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Oromia TVET


Basic construction work LEVEL I

Learning Guide # 1
Unit of Competence: Carry-Out Measurements and
Simple Calculations
Module Title: Carrying-Out Measurements and
Simple Calculations
LG Code: CON SCW1 M01 0211
TTLM Code: CON SCW1 M 01 1217

Instruction Sheet Learning Guide #1

This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following
learning outcome and content coverage.

LO1 Select measuring instruments
1.1 Identifying object or component to be measured
1.2 Classifying and interpreting geometric shape
1.3 Selecting/identifying measuring tools/instruments
1.4 Obtaining correct specifications
1.5 Using alternative measuring instruments
LO2. Carry out measurements and calculations
2.1 Obtaining accurate Measurements and calculation
2.2 Performing calculations
2.2.1 Trigonometric functions
2.2.2 Algebraic computations
2.2.3 Fractions
2.2.4 Percentages
2.2.5 Mixed numbers
2.3. Checking/correcting numerical computation
2.4 Reading instruments
2.5 unit conversion
2.6 Measuring work pieces
This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcome and contents stated in the cover page.
Specifically, upon completion of this Learning Guide, you will be able to:-

To provide knowledge, skills and attitudes on identifying and measuring objects based on the
required performance standards.

Learning Instructions:

1. Read the specific objectives of this Learning Guide.

2. Follow the instructions described in number 3 to 20.

3. Read the information written in the “Information Sheets 1”. Try to understand what are being
discussed. Ask you teacher for assistance if you have hard time understanding them.

4. Accomplish the “Self-check 1” in page _13_.

5. Ask from your teacher the key to correction (key answers) or you can request your teacher to
correct your work. (You are to get the key answer only after you finished answering the Self-
check 1).

6. If you earned a satisfactory evaluation proceed to “Information Sheet 2”. However, if your
rating is unsatisfactory, see your teacher for further instructions or go back to Learning Activity

7. Submit your accomplished Self-check. This will form part of your training portfolio.

8. Read the information written in the “Information Sheet 2”. Try to understand what are being
discussed. Ask you teacher for assistance if you have hard time understanding them.

9. Accomplish the “Self-check 2” in page _21_.

10. Ask from your teacher the key to correction (key answers) or you can request your teacher to
correct your work. (You are to get the key answer only after you finished answering the Self-
check 2).

11. Read the information written in the “Information Sheets 3 and 4”. Try to understand what are
being discussed. Ask you teacher for assistance if you have hard time understanding them.

12. Accomplish the “Self-check 3” in page 26__.

13. Ask from your teacher the key to correction (key answers) or you can request your teacher to
correct your work. (You are to get the key answer only after you finished answering the Self-
check 3).

Information Sheet-1 Select measuring instruments

Measurement is the process or the result of determining the ratio of a physical quantity, such as a
length or a mass, to a unit of measurement, such as the meter or the kilogram. The science of
measurement is called metrology.

The English word measurement originates from the Latin mēnsūra and the verb metiri through the
Middle French measure.

1.1 Classifying and interpreting geometric shape

Measuring tools/geometric tools

 Geometric tools are those that are used for measuring, marking out, and testing of a job of
various stages.

Measuring: - is the process of estimating length mass, relative to a unit of measurement,

Marking out: - are putting/placing lines, circles, points and arcs before measurement.
Transferring: - measurements from the rule/scale to apply on the work pieces.
Testing: - is a method of transferring and checking degree.
Leveling: - a method of checking a vertical and horizontal
Gauges: Gauges are instruments used to check that an item meets standard measurements.
They are also used to mark critical dimensions, such as length and thickness
 Geometric tools are calcified in to three categories
I. Measuring tool
II. Measuring and marking tools
III. Measuring testing and leveling tools
I. Measuring tools

1. flexible measures

Retractable steel tape measures, often referred to as spring tapes, are available in a variety of
lengths. They are useful for setting out large areas or marking long lengths of timber and
other materials.

