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S3 History_ The First World War

Worksheet 5
Name: __________ Class: ________ Class No : ____
Data- based Question Marks: _______/12
1. Study Sources A and B answer questions (a) to (d).
Source A
Source A is a cartoon published on 27 April 1916.
Uncle Ostrich

And Keep
Co it there!


Source B
Source B shows an American ship sunk by the Germans in February 1917, when Germany
adopted a policy of unrestricted submarine warfare.

(a) Which country does the man in cartoon A represent? Give one piece of evidence to
support your answer. {1+1 mark}
(b) From the date of publication, which war did the cartoon refer to? What is the
attitude of the man towards that war? Explain with reference form the Source A .
{1+ 3 marks}
(c) Did the man change its attitude? Explain with reference to Source B? {1+ 3 marks}
(d) What effects did the change in the man’s attitude have on the war? {2 marks}
(a) Which country does the man in cartoon A represent? Give one Attention to the
piece of evidence to support your answer. {1+1 mark} pattern on the
clothes, so you
Since the man is wearing c________ with ______ and _______, know the name of
he represents the _______. the country
(b) From the date of publication, which war did the cartoon refer
to? What is the attitude of the man towards that war? Explain
with reference form the Source A . {1+ 3 marks}
Attention to the
year, so you know
The cartoon refers to the_____ ______ _______ . In April 1916, which war it was.
the U.S. was still __________ to involve herself in European
affairs. Besides, her interests were not yet _____________ by For the last
the outbreak of war in Europe. Therefore, she adopted the answer, name a
“________ __________” and turned a blind eye to the war. type of animal
that will put its
animal into the
mud or soil.
(c) Did the man change its attitude? Explain with reference to
Source B? {1+ 3 marks} Describe what
In February 1917, Germany began to adopt a policy of happened in the
u_________ s__________ w_________ that aimed at cutting Source B.
the supplies of the Allied Powers. This policy directly
threatened ____________ interests. So the ________ (country’s
name) declared war on Germany in April 1917 and formally
entered the First World War.

(d) What effects did the change in the man’s attitude have on Impact/effect of
the war? {2 marks} the entry of the
The U.S. involvement in 1917 was a _________ ________ in country
the First World War, which was by then in a state of __________. It mentioned in (a)
raised the________ of the Allied soldiers and increased on the result of
their________ __________ . It paved the way for the final ________ the WWI.
of the Allied Powers.

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