constructed a multivari- Characteristic Patients With $1 Admission (n = 2775) Admissions (N = 10 724)
able logistic regression model control- Female, n (%) 2277 (82.1) 8799 (82.1)
ling for patient gender, age, race, Age at index admission, mean 6 SD, y
3–8 6.2 6 1.5 6.2 6 1.4
ethnicity, insurance type, hospital vol- 8–13 11.1 6 1.4 11.1 6 1.4
ume, severity of illness, and US Census 13–18 15.7 6 1.4 15.7 6 1.4
Bureau regions (Northeast, South, .18a — 19.1 6 1.0
Race, n (%)*
Midwest, and West) as identified in the White 1100 (39.6) 3320 (31.0)
index admission to examine risk fac- African American 982 (35.4) 4679 (43.6)
tors for adverse outcomes. We defined Asian 148 (5.3) 543 (5.1)
American Indian/Pacific Islander 62 (2.2) 218 (2.0)
ICU admissions, ESRD, and in-hospital Other/unknown 355 (12.8) 1461 (13.6)
mortality as outcomes of interest. Due Ethnicity, n (%)
to the low number of deaths during Hispanic or Latino 737 (26.6) 2617 (24.4)
Not Hispanic or Latino 936 (33.7) 4449 (41.5)
the study period, ESRD and in-hospital Other/unknown 1102 (39.7) 3658 (34.1)
mortality were analyzed as a com- Medical insurance type, n (%)
bined outcome, adjusting for severity Government 1477 (53.2) 6477 (60.4)
Private 886 (31.9) 2958 (27.6)
of illness. Self-pay 74 (2.7) 197 (1.8)
Data were analyzed by using SAS ver- Otherb/unknown 279 (10.1) 711 (6.6)
Location of PHIS hospitals, n (%)
sion 9.1 (SAS Institute, Inc, Cary, NC). South 1112 (40.1) 4521 (42.2)
Two-tailed P values ,.05 were consid- West 658 (23.7) 2611 (24.4)
ered statistically significant. Midwest 633 (22.8) 2412 (22.5)
Northeast 372 (13.4) 1180 (11.0)
Institutional review board approval was a Study sample limited to those aged 3 to ,18 years at index admission.
obtained for utilization of the PHIS and b Includes no charge and other.
* Multiple responses per patient.
for medical record review at Boston
Children’s Hospital.
SLE population (P , .001), constituting Validation of SLE Diagnoses
43.6% of patients admitted with SLE, We determined that 65 of 72 patients
RESULTS compared with 21.1% of patients (positive predictive value: 90%) hospi-
Demographic and Disease overall in the PHIS. More than one- talized at our institution met American
Characteristics quarter of patients (n = 737 [26.6%]) College of Rheumatology criteria for the
We identified 10 724 admissions among were Hispanic. Eighty-five percent of diagnosis of SLE. Two of the patientswho
2775 patients from 43 participating patients (n = 2363) had insurance, with were assigned codes for SLE but did not
hospitals over the study period more than one-half supported by pub- meet clinical criteria were ages 3 and 4
(Table 1). Fifteen hospitals from the lic insurance inclusive of Medicare, years with neonatal lupus who were
South contributed 4521 admissions Medicaid, Title V, and other government admitted for cardiac procedures. Two
(42.2%), 10 hospitals from the West sources (n = 1477 [53.2%]). Nearly 32% other patients had diagnoses of mixed
contributed 2611 admissions (24.4%), of patients (n = 886) had private in- connective tissue disease. Two di-
12 hospitals from the Midwest con- surance. agnoses of SLE had been conferred by
tributed 2412 admissions (22.5%), and More than one-half of patients (n = 1515 outside providers, which we were un-
6 PHIS hospitals from the Northeast [54.6%]) were assigned $1 ICD-9 code able to confirm at our institution. The
contributed 1180 admissions (11.0%). for renal disease at least once during last patient had been evaluated for SLE
Eighty-two percent (n = 2277) of pa- the study period. A total of 160 patients but had an alternative diagnosis (celiac
tients were female. The mean age at (5.8%) developed ESRD, and 98 patients disease).
the time of the index admission was (3.5%) received dialysis at least once
14.2 6 2.9 years. A total of 1100 patients during the study period. The South had Admission Characteristics and
were white (39.6%) and 982 patients a larger proportion of SLE patients with Hospital Volume
were African American (35.4%); 5.3% renal disease, compared with other US We divided the hospitals into quartiles
(n = 148) were Asian. African-American regions combined (19.8% vs 15.4%, P , according to volume to evaluate LOS,
patients were overrepresented in the .001). readmissions, ICU stays, and mortality.