2. Zigzag rule (folding rule): collapsible joined poke rule. sliding metal or wood
extension in to the first segment in to assist depth and side measure

3. Self-adhesive bench tap : that is amounted to a work surface or the front edge of the
work bench . handy for checking dimension while work is progress

4. Hook rule : usually scaled both directions . This rule at one end facilitates accurate
outside measures from the edge . in side measures can be taken from the straight end

5. Extension rule : is zigzag rule ,which made up of flexi able like radio antenna it is used
to accurate measure length or width,

1.2 Selecting/identifying measuring tools/instruments
1. Tri-square
Tri-squares are used to mark and test angles at 90° and check that surfaces are at right angles to
each other. Tri-squares should be regularly checked for accuracy. To do this, place the square
against any straight-edged spare timber and mark a line at right angles. Turn the square over and
draw another line from the same point.
If the tool is accurate the two lines should be on top of each other.
2. Mitre square : The blade of a mitre square is set into the stock at an angle of 45° and is
used for marking out a mitre cut

3. Sliding bevel: The sliding bevel is an adjustable tri-square, used for marking and testing
angles other than 90°. When in use, the blade is set at the required angle then locked by either a
thumbscrew or set screw in the stock.

4. Combination gauge: used to measure and marking an angle 0 to 360 0 . it can an so be used
to adjust power tool.
5. Contour gauge: used to copy and transfer curved profile . closely spaced sliding pins
duplicate the contour .when the gauge is pressed against the surface .
6. Water level : used to checking whether surface are leveled (horizontally)or vertical
7. Pencils
Pencils are an important part of a tool kit. They can be used for marking out exact measurements,
both across and along the grain.

8. Marking gauge:- A marking gauge is used for marking lines parallel to the edge or end of
the wood. The parts of a marking gauge include stem, stock, spur (or point) and
thumbscrew. A marking gauge has only one spur or point.

9. Mortise gauge. - A mortise gauge is used for marking the double lines required when setting
out mortise and ten on joints, hence the name. It has one fixed and one adjustable spur or point.
10. Cutting gauge: The cutting gauge is very similar to the marking gauge, but has a blade in
place of the spur. This is used to cut deep lines in the timber, particularly across the grain, to give
a clean, precise cut.
11. Marking knife: - is made up of tool steel with one end angled and beveled. the cutting edge
is used for marking a cut line across the shoulders of joints such as tenons, and trenches to guide
sawing or chiseling. the cut line is drown in conjunction with a try square and must be squire (at
900 ) with the face edge
12. Trammel point: is a large compass which have adjustable legs and used to scribing large
circle arcs and curve.
13. Calipers and dividers: Calipers and dividers enable accurate checking of widths and gaps.
They can have a simple friction joint or knurled rod and thread. The latter are more accurate
for repetitive work, as the width setting can be maintained.

Calipers are designed for either internal and external gaps. Although some come with a
graduated scale, it is usually better to check measurements against a steel rule

14. Scratch awe: is a sharp point tool which used to making straight hole for drill .screw or
nail. it also precision than a pencil for scribing lay out line,
15. chalk line : used to making a long straight line : the straight line is held out over the surface
and snapped with helper or fix end of string to surface with a nail.
16. Pounce wheel: is used for transferring paper paten in to work pieces (in to wood surface ).
The teeth perforate paper and score mark on a wood.
17. dovetail square : is made up wood or metal .which is used to outline dovetail joint by angle
18, carpentary square : is a large try aquare.most of atime which is commonly ued for checking
and marking 900for long arm .
19, center punch : is made up of hard metal which is used to makinga straght hole for nail and
screw on a pices of wood and meta.

Information Sheet-2 Carry out measurements and calculations

Self-Check 1 Written Test

Instructions: Answer all the questions listed below. Illustrations may be necessary to aid some
explanations/answers. Write your answers in the sheet provided in the next page.
1. What is measurement?
2. Identify measuring tools ?
3. What is the use of Combination gauge?

Note: Satisfactory rating - 25 points Unsatisfactory - below 25 points

You can ask you teacher for the copy of the correct answers.

