Global Positioning System

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In the field of GIS, one cannot ignore the importance and use of GPS technology as a tool
for data input and data reconnaissance. This is a relatively new and advance technology
but with increasing applications in the field of GIS.

A GPS, is composed of a "constellation" of orbiting satellites which, in conjunction with

ground equipment, enable users to determine their exact position anywhere on the surface
of the earth at any time.

At any time, with an unobstructed view of the horizon, there should be at least four to six
satellites "visible". There is no charge for use of the satellite system, although each user
must supply their own equipment, generally in the form of handheld receiver.

GPS Constellation
• 24 satellites with a minimum of 21 operating 98% of the time
• 6 Orbital planes
• 55 degrees inclination
• 20 200 km above the Earth's surface
• 11 hours 58 minute orbital period
• visible for approximately 5 hours above the horizon

The GPS satellites are owned and controlled by the US Department of Defense (DoD) and
this agency has the prerogative to degrade the accuracy for purposes of national defense.
This is done by what is called "Selective Availability" (SA). SA is normally turned "on"
but the DOD says that 95% of the time, position accuracy will be 100 meters or better.

The US Department of Defense (DoD) constantly monitors the satellites. Each satellite
contains four high-precision atomic clocks and constantly transmits radio signals using its
own unique identifying code.

GPS in Navigation
▪ Precise positioning is possible using GPS receivers at reference locations providing
corrections and relative positioning data for remote receivers. Surveying, geodetic
control, and plate tectonic studies are examples.
▪ Time and frequency dissemination, based on the precise clocks on board the SVs
and controlled by the monitor stations, is another use for GPS. Astronomical
observatories, telecommunications facilities, and laboratory standards can be set to
precise time signals or controlled to accurate frequencies by special purpose GPS
▪ Research projects have used GPS signals to measure atmospheric parameters.

Selective Availability (SA) is no longer imposed by the US DoD (as of May 2000). This
increase accuracy of GPS receivers. In so doing, differential correction (DGPS) may not
be necessary.
SA essentially consists of two different components, known as dither and epsilon. Dither
is an intentional manipulation of the satellite clock frequency resulting in the generation of
the carrier waves and the codes with varying wavelengths. In other words, under SA, the
distance between each C/A code chip will be variable, and no longer the designed 293m.
The replica code generated within the receiver will still assume the chip length to be 293m
and pseudorange measurements are based on this. Typical pseudorange errors for satellites
with SA imposed are +/-100m



This will mean that civilian users of GPS will be able to pinpoint locations more accurately;
up to ten times more than before.

"encourage acceptance and integration of GPS into peaceful civil, commercial and
scientific applications worldwide; and to encourage private sector investment in and use of
U.S. GPS technologies and services."

Comparison of Positions With and Without SA Full 24 Hour Data Sets

May 1, 2000 May 3, 2000

How GPS Works

GPS consists of 24 earth-orbiting satellites. These satellites allow any person who owns a
GPS receiver to determine his or her precise longitude, latitude and altitude anywhere on
the planet. For as little as $100, you can know exactly where you are and where you have
been. For anyone who has ever been lost -- while hiking in the woods, boating in the ocean,
driving in a unfamiliar city or flying a small airplane at night -- a GPS receiver is a miracle.
When you use GPS receiver, you're never lost!

GPS satellites circle the earth twice a day in a very precise orbit and transmit signal
information to earth. GPS receivers take this information and use triangulation to calculate
the user's exact location. Essentially, the GPS receiver compares the time a signal was
transmitted by a satellite with the time it was received. The time difference tells the GPS
receiver how far away the satellite is. Now, with distance measurements from a few more
satellites, the receiver can determine the user's position and display it on the unit's
electronic map.

In order to understand how the GPS satellite system works, it is very helpful to understand
the concept of trilateration. Trilateration is a basic geometric principle that allows you to
find one location if you know its distance from other, already known locations. Positions
are determined by intersecting distances between the GPS satellites and the receiver.

This same concept works in three dimensional space as well, but you're dealing with
spheres instead of circles. You also need 4 spheres instead of three circles to find your
exact location. The heart of a GPS receiver is the ability to find the receiver's distance from
4 (or more) GPS satellites. Once it determines its distance from the four satellites, the
receiver can calculate its exact location and altitude on Earth! If the receiver can only find
three satellites, then it can use an imaginary sphere to represent the earth and can give you
location information but no altitude information.

GPS receivers use the principle of "RANGING". The receiver measures the distance from
a location on earth to the positions of several satellites to determine the latitude and
longitude of the position on earth.

Suppose you turn on your GPS receiver and it picks up the signal of 1 satellite. The receiver
tells you the location of that satellite and the distance between you and it. But this single
measurement is not a big help. At best, you can conclude that you are within a rather large
circle whose circumference is determined by your distance from the satellite.

Now suppose that your GPS receiver picks up signals from another satellite. This helps to
narrow down your location.
Now, you know that you are somewhere within the intersection of two large circles.

You still don't know exactly where you are, but things are starting to look better!

Let’s go one better. If your receiver picks up signals from a third satellite, then you know
that your position will be within the intersection of three circles.
You have a position but no check on its quality!

With four satellites you get a precise point for your position and you also know your
There, you have a position that is accurate to 30 meters!

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