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BINUS University

Academic Career: Class Program:

Undergraduate / Master / Doctoral *) International/Regular/Smart Program/Global Class*)

 Mid Exam  Final Exam Term : Odd/Even/Short *)

 Short Term Exam  Others Exam :

 Kemanggisan  Alam Sutera  Bekasi Academic Year :

 Senayan  Bandung  Malang 2020/2021

Faculty / Dept. : Language Center Deadline Day / Date : Senin/15 Februari 2021
Time : 13.00
Code - Course : ENGL6129 – English Savvy Class : LA10, LB10
Lecturer : D6265 – Candrika Citra Sari, S.Pd., Exam Type : Online

) Strikethrough the unnecessary items
The penalty for CHEATING is DROP OUT!!!

By submitting this exam, I certify that this is my original work and I had no external assistance
in completing this exam. I certify that none part of this exam has been submitted to any other
educational institutions.

I. Listening Comprehension (50 points)

Please access the Audio link here:
Listen to the audio and answer the questions

Listen to the Audio 1, then answer the following questions.

1.Why does the male speaker of Audio 1 suddenly use metal laced shoes? (2 pt)
 The male speaker of Audio 1 suddenly use metal laced shoes e to reduce my plastic footprint.

2.What is the meaning of “plastic footprint”? (2 pt)

 Plastic Footprint relates to the amount of plastic you use in your everyday life or a total of the
amount of plastic that someone uses and then throws away, considered in relation to the
damage this causes to the environment

3. How does the male speaker feel when he talks about plastic packaging?(2 pt)
 The male speaker feel when he talks about plastic packaging is get really angry when he
receive or buy something that uses unnecessary plastic packaging

4. Does the male speaker have a daughter? How many children does he have? (2 pt)
 No, he only have son

Verified by,

Robertus Tang Herman (D2693) and sent to Language Center on 21/12/2020

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5. In the following there are some activities done to reduce plastic footprint. Classify the activity
to the person who conducts it. (4 pt)

Activity FeiFei Roy

Bringing cloth

Use reusable
coffee cup

Bring cutlery
from home

Drink tea 
6. What will the male speaker most likely do next? (2 pt)
 The male speaker most likely do next is do some work

Listen to the Audio 2, then answer the following questions.

7.What does the speaker of Audio 2 mainly talk about? (2 pt)

 The speaker of Audio 2 mainly talk about Seeing Photos of Food Makes Actual Food Less

8.Why does the speaker mention about “backfire”? (3 pt)

 Because a recent study finds that looking at a lot of photos of food can make foods similar to
those pictured less enjoyable to eat. Due to what scientists call “sensory boredom.”

9.What does the speaker mean when she mentions “sensory boredom”? (2 pt)
 Because a recent study finds that looking at a lot of photos of food can make foods similar to
those pictured less enjoyable to eat.

10. How did the researcher do an experiment? Mention at least 3 steps. (3 pt)
 Researchers had more than 230 people look at and rate photos of food. Half of the group
viewed and rated 60 pics of sweets like cake and chocolates. The other half saw and rated 60
photos of savory foods like chips and pretzels. Then everyone in the study ate salted peanuts
and rated them.

11. What did the researchers conclude about looking at food pictures? (4 pt)
 The researchers conclude about looking at food pictures is The subjects who had seen photos
of salty foods enjoyed the salted peanuts less than did the participants who had seen pictures of

Listen to the Audio 3, then answer the following questions.

12. What does the speaker of Audio 3 mainly talk about? (2 pt)
 The speaker of Audio 3 mainly talk about why people eat with chopsticks

Verified by,

Robertus Tang Herman (D2693) and sent to Language Center on 21/12/2020

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13. According to the speaker, why does putting chopsticks into a bowl of rice facing up is
forbidden? (3 pt)
 The reason for that is it actually looks like a bowl of incense, so it, sort of, echos death.

14. Classify each of the following chopstick characteristics into the correct origin of country. (3

Japanese Korean Chinese

Long and round 
Round and pointy 
Flat and metallic 

15. According to the speaker, does Western people resist the Asian cuisine coming into their
country? Why or why not? Give the example (6 pt)
 Western people resist the Asian cuisine coming into their country because they ate rice with
sticks, were of a different quality than American men who ate proper meat with knife and fork.

16. In the lecture, the speaker mentions “tripod and chopsticks”. Why does the speaker
talk about them? (4 pt)
 Because when you cook with these big tripods, chopsticks were actually really useful because
it was a way for you to stir and to reach without getting burned as the water was boiling in
these really big pots.

17. Why does the speaker mention about “small pieces in Asian cooking”? (4 pt)
 Because the speaker think part of that has to do with the fact that it's actually a lot more energy
efficient to cook little pieces quickly, but also then, you don't have to cut them. So, you kind of
have the circular influence where the type of food that is cooked allows people to use
chopsticks, and then the fact that you have chopsticks sort of influences the kind of food that
you can cook.

II. Integrated Listening + Speaking (50 points)

In this section of the test, you will be able to demonstrate your ability to listen about a specific

topic and give a speaking response. You will answer one question and record your response

into a video. You MUST show your face.

Listen to Audio 4

Summarize the points made in the listening audio. Your response should be minimum 1

minute and maximum 2 minutes.

Verified by,

Robertus Tang Herman (D2693) and sent to Language Center on 21/12/2020

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Link to speaking recording:

Script :

Be aware of the significant relationship between sleep and Alzheimer's disease

Lack of sleep can actually cause harm to the brain. Some of the losses that arise due to lack

of sleep, such as sleepiness tomorrow which can cause a lack of concentration while doing

activities, productivity at work decreases. Lack of sleep for a long time - for example due to

staying up too often - can actually increase the risk of developing Alzheimer's in the future.

Alzheimer's begins with a weak memory, disruption in planning, reasoning, perception,

language, and difficulties in carrying out activities independently. Alzheimer's often attacks the

elderly over the age of 65.Because those who have a normal sleep time have the ability to

suppress the work of brain cells compared to people who have very less sleep. Enough sleep can

suppress the work of brain cells in the brain. This adds to the evidence that there is a link

between lack of sleep and an increased risk of developing Alzheimer's.

Verified by,

Robertus Tang Herman (D2693) and sent to Language Center on 21/12/2020

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