Answer Sheet Score = ___________

Rating: ____________

Name: _________________________ Date: _______________

Short Answer Questions

1. ________________________________________________________________






2.1Obtaining accurate Measurements and calculation
Obtain measurements
Obtaining measurements is a common task performed on every construction site and an essential
skill for all types of construction work. For each type of work or task, there is usually a specific
type of measurement related to it. These may include quantities, dimensions, volumes or distances.
What is Measurement?
To measure is the act or process of determining the extent, quantity, degree, capacity, dimension,
volume, and so forth, of a substance by comparing it with some fixed standard, which is usually
fixed by law. A measure may relate to any of these standards. There are many kinds of measures,
and practically all of them are standard, but standards vary in different countries. The measures
mentioned in this text are all U.S. standards unless designated otherwise.

 The word measurement is derived from the Greek word matron which means a limited
 Today, unit of measurement are generally defined on a scientific basis, overseen /controlled
by governmental or supra-governmental agencies and established in international treaties.
 The definition or specification of precise standard of measurement involves two key features,
which are evident in the international system of units (SI). Specifically in this system the
definition of each of the base units refers to specific empirical /practical condition and with
exception of the kilogram also to other quantitative attributes.
 Each derived SI unit is defined purely in terms of a relationship involving it and other units.
For example the unit of velocity is m/s, b/c derived units refers to base unit, the specification
of the definition of all units

Purpose of obtaining measurements

It is necessary to use the correct device or instrument to obtain the measurements for the
particular work task. It is also important to use the correct methods for measuring at a worksite.
Each workplace will have specific work requirements but, in most cases the methods and tools
for measuring are constant.
It is important to make sure all measurements are accurate to ensure correct material
requirements and to reduce wastage. Measurements that are incorrect can be costly to fix, or
the standard of work may not be satisfactory.

Whenever measurements are taken, always check and then record them. Don’t rely on memory
as it only takes an interruption or moving away from the task to forget the measurement and
possibly make an error. Some workplaces may have specific procedures for documenting
measurements and numbers so it is important to know and understand the correct procedures
for each site or organization.

Methods of obtaining the measurement

The type of task or work application often determines the method for measurements you need to
use. This may also be determined by the type and nature of materials being used in the construction
process. In some workplace situations all measurements must be in line with specifications or
standards relating to the job.
The instructions for a particular work task are usually given out by the supervisor. These
instructions may be with guidance from site plans, project specifications, material management
information, engineers or other related workplace information. It is important that you understand
the instructions you are given for the allocated tasks. If you are unsure, ask questions or have the
task demonstrated so you are clear about what needs to be done.
There are many examples of where measurement techniques and methods may be required. Some
examples are included in the following table. meters (m2)
It is necessary to know the units of measure for the worksite. The general practice in construction is
to use the metric system and give measurements for length, width, height or depth in millimeters
(mm) and meters (m). For example, 2400 mm lengths of timber, 100 mm PVC pipe, or a hole dug
to 750 mm deep.
All weights are given as kilograms (kg) or tones (t). For example, a 20 kg bag of cement or a 5 kg
bag of lime. Liters (l) and milliliters (mL) are the measurements used for liquids such as water,
paint, solvents and liquid chemicals.

2.2 Performing calculations

LENGTHS: Definition = the standard unit for length is the meter (m). For shorter lengths
centimeter (1m = 100cm) is used which is again subdivided into millimeters (1cm = 10mm). For
longer distances however, kilometer (1000m = 1km) is used.


The width of a road, or the layers of a road, is normally given in meters (m).
The thickness of a layer in a road, the thickness of the surface or the thickness of concrete work is
given in millimeters (mm).
(1 000 mm = 1 m) -Radius
Straight sections of a road are joined with curves; the radius (R) of a curve on a road is given in
meters (m).

