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Lesson Plan (2)

Diseases of Excessive Food Intake: Cardiovascular Disease

Lebanese University – Faculty of
Pedagogy – Deanery (practicum 2)

Presented to: Dr. Nadeen Fayyad

Prepared by: Nasima Miah
Lesson Title:
Unit 1- Chapter 3- Document 2-Diseases of Excessive Food Intake: Cardiovascular Disease
Grade: 12 ES
Pages: 46- 47
Duration: 1 session (about 45 minutes)

Prerequisite concept and Skills:

1. Be familiar with food diet.

2. Be familiar with heart structure.
3. Be familiar with group work.
4. Be familiar with action verbs (interpret- analyze – compare).
5. Be familiar with converting graph to table.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Define atherosclerosis .(Cognitive)
2. Construct two blood vessels model; narrow one (with plaque) and a wide one (without
plaque). ( Psychomotor)
3. Describe the roles of 2 types of cholesterol; LDL and HDL. (Cognitive)
4. Indicate the types of high level of cholesterol treatment. (Cognitive )
5. List the risk factors of cardiovascular disease. ( Cognitive)
6. Classify food into good fat source and bad fat source.( Cognitive )
7. Evaluate the importance of having good food diet. ( Affective)

 Cholesterol is bad for our body.
 Only obese people have high level of cholesterol.
 Only old people have cholesterol.

Materials and resources:

 PowerPoint slides
 Biology text book
 Papers for the activity
 Atherosclerosis video
Engage - Show the student a picture

( 2 minutes) - Students should figure out that we are going to talk about diseases of excessive
food intake specifically cardiovascular disease.

- Teacher will ask how often students eat fast food .

- Teacher will ask if anyone knows someone who had a heart disease.
Explore - Students will perform an experiment, the materials of the experiment is only 2
(3 minutes)
- Their responsibility is to roll the paper as a sandwich with 2 different diameters
(one with a wide diameter and the other with a narrow diameter), and then blow
in each.

- Give the students approximately 2 minutes.

- Students will be asked to compare which rolled paper passes more air from their
Explain - Students will take notes as teacher gives direct lecture.

(25 minutes) - The teacher will use PowerPoint presentation to introduce the terms and explain
atherosclerosis, cholesterol, types of cholesterol, and risk factors of
cardiovascular disease.

- The teacher will explain how people can decrease the level of cholesterol.

- Students will watch a small video about atherosclerosis.
Elaborate - Students will be told that they will now have a chance to apply what they have
learned in choosing the type of food (sources of lipids mainly) they will include
(5 minutes) in their food diet.

- Students will classify some food as a good source of fat or a bad source of fat.
Evaluate - Students may take quiz on content.

(10 minutes) - Have students tell the teacher one thing they’ve learned.

 Enrichment Activity: Create a healthy lifestyles checklist for patients to rate their current
levels of a healthy lifestyle. Checklist may include items such as amount of daily physical
 Remedial Activity: You volunteer to speak at a middle school to help students understand
what heart disease is and what they can do to prevent it. Draft a speech outlining your
plan to help middle school students avoid this disease.
Evaluation Sheet
Name: ________________________________

Date: _________________________________ /10

Duration: 10 minutes

I) Choose the correct answer

1. Besides high cholesterol, which of the following can make it more likely that you will get
heart disease?
a. Cigarette smoking
b. High blood pressure
c. Family history of heart disease
d. Age
e. All of the above
2. How is high cholesterol treated?
a. With diet changes
b. With weight management and physical activity
c. With medicine
d. All of the above
3. Which of the following is called bad cholesterol?
a. LDL
b. HDL
c. Both LDL and HDL
d. None of the above
4. Which of the following is called good cholesterol?
a. LDL
b. HDL
c. Both LDL and HDL
d. None of the above
5. If you have high cholesterol, you should avoid all cholesterol
a. True
b. False

6. Which can help lower your bad cholesterol?

a. Sleeping
b. Exercising
c. A high protein diet
d. All of the above
7. Most people can lower high cholesterol if they lose weight, eat better and exercise more.
a. True
b. False

II) Define atherosclerosis.


III) Plan a healthy breakfast for yourself (make sure to include healthy fats).


Good luck!

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