e108 SON et al
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The mean LOS for all admissions was 5.2 [9.7%], P = .06). Interestingly, a larger type, and hospital volume with out-
6 10.7 days. The average follow-up proportion of cases were classified as comes, adjusting for severity of illness
time per patient was 351.8 6 507.1 major and as extreme severity of ill- in a multivariable analysis. African
days. The range of SLE admissions for ness in the lowest volume hospitals American patients were more likely to
high-volume hospitals was 327 to 952 compared with the highest volume have an admission to the ICU during the
admissions, whereas the range of hospitals. However, there was no sig- study period (Table 4). African Ameri-
admissions for low-volume hospitals nificant difference in ICU LOS, nor was can and Hispanic patients were signif-
was 15 to 136 admissions. The hospi- there a difference in severity of illness icantly more likely to develop ESRD or
tals with the highest SLE volume had indices among ICU admissions (P = .15) die during the study period (Fig 1).
shorter LOS compared with the lowest- between the highest and lowest SLE
volume hospitals (median of 2 days volume hospitals. Lastly, readmissions, DISCUSSION
[minimum = 1, maximum = 366] vs ICU admissions, and in-hospital mor- By using the PHIS database, we de-
median of 3 days [minimum = 1, max- tality did not differ significantly be- scribed the demographic features and
imum = 61], P , .001), although read- tween patients with renal disease at predictors of poor outcomes in a large
missions per patient were more the highest and lowest SLE volume hospitalized cohort of children with SLE
frequent in the highest SLE volume hospitals. over a 5.5-year period. We found that
hospitals (median of 2 readmissions Overall in-hospital mortality was low at demographic features were associated
[minimum = 1, maximum = 84] vs me-
all hospitals at 1.5% (n = 41), and with hospitalization characteristics as
dian of 2 readmissions [minimum = 1,
hospital volume was not significantly well as outcomes. Specifically, Hispanic
maximum = 21], P = .001) (Table 2). The
associated with mortality in uni- children had longer LOS, more read-
high-volume hospitals had a signifi-
variable analysis (Table 2). Five of the missions, longer ICU stays, higher
cantly higher proportion of admissions
patients (11%) who died during the severity of illness indices, and higher
for cyclophosphamide infusions com-
study period had ESRD. in-hospital mortality compared with
pared with the low-volume hospitals
Admission characteristics were as- non-Hispanic children. In multivariable
(1207 [22.8%] of 5289 total discharges
sessed according to race and ethnicity. analysis, African American race was as-
vs 93 [11.1%] of 836 total discharges,
Hispanic patients, compared with non- sociated with ICU admission. Further-
P , .0001). Ten percent of all admis-
Hispanic patients, had longer LOS, more more, we found that African American
sions (n = 1118) included an ICU stay in
readmissions, and higher in-hospital race and Hispanic ethnicity were asso-
745 patients. A larger proportion of
mortality (Table 3). ciated with developing ESRD or dying.
children with SLE at low-volume hos-
Hospital characteristics recorded at in-
pitals were admitted to an ICU, com-
Outcomes dex admission, including location and
pared with high-volume hospitals,
volume of SLE patients, were not asso-
a finding that approached statistical We investigated the association of
ciated with outcomes.
significance (n = 99 [11.8%] vs n = 515 sociodemographic factors, insurance
Although pediatric SLE patients have
been less thoroughly studied than
TABLE 2 Characteristics of All Admissions
adults with SLE, some studies show
Characteristic Among All Hospitals Highest Quartile SLE Lowest Quartile SLE Pa
(N = 10 724) Volume Hospitals Volume Hospitals
that sociodemographic disparities in-
(n = 5289) (n = 836) fluence the outcomes of these younger
LOS, median (min, max), d 2 (1, 366) 2 (1, 366) 3 (1, 61) ,.001 subjects. Levy et al14 found that Asian
Readmissions per patient, 1 (1, 84) 2 (1, 84) 2 (1, 21) .001 and African American patients were
median (min, max) more likely to have severe disease
In-hospital mortality, n (%) 41 (0.4) 17 (0.3) 1 (0.1) .50
ICU admissions, n (%) 1118 (10.4) 515 (9.7) 99 (11.8) .06
compared with white patients. Hiraki
LOS in ICU, median (min, max), d 9 (1, 366) 10 (1, 366) 9 (1, 61) .19 et al15 evaluated outcomes among
Severity of illness index, n (%) ,.001 US children with lupus nephritis–
Not applicable 10 (0.1) 5 (0.1) 1 (0.1)
Minor 2348 (21.9) 1314 (24.8) 132 (15.8)
associated ESRD from 1995 to 2006.
Moderate 4302 (40.1) 2224 (42.0) 325 (38.9) They found that age, race, ethnicity,
Major 3192 (29.8) 1357 (25.7) 292 (34.9) insurance, and geographic region
Extreme 872 (8.1) 389 (7.4) 86 (10.3)
were associated with significant vari-
Hospital volume was divided into quartiles of inpatient SLE admissions per year. max, maximum; min, minimum.
a P values are based on Wilcoxon rank-sum test for LOS and Pearson’s x 2 test for frequencies (percentages); all comparisons ation in 5-year wait-listing for kidney
are top quartile to bottom quartile. transplantation, undergoing kidney