2.2 Perform calculations

The unit of measurement for an area is in square meter (m2). This term is mostly encountered in
determining the area to be:
• Compacted
• Surfaced
• Grassed
Areas of typical shapes
 Rectangle

The area of a section of road is normally rectangular in shape and the area is obtained by
multiplying the length of the road by the width of the road. The unit used for l and w must be the
same (normally both are expressed in meters (m).5
Area = l x w

 Triangle

 Trapezium

Definition = 1m3 is the volume of a cube where each side is 1m. Volumes are calculated by
multiplying a base area (e.g. m2) with a third dimension.
The calculation of volumes is the most common calculation for road construction work. This is
required to develop the bill of quantities, then to measure work for actual construction purposes
(estimating resource requirements and time to complete work, material requirements, etc.), and
finally to measure the completed work items.
Volume of material
The most frequently used unit of measurement for volume is the cubic metre (m³).
This term is mostly encountered in determining the amount of material to be:
 Excavated
 Used in the construction and compaction of a layer
 Carted away

--Volume of liquids
The volume of liquid is normally measured in liters (l).
The term is encountered in determining the amount of:
 Water
 Emulsion

The volume of compacted material in a road layer is obtained by multiplying the thickness of the
layer (t) by the width of the layer (w) by the length of the layer (l).
The problem here is that the length could be in km, the width in m, and the thickness in mm.
They must all be brought to the same unit, normally meters to give a volume in m3 (cubic meters).
 Volume of material in a road layer

 Volume of material excavated from a trench or drain

The amount of material to be excavated from a drain of the shape above is:
1/2(w + b) lxd
Again all the measurements must be brought to the same units, usually meters, giving a volume of
material in m3 (cubic meters).

• Volume of material in a fill or embankment

A fill or embankment is, in effect, an upside down excavation; and the amount of fill material is
calculated in the same way as the amount of excavated material.

The amount of material in a fill or embankment of the shape above is:

1/2(w + b) lxd
Again all the measurements must be brought to the same units, usually meters, giving a volume of
material in m3 (cubic meters).

Definition = 1 kilogram (kg) is the weight of one cubic decimeter (dm3) or one liter of water with a
temperature of 4° C. Other units commonly used in construction are: gram (g) and tone (t).

Definition= 1 liter of water is the volume of water contained in
one cubic decimeter (dm3) at 4°C


Definition = weight in kg per m3 volume in normal processed condition of

the material

 Perimeter
Perimeter is the distance around a two dimensional shape, or the measurement of the distance
around something; the length of the boundary.
A perimeter is a path that surrounds an area. The word comes from the Greek peri (around) and
meter (measure). The term may be used either for the path or its length - it can be thought of as the
length of the outline of a shape. The perimeter of a circular area is called circumference.

2.2.1 Trigonometric functions
Using Trigonometry

Applying trigonometry to find the altitude h.

The height of a triangle can be found through the application of trigonometry.
Knowing SAS: Using the labels in the image on the left, the altitude is h = a sin γ. Substituting this
in the formula Area = ½bh derived above, the area of the triangle can be expressed as:

(where α is the interior angle at A, β is the interior angle at B, γ is the interior angle at C and c is the
line AB).

Using Heron's Formula

The shape of the triangle is determined by the lengths of the sides alone. Therefore the area can also
be derived from the lengths of the sides. By Heron's formula:

where is the semiperimeter, or half of the triangle's perimeter.

Using Coordinates
If vertex A is located at the origin (0, 0) of a Cartesian coordinate system and the coordinates of the
other two vertices are given by B = (xB, yB) and C = (xC, yC), then the area can be computed as ½
times the absolute value of the determinant

For three general vertices, the equation is:

Computing the Sides and Angles

There are various standard methods for calculating the length of a side or the size of an
angle. Certain methods are suited to calculating values in a right-angled triangle; more
complex methods may be required in other situations.

Trigonometric ratios in right triangles
A right triangle always includes a 90° (π/2 radians) angle, here with label C. Angles A and B may
vary. Trigonometric functions specify the relationships among side lengths and interior angles of a
right triangle.
In right triangles, the trigonometric ratios of sine, cosine and tangent can be used to find unknown
angles and the lengths of unknown sides. The sides of the triangle are known as follows:
 The hypotenuse is the side opposite the right angle, or defined as the longest side of a right-
angled triangle, in this case h.
 The opposite side is the side opposite to the angle we are interested in, in this case a.
 The adjacent side is the side that is in contact with the angle we are interested in and the
right angle, hence its name. In this case the adjacent side is b.

