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Writing Task 2
I E LT S W R I T I N G T A S K 2

Model answer
Chosen by you!
Topic: Machines in the Home
Question type: Opinion

Many things which were done in the home by hand in the

past are now done by machines. Does this development
bring more advantages or disadvantages?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words


Domestic life across the globe has undergone a revolution. Chores which used to be done manually are now completed
by dishwashers, food processors and electric sewing machines. It can be argued that this trend benefits individuals and
society alike in the short term but that it has negative long-term repercussions for the planet as a whole.
The process of mechanisation in the home undoubtedly saves time and energy. Overworked and exhausted adults no
longer have to worry about tedious tasks.This means they can enjoy themselves and spend quality time with loved-ones.
Women in particular reap the rewards as, in former times, they tended to be responsible for most of the laborious
housework.To an extent, females have been liberated.They have the opportunity either to work and become
economically independent or to socialise, instead of scrubbing floors or chopping vegetables.
Another positive effect is that the introduction of labour-saving devices has led to improved job prospects: workers are
hired to manufacture, sell, deliver, install and repair the equipment.This increase in employment levels clearly benefits
the economy and leads to superior living standards.
However, the popularity of these products has unwanted environmental consequences. Machines including vacuum
cleaners and washing machines are made using non-renewable and relatively scarce resources.When used, they are
powered by large quantities of electricity, which is often obtained by burning fossil fuels.This obviously causes an increase
in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Furthermore, as these items are deliberately designed
only to last for a limited period, they soon have to be replaced and are thrown into landfill sites, which puts additional
pressure on the ecosystem.
In conclusion, there seems no doubt that householders will continue to purchase gadgets and devices which make their
lives easier. However, although we should not ignore the positive social and economic impact of this trend, we need to
acknowledge that it is contributing to and hastening the ecological disaster which scientists warn about. I would urge
political leaders to fund projects to develop machines which make life convenient without destroying The Earth.
Otherwise, future generations may struggle to forgive us.
Domestic life across the globe has undergone a revolution. Chores which used to be done manually are now completed
by dishwashers, food processors and electric sewing machines. It can be argued that this trend benefits individuals and
society alike in the short term but that it has negative long-term repercussions for the planet as a whole.
The process of mechanisation in the home undoubtedly saves time and energy. Overworked and exhausted adults no
longer have to worry about tedious tasks.This means they can enjoy themselves and spend quality time with loved-ones.
Women in particular reap the rewards as, in former times, they tended to be responsible for most of the laborious
housework.To an extent, females have been liberated.They have the opportunity either to work and become
economically independent or to socialise, instead of scrubbing floors or chopping vegetables.
Another positive effect is that the introduction of labour-saving devices has led to improved job prospects: workers are
hired to manufacture, sell, deliver, install and repair the equipment.This increase in employment levels clearly benefits
the economy and leads to superior living standards.
However, the popularity of these products has unwanted environmental consequences. Machines including vacuum
cleaners and washing machines are made using non-renewable and relatively scarce resources.When used, they are
powered by large quantities of electricity, which is often obtained by burning fossil fuels.This obviously causes an increase
in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Furthermore, as these items are deliberately designed
only to last for a limited period, they soon have to be replaced and are thrown into landfill sites, which puts additional
pressure on the ecosystem.
In conclusion, there seems no doubt that householders will continue to purchase gadgets and devices which make their
lives easier. However, although we should not ignore the positive social and economic impact of this trend, we need to
acknowledge that it is contributing to and hastening the ecological disaster which scientists warn about. I would urge
political leaders to fund projects to develop machines which make life convenient without destroying The Earth.
Otherwise, future generations may struggle to forgive us.
Many things which were done in the home by hand in the past are now done by machines. Does
this development bring more advantages or disadvantages?

Question type: Opinion

Possible positions
1. This is an entirely good development.
2. This is a generally (but not entirely) good development.
3. This is an entirely bad development.
4. This is a generally (but not entirely) bad development.
5. There are ways in which this is a good development and ways in
which it is a bad development. (This is not the same as ‘sitting on the
Because the question refers to the advantages and disadvantages, it is
better to write about both. This makes positions 2, 4 and 5 more logical
Many things which were done in the home by hand in the past are now done by machines. Does
this development bring more advantages or disadvantages?