PEDIATRICS Volume 133, Number 1, January 2014 e109

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TABLE 3 Characteristics of All Admissions According to Ethnicity The significant disparities seen in adult
Characteristic Hispanic (n = 2617) Non-Hispanic (n = 4449) Pa patients with SLE are likely under-
LOS, median (min, max), d 3 (1, 366) 2 (1, 169) ,.001 pinned by both biologic vulnerabilities
Readmissions per patient, median (min, max) 2 (1, 60) 2 (1, 45) .004 in female subjects and specific racial/
In-hospital mortality, n (%) 15 (0.6) 9 (0.2) .001
ethnic groups, as well as modifiable
ICU admissions, n (%) 275 (10.5) 475 (10.7) .82
LOS in ICU, median (min, max), d 10 (1, 366) 8 (1, 169) .001 factors.16 Likewise, our findings help to
Severity of illness index, n (%) .003 identify specific populations that re-
Not applicable 1 (,0.1) 7 (0.2) quire further study but do not address
Minor 624 (23.8) 890 (20.0)
Moderate 1008 (38.5) 1809 (40.7) all potential contributors to disease
Major 772 (29.5) 1369 (30.8) severity and poor outcomes in children
Extreme 212 (8.1) 374 (8.3) with SLE.
max, maximum; min, minimum.
a P values are based on Wilcoxon rank-sum test for continuous variables and Pearson’s x 2 test for frequencies (percentages). Volume of SLE patients per hospital has
been associated with variation in clin-
ical outcomes in adult studies of SLE.
transplantation, and mortality. Mortal- disparities in SLE outcomes in the form
Ward17 demonstrated that the risk of
ity was almost double among African of fixed variables (race and ethnicity).
mortality was lower in SLE patients
American children compared with Assessment of modifiable factors such
admitted to hospitals with a higher
white children. as educational level of caregivers, so-
volume of SLE admissions in California.
As in the study by Hiraki et al, 15 our cial support, and other psychosocial In our cohort, we found that hospitals
study identified sociodemographic factors is beyond the scope of the PHIS. with the highest volume of SLE admis-
sions had shorter LOS, likely due to
frequent admissions for cyclophos-
TABLE 4 Patient Characteristics Associated With ICU Admission (n = 2775)
phamide infusions. Lower-volume hos-
Factor Adjusted for Severity Multivariablea
of Illness
pitals had more ICU admissions and
higher severity of illness indices
Odds Ratio 95% CI Odds Ratio 95% CI
across all admissions. It is possible
that catchment areas of the low-
Female 1.0 Ref 1.0 Ref
Male 1.10 0.87–1.39 1.10 0.76–1.59 volume hospitals were larger with
Age at index admission, y patients transferred from non-PHIS
13–18 1.0 Ref 1.0 Ref hospitals for higher levels of care (ie,
8–13 0.95 0.77–1.18 1.56 0.77–3.18
3–8 1.89 1.26–2.84 0.91 0.65–1.26 ICU). However, severity of illness in-
Raceb dices in ICU admissions did not differ
White 1.0 Ref 1.0 Ref between the highest and lowest SLE
African American 1.25 1.01–1.53 1.55 1.05–2.29
Asian 1.05 0.69–1.60 1.74 0.91–3.32 volume hospitals, corresponding with
American Indian/Pacific Islander 0.10 0.02–0.43 0.07 0.01–0.50 the findings that ICU LOS and in-
Ethnicity hospital mortality rates were not as-
Non-Hispanic 1.0 Ref 1.0 Ref
Hispanic 1.23 0.96–1.57 2.07 1.40–3.05 sociated with SLE volume.
Medical insurance type To assess the accuracy of ICD-9 coding
Private 1.0 Ref 1.0 Ref
Government 0.88 0.72–1.08 0.68 0.50–0.92
for SLE, we reviewed cases identified by
Self-pay 0.66 0.35–1.23 0.52 0.21–1.29 our query at Boston Children’s Hospital
Hospital volume of SLE (access to personal health information
Quartile 4 (highest) 1.0 Ref 1.0 Ref
Quartile 3 0.99 0.79–1.23 1.04 0.70–1.54
from other centers was not possible
Quartile 2 1.01 0.79–1.29 1.39 0.90–2.13 for privacy reasons). The positive pre-
Quartile 1 (lowest) 0.99 0.72–1.36 1.67 1.04–2.68 dictive value of selection criteria for
Location of PHIS hospital
this SLE cohort at 90% is comparable to
South 1.0 Ref 1.0 Ref
Midwest 0.76 0.60–0.96 0.93 0.61–1.43 that described in other large database
West 0.69 0.55–0.88 0.81 0.52–1.26 cohorts of adult patients with SLE. For
Northeast 0.77 0.58–1.03 0.81 0.50–1.32
example, Chibnik et al18 developed
CI, confidence interval.
a Other/unknown variables of ethnicity (n = 1102), race (n = 483), and medical insurance type (n = 338).
a strategy to identify patients with lu-
b P , .05 when adjusted for severity of illness. pus nephritis based on a combination