Sine, Cosine and Tangent

The sine of an angle is the ratio of the length of the opposite side to the length of the hypotenuse. In
our case

Note that this ratio does not depend on the particular right triangle chosen, as long as it contains the
angle A, since all those triangles are similar.
The cosine of an angle is the ratio of the length of the adjacent side to the length of the hypotenuse.
In our case

The tangent of an angle is the ratio of the length of the opposite side to the length of the adjacent
side. In our case

The acronym "SOH-CAH-TOA" is a useful mnemonic for these ratios.

Inverse Functions
The inverse trigonometric functions can be used to calculate the internal angles for a right angled
triangle with the length of any two sides.
Arcsin can be used to calculate an angle from the length of the opposite side and the length of the

Arccos can be used to calculate an angle from the length of the adjacent side and the length of the

Arctan can be used to calculate an angle from the length of the opposite side and the length of the
adjacent side.

In introductory geometry and trigonometry courses, the notation sin−1, cos−1, etc., are often used in
place of arcsin, arccos, etc. However, the arcsin, arccos, etc., notation is standard in higher
mathematics where trigonometric functions are commonly raised to powers, as this avoids
confusion between multiplicative inverse and compositional inverse.
The Sine, Cosine and Tangent Rules

A triangle with sides of length a, b and c and angles of α, β and γ respectively.

The law of sines, or sine rule, states that the ratio of the length of a side to the sine of its
corresponding opposite angle is constant, that is

This ratio is equal to the diameter of the circumscribed circle of the given triangle. Another
interpretation of this theorem is that every triangle with angles α, β and γ is similar to a triangle
with side lengths equal to sinα, sinβ and sinγ. This triangle can be constructed by first constructing
a circle of diameter 1, and inscribing in it two of the angles of the triangle. The length of the sides
of that triangle will be sinα, sinβ and sinγ. The side whose length is sinα is opposite to the angle
whose measure is α, etc.
The law of cosines, or cosine rule, connects the length of an unknown side of a triangle to the
length of the other sides and the angle opposite to the unknown side. As per the law:
For a triangle with length of sides a, b, c and angles of α, β, γ respectively, given two known
lengths of a triangle a and b, and the angle between the two known sides γ (or the angle opposite to
the unknown side c), to calculate the third side c, the following formula can be used:

If the lengths of all three sides of any triangle are known the three angles can be calculated:

The law of tangents or tangent rule, is less known than the other two. It states that:

It is not used very often, but can be used to find a side or an angle when you know two sides and an
angle or two angles and a side.

Right Triangle

Right triangle
A right triangle (American English) or right-angled triangle (British English) is a triangle in which
one angle is a right angle (that is, a 90 degree angle). The relation between the sides and angles of a
right triangle is the basis for trigonometry.
2.2.2 Algebraic computations
The Pythagorean Theorem: The sum of the areas of the two squares on the legs (a and b) equals the
area of the square on the hypotenuse (c).
In mathematics, the Pythagorean theorem or Pythagoras' theorem is a relation in Euclidean
geometry among the three sides of a right triangle (right-angled triangle)the square of the
hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. In terms of areas, it states:
In any right triangle, the area of the square whose side is the hypotenuse (the side opposite the right
angle) is equal to the sum of the areas of the squares whose sides are the two legs (the two sides that
meet at a right angle).
The theorem can be written as an equation relating the lengths of the sides a, b and c, often called
the Pythagorean equation:

where c represents the length of the hypotenuse, and a and b represent the lengths of the other two
Other Forms
As pointed out in the introduction, if c denotes the length of the hypotenuse and a and b denotes the
lengths of the other two sides, Pythagoras' theorem can be expressed as the Pythagorean equation:

If the length of both a and b is known, then c can be calculated as follows:

If the length of hypotenuse c and one leg (a or b) are known, the length of the other leg can be
calculated with the following equations:


