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Vocabulary Notes Q2L2 Class 8A9 24/09/2021

Words/ Phrases Vietnamese Meaning Examples

1. to deal with st 1. giải quyết, xử lý 1. Who is responsible

- phân biệt với for dealing with
to cope with: complaints?
to deal 2. Her poems often
successfully deal with the
with sth subject of death.
difficult. 3. He wasn’t able to
2. to be about st: là về cope with the
cái gì stresses and strains
of job.

2. to attach st to st đính kèm, gắn kèm The covering letter wasn’t

=> passive: be attached to the CV.
attached to st

3. to apply for a job xin việc ở ngành/mảng gì Don’t you think you
in st should apply for the job in

4. to be absent from... vắng mặt I was only absent from the

office for a few minutes!

5. to qualify as st: đủ 1. Jimmy qualified as

khả năng/tư cách a doctor a couple
làm nghề gì of years ago.
to qualify in st: đủ 2. After qualifying in
khả năng cho veterinary
ngành/mảng gì medicine, she
qualification (n) decided to move to
bằng cấp Yorkshire.
3. You’ll also need
proof of all your
qualifications, so
don’t forget to take
photocopies of all
your certificates
with you.

6. to work as st: làm 1. You need to be

nghề gì good at languages
to work in st: làm ở to work as an
mảng/ngành gì interpreter.
Vocabulary Notes Q2L2 Class 8A9 24/09/2021

to work for st: làm 2. I’d love to work in

cho công ty gì advertising.
3. She works for an

7. to be experienced có kinh nghiệm về... You’ve got to be

(adj) in st/doing st experienced in dealing
with difficult authors if
you want to be an editor.

8. to specialize in chuyên sâu về... We specialize in

st/doing st manufacturing tiles for the
building industry.

9. employ (v) thuê làm Although a certain

=> passive: be percentage of graduates
employed will still be unemployed
=> self-employed six months after leaving
(adj): tự làm ăn university, the majority
kinh doanh (không will have found
làm thuê cho ai cả) employment by then.
=> unemployed
(adj) thất nghiệp
=> employer (n)
ông chủ, nhà tuyển
=> employee (n)
nhân viên

employment (n) 1. (U,C) việc làm 1. Graduates are

=> to find finding it more and
employment: tìm more difficult to
được việc find employment.
2. tình trạng có việc làm 2. The government is
>< unemployment aiming at full
3. sự thuê làm employment.
3. The law prevented
the employment of
children under ten
in the cotton mills.

10. to offer sb a job mời ai làm một công việc gì Many of these will even
=> passive: be have been offered a job
Vocabulary Notes Q2L2 Class 8A9 24/09/2021

offered a job while at university, as a

result of visiting a job fair.

11. insurance (n) bảo hiểm Users of well-known

(against st) social networking sites
have been warned they
may have to pay more for
their house insurance.

12. to develop a phát triển mối quan hệ với ai Burglars can use the
relationship with networking sites to
sb develop relationships with
people who they can then
13. target (n) mục tiêu target as people to burgle.
target (v) sb/st:
nhắm (mục tiêu)

14. can’t help doing st không thể không làm gì Users of these sites can’t
help boasting about their
15. to boast about st khoe khoang về cái gì holiday plans, or
expensive new home
16. to purchase mua gadgets they’ve
/'pɜ:t∫əs/ purchased.

= to buy

17. to give away phát đi, cho đi (miễn phí) Users also give away
information about when
their house will be empty
when they complain about
working long hours or
how long their journey to
work takes.

1. Học thuộc lòng từ mới.
2. Dịch các ví dụ của Vocab Notes.
3. Homework Q2L2.
4. Lesson Q2L3.
5. Tổng hợp lý thuyết Question Tags, Reply Questions (bài Q2L1), Negative Questions,
Indirect Questions và Statements as Questions vào vở bài tập.
Vocabulary Notes Q2L2 Class 8A9 24/09/2021

6. Tổng hợp các câu làm sai trong phiếu Lesson Q2L2 vào một quyển vở riêng. (gạch
đỏ đáp án làm sai, ghi lại đáp án đúng và lời giải thích của cô)
7. Chụp và nộp vở ghi lý thuyết Q2L2.

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