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Minutes of Management Meeting No.

Project: Construction of Water Supply and Sanitation System for Bomet – Longisa – Mulot

Subject: Minutes of Commencement Management Meeting held between Client - Central Rift Valley
Water Works Development Agency (CRVWWDA), Engineer - Lake Victoria South Water
Works Development Agency (LVSWWDA) – Engineers Representative - Howard
Humphreys EA Ltd (HHEA) and Contractor - China Railway No.10 Engineering Group Co.
Ltd (CREC10)

Meeting Place: CRVWWDA Offices at Maji Plaza, Nakuru Meeting No.: 1

Date and Time: 11th January 2022 from 12:30hrs Minutes By: F. Omung’i

Present: Representing

1. Eng. Samuel K. Oruma – CEO (Chairing) - CRVWWDA - Employer

2. Charles Murage - Ag. General Manager - Infrastructure CRVWWDA - Employer

Development Manager

3. Ronny Cheruiyot - Project Engineer - CRVWWDA - Employer

4. William Sakuda - Supply Chain Manager - CRVWWDA - Employer

5. Collins Omondi Juma – CEO (Co-Chairing) - LVSWWDA - Engineer

6. George Agengo – Program Co-ordinator - LVSWWDA - Engineer

7. Sharon Otieno – Project Engineer - LVSWWDA - Engineer

8. Bernard Ochieng - Director, HHEA - HHEA – Engineers Representative

9. Phyllis Njoki – Ag, Team Leader - HHEA – Engineers Representative

10. Festus Omung’i – Senior WS Engineer - HHEA – Engineers Representative

11. Qu Yang Guang Hui - CREC (Contractor)

12. Shao Wei - CREC (Contractor)

13. Giung Yong - CREC (Contractor)

14. Li Pan Pan - CREC (Contractor)

Meeting Agenda:
1. Introduction
2. Remarks
3. Status of Contractual Obligations and Submittals

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• Delegation of Powers to the Engineer and the Engineers’ Representative.
• Contract Insurances
• Master List
• Key Contractual Staff
4. Status of Statutory Approvals / Permits and RAP Issues
5. Commencement Date and Site Handover
6. Status of Payments to Contractor – Advance Payment
7. Status of VO No. 1 – Raw Water and Intake Works
8. Measures to be Adopted to Improve Work Progress
9. Information Required

M1.1. Introductions and Adoption of Agenda
The Chair welcomed all members present to the meeting and called the meeting to order
at 12:30pm.
After a prayer, the teams introduced themselves and it was noted that none of the
Contractors Keys staff proposed in the Contract were in attendance.
The agenda was adopted as issued with suggestion to give special attention to the issues
• Master List
• And Strategies to accelerate work progress

M1.2. Opening Remarks

• CREC: Giung Yong gave remarks for the Contractor – he thanked the Client for
awarding CREC the contract. And introduced CRECs ongoing and previous activities
in Kenya with a promise to deliver the project in time and with the quality required.
• HHEAs remarks were delivered by the Director, who emphasised the need for all the
teams to communicate effectively, efficiently and work collaboratively for the timely
and quality delivery of the project.
• LVSWWDA CEO advised that the project falls under the electioneering period.
However, this should not be an excuse for not delivering the project on time. The
CEO reiterated that LVSWWDA expects the contractor to justify by progress and
quality that they were selected rightfully for the job. In addition, the CEO noted that
the project will be very closely monitored by the ‘Presidential Delivery Unit’ and that
all the work must be completed by June 2023.
• CRVWWDA CEO explained that the project was conceived long ago but because of
various challenges in project scope and tendering process, the project has delayed
and is lagging behind other projects in the AfDB programme which are now
completed or approaching completion. Therefore, the intention is now to deliver this
project on time to satisfy the needs of Bomet Residents who have been waiting for a
long time.
The CEO instructed the Contractor to work as per the aspirations of the Contract.
CRVWWDA had noted that the Contractor already requires to improve because by
first impressions, the Contractor is encountering internal delayed processes due to
delayed decision making and even in this first meeting none of the Key Contractual
staff were available. It was also noted that CREC has other ongoing projects with

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CRVWWDA where they have started having challenges. The CEO directed that those
challenges should not be brought to affect this project.
The CEO promised that CRVWWDA will avail all resources including staff to ensure
the Contractor is assisted to meet the project aspirations. And that contractual
processes including approvals and certification of IPCs will be fast tracked.
The CEO informed the meeting that the AfDB program closes in June 2023,
therefore the project must be executed to end before 31st May 2023. In-order to fit
into the programme window the project must commence within January 2022 and
that the Contractors mobilisation must be accelerated in order for construction
progress to start being recorded.
The Contractor was further advised to ensure all COVID-19 protocols are observed
and enforced in the project and that isolation procedures are set-up onsite, because
COVID will not be an excuse for not delivering the project on time.