The Pythagorean equation provides a simple relation among the three sides of a right triangle so
that if the lengths of any two sides are known, the length of the third side can be found. Another
corollary of the theorem is that in any right triangle, the hypotenuse is greater than any one of the
legs, but less than the sum of them.
A generalization of this theorem is the law of cosines, which allows the computation of the length
of the third side of any triangle, given the lengths of two sides and the size of the angle between
them. If the angle between the sides is a right angle, the law of cosines reduces to the Pythagorean
Proof using similar triangles

Proof using similar triangles

This proof is based on the proportionality of the sides of two similar triangles, that is, upon the fact
that the ratio of any two corresponding sides of similar triangles is the same regardless of the size of
the triangles.
Let ABC represent a right triangle, with the right angle located at C, as shown on the figure. We
draw the altitude from point C, and call H its intersection with the side AB. Point H divides the
length of the hypotenuse c into parts d and e. The new triangle ACH is similar to triangle ABC,
because they both have a right angle (by definition of the altitude), and they share the angle at A,
meaning that the third angle will be the same in both triangles as well, marked as θ in the figure. By
a similar reasoning, the triangle CBH is also similar to ABC. The proof of similarity of the triangles
requires the Triangle postulate: the sum of the angles in a triangle is two right angles, and is
equivalent to the parallel postulate. Similarity of the triangles leads to the equality of ratios of
corresponding sides:

The first result equates the cosine of each angle θ and the second result equates the sines.
These ratios can be written as:

Summing these two equalities, we obtain

which, tidying up, is the Pythagorean theorem:

Algebraic Proofs

Diagram of the two algebraic proofs.
The theorem can be proved algebraically using four copies of a right triangle with sides a, b and c,
arranged inside a square with side c as in the top half of the diagram. The triangles are similar with
area , while the small square has side b − a and area (b − a)2. The area of the large square is

But this is a square with side c and area c2, so

A similar proof uses four copies of the same triangle arranged symmetrically around a square with
side c, as shown in the lower part of the diagram. This results in a larger square, with side a + b and
area (a + b)2. The four triangles and the square side c must have the same area as the larger square,


2.2.3 Fractions

If there are 2 oranges and 3 apples, the ratio of oranges to apples is 2:3, whereas the fraction of
oranges to the total fruit is 2/5.
If orange juice concentrate is to be diluted with water in the ratio 1:4, then one part of concentrate is
mixed with four parts of water, giving five parts total; the fraction of concentrate is 1/5 and the
fraction of water is 4/5.

Number of Terms
In general, when comparing the quantities of a two-quantity ratio, this can be expressed as a
fraction derived from the ratio. For example, in a ratio of 2:3, the amount/size/volume/number of

the first quantity will be that of the second quantity. This pattern also works with ratios with more
than two terms. However, a ratio with more than two terms cannot be completely converted into a
single fraction; a single fraction represents only one part of the ratio since a fraction can only
compare two numbers. If the ratio deals with objects or amounts of objects, this is often expressed
as "for every two parts of the first quantity there are three parts of the second quantity".

2.2.4 Percentages
What is percentage?
Percent (%) means out of 100. For example, 10% means 10 out of 100.
Finding a percentage
To find a percentage of a number, multiply the number by the percent and divide by 100.
For example:
20% of $300.00= $300.00 x 20 100
= $60.00
Using a percentage
To add on GST
GST of 10% needs to be added to the cost of all goods and services.
For example:
How to do it
Direct labor costs for 4 hours work @ $30.00/hour = $120.00
GST on these labor costs = 10% of $120.00 = $120.00 x 10 100 = $12.00