Question type: Opinion

Advantages of the use of machines in the home: 1.They save time and energy.This
allows people to enjoy more free time.2.They liberate women: women generally used
to do time-consuming household chores. With machines in the house, they can go out
to work, become economically independent, enjoy a social life etc. 3.They provide
employment: somebody has to make, sell, install and repair washing-machines,
dishwashers etc.
Disadvantages of the use of machines in the home: 1.These machines are often bad
for the environment. 2.They can be very expensive especially when they need to be
repaired or replaced. 3.They often break. 4. Doing household tasks by hand could be
good for family unity: everyone used to cook or clean together and this strengthened
bonds/relationships within the family. 5. Important skills can be lost forever as
machines take over.
Domestic life across the globe has undergone a revolution. Chores
which used to be done manually are now completed by dishwashers,
food processors and electric sewing machines. It can be argued that this
trend benefits individuals and society alike in the short term but that it
has negative long-term repercussions for the planet as a whole.

It is often possible to start the essay by

paraphrasing the question statement. However,
your answer can seem fuller and more complete
if you start with a general statement about the
wider topic (domestic life)
Domestic life across the globe has undergone a revolution. Chores
which used to be done manually are now completed by dishwashers,
food processors and electric sewing machines. It can be argued that this
trend benefits individuals and society alike in the short term but that it
has negative long-term repercussions for the planet as a whole.

Including a sentence which paraphrases the

question statement gives you the opportunity
to show that you have strong enough English
to re-write it and avoid repetition
Domestic life across the globe has undergone a revolution. Chores
which used to be done manually are now completed by dishwashers,
food processors and electric sewing machines. It can be argued that this
trend benefits individuals and society alike in the short term but that it
has negative long-term repercussions for the planet as a whole.

This is the THESIS STATEMENT. Because this question asks you

about the advantages and disadvantages, it is better to write about
both sides. If your position is that both advantages and disadvantages
are relevant, your MAIN BODY will support your position
Domestic life across the globe has undergone a revolution. Chores
which used to be done manually are now completed by dishwashers,
food processors and electric sewing machines. It can be argued that this
trend benefits individuals and society alike in the short term but that it
has negative long-term repercussions for the planet as a whole.

IELTS examiners give candidates a lot of

credit for using the present perfect tense
correctly. It is used here to describe
something which started in the past and
which has a result we can see today
Domestic life across the globe has undergone a revolution. Chores
which used to be done manually are now completed by dishwashers,
food processors and electric sewing machines. It can be argued that this
trend benefits individuals and society alike in the short term but that it
has negative long-term repercussions for the planet as a whole.

To undergo = to experience something which

involves change. Examples: Painting has
undergone a revival recently;The company has
undergone a radical change/reorganisation
Domestic life across the globe has undergone a revolution. Chores
which used to be done manually are now completed by dishwashers,
food processors and electric sewing machines. It can be argued that this
trend benefits individuals and society alike in the short term but that it
has negative long-term repercussions for the planet as a whole.

Examiners give candidates credit when they use

complex passive forms. Here we use used to because we
want to describe an action which happened regularly in
the past and which does not happen now. We use the
passive form because we want to focus on the chores
and not on the people who used to do them
Domestic life across the globe has undergone a revolution. Chores
which used to be done manually are now completed by dishwashers,
food processors and electric sewing machines. It can be argued that this
trend benefits individuals and society alike in the short term but that it
has negative long-term repercussions for the planet as a whole.

It is a good idea to include examples of the

machines which are used now.You need to be
careful to only include machines which have
replaced manual tasks. It would not be
appropriate to write about a freezer
Domestic life across the globe has undergone a revolution. Chores
which used to be done manually are now completed by dishwashers,
food processors and electric sewing machines. It can be argued that this
trend benefits individuals and society alike in the short term but that it
has negative long-term repercussions for the planet as a whole.