M1.3. Delegation of Powers

It was agreed the CRVWWDA will prepare a draft delegation of powers to the Engineer CRV
(LVSWWDA) and to the Engineers Representative (HHEA) by the end of the day.
The draft will be sent to LVSWWDA for review and confirmation.
The final delegation of powers will be completed and sent to all parties by Friday 14 th
January 2022.

M1.4. Contract Insurances

The meeting directed the Contractor to submit to HHEA for necessary approval the 3No. CREC
Contract Insurances by the afternoon of Tuesday 11th January 2022.

M1.5. Consultants Guidance

The meeting directed that the Engineers Representative (HHEA) commences formally HHEA
guiding the Contractor to submit the Contractual requirements.

M1.6. Master List preparation

The Contractor reported that they submitted the draft ‘Master List’ to HHEA on 3rd January
2022. HHEA then responded by requesting additional information – the CREC staff in the
meeting haven’t seen that response because it was sent to the company’s general mail.
The meeting directed that CREC provides the Consultant with an official email directed to
the projects Key contact person. The meeting further directed that CREC resends the CREC
Draft Master List from the correct email so that the HHEA responds to the correct email.
CREC and HHEA were directed to process the ‘Master List’ and forward it to the
LVSWWDA by Friday 14th January 2022. LVSWWDA will then process it and send it to
CRVWWDA by 21st January 2022. CRVWWDA will then process and forward it to the
Ministry of Water and Sanitation by 28th January 2022.

M1.7. Contract Key Staff

• HHEA indicated to the meeting that due to the long period of time the project has
taken some proposed staff are no longer available. Therefore, HHEA will be formally
submitting documentation of the staff proposed as replacements for approval by
Wednesday 12th January 2022.
• CREC indicated to the meeting that
‐ The will replace the proposed Project Manager who is no longer available.

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‐ That the Site Agent is unchanged but has been delayed in China by flight
challenges and will arrive in the Project (Kenya) by next week 17 th January 2022.
‐ They will submit the list of Staff for approval by Friday 14th January 2022.
The meeting instructed CREC that there are policy guidelines laid by the Government of
Kenya that require 60% of skilled labourers and 100% of unskilled labourers on the project
to be Kenyans.
CREC was further directed that
• Project Manager, Site Agent and all Key staff engaged in the project must be able to
communicate in English.
• That out of the 100% unskilled Kenyan labourers 80% - 90% must be from the project
area and the other 10% - 20% from other areas in Kenya.
• Gender issues must be balanced in the project.
Considering the job requirements some Key Staff must be local from the project area
i.e., the Sociologist, while others i.e., Surveyor, and EHS Expert should be Kenyans or
be experienced with Kenyan and local requirements.

M1.8. Contractors Camp

Contractor reported that they had identified a site for their main camp in Longisa which
has space and buildings, however, they are still negotiating with the owners.
The meeting directed that CREC must set up a camp on site by Friday 14th January 2022.
The meeting also advised CREC to consult Bomet WSP to assist in case of challenges in
finding a site.

M1.9. Statutory Approvals / Permits

The meeting was informed that:-
• RAP was completed and was waiting for disclosure. CRVWWDA and LVSWWDA will CRV / LVS
organise disclosure meetings with the PAPs and will close all RAP issues by 28 th
January 2022.
• Roads - HHEA to prepare all documents required for application to road authorities
and submit to LVSWWDA by 21st January 2022. LVSWWDA will then apply to the HHEA
agencies and follow-up. LVSWWDA project engineers were requested to follow up
the applications more personally so that they are expedited. The same process will
also be followed for the others i.e., schools, companies, etc.
• Kenya Forest Service (KFS) - Payments have been made, follow-up to be made. CRV / LVS
• WRA - follow up should be made by CRVWWDA and LVSWWDA so that the water CRV / LVS
company makes and application to WRA.
• CREC is required to;
‐ Submit current NCA Licence. CREC
‐ Prepare to apply for DOSH certificate once camp is ready
‐ Prepare documentation for work permits for foreign staff and submit to HHEA to
forward to LVSWWDA and CRVWWDA for processing.
‐ Apply to EBK for temporary practicing licences for its foreign engineering staff.
‐ Ensure all staff have COVID-19 vaccination certificates

