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Writing Task 2
I E LT S W R I T I N G T A S K 2

Model answer
Chosen by you
Question type: Opinion
In a response to the perceived threat of terrorism, security
measures in many of the world’s major cities have been
increased significantly in recent years. Do the benefits of
having increased security outweigh the drawbacks?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words


Nowadays, most major urban centres have higher levels of security than they used to: armed police
officers, sniffer dogs and surveillance cameras are deployed. Terrorism experts sometimes explain that
this is a necessary deterrent and the best possible strategy to save lives. However, to a large extent, I
support campaigners for civil liberties who express genuine concerns.
The first question we should discuss is whether anti-terrorism measures actually reduce terrorism. It is
extremely difficult to know, though the security forces and law-enforcement agencies claim that they do.
They suggest that without tightened security, city-dwellers would face the threat of bomb explosions,
hijackings and shootings on a daily basis.
However, it is worth pointing out that this approach may be detrimental. Commuters, shoppers,
restaurant-goers and tourists are likely to experience fear or anxiety when they see police officers
carrying guns or security cameras pointing at them. This affects the quality of life for locals and can have
economic implications if tourists choose to go elsewhere because of the changes.
Such an approach may be counterproductive: a remarkable study has discovered that having more police
officers and surveillance technology can actually, almost unbelievably, contribute to an increase in
terrorism and violence. Furthermore, heightened security can lead to restrictions on freedom of
movement, speech and association and to the authorities becoming too powerful. Governments can start
justifying almost any policy as necessary counter-terrorism. This is clearly a potential danger.
Overall, it seems reasonable to conclude that implementing policies aimed at preventing terror attacks
has more drawbacks than benefits. Although these strategies may save lives they are likely to have
negative repercussions and ministers should think carefully before bringing them in.
In a response to the perceived threat of terrorism, security measures in many of the
world’s major cities have been increased significantly in recent years. Do the benefits
of having increased security outweigh the drawbacks?
Question type: OPINION
Because the question refers to benefits and drawbacks, it may be better to write
from a position of partially agreeing/disagreeing. This lets you write about both sides
of the debate.
Advantages: 1. People will be safe from attack. 2. The city will feel safe: this will be
good for the economy as people will spend more and tourists will visit. 3. People will
feel safe: this is good for society as people will be calmer and happier and will get on
well with others. 4. Extra security might reduce other crime.
Disadvantages: 1. More security might make people feel anxious: this could have
negative consequences for the economy. 2. If people feel more anxious their
relationships with others will be affected. 3. Studies suggest that extra surveillance
can actually make crime more likely. 4. This approach is an attack on freedom and
civil liberties. 5. This approach is very costly. 6. It probably doesn’t prevent terrorism.
Nowadays, most major urban centres have higher levels of security
than they used to: armed police officers, sniffer dogs and surveillance
cameras are deployed.Terrorism experts sometimes explain that this is
a necessary deterrent and the best possible strategy to save lives.
However, to a large extent, I support campaigners for civil liberties who
express genuine concerns.
It is often good to start your IELTS essay with a general
statement which describes the situation (increased security
in cities). Sometimes you can paraphrase the statement in
the question.You can also use this general statement to
introduce complex vocabulary connected to the topic
Nowadays, most major urban centres have higher levels of security
than they used to: armed police officers, sniffer dogs and surveillance
cameras are deployed.Terrorism experts sometimes explain that this is
a necessary deterrent and the best possible strategy to save lives.
However, to a large extent, I support campaigners for civil liberties who
express genuine concerns.
The examiner will be impressed if
you can include vocabulary
connected to the issue of
Nowadays, most major urban centres have higher levels of security
than they used to: armed police officers, sniffer dogs and surveillance
cameras are deployed.Terrorism experts sometimes explain that this is
a necessary deterrent and the best possible strategy to save lives.
However, to a large extent, I support campaigners for civil liberties who
express genuine concerns.
