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Read the case situation given below and answer the questions that follow: u Three Brothers company located at Butwal Nepal is one of the garments related industries in Nepal. The industry's business is not only limited in the Nep also to South Asia. It is only the company in Nepal that exports 16 different types 6 products in South Asian countries, The company has a rigorous Human Resources working as full time and part time in the organization. HR policy of the company Is scientific and the latest norms of HR practices are the major attractions of the Three Brotl Company limited. That's why the HR manager once, 2 years ago, said in an interview that? have brothers in the organizations nol the employees” This is also verified by the res findings of the professor Sharma, who has conducted a research on the Jevel of motivation the employees at 3 bros, company. ‘ " Professor Shatma, indeed, concluded that the company has a very good motivation policy. 7] explorative research gone one step to say that every employee has the motivation level abo the benchmark set by professor himself, However, during last 2 years since political a different interest groups were formulated within the organization, the performance of organization declined continuously. Different causes are forwarded by the research team formulated within management. However, among them the reduced quality of the product is the} major one. The research department of the organization further argued that one major reason) behind the reduced quality is the decreased level of the employees’ motivation. The CEO of the organization Mr. Bhusal amazed with this finding. He stopped the research: assistant in the middle and said "how could you come up with such findings that company with best HR practices and number one level of the employee motivation 2 years ago has decreased motivation during this year’. The CEO did not believe with the findings of the® research that has been forwarded by the research assistant from the job. That's why he want & to conduct a rigorous study on the level motivation of the employees to improve the motivation : level of employees. He alone observed some of the upper, middle and lower level employees for 30 days in a row. He indeed finds that motivation level of the employees of the all category is somehow decreased, Now, the job of the CEO and the HR manager is to improve the level of motivation of the employees at this stage. Because they find it difficult identify the major factors affecting employee motivation. Thus, fresh BBA graduates of Pokhara University are hired as” research assistant al this organization and assigned to conduct a research on important factors | that affect employees’ motivation in this organizational level of the employees as before. Questions: a, Mention the related research problem in this case. b. Describe the research design that you are going touse for this research along with Teasonst c. Show amajor variables connected with the case. s Z d, Develop hypothesis suitable for this case, e., Can you suggest any alternative research design? Why or why not? Baia hilln hi, 1h White Mil Powder

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