We can use alike to mean both; both in

the same way. Examples: Men and women
alike are affected by the change; Students
and teachers alike enjoy lively lessons
Domestic life across the globe has undergone a revolution. Chores
which used to be done manually are now completed by dishwashers,
food processors and electric sewing machines. It can be argued that this
trend benefits individuals and society alike in the short term but that it
has negative long-term repercussions for the planet as a whole.

We can use two that-clauses after a

phrase like it can be argued. We can
connect these two clauses with a
conjunction such as and, but, or
Domestic life across the globe has undergone a revolution. Chores
which used to be done manually are now completed by dishwashers,
food processors and electric sewing machines. It can be argued that this
trend benefits individuals and society alike in the short term but that it
has negative long-term repercussions for the planet as a whole.

= negative effects which continue for a

long time or which appear in the distant
future.This is a useful collocation
The process of mechanisation in the home undoubtedly saves time and
energy. Overworked and exhausted adults no longer have to worry
about tedious tasks. This means
This is a they
strong can enjoy themselves and spend
SENTENCE.The paragraph: 1.
quality time with loved-ones. Women
gives evidence fromin particular
the real reap the rewards as,
world which explains and
in former times, they supports
tendedthe toTOPIC
be responsible
SENTENCE for most of the

laborious housework.To an extent, females have been liberated.They

have the opportunity either to work and become economically
independent or to socialise, instead of scrubbing floors or chopping
The process of mechanisation in the home undoubtedly saves time and
energy. Overworked and exhausted adults no longer have to worry
about tedious tasks. This means they can enjoy themselves and spend
quality time with loved-ones. Women in particular reap the rewards as,
This is a strong TOPIC
in former times, they tended to SENTENCE.
be responsible for most
The paragraph: 2. of the
explains a result of the point
laborious housework.To an extent,
madefemales have
in the TOPIC been liberated.They

have the opportunity either to work and become economically

independent or to socialise, instead of scrubbing floors or chopping
The process of mechanisation in the home undoubtedly saves time and
energy. Overworked and
This is a strong exhausted
TOPIC adults
SENTENCE. no longer
The paragraph: 3. have to worry
expands the point made in the TOPIC SENTENCE by
about tediousexplaining
tasks. This
how means they
this affects canin enjoy
women themselves
particular and spend
quality time with loved-ones. Women in particular reap the rewards as,
in former times, they tended to be responsible for most of the
laborious housework.To an extent, females have been liberated.They
have the opportunity either to work and become economically
independent or to socialise, instead of scrubbing floors or chopping
The process of mechanisation in the home undoubtedly saves time and
energy. Overworked and exhausted adults no longer have to worry
about tedious tasks. This means they can enjoy themselves and spend
If you know two adjectives which
quality time with are complex
loved-ones. and relevant,
Women it is a
in particular reap the rewards as,
good idea to use them
in former times, they tended to be responsible for most of the
laborious housework.To an extent, females have been liberated.They
have the opportunity either to work and become economically
independent or to socialise, instead of scrubbing floors or chopping
The process of mechanisation in the home undoubtedly saves time and
energy. Overworked and exhausted adults no longer have to worry
about tedious tasks. This means they can enjoy themselves and spend
quality time with loved-ones. Women in particular reap the rewards as,
in former times, they tended to be responsible for most of the
laborious housework.To=an
tiring jobs.Try
extent, to convince
females the been liberated. They
examiner that you have a range
of language.
have the opportunity either to work Also,
andtry to avoid
become economically
repetition (we used chores in the
independent or to socialise, instead of scrubbing floors or chopping
The process of mechanisation in the home undoubtedly saves time and
energy. Overworked and exhausted adults no longer have to worry
about tedious tasks. This means they can enjoy themselves and spend
quality time with loved-ones. Women in particular reap the rewards as,
It is important to show how
in former times, they tended tosentences
be responsible forphrase
connect. This most of the
us show a result of the information
laborious housework.To an extent, in females have
the previous been liberated.They