e110 SON et al
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In multivariable analysis controlling for severity of illness, African American patients (odds ratio: 4.15 [95% confidence interval: 1.81–9.50]) and Hispanic
patients (odds ratio: 4.55 [95% confidence interval: 2.03–10.22]) were at higher risk for ESRD or death during the study period.

of ICD-9 SLE and renal disease codes those without severe disease (in- as well as outcomes over a 5.5-year
plus nephrologist encounter claims, cluding nephritis). period.
which had a positive predictive value of Few patients in our cohort developed Our analysis of the association of out-
88%. Although our strategy was sim- renal failure or required dialysis during comes with index admission character-
pler, coding for SLE in our cohort the study period. In fact, the number of istics may be limited by characteristics
seemed reliable, which may be due in SLE patients with ESRD in our cohort that change over the study period,
part to the presence of at least 1 pe- was low at 5.8% compared with other such as insurance. Berry et al23 found
diatric rheumatologist at each of the studies that evaluated children with SLE that from 2003 to 2008, an increasing
PHIS hospitals. and lupus nephritis, in which 7.5% to 9% number of PHIS admissions per patient
Slightly more than one-half of the developed ESRD.21,22 However, our was associated with a change in in-
patients in our cohort were assigned study had a shorter follow-up time with surance from commercial to public
diagnostic codes for renal disease, ∼1 year per patient, which likely coverage. This finding is likely relevant
which is within the range of most pre- underestimated the true incidence of to our population because chronic
vious descriptions of SLE renal dis- ESRD. It was not possible to estimate diseases are associated with more
ease.19 However, we found a higher SLE duration for this cohort because frequent admissions. As such, an im-
percentage compared with a recent admissions are not flagged for new (ie, pact of insurance type on outcomes
study of children with SLE enrolled in first-time) diagnoses. may have been present, but not detec-
the US Medicaid program, in which The strengths of our study include the ted, in our study. However, the primary
37% of patients with SLE had lupus assembly of a relatively large cohort of demographic predictors of outcome,
nephritis.20 In that study, which was not children with an uncommon disease. Of such as race and ethnicity, would not
restricted to inpatients, $2 ICD-9 the rheumatic diseases, SLE is more change over the study period. In addi-
codes for glomerulonephritis, pro- likely to be associated with hospital- tion, patients are tracked within 1
teinuria, or renal failure each recorded izations given the severity of disease hospital, not between hospitals; there-
.30 days apart were required for in- and frequent need for intravenous fore, neither hospital volume nor lo-
clusion. Possible explanations for the treatments. As such, the PHIS database cation should change.
difference include the more stringent is a useful resource to describe the Excluding children ,3 years old may
criteria in the study by Hiraki et al15 or demographic characteristics of the have decreased the number of children
the fact that the Medicaid database population. The ability of the PHIS to in the youngest age bracket. However,
encompasses outpatient data as well, track patients across admissions al- neonatal lupus does not have a distinct
thus broadening the SLE population to lowed us to analyze risk of readmission ICD-9 code, and in the validation set of

