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10 I January 2022
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue I Jan 2022- Available at

Review on Home Automation Using Google Assistance

Pradnya Ambulkar1, Siddique Yawar2, Pratik Sarage3, Arif Sheikh4, Prof. R. B. Khule5
1, 2, 3, 4
Student, Department of Electronics Engineering, K.D.K.C.E, Nagpur, India
Department of Electronics Engineering, K.D.K.C.E, Nagpur, India

Abstract: After COVID 19 the nearly ninety percentage global have become completely relies upon on internet, and from very
smallest matters to large smatters most humans take assist from Google to locate their answer in clean manner subsequently the
once more simplest manner to attain our thoughts inside a seconds to phrases Google assistant thru microphone for keep away
from now no longer handiest keyboard, tipping error show ever additionally keep the time which we spent for kind our thoughts
in Google seek bar. Hence we studied on Internet of Things (IOT) and we were given fulfilment to locate simplest manner to
show on advert flip off any styles of outside load which we use in our domestic like Bulb, Fan, Ac, Television, etc. Here we are
able to proportion simple information of Google assistant based completely home automation system, as consistent with mission
we take 4 channel relay module to attach outside output supply as 4 extra ordinary coloration of bulb to reveal 4 extra ordinary
outputs the use of ESP8266 microcontroller and arduino IDE software.
Keywords: Bulbs, 4 channel Relay, IoT, and ESP 8266 Controller

In this technology we ought to keep away from the any sort of bodily contact because of covid situation. We studied on it and we
attain at very last design to live healthy and secure consequently we create Internet of Things (IOT) base domestic automation
system which completely works consistent with your voice instructions that is already placed into the code in our assignment gadget
which the assist of Arduino IDE software program and ESP8266 can control our voice instructions which we offers through Google
assistant to android for get the our very last output as any colour bulb making switch on. At the give up we use Google assistant that
is found in any android to show On and Off LEDs we switch on Google assistant and communicate into “adequate Google flip On
Bulb1” to ON The, for flip off the bulb you ought to inform to Google assistant “adequate Google flip Off the LED1”.


We studied nearly maximum Internet of Things (IOT) primarily based totally domestic automation tasks like a few are as follows.
1) Ms. Preeti U. Melikatti, [1] the maximum extensively proposed of numerous domestic automation gadgets confirmed that there
are a range of technologies used to place into practice this type of structure. All the planned systems have been obtainable and
compared in this paper which reveal some qualities and demerits of the gadget. This assessment explain delivers home
automation gadget e.g. Bluetooth-based, Web based, mobile-based, ZigBee-based, SMS based, Adriano microcontroller based,
Android app based, IOT based and cloud-based. Due to its recital, ease, low cost and dependability domestic automation
gadget is making its place in international market.[1]
2) Mudasir M, Neha V, Nihaal Thathir K, Pavan Yadav M, Pollarpu Sreeramulu, Smitha Patil We have proposed [2] a system that
aims to gets rid of the difficulty of wiring in case of stressed out automation. Considerable quantity of electricity deliver is
likewise possible. Operating variety is greater than the Bluetooth. The current gadget does now no longer permit far off tracking
and controlling of home equipment. But wherein as with inside the proposed gadget the gadget the use of the Wi-Fi primarily
based totally domestic automation gadget it lets in to display and manipulate the home equipment. The domestic automation of
the present gadget in 1990’s, the humans in each domestic has digital gadgets which might be managed manually however in
our proposed gadget we're controlling all digital home equipment thru remotely. The IOT utility have turn out to be this famous
on this twenty first century is because of dominant use of the internet, evolution of clever smartphone era and raised trendy of
cell communication.[2]
3) Cristina Stolojescu-Crisan, Calin Crisan and Bogdon-Petru Butunoi[3] in this project, we proposed an easy answer for domestic
automation primarily based totally on ESP8266 chips and Raspberry Pi boards. Both selections are value effective, small, and
clean to paintings with. Moreover, the proposed toggle gadget makes use of a completely simple centre API, taking into account
an extra bendy community design. Toggle is aimed to be an entire clever domestic prototype, with a variety of functionalities—
automation, control, monitoring, and security—and it's far a gadget that might be constantly advanced and improved. One
contribution of this paper includes the reviewing of the recent (final 10 years) papers posted with inside the literature, business
solutions, and open supply domestic automation systems in order that the paper might be taken into consideration a survey. As