have the opportunity either to work and become economically

independent or to socialise, instead of scrubbing floors or chopping
The process of mechanisation in the home undoubtedly saves time and
energy. Overworked and exhausted adults no longer have to worry
about tedious tasks. This means they can enjoy themselves and spend
quality time with loved-ones. Women in particular reap the rewards as,
in former times, they tended to be responsible for most of the
laborious housework.To an extent, females have been liberated.They
Candidates do not often use reflexive verbs well. We can use reflexive verbs
have the opportunity eitherand
when the subject tothe
work and
object are become economically
the same. Examples: We need to look
after ourselves; I blame myself for what happened; He hurt himself playing
independent or tennis;
to socialise,
She ofteninstead of why
asks herself scrubbing
she bothersfloors orsochopping
to work hard when
nobody seems to care;They pride themselves on being efficient; If you
vegetables. cannot trust yourself, it is unlikely that anyone else will trust you
The process of mechanisation in the home undoubtedly saves time and
energy. Overworked and exhausted adults no longer have to worry
about tedious tasks. This means they can enjoy themselves and spend
quality time with loved-ones. Women in particular reap the rewards as,
in former times, they tended to be responsible for most of the
laborious housework.To an extent, females have been liberated.They
have the opportunity either to work and become= to
benefit.This is a useful set
phrase/collocation. A native-
independent or to socialise, instead of scrubbing speaker
floors would
or chopping
use this phrase
and an IELTS examiner would be
vegetables. impressed to see it
The process of mechanisation in the home undoubtedly saves time and
= partly; not completely.There are several
energy. Overworked and exhausted
expressions adults
we can use with no
extent: longer
I agree to have to worry
a large extent;To some extent, the problem
about tedious tasks.
has This means
been caused by they
humancan enjoy
greed; themselves and spend
This might
be true to a limited extent
quality time with loved-ones. Women in particular reap the rewards as,
in former times, they tended to be responsible for most of the
laborious housework.To an extent, females have been liberated.They
have the opportunity either to work and become economically
independent or to socialise, instead of scrubbing floors or chopping
The process of mechanisation in the home undoubtedly saves time and
energy. Overworked and exhausted adults no longer have to worry
This is a present perfect passive form. We use the
about tedious tasks. This means
presentthey canform
perfect enjoy themselves
to describe and spend
which happened in the past which has a result we
quality time with loved-ones.
can Women
see now. Wein particular
use reapbecause
the passive form the rewards
we as,
want to focus on females in this sentence
in former times, they tended to be responsible for most of the
laborious housework.To an extent, females have been liberated.They
have the opportunity either to work and become economically
independent or to socialise, instead of scrubbing floors or chopping
The process of mechanisation in the home undoubtedly saves time and
energy. Overworked and exhausted adults no longer have to worry
We can use either…or… to connect two ideas
about tedious tasks. This means they can enjoy themselves and spend
when only one of the two ideas is possible.
Every time we connect language in the same
quality time with loved-ones. Women in particular reap the rewards as,
sentence, we make our writing more cohesive
in former times, they tended to be responsible for most of the
laborious housework.To an extent, females have been liberated.They
have the opportunity either to work and become economically
independent or to socialise, instead of scrubbing floors or chopping
The process of mechanisation in the home undoubtedly saves time and
We can use instead of/rather than
energy. Overworked and exhausted
to indicate adults no longer have to worry
that something
replaces another thing. We
about tedious tasks.usually
This means they
follow these can enjoy themselves and spend
with a verb in the –ing form
quality time with loved-ones. Women in particular reap the rewards as,
in former times, they tended to be responsible for most of the
laborious housework.To an extent, females have been liberated.They
have the opportunity either to work and become economically
independent or to socialise, instead of scrubbing floors or chopping
Another positive effect is that the introduction of labour-saving devices
has led to improved job prospects: workers are hired to manufacture,
sell, deliver, install and repair the equipment.This increase in
employment levels clearly benefits the economy and leads to superior
living standards. Using this phrase connects this
paragraph to the previous
paragraph. It is usually important
to connect MAIN BODY
Another positive effect is that the introduction of labour-saving devices
has led to improved job prospects: workers are hired to manufacture,
sell, deliver, install and repair the equipment.This increase in
employment levels clearly benefits the economy and leads to superior
living standards.

