Marine Equipment Wheel & CE Marking

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meeting European requirements ~ Marine Equipment wheel-marking MANAGING RISK EX Mark of Conformity! Opportunities — Benefits! Since February 17 1997 a Directive on Marine Equipment has been in force in the European Economic Area (EEA) ‘The Mark of Conformity confirms that equipment ‘complies with the Marine Equipment Directive as well as other applicable Directives. The ® mark ensures no barriers to trade throughout the EEA. THE MARINE EQUIPMENT DIRECTIVE (MED) ‘The Council of the European Union issues Directives for products being placed on the EEA market, defining conditions for free trade and essential health and safety requirements. ‘The Marine Equipment Directive 96/98/EC as amended, ships not previously carrying such equipment, or he ERE ny erin ut ‘on board, flying the flag of any EEA member states. ‘The Directive applies to the following eqUuSRERE Lifesaving appliances Marine pollution prevention Fire protection Navigation equipment + Radio communication equipment ‘THE WAY TO OBTAINING THE CONFORMITY MARK. ‘The Marine Equipment Directive 96/98/EC as amended, relates 1o the EU requirements for transportation and international maritime conventions (IMO, SOLAS) and international standards (IEC, ISO) and requires the Mark of Conformity, a ship wheel Within limitations et by each type of equipment (ef, Direetive Annex A.1) manufacturers may choose alternative procedures/modiules in order to affix the Mark of Conformity. ‘The assessment process is illustrated in the following, chart: roa y ed EC Type Examination Cerieates Noo ‘tatoos ‘sail rood Qual Assurance ree prone 5 (CH 00900 | Product Verifcat Monten a cengen ie Crtste of Co Unit Verification ny DNV AS A NOTIFIED BODY A Nouified Body is an Independent organisation appointed by an European national authority to undlertake conformity assessment before the Mark pe affixed to products of Conformity may Det Norske Veritas has been appointed as Notified. Body on behalf of the Norwegian Maritime Authorities for all the equipment categories covered by the Directive Det Norske Veritas has as a Notified Body been. assigned the Identification No. 0575 Norske Veritas is also a Notified Competent Body for other Directives, such as Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC). Low Voltage Directive (LVD), Machinery Directive (MD), ete Dene tse Coie Corde DNV CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT SERVICES In addition to the Marine Equipment certification services, Det Norske Veritas also offers + Laboratory testing (e.g, FMC or environmental testing) as well as in situ testing of ls nd installations, Suidance of the manufacturer in finding all applicable directives and standards. + Assessment of technical documentation, + Guidance of the the most cost effective certification procedure manufacturer in choosing + Accredited certification of management systems {quality, environment, safety) + Assessment and guidance related to particular equipment applications (e.g, specifi ship types, offshore) + Analysis of hazards and consequences of operational failures. + Interpretation of national and international legislation erent ed motion DNV (Det Norske Vert) san independent, autonomeus Foundation working to safeguard Ife, property andthe envionment [DNV comprises 300 ofices in 100 counties, vith 5,500 employees, DNV SERVICES FOR EU DIRECTIVES ck fer information on Low vatiage (Eeetrial Sarat) ‘ile presse vessels Safety of tye CConstucton products [octrmagnetc compatiity Personal protective equipment Non-automatc weighing Instruments ‘Active implantable medical devles ‘Applances buring gaseous Tues New po wate ile Fed with Kqucl or gaseous uals Explosives for cl uot Medical does Explosive Atmospheres Recreational rat (smal boats) Lins High speed cll systoms Grteroperabilty crete) Rofrgeration aplances| Marie Equioment Pressure Equipment Tetecommunications equipment Machinery In vo dlagnaste medial dovees Radio end teecommuncetlons terminal equipment For more information contact your local DNV station oF Dot Norske Veritas 1NO-1322 Hovik, Norway Tel: #47 67 57 99.09 Fax: 047 67 579911 E-mail: vwow.decom 210008 rin et Norse Vert iondom AS

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