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- Big History



BIG HISTORY 2 : Directions: Using the threshold card below, supply the appropriate answer by
providing ONE SYMBOL OR PHOTO which best describes each threshold. Also, provide ONE (1)
SENTENCE to explain or describe your answer.


Thresholds Symbol Sentence
The universe is similar to a
Threshold 1 Origins of Big tree, from the tiniest
Bang Cosmology particles to the largest
galaxies to the very
existence of space, time, and
life, big bang theory states
that the universe began as a
hot and infinitely dense
Just like the warm love, we
develop for others the
nebulas became growing
Threshold 2 The First Stars stars (Hotspots: a form of
and Galaxies matter that is high
temperature and lit up the
blank universe.
The larger the dying star, the
more pressure that’s built up
Threshold 3 Making within to release during the
Chemical Elements nuclear fusion. “...Fusion
stops at the center and the
star collapses like a burst
Earth is similar to spinning
pizza dough, here’s how it
works, when new stars are
formed, they’re surrounded
Threshold 4 The Earth and by huge clouds of chemically
the Solar System rich matter our ingredients
for this threshold, these
clouds spin in different
orbits around the newly
forming star, creating
Goldilocks Conditions that
are just right for elements to
Earth provided a perfect
environment for life
chemically rich, with liquid
water and just the right
Threshold 5 The Emergence distance from the sun made
of life on Earth an ideal setting for life to
emerge such organisms
could harness energy and
materials from their
environments to adapt to
changing conditions and
reproduce themselves from
them, a diverse array of life
evolved similarly in plants to
The first living organism that
appeared on earth would
diversify and evolve we treat
the appearance of humans as
Threshold 6 The Collective a new threshold because we
Learning would eventually create
entirely new forms of
complexity. We are the first
species that has had such
power as the technology we
can adopt in another
To value every single thing in our life is one
Give one important realization you have of the most important realizations I got in
learned in BH 1. big history 1. The Universe is a simple place.
Vast stretches of space filled with
nothingness. Yet as it developed over
billions of years, it grew increasingly
complex. This is a central concept Big
History 1 will emphasize the ever-increasing
complexity of the Universe.
This realization improves and helps me to
How can this realization help improve take care my every action I do, life is only
yourself? one. Cherish everything surround not only by
seeing earth’s beauty instead by focusing on
the value in it.
Threshold 1 made me try to imagine
something unimaginably tiny, unimaginably
dense, and unimaginably hot. Then
My Commitment: instantaneously, Bang, space, time, and all
molecular material explode in a manner far
beyond what words can describe. I am an
Angelite that becomes competent. I have the
competence to take even unimaginable
dreams in my mind to become a real success
in my future that I will be Bang! An architect

“If you want to achieve the unimaginable,

Signature/Affirmation: you start by doing it”

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