So direct labor costs including GST = $120.00 + $12.00 = $132.00
To add on additional costs
Profit might be charged at 15% of labor and material costs.
For example:
How to do it
Labor and material costs = $370.00
Profit = 15% of $370.00
= $370.00 x 15 100
= $55.50
Now add this to the labor and material costs:
= $370.00 + $55.50
= $425.50
To take off a discount
Discount of 5% might be offered to a client for prompt payment.
Work out the amount of the discount, then subtract it from the price.
For example:
How to do it
Cost to client = $425.50
5% discount = $425.50 x 5 100 = $21.28
So cost after discount = $425.50 - $21.28 = $404.2
2.4 Reading instruments
Compasses: - is a metal (steel) tool in a form of a pair of dividers its main application is for
setting out arcs and circles and a work piece or job.
Bench Steel rule : is a rigid rule in a various length from 6inch to 1 yard : this rule is available with
either English or metric scale .ideal for lay out work and as a straight edge ,

Combination square: A combination square does the job of a tri-square, mitre square and spirit
level all in one. It is used for checking right angles, 45° angles and also that items are level.

Steel protractor: is made up of steel and have protractor which is used for making checking
transferring angle. The blade rotated to read angle from 0-1800

Varner caliper: is for taking precise inside outside and depth measurement .it available reading
English and metric measurement

2.5 unit conversion

Conversion of units refers to conversion factors between different units of measurement for the
same quantity.
Worldwide the metric system is the universal system of measurements (System International = SI)
with standard units for length, weight, time, temperature, etc
Definition = the standard unit for length is the meter (m). For shorter lengths centimeter
(1m = 100cm) is used which is again subdivided into millimeters (1cm = 10mm). For longer
distances however, kilometer (1000m = 1km) is use

Tables of Conversion Factors

This article gives lists of conversion factors for each of a number of physical quantities, which are
listed in the index. For each physical quantity, a number of different units (some only of historical
interest) are shown and expressed in terms of the corresponding SI unit.

Symbol Definition
= equal to
≈ approximately equal to
Digits Indicates that digits repeat infinitely (e.g. 8.294369 correspond to 8.294369369369369…)
(H) of chiefly historical interest


Name of Unit Symbol Definition Relation to SI units

foot (International) ft = 1/3 yd = 0.3048 m = 12 inches = 0.3048 m

inch (International) in = 1/36 yd = 1/12 ft = 0.0254 m
mile (international) mi = 80 chains = 5280 ft = 1760 yd = 1609.344 m
yard (International) yd = 0.9144 m = 3 ft = 36 in = 0.9144 m

Name of Unit Symbol Definition Relation to SI units
hectare ha = 10 000 m 2
= 10 000 m2
square foot sq ft = 1 ft × 1 ft = 9.290 304×10−2 m2
square inch sq in = 1 in × 1 in = 6.4516×10−4 m2
square kilometre km2 = 1 km × 1 km = 106 m2
square metre (SI unit) m2 = 1 m × 1 m = 1 m2
square mile sq mi = 1 mi × 1 mi = 2.589 988 110 336×106 m2
square yard (International) sq yd = 1 yd × 1 yd = 0.836 127 36 m2


Name of Unit Symbol Definition Relation to SI units

barrel (petroleum) bl; bbl = 42 gal (US) = 0.158 987 294 928 m3
board-foot Fbm = 144 cu in = 2.359 737 216×10−3 m3
cubic inch cu in = 1 in × 1 in × 1 in = 16.387 064×10−6 m3
cubic metre (SI unit) m3 = 1 m × 1 m × 1 m = 1 m3
cubic mile cu mi = 1 mi × 1 mi × 1 mi = 4 168 181 825.440 579 584 m3
cubic yard cu yd = 27 cu ft = 0.764 554 857 984 m3

Name of Unit Symbol Definition Relation to SI units
century C = 100 a (see below for definition of year length)
= 100 × year
day D = 24 h = 86400 s
decade Dec = 10 a (see below for definition of year length)
= 10 × year
fortnight Fn = 2 wk = 1 209 600 s
hour H = 60 min = 3 600 s
ke (quarter of = 60 × 60 / 4 s = 900 s
= ¼ h = 1/96 d
an hour) = 60 / 4 min = 15 min
millennium = 1 000 a (see below for definition of year length) = 1000 × year
= 60 s, due to leap seconds sometimes 59 s or 61
minute Min = 60 s
Month (Greg. Average Gregorian month = 365.2425/12 d =
Mo ≈ 2.6297×106 s
av.) 30.436875 d
week Wk =7d = 604 800 s
year a, y, or = 365.2425 d average calculated from common = 31 556 952 s
(Gregorian) yr years (365 d) plus leap years (366 d) on most

years divisible by 4.

