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1) A 3 bit input image has to be enhanced. Apply all point processing

techniques of image enhancement and comment on your result.

� 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
�� 2 3 10 10 15 25 20 15

2) The histogram of the input image is given in table 1.The

specified histogram of the output image is given in table 2 .Do
the transformation using histogram specification technique.
Table 1

I 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

ni 20 20 20 10 15 10 0 5

Table 2

I 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

ni 0 5 5 20 15 20 20 15
3) Write a matlab code to read your image. Find its gray histogram.

4) Write a matlab code to read your image add salt and pepper noise of
different intensity. Apply mean filters of size 3x3, 5x5 and 7x7 on the
noisy image and comment on the result. Apply median filter on the noisy
image and comment on your result.
%SOUMILI SAHA (1804061)

A = imread('image2.jpg');
title('input image SOUMILI SAHA(1804061)')
I = rgb2gray(A);
title('grayscale image SOUMILI SAHA(1804061)')

J = imnoise(I,'salt & pepper',0.02);

title('salt and pepper noise added in image
with noise density 0.02. [SOUMILI
DIP (EC-6108) Assignment-2
1)What are unitary and orthogonal transforms.?Write properties of unitary and orthogonal
transforms. What is its importance in the context of image transforms. Give examples of each
type of transforms. For an image U and information matrix A are given by:
6 2 1 1 1
�= �=
7 1 2 1 −1
Obtain the transformed image V. Compare the Energy in U and V.
Find the basis images. Find the transformed image ‘V’ from the original image U and basis
images. Also find original image U from the transformed image ‘V’ and the basis images.

2) Explain in detail about different types of data redundancies in digital image compression.
Build a set of code words, average code length and efficiency of code word using Huffman
coding scheme to transmit the message DEBUGGING. Write the code for BUG and explain its
decoding process. If each symbol needs 8 bit for complete representation without
Huffman coding, then what will be the compression ratio and redundancy achieved after
using Huffman coding to represent the symbols in transmitting the message.

3)Explain about different region based segmentation approaches in detail.

4)Compare different edge detection techniques used for image Segmentation. (Gradient and
Laplacian based operators)

5)Explain different thresholding approaches used for image segmentation.

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