We can use a colon (:) to introduce

information which explains what we
wrote before the colon
Another positive effect is that the introduction of labour-saving devices
has led to improved job prospects: workers are hired to manufacture,
sell, deliver, install and repair the equipment.This increase in
employment levels clearly benefits the economy and leads to superior
living standards.
We use the present perfect tense here because
we want to describe something which
happened/started in the past. However, we are
not interested exactly when it happened. We
are more interested in the fact that it affects
the present/current situation
Another positive effect is that the introduction of labour-saving devices
has led to improved job prospects: workers are hired to manufacture,
sell, deliver, install and repair the equipment.This increase in
employment levels clearly benefits the economy and leads to superior
living standards.
You can impress the examiner
with a list of verbs connected to a
noun like labour-saving devices
Another positive effect is that the introduction of labour-saving devices
has led to improved job prospects: workers are hired to manufacture,
sell, deliver, install and repair the equipment.This increase in
employment levels clearly benefits the economy and leads to superior
living standards. = the system of trade, industry and business
in a region/country. It is important to
understand different words from this word
family: an economist; to study economics;
economic growth; to economise;
economically-deprived regions
Another positive effect is that the introduction of labour-saving devices
has led to improved job prospects: workers are hired to manufacture,
sell, deliver, install and repair the equipment.This increase in
employment levels clearly benefits the economy and leads to superior
living standards.

= the level of wealth/money/comfort which

people in a country/society have.The standard
of living has the same meaning, but the quality
of life refers to the level of
satisfaction/happiness which people have
Another positive effect is that the introduction of labour-saving devices
has led to improved job prospects: workers are hired to manufacture,
sell, deliver, install and repair the equipment.This increase in
employment levels clearly benefits the economy and leads to superior
living standards.
One way of making your writing seem
more academic and formal in style is to
use more nouns and noun phrases
However, the popularity of these products has unwanted environmental
consequences. Machines including vacuum cleaners and washing
machines are made using non-renewable and relatively scarce
resources. When used, they are powered by large quantities of
electricity, which is often obtained by burning fossil fuels.This obviously
causes an increase in carbon dioxide andThis
other greenhouse gases in the
phrase connects this
paragraph to the previous
atmosphere. Furthermore, as these items are deliberately designed
only to last for a limited period, they and have
soon to the to
of the essay
replaced and are
thrown into landfill sites, which puts additional pressure on the
However, the popularity of these products has unwanted environmental
consequences. Machines including vacuum cleaners and washing
machines are made using non-renewable and relatively scarce
resources. When used, they are powered by large quantities of
electricity, which is often obtained by burning
It is important fossil fuels.
to use collocations This obviously
possible. It is also important to learn
causes an increase in carbon language
dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the
connected to the environment
atmosphere. Furthermore, asbecause
theseyou can often
items are use it, even if the designed
question is not specifically about that topic
only to last for a limited period, they soon have to be replaced and are
thrown into landfill sites, which puts additional pressure on the
However, the popularity of these products has unwanted environmental
consequences. Machines including vacuum cleaners and washing
machines are made using non-renewable and relatively scarce
resources. When used, they are powered by large quantities of
electricity, which is often obtained by burning
It is important fossil fuels.
to use collocations This obviously
possible. It is also important to learn
causes an increase in carbon language
dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the
connected to the environment
atmosphere. Furthermore, asbecause
theseyou can often
items are use it, even if the designed
question is not specifically about that topic
only to last for a limited period, they soon have to be replaced and are
thrown into landfill sites, which puts additional pressure on the
PARAGRAPH 4 We can often use passive forms when we want to describe
a process.This is because we are interested in the actions
However, the popularity of and
these products
not in the peoplehas
who unwanted
perform theseenvironmental