It is important to understand that the term
complex vocabulary refers to words/phrases
used to convey/give a very specific meaning.To
deploy means to move soldiers or equipment to
a place where they or it can be used. No other
word has this exact meaning
Nowadays, most major urban centres have higher levels of security
than they used to: armed police officers, sniffer dogs and surveillance
cameras are deployed.Terrorism experts sometimes explain that this is
a necessary deterrent and the best possible strategy to save lives.
However, to a large extent, I support campaigners for civil liberties who
express genuine concerns.
In OPINION essays, it is sometimes useful
to put forward the position you disagree
with in the INTRODUCTION. This allows
you to end the INTRODUCTION by
contrasting your position with it
Nowadays, most major urban centres have higher levels of security
than they used to: armed police officers, sniffer dogs and surveillance
cameras are deployed.Terrorism experts sometimes explain that this is
a necessary deterrent and the best possible strategy to save lives.
However, to a large extent, I support campaigners for civil liberties who
express genuine concerns. It is important to include your
opinion/position at the end of the
INTRODUCTION. Here, the position is that
the writer generally (but not completely)
sees increased security as a bad thing
The first question we should discuss is whether anti-terrorism
measures actually reduce terrorism. It is extremely difficult to know,
though the security forces and law-enforcement agencies claim that
they do.They suggest that without tightened security, city-dwellers
would face the threat of bomb explosions, hijackings and shootings on a
daily basis.
This paragraph contains more examples
of vocabulary connected to the topic.
IELTS examiners are always impressed by
candidates who can include language
specifically related to the question
The first question we should discuss is whether anti-terrorism
measures actually reduce terrorism. It is extremely difficult to know,
though the security forces and law-enforcement agencies claim that
they do.They suggest that without tightened security, city-dwellers
would face the threat of bomb explosions, hijackings and shootings on a
daily basis.
We often use the when referring
to groups: the army; the police;
the elderly; the unemployed; the
The first question we should discuss is whether anti-terrorism
measures actually reduce terrorism. It is extremely difficult to know,
though the security forces and law-enforcement agencies claim that
they do.They suggest that without tightened security, city-dwellers
would face the threat of bomb explosions, hijackings and shootings on a
daily basis.
We can often avoid repeating a phrase based on a verb by using
do or another auxiliary verb.This obviously connects the two
pieces of language. Examples: Some individuals say that aliens
probably do not exist, but I think they do; I often prefer not to
speak French when in France, even though I can
The first question we should discuss is whether anti-terrorism
measures actually reduce terrorism. It is extremely difficult to know,
though the security forces and law-enforcement agencies claim that
they do.They suggest that without tightened security, city-dwellers
would face the threat of bomb explosions, hijackings and shootings on a
daily basis.
We often use the with nouns when we
add extra information which defines the
noun or makes it clear to the reader
exactly which noun we mean
The first question we should discuss is whether anti-terrorism
measures actually reduce terrorism. It is extremely difficult to know,
though the security forces and law-enforcement agencies claim that
they do.They suggest that without tightened security, city-dwellers
would face the threat of bomb explosions, hijackings and shootings on a
daily basis.
This is a second conditional form but the if-clause
has been written differently. We could include a
normal if-clause: If we didn’t tighten security,…
However, it is worth pointing out that this approach may be
detrimental. Commuters, shoppers, restaurant-goers and tourists are
likely to experience fear or anxiety when they see police officers
carrying guns or security cameras pointing at them.This affects the
quality of life for locals and can have economic implications if tourists
choose to go elsewhere because of the changes.
There are a lot of phrases which we can
use to emphasize information and indicate
to the reader that it is important: it should
be noted that; it is important/essential to
realise/understand that
However, it is worth pointing out that this approach may be
detrimental. Commuters, shoppers, restaurant-goers and tourists are
likely to experience fear or anxiety when they see police officers
carrying guns or security cameras pointing at them.This affects the
quality of life for locals and can have economic implications if tourists
choose to go elsewhere because of the changes.