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M1.10. Commencement / Site Handover
The meeting directed that the Commencement date of 3 rd January 2022 communicated All
formally to the Contractor on 14th December 2021 remains unchanged.
The CEO CRVWWDA informed the meeting that the Cabinet Secretary for Water and
Sanitation could be invited for ground-breaking in 2 weeks’ time, therefore by that time
there should be some considerable construction activity on-going on site.
The meeting directed that the ceremonial site handover to Contractor to be done on All
Wednesday, 19th January 2022 in Bomet, meanwhile the Contractor was urged to
proceed with accelerated pre-construction preparations and mobilisation.

M1.11. Advance Payment

The meeting was informed that the advance payment certificate was submitted to the Info
Ministry of Water and Sanitation by CRVWWDA.

M1.12. Measures to Improve Progress

The meeting was informed that AfDB programme ends in June 2023 and therefore all the
works should be completed before end of May 2023. To do this
• CREC should
‐ Prepare a Program of Works that executes a substantial portion of the works
before December 2022, with only finishing and remedial works being left to be
done in the last quarter of the construction period. CREC
‐ Plan to use multiple teams and even sub-contractors to execute portions of the
works in parallel.
‐ Send all necessary requests for approval to HHEA immediately.
‐ Consider using locally available materials rather than imported material to reduce
delays due to importation time
‐ Propose sub-contractors for approval.
‐ Mobilise staff and equipment to site immediately.
‐ to expedite approvals, and certification of payment certificates
‐ Propose all necessary design and specification changes by June 2022.
‐ Remind Contractor formally to submit requests for approval early.
‐ to expedite approvals, and certification of payment certificates
‐ Can provide bonds to suppliers to provide materials for Contractor and deduct
payment to suppliers from Contractor’s interim payments. If CREC requests.
• All
‐ Hold extraordinary or management meetings every 3 months in addition to the All
monthly site progress meetings to further track progress.

M1.13. Work Program

The meeting directed CREC to submit to HHEA for processing a revised work program CREC
before Monday 31st January 2022. The revised program must take into account the critical
time pressures this project has and should show how all works are executed by May 2023,
including sections done by sub-contractors.

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M1.14. Variation Order No. 1 (VO 1)
The meeting was informed that VO 1 unpriced bill items were already sent to the
Contractor for pricing after the main contract was signed. However, CREC is yet to return
the priced bills.
The meeting directed CREC to submit the priced VO No. 1 bills to HHEA for analysis by
the end of 11th January 2022.

M1.15. COVID - 19
The meeting advised the Contractor to ensure COVID-19 prevention measures by GoK,
WHO and according to OSHA are catered for in the project i.e.
• Workers are vaccinated
• Masks, sanitisers and handwashing are available to staff
• Isolation procedures in case of COVID cases are prepared
• COVID – 19 prevention protocols and management in sites is enforced

M1.16. Adjournment
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 15:00hrs. All

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Minutes Confirmed By: Name: ____________________________________________________

Contractor’s Representative
Designation: _______________________________________________

Signature: _________________________ Date: ___________________

Minutes Confirmed By: Name: ____________________________________________________

Consultant’s Representative
Designation: _______________________________________________

Signature: _________________________ Date: ___________________

Minutes Confirmed By: Name: ____________________________________________________

LVSWWDA Representative
Designation: _______________________________________________

Signature: _________________________ Date: ___________________

Minutes Confirmed By: Name: ____________________________________________________

CRVWWDA Representative
Designation: _______________________________________________

Signature: _________________________ Date: ___________________

Minutes Noted By: Name: ____________________________________________________

Designation: _______________________________________________

Signature: _________________________ Date: ___________________

Minutes Noted By: Name: ____________________________________________________

Designation: _______________________________________________

Signature: _________________________ Date: ___________________

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