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Table of Contents
The Rise in Obesity in the UK in Recent Decades:......................................................4
The Major Causes:.......................................................................................................5
The Impact of obesity on the NHS:..............................................................................6
How Obesity can be tackled:........................................................................................6
Covid and Obesity:.......................................................................................................7
Obesity and overweight are characterized by irregular and perhaps unhealthy
abdominal fat which poses a health hazard. When BMI (Body Mass Index) is over
30, it is called obesity (Musingarimi, 2009). It is now a widespread issue in the United
Kingdom which is predicted that the impact approximately one in every four adults
and one in every 5 children and the range of their ages up to 10 or 11. Obesity can
damage health and it is mainly happening when children and adults take a huge
amount of calories, fatty, and sugar foods. So, these should be avoided to tackle

Figure: BMI related to risk Death

Source: (Fox, 2004).

The Rise in Obesity in the UK in Recent Decades:

Figure: The rising rate of obesity in recent decades

Source: (Razzaque et al., 2020).

In the UK obesity is rising rapidly the UK. Men are more facing this problem than
women. The rate of obesity is increasing from 1993 to 2021. In the recent decade
2011 to 2021, the obesity rate is increasing 23% to 28%, and the overweight rate is
61% to 64%. And besides these, the obesity rate has risen 9.7% to 9.9% from 2018-
2019 to 2021 and the incidence of overweight rose from Year 6, increased 20.2% to
21.0% from 2018-19 to 2021. In the UK, boys are 10.1% obesity where girls are

Obesity is increasing by region. The adults' obesity rate according to their BMI is
showing in the graph below (Agha, et al., 2017). The highest percentage of obesity is
in the West Midlands and North East and it is 70% and the lowest percentage of
obesity in London. In England, obesity is 62% and (where is the other part of this
sentence? Add it please)
Figure: The rate of obesity in the region

Source:   (González-Muniesa et al., (2017).

Obesity is rising day by day in the UK. In the long run, it can be said the UK people
are taking fatty, more calories, and sugar foods. That’s why they are facing obesity
more and more. The adults are facing obesity and the age of 10 to 11 children are
also facing it.

The Major Causes:

The main cause of obesity is taking fatty, calories, and sugar foods too much and
moving less, and not doing exercises (Omer, 2020). The major causes behind
obesity are as follows:

1. Calories: An nutritional content for foods is calculated by units called calories.

Active men need 2500 calory for them and active women need 2000 calory. In
the UK, people are not active and stored fat.
2. Weak Diets: The UK people eat so many fast-food foods, some people are
drinking alcohol, eating too much and sugary drinking. The people of the UK have
acquired these bad habits from their parents till death.
3. Absence of physical exercise: Most of the people in the UK, are not physically
fit cause they are not doing exercises and they cannot consume and stored the
4. Genetic: Genetically the people can get obese for having Prader Willi syndrome
and by this, the people have no reason to lose weight. It also depends on the
environment cause poor eating habit.
5. Medical cause: Sometimes, people can increase their health by taking some
medicines for thyroid and steroid hormones (Martin, 2008).

The Impact of obesity on the NHS:

Obesity can cause health-hazardous like


The complexity of just doing regular exercise: Overweight may barrier to doing
regular physical exercise cause damaging the strength.

Shortness of breath: Sometimes, the obesity people face shortness of breath

because of adding fat to the lungs (Trasande et al. 2009).

Intensified snoring and sweating: Obesity people are snoring in sleep and
sweating because their body full of fat.

Sometimes sound sleepy: The people with obesity are feeling tired and they are
feeling sleepy.

Knee pain even nerves damage: Obesity can damage the nerves and causes back
pain and knee pain.

How Obesity can be tackled:

The easiest solution to tackle obesity would be to eat balanced low-calorie foods and
lifestyle daily (Razzaque et al., 2020). And also

1. Eating a regular safe calorie-controlled diet or weight loss prevention by medical

2. Meet the central weight-loss party.
3. Schedule a time to exercise in the morning or evening like jogging, cycling,
playing tennis, swimming, and so on.
4. Avoid fatty, calories, carbohydrates, and sugary foods. Eat vegetables more.
5. Give proper sleep, go to the bed early.
6. Cook the foods with extra virgin olive oil.
7. Don’t take stress, anxiety, and pressure.
Children have also a risk of obesity because obese children have too much weight.
After all, their body is full of fat. If they eat too much fat that they need, don’t do
exercise, or moving less, they will face obesity (Fox, 2004). And obesity leads
children to various symptoms such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and so on.
So, the parents have to take care of their children and feed the calorie-controlled diet
foods, and sometimes they should take the children to the field and let them play. It
would befit their children health.

Covid and Obesity: In the COVID-19 pandemic, people with obesity can have
the risk of some diseases like cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, etc. and they
have the risk of dying from COVID-19 (Sattar, et al., 2020). Public Health of England
(PHE) examined that in the UK and internationally, people with obesity or overweight
can fall in the health risk and need hospitalisation, high level of treatment with
mechanical ventilation, and some people death from COVID-19 or the chances of
death from COVID-19 is rapidly high. They also must face various diseases such as
blood pressure, heart block, stroke, and so on.

Obesity is a curse in the country. In the UK, the rate of obesity is increasing rapidly.
It is high time, it should be reduced by the awareness of the people and maintaining
the proper dieting and doing exercise to keep the body fit. By proper dieting and
physical exercise, obesity can be reduced. The UK doctors can manage the people
by giving the proper guidance, and reduce obesity.

Agha, M. et al., (2017). The rising prevalence of obesity: part A. International Journal
of Surgery Oncology. ,2, 1. 10.1097/IJ9.0000000000000017.

Fox, K., (2004). Tackling Obesity in Children Through Physical Activity: A

Perspective From the United Kingdom. Quest. ,56,

González-Muniesa, P. et al., (2017). Obesity. Nature Reviews Disease Primers. ,3,


Martin, R., (2008). The Role of Law in the Control of Obesity in England: Looking at
the Contribution of Law to a Healthy Food Culture. Australia and New Zealand health
policy. 5. 21. 10.1186/1743-8462-5-21.

Musingarimi, P., (2009). Obesity in the UK: A review and comparative analysis of
policies within the devolved administrations. Health policy (Amsterdam,
Netherlands). ,91, 10-6. 10.1016/j.healthpol.2008.11.004.

Omer, T., (2020). The causes of obesity: an in-depth review. Advances in Obesity,
Weight Management & Control. ,10, 90-94. 10.15406/aowmc.2020.10.00312.

Omoleke, S., (2011). Obesity: A major public health challenge of 21st century in the
United Kingdom (UK). Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology. ,3,

Razzaque, A. et al., (2020). Tackling Obesity by Diet Quality, Technology and Social

Sattar, N. et al., (2020). Obesity a Risk Factor for Severe COVID-19 Infection:
Multiple Potential Mechanisms. Circulation.

Trasande, L. et al., (2009). The Impact of Obesity on Health Service Utilization and
Costs in Childhood. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.). ,17, 1749-54. 10.1038/oby.2009.67.

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