PEDIATRICS Volume 133, Number 1, January 2014 e111

Downloaded from pediatrics.aappublications.org at Indonesia:AAP Sponsored on January 13, 2015
patients admitted to our hospital, a few as other/unknown race and nearly 40% SLE activity and damage indices) or
patients aged ,3 years were admitted as other/unknown ethnicity. However, quality of life surveys. Despite these
with the diagnosis of SLE but had neo- the racial and ethnic representation in limitations, the PHIS database has been
natal lupus. Thus, we chose to exclude our population is similar to that in an excellent data source for studying
children aged ,3 years who may have other reported cohorts of children other uncommon conditions.25,26
had neonatal lupus rather than SLE. with SLE.2,20 Reliability of coding for
As with all database studies, our find- severity of illness by using the All Pa-
ings are limited by human error in tient Refined–Diagnosis Related Groups CONCLUSIONS
terms of data collection and entry. is also somewhat user dependent, al- The identification of race and ethnicity
Identification of a PHIS cohort relies on though clear guidelines exist. The PHIS as predictors of admission character-
the accuracy of coding with ICD-9 codes. tracks patients across admissions istics, ESRD, and death in children with
Race and ethnicity are known to be within the same hospital but is not able SLE is an important step in addressing
problematic in administrative data- to track information for patients who the medical needs of this vulnerable
bases24 because the data are not col- are transferred to other PHIS or non-
lected and documented in standard PHIS hospitals. As such, data from
manners across institutions and be- patients transferred to other hospitals
cause substantial heterogeneity exists cannot be accounted for. Similarly, data ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
within the accepted broad race and on patients who died at non-PHIS hos- The authors thank Izzuddin Bin Mohd
ethnicity classifications. These difficul- pitals or at home would not have been Aris, Vemula Naga Vikram, and Isaac
ties are reflected in our results, in captured. Lastly, the PHIS does not re- D. Liu, MRCPCH, for technical assis-
which 12.8% of patients were classified cord parameters of health status (eg, tance.

1. Brunner HI, Gladman DD, Ibañez D, Urowitz sex and age distribution of systemic lupus Available at: www.chca.com. Accessed April
MD, Silverman ED. Difference in disease erythematosus. Arthritis Rheum. 2007;57 30, 2013
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Outcomes in Hospitalized Pediatric Patients With Systemic Lupus
Mary Beth F. Son, Victor M. Johnson, Aimee O. Hersh, Mindy S. Lo and Karen H.
Pediatrics 2014;133;e106; originally published online December 30, 2013;
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2013-1640
Updated Information & including high resolution figures, can be found at:
Services http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/133/1/e106.full.h
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PEDIATRICS is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly

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Outcomes in Hospitalized Pediatric Patients With Systemic Lupus
Mary Beth F. Son, Victor M. Johnson, Aimee O. Hersh, Mindy S. Lo and Karen H.
Pediatrics 2014;133;e106; originally published online December 30, 2013;
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2013-1640

The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is
located on the World Wide Web at:

PEDIATRICS is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly

publication, it has been published continuously since 1948. PEDIATRICS is owned,
published, and trademarked by the American Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point
Boulevard, Elk Grove Village, Illinois, 60007. Copyright © 2014 by the American Academy
of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0031-4005. Online ISSN: 1098-4275.

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