Name of Unit Symbol Definition Relation to SI units
foot per hour fph = 1 ft/h ≈ 8.466 667×10−5 m/s
foot per minute fpm = 1 ft/min = 5.08×10−3 m/s
foot per second fps = 1 ft/s = 3.048×10−1 m/s
inch per hour iph = 1 in/hr ≈ 7.05 556×10−6 m/s
inch per minute ipm = 1 in/min ≈ 4.23 333×10−4 m/s
inch per second ips = 1 in/s = 2.54×10−2 m/s
kilometre per hour km/h = 1 km/h ≈ 2.777 778×10−1 m/s
knot kn, kt = 1 NM/h = 1.852 km/h ≈ 0.514 444 m/s
metre per second (SI
m/s = 1 m/s = 1 m/s
mile per hour mph = 1 mi/h = 0.447 04 m/s
mile per minute mpm ≡ 1 mi/min = 26.8224 m/s
mile per second mps ≡ 1 mi/s = 1 609.344 m/s
A velocity consists of a speed combined with a direction; the speed part of the velocity takes units
of speed.

 See Weight for detail of mass/weight distinction and conversion.
 In this table, the unit gee is used to denote standard gravity in order to avoid confusion with
the "g" symbol for grams.
 In physics, the pound of mass is sometimes written lbm to distinguish it from the pound-
force (lbf). It should not be read as the mongrel unit "pound metre".

Name of Unit Symbol Definition Relation to SI units

bag (Portland
≡ 94 lb av = 42.637 682 78 kg
≈ 205.196 548 333
carat Kt ≡ 3 1/6 gr
≡ mass of the prototype near Paris (≈ mass of 1L
kilogram Kg ≡ 1 kg (SI base unit)
of water)
kip kip ≡ 1000 lb av = 453.592 37 kg
tonne (mts unit) T ≡ 1 000 kg = 1 000 kg
Name of Unit Symbol Definition Conversion to Kelvin
degree Celsius °C °C ≡ K − 273.15 [K] ≡ [°C] + 273.15
degree [K] ≡ ([°F] + 459.67)
°F °F ≡ °C × 9/5 + 32
Fahrenheit × 5/9

[K] = [°N] × 100/33 +
degree Newton °N
kelvin (SI base ≡ 1/273.16 of the thermodynamic temperature of
K ≡1K
unit) the triple point of water.

7.1.3. SLOPES (as ratio and percentage)
Definition = the slope shows the steepness of an ascent or descent
Slope calculation = slopes can be expressed as a ratio or in percentage.
Slope given as a ratio:


Definition: 1m2 is the area of a square having sides whose length is 1m.
Consequently every unit of length can be converted into an area if it is
multiplied by itself.

2.6 Measuring work pieces

Why measure?

All construction requires the use of accurate measurement and calculation of quantities. On big
projects a quantity surveyor is often employed to do this work. For house construction, it is often
the job of the builder or contractor to carry out this work.

The principles of measurement

When measuring, either materials or labor or both can be taken into account. For example, when a
brick wall is measured, it is measured in terms of its area and not the number of bricks, weight of
sand, cement and the number of bricklayers necessary to complete the wall.

Self-Check 2 Written Test

Instructions: Answer all the questions listed below. Illustrations may be necessary to aid some
explanations/answers. Write your answers in the sheet provided in the next page.
1. What is obtaining measurement?
2. Explain reading instruments?
3. Describe the purpose of obtaining measurements

Note: Satisfactory rating - 25 points Unsatisfactory - below 25 points

You can ask you teacher for the copy of the correct answers.

Answer Sheet Score = ___________

Rating: ____________

Name: _________________________ Date: _______________

Short Answer Questions

1. ________________________________________________________________







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