consequences. Machines including vacuum cleaners and washing

machines are made using non-renewable and relatively scarce
resources. When used, they are powered by large quantities of
electricity, which is often obtained by burning fossil fuels.This obviously
causes an increase in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere. Furthermore, as these items are deliberately designed
only to last for a limited period, they soon have to be replaced and are
thrown into landfill sites, which puts additional pressure on the
However, the popularity of these products has unwanted environmental
consequences. Machines including vacuum cleaners and washing
machines are made using non-renewable and relatively scarce
resources. When used, they are powered by large quantities of
electricity, which is often obtained by burning fossil fuels.This obviously
causes an increase in carbon
The examiner dioxide
will give andforother
you credit greenhouse
complex passive forms.gases
It is in the
possible to write when they are used, but we can remove the subject
atmosphere. Furthermore, as these
and verb because the items are
subject appears at thedeliberately
beginning of thedesigned
clause. Examples: When cooked badly, puffer fish can be poisonous;
only to last forWhen
a limited
spoken period, they
well, Korean soon have
is a beautiful to be
language; replaced
When given theand are
opportunity, most children enjoy using their imagination
thrown into landfill sites, which puts additional pressure on the
However, the popularity of these products has unwanted environmental
consequences. Machines including vacuum cleaners and washing
machines are made using non-renewable and relatively scarce
The examiner will give you
resources. When used, they are powered bycomplex
credit for large passive
forms. of
Here the passive form is
electricity, which is often obtained by burning fossil fuels.This obviously
combined with have to, used for
causes an increase in carbon dioxide andnecessity/obligation
other greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere. Furthermore, as these items are deliberately designed
only to last for a limited period, they soon have to be replaced and are
thrown into landfill sites, which puts additional pressure on the
However, the popularity of these products has unwanted environmental
consequences. Machines including vacuum cleaners and washing
machines are made using non-renewable and relatively scarce
As = because. We can form complex
resources. When used, they are powered by large quantities of
sentences with as. If the subordinate
electricity, which is clause
oftengoes first, the by
obtained twoburning
clauses arefossil fuels. This obviously
usually separated by a comma
causes an increase in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere. Furthermore, as these items are deliberately designed
only to last for a limited period, they soon have to be replaced and are
thrown into landfill sites, which puts additional pressure on the
However, the popularity of these products has unwanted environmental
consequences. Machines including vacuum cleaners and washing
machines are made using non-renewable and relatively scarce
When we include a relative clause which
resources. When used,
continues the they are powered
point/argument by large quantities of
we are making
instead of defining the noun or adding extra
electricity, which isinformation,
often obtained by burning fossil fuels.This obviously
we use a comma
causes an increase in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere. Furthermore, as these items are deliberately designed
only to last for a limited period, they soon have to be replaced and are
thrown into landfill sites, which puts additional pressure on the
However, the popularity of these products has unwanted environmental
consequences. Machines including vacuum cleaners and washing
machines are made using non-renewable and relatively scarce
It is good to know common
resources. When used, they are powered by large quantities of
collocations such as to put pressure
on somebody/something.
electricity, which is often obtained by burning fossil Using
fuels.This obviously
collocations makes your writing
causes an increase in carbon dioxide andfluent
seem more otherandgreenhouse
natural gases in the
atmosphere. Furthermore, as these items are deliberately designed
only to last for a limited period, they soon have to be replaced and are
thrown into landfill sites, which puts additional pressure on the
However, the popularity of these products has unwanted environmental
consequences. Machines including vacuum cleaners and washing
Often we use the with nouns
machines are made using non-renewable and relatively scarce
when we are sure which thing the
noun refers to.There is only one
resources. When used, they are powered by large quantities of only one
atmosphere and
ecosystem on our planet
electricity, which is often obtained by burning fossil fuels.This obviously
causes an increase in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere. Furthermore, as these items are deliberately designed
only to last for a limited period, they soon have to be replaced and are
thrown into landfill sites, which puts additional pressure on the
In conclusion, there seems no doubt that householders will continue to
purchase gadgets and devices which make their lives easier. However,
although weuseshould
We can notwith
there is/are ignore the
a range positive to
of structures social
make and economic impact
