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Directions: Describe the location of each object in the coordinate plane by giving
its coordinates. Write your answer on the table below. The first two
coordinates are provided as examples.

Object Coordinates
Flashlight ( 1, 5 )
Laptop 1
Ball 2.
Bag 3.
Spoon 4.
Table 5.
II. Directions: Identify the terms described in each statement.
6. This plane was named after René Descartes, a French Mathematician.
7. It is expressed as Ax + By = C.
8. The point of intersection of two axes
9. It is also called as y- coordinate.
10. The ordered pair that satisfies the equation.
11. A type of equation with the degree 1.
12. It is the term for vertical upward movement in the coordinate system.
13. This is where the line rises when the slope is positive.
14. It is also called as x- coordinate.
15. This is where the line rises when the slope is negative.
16. The movement of the slope either to the right or to the left.
y 2− y 1
17. This form is written as y− y1 = ( x−x 1) .
x2− x1
18. The kind of form that is written as y− y1 =m( x−x 1).
19. A model that represents a real life situation using equation of a line.
20. This form is written as y = mx + b.

III. For nos. 21-25, use this problem: Two sets of values are given for variables having a linear
relationship. Study the table and answer the given questions below.
Number of years working (x) 2 5
Hourly rate, ₱ (y) 75 105
_______21-22. How much is the rate of change, m?
A. P10 C. P20
B. P30 D. P40
_______23-25. What is the slope- intercept form of the linear relationship?
A. y = 10x + 55 C. y = 10x -55
B. y = 10x + 95 D. y = 10x – 95

For nos.26-30, refer to the following problem: Your water bill shows that for the first cubic metre of
water consumed, the amount to be paid is P100. In excess of this, an additional P50 per cubic metre
is charged.

_______26-27. What is the equation relating the two quantities?

A. y = 100x + 50 C. y = 50x + 100
B. y = 100x – 50 D. y = 50x – 100
_______28-30. How much does 3 cubic metres cost?
A. P350 C. P400
B. P450 D. P500

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