In IELTS writing, describing things as possible is usually better than describing

them as certain. We can use phrases like it may be the case that; it could be
true that; it is quite likely that; there is a distinct possibility that. We can also
use modal verbs like can, could, might and may
However, it is worth pointing out that this approach may be
detrimental. Commuters, shoppers, restaurant-goers and tourists are
likely to experience fear or anxiety when they see police officers
carrying guns or security cameras pointing at them.This affects the
quality of life for locals and can have economic implications if tourists
choose to go elsewhere because of the changes.
It is essential to avoid basic words like bad.There are many
alternatives but few are direct synonyms. When you learn a word
like atrocious; unacceptable; unpalatable; disastrous; devastating;
horrific; horrible; unendurable you must learn the nouns it is used
with and the context it is used in. Detrimental is an excellent word
with a specific meaning similar to harmful
However, it is worth pointing out that this approach may be
detrimental. Commuters, shoppers, restaurant-goers and tourists are
likely to experience fear or anxiety when they see police officers
carrying guns or security cameras pointing at them.This affects the
quality of life for locals and can have economic implications if tourists
choose to go elsewhere because of the changes.

You will certainly need to refer to people during

your IELTS Writing Task 2.You can impress the
examiner by using more complex words.You can
often refer to people’s roles or actions
However, it is worth pointing out that this approach may be
detrimental. Commuters, shoppers, restaurant-goers and tourists are
likely to experience fear or anxiety when they see police officers
carrying guns or security cameras pointing at them.This affects the
quality of life for locals and can have economic implications if tourists
choose to go elsewhere because of the changes.

When we connect two clauses with words like and, but and or we
do not need to repeat information in the second clause which we
used in the first clause. Avoiding repetition in this way connects
the two parts of your sentence together
However, it is worth pointing out that this approach may be
detrimental. Commuters, shoppers, restaurant-goers and tourists are
likely to experience fear or anxiety when they see police officers
carrying guns or security cameras pointing at them.This affects the
quality of life for locals and can have economic implications if tourists
choose to go elsewhere because of the changes.