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 1764
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue I Jan 2022- Available at

as compared to different papers with inside the literature, the proposed paper info the implementation of the answer (each
hardware and software). [3]
4) Mrs. Aissaoui Chahinez [4] The digital technology, verbal exchange technology and computing has tendencies in numerous
field, this alteration additionally regarded in contemporary-day computerized houses, which allowed us to manipulate and
reveal all family home equipment remotely. This bankruptcy is prepared as follows: First, we will offer an overview of
automation. Next we are able to gift a look at the makes use of automation in numerous fields, the maximum important of
which are the houses in which we look at the maximum smart domestic and study about its characteristics and advantages.
[4] Control the smart domestic, and we communicate about the special protocols that are used to manipulate and reveal the
domestic, and subsequently we talk the Wi-Fi device in domestic automation.
5) Karthickeyan he has completedtogether along with hismission and his mission is on equal internet of Things (IOT) based. He
used of their mission NodeMcu that's one form of Development board which manipulate all their commands that's were given
from commander. A lost they use If This Then That (IFTTT). The idea of If This Then That (IFTTT) is its nun fastened internet
carrier it could create series of primary condition statements, and this is not anything but applets. And that applet alert via way
of means of adjustments that ‘sis probably locate because of internet web page carrier including Email, Facebook, Whatsapp,
Instagram, etc. First we log into the IFTTT utility after that it triggered to Google assistant. After that to transport subsequent
step Google assistant will take consumer command and that reply display at output i.e. appliances. This all of the matters are
manipulate in keeping with NodeMcu. [5]
6) Anand Kishore AzadThis paintings pertains to the proposed device wherein the device consists of the unique microprocessor
primarily based totally electronics gadgets like Bluetooth module, ArduinoUno, Relay drivers, step down transformer as
electricity supply and a few software program packages are the Bluetooth module is used to attach the cellular and Arduino Uno
for the operations of home equipment at any program language period via way of means of the assist of Bluetooth signal. For
the interfacing and system the indicators the Arduino Uno is used here. For the ON and OFF operations of the home equipment
the relay drivers used as electromagnetic switch. For the unique masses man or woman relays is used both at equal motive force
and at unique drivers for every relays. The operations and the device situations are displayed at the clever telephones or on an
alpha-numeric display.[6]
7) Chen-Yen Peng and Rung-Chin Chen each are projected on equal undertaking. This undertaking being on IOT, device, gaining
knowledge of, raspberry pi and Bluetooth. First of all internet of Things (IOT) is the best one which offer you hazard to deal
with any device or any suppose consistent with you want. Machine gaining knowledge of is the sort of Artificial intelligence
(AI). It can since motion like human. Raspberry pi is the Linux unmarried minicomputer. It has a redistricted instructional
charity primarily based totally on UK. In this undertaking raspberry pi turned into a one of the like as controller that is
manipulate according to consumer it’s far feasible simply due to something code or programming is dumped in that board
consistent with want of creator Chen-Yen Peng and Rung-Chin Chen.[7] Rung-Chin Chen proposed clever Bluetooth Socket
according to raspberry pi that is appropriate for paintings nicely Bluetooth Socket.[7]


Fig. 1 : Block diagram of Home Automation using Google assistance

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 1765
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue I Jan 2022- Available at

We have survey different types of paper based on home automation using IOT. With observation of all the technologies the Google
assistance is the best platform to connect with our home and make it as smart home with control of home appliances.

[1] Ms. Preeti U. Melikatti,Research Scholar, Department of Computer Science and Technology, V.V.P.I.E.T. Solapur,Maharashtra, India.IJIERT] ISSN: 2394-
3696 Website: VOLUME 8, ISSUE 12, Dec. -2021.
[2] Mudasir M, Neha V, Nihaal Thathir K, Pavan Yadav M, Pollarpu Sreeramulu, Smitha Patil,, 2021 JETIR June 2021, Volume 8, Issue 6, Mudasir M, Neha V,
Nihaal Thathir K, Pavan Yadav M, Pollarpu Sreeramulu, Smitha Patil,, 2021 JETIR June 2021, Volume 8, Issue 6
[3] Cristina Stolojescu-Crisan, Calin Crisan and Bogdon-Petru Butunoi, Published online 2021 May 30, Cristina Stolojescu-Crisan, Calin Crisan and Bogdon-Petru
Butunoi, Published online 2021 May 30,Cristina Stolojescu-Crisan, Calin Crisan and Bogdon-Petru Butunoi, Published online 2021 May 30,Cristina
Stolojescu-Crisan, Calin Crisan and Bogdon-Petru Butunoi, Published online 2021 May 30
[4] Presented and Defended by: Mrs. Aissaoui
[5] Chahinez On: Wednesday 30 September 2020 Presented by:Favorable opinion of the Supervisor: Aissaoui Chahinez. Dr Hamaizia Zahra. Presented and
Defended by: Mrs. Aissaoui Chahinez On: Wednesday 30 September 2020 Presented by:Favorable opinion of the Supervisor: Aissaoui Chahinez. Dr Hamaizia
[6] Article Download / Views: 662 Authors : Karthickeyan S , Vishnu B , Mohammed Pavas , Santhiya K Paper ID : IJERTV9IS020067 Volume & Issue : Volume
09, Issue 02 (February 2020)Published (First Online): 14-02-2020 ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181.
[7] Anand Kishore Azad , M.Tech Dept. of Electrical Electronics and Communication Gandhi Institute of Technology (Gitam) Vishakhapatnam, India, Volume 4,
Issue 12, December – 2019, International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology ISSN No:-2456-2165.
[8] Chen-Yen Peng 2018 Tenth International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence (ICACI) March 29–31, 2018, Xiamen, China. and Rung-Chin
Chen 2018 Tenth International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence (ICACI) March 29–31, 2018, Xiamen, China.
Mme. Ouarhlent Saloua

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 1766

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