it more complex.There seems (to be) can be used when
of thissomething
trend, we need
appears to acknowledge
to exist or when we havethat it isthat
evidence contributing to and
something probably exists. Other examples:There appears
hastening the ecological
to be nothing we can do todisaster
tackle thewhich scientists
problem; There tend warn about. I would
to be serious problems when temperatures rise
urge political leaders to fund projects to develop machines which make
life convenient without destroying The Earth. Otherwise, future
generations may struggle to forgive us.
In conclusion, there seems no doubt that householders will continue to
purchase gadgets and devices which make their lives easier. However,
although we should not ignore the positive social and economic impact
of this trend, we need to acknowledge that it is contributing to and
hastening the ecological disaster which scientists warn about. I would
urge political leaders to fund projects to develop machines which make
= people who own a house/home; people
life convenient without destroying
who areThe Earth.
in charge of a Otherwise, future
house/home; people
who make decisions about the running of a
generations may struggle to house.
forgive us.
Examiners give credit to candidates
who use words with precise meanings
In conclusion, there seems no doubt that householders will continue to
purchase gadgets and devices which make their lives easier. However,
although we should not ignore the positive social and economic impact
of this trend, we need to acknowledge that it is contributing to and
hastening the ecological disaster which scientists warn about. I would
urge We
political leaders
can write complexto fund projects
sentences to develop
with although. We machines which make
usually use although to introduce a clause of concession.
life convenient without
This clause contains destroying
information The Earth.
which contrasts with Otherwise, future
information in the main clause but does not make that
generations may struggle
information to clause
in the main forgive us.
In conclusion, there seems no doubt that householders will continue to
purchase gadgets and devices which make their lives easier. However,
although we should not ignore the positive social and economic impact
of this trend, we need to acknowledge that it is contributing to and
hastening the ecological disaster which scientists warn about. I would
urge political leaders to fund projects to develop machines which make
life convenient without destroying The Earth. Otherwise, future
generations may struggle to forgive us. These are examples of defining relative
clauses. Using relative clauses allows you
to write complex sentences
CONCLUSION It is good to use phrases which act like signposts and tell
the reader what kind of information is coming next.This
phrase indicates a point which contrasts with the previous
In conclusion, there seemspointno doubt
and whichthat householders
the reader willwith
might disagree continue to
purchase gadgets and devices which make their lives easier. However,
although we should not ignore the positive social and economic impact
of this trend, we need to acknowledge that it is contributing to and
hastening the ecological disaster which scientists warn about. I would
urge political leaders to fund projects to develop machines which make
life convenient without destroying The Earth. Otherwise, future
generations may struggle to forgive us.
In conclusion, there seems no doubt that householders will continue to
purchase gadgets and devices which make their lives easier. However,
although we should not ignore the positive social and economic impact
of this trend, we need to acknowledge that it is contributing to and
hastening the ecological disaster which scientists warn about. I would
urge political leaders to fund projects to develop machines which make
life convenient without destroying The Earth. Otherwise, future
generations may struggle to forgive us.
To hasten = to make something happen sooner.
This is a verb with a very precise meaning and
the examiner will give you credit for using it
In conclusion, there seems no doubt that householders will continue to
purchase gadgets and devices which make their lives easier. However,
Otherwise = if not. We can use otherwise to
although we should not ignore the positive social and economic impact
introduce an explanation of what will
happen if advice or a suggestion from the
of this trend, we need to acknowledge that it is contributing to and
previous sentence is not followed. It links
the two sentences very well
hastening the ecological disaster which scientists warn about. I would
urge political leaders to fund projects to develop machines which make
life convenient without destroying The Earth. Otherwise, future
generations may struggle to forgive us.
In conclusion, there seems no doubt that householders will continue to
purchase gadgets and devices which make their lives easier. However,
Ending your essay with a
although we should not ignoresuggestion
the positive social
can make your and
answereconomic impact
seem more complete. If you have
of this trend, we need to acknowledge
time, you that it is contributing
can explain why this to and
suggestion is such a good idea
hastening the ecological disaster which scientists warn about. I would
urge political leaders to fund projects to develop machines which make
life convenient without destroying The Earth. Otherwise, future
generations may struggle to forgive us.

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