We can start a sentence with this when we want to refer to

an idea from the previous sentence. Doing this allows us to
write sentences with old/repeated information at the
beginning and new information at the end
Such an approach may be counterproductive: a remarkable study has
discovered that having more police officers and surveillance technology
can actually, almost unbelievably, contribute to an increase in terrorism
and violence. Furthermore, heightened security can lead to restrictions
on freedom of movement, speech and association and to the
authorities becoming too powerful. Governments can start justifying
almost any policy as necessary counter-terrorism.This is clearly a
Counterproductive = having the opposite effect
potential danger. from the effect wanted.This is another example
of complex vocabulary. This is a word with a
very specific meaning
Such an approach may be counterproductive: a remarkable study has
discovered that having more police officers and surveillance technology
can actually, almost unbelievably, contribute to an increase in terrorism
and violence. Furthermore, heightened security can lead to restrictions
on freedom of movement, speech and association and to the
authorities becoming too powerful. Governments can start justifying
almost any policy as necessary counter-terrorism.This is clearly a
potential danger. We use the present perfect tense here because the
discovery happened in the past but we are not very
interested in exactly when it happened. It is connected to
the present because we are discussing the findings now
Such an approach may be counterproductive: a remarkable study has
discovered that having more police officers and surveillance technology
can actually, almost unbelievably, contribute to an increase in terrorism
and violence. Furthermore, heightened security can lead to restrictions
on freedom of movement, speech and association and to the
authorities becoming too powerful. Governments can start justifying
almost any policy as necessary counter-terrorism.
We can This is clearly
often use adverbs to comment a
on the information
in the rest of the sentence. Examples: amazingly;
potential danger. astoundingly; surprisingly; ridiculously; ludicrously;
fascinatingly; worryingly; shockingly; unbelievably; thankfully;
happily; troublingly; undoubtedly
Such an approach may be counterproductive: a remarkable study has
discovered that having more police officers and surveillance technology
can actually, almost unbelievably, contribute to an increase in terrorism
and violence. Furthermore, heightened security can lead to restrictions
on freedom of movement, speech and association and to the
authorities becoming too powerful. Governments can start justifying
almost any policy as necessary counter-terrorism. This
To heighten = is clearly
to make higher. Itais good to
widen your vocabulary by learning word
potential danger. patters. Many verbs can be formed by
adding –en to an adjective or noun.
Examples: darken; brighten; lighten; widen;
broaden; strengthen; lengthen; heighten
PARAGRAPH 4 It is good to widen your vocabulary by learning
members of word families: to justify; without
justification; unjustified
Such an approach may be counterproductive: a remarkablecriticism; a justified
study has
complaint; an unjustifiable comment; a justifiable
discovered that having more police officers decision;
be justifiably critical
can actually, almost unbelievably, contribute to an increase in terrorism
and violence. Furthermore, heightened security can lead to restrictions
on freedom of movement, speech and association and to the
authorities becoming too powerful. Governments can start justifying
almost any policy as necessary counter-terrorism.This is clearly a
potential danger.
PARAGRAPH 4 It is good to know alternatives to policy, such
as strategy and approach. Many IELTS
Such an approach may be counterproductive:
questions ask a remarkable study
you to explain what has
be done so you are likely to need these words
discovered that having more police officers and surveillance technology
can actually, almost unbelievably, contribute to an increase in terrorism
and violence. Furthermore, heightened security can lead to restrictions
on freedom of movement, speech and association and to the
authorities becoming too powerful. Governments can start justifying
almost any policy as necessary counter-terrorism.This is clearly a
potential danger.
Overall, it seems reasonable to conclude that implementing policies
aimed at preventing terror attacks has more drawbacks than benefits.
Although these strategies may save lives they are likely to have
negative repercussions and ministers should think carefully before
bringing them in.

We can use it seems/appears reasonable/sensible to

conclude that to introduce a summary. When you use
phrases like this to tell the reader the purpose of the
sentence, you make your writing easier to follow
Overall, it seems reasonable to conclude that implementing policies
aimed at preventing terror attacks has more drawbacks than benefits.
Although these strategies may save lives they are likely to have
negative repercussions and ministers should think carefully before
bringing them in.

Many candidates make mistakes

with subject-verb agreement. It is
important to identify the subject
correctly. Examiners penalise
subject-verb errors heavily
Overall, it seems reasonable to conclude that implementing policies
aimed at preventing terror attacks has more drawbacks than benefits.
Although these strategies may save lives they are likely to have
negative repercussions and ministers should think carefully before
bringing them in.

It is good to know the words

repercussions and ramifications. Both
can usually be used to describe negative
or unwanted consequences
Overall, it seems reasonable to conclude that implementing policies
aimed at preventing terror attacks has more drawbacks than benefits.
Although these strategies may save lives they are likely to have
negative repercussions and ministers should think carefully before
bringing them in.

It is important to repeat your

position in the CONCLUSION
Overall, it seems reasonable to conclude that implementing policies
aimed at preventing terror attacks has more drawbacks than benefits.
Although these strategies may save lives they are likely to have
negative repercussions and ministers should think carefully before
bringing them in.

It is possible to support your position by

referring back to arguments you used in
the MAIN BODY. However, if you do this
in too much detail, your CONCLUSION
will be too long and repetitive
Overall, it seems reasonable to conclude that implementing policies
aimed at preventing terror attacks has more drawbacks than benefits.
Although these strategies may save lives they are likely to have
negative repercussions and ministers should think carefully before
bringing them in.

You can follow the summary of your position by

indicating what should be done and who it should
be done by. This makes a strong ending to the essay

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