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Question Bank

Subject Code : TEC-012

Subject Name : Fundamental of Radar and Navigation
Year & Sem : IV Year B.Tech (ECE) ,7th Sem.
Unit-I – Radar Equation
1. What is Radar?
2. What is second time around echoes?
3. What is maximum unambiguous range?
4. What is meant by pulse compression?
5. Draw the block diagram for pulse radar.
6. Define maximum radar range &Write the simple radar range equation.
7. Mention the some applications of radar.
8. What is meant by minimum detectable signal?
9. What is meant by integration of radar pulses?
10. What is meant by predetection &post detection integration?
11. Define radar cross section of targets()
12. What is transmitted power?
13. Define pulse repetition frequency.
14. What is meant by multiple time around echoes?
15. What is plumbing loss?
16. What is beam shape loss& limiting loss?
17. What is collapsing loss?
18. What is operator loss &field degradation?
19. What is the effect of non free space propagation?
20. What is meant by super refraction?
21. What is PPI& A-scope display?

1. Explain the operation of pulse radar with a block diagram.
2. Derive the radar range equation.
3. Explain minimum detectable signal &receiver noise.
4. Write short notes on: Radar cross section of targets
5. Write short notes on a) cross section fluctuations b) transmitter power
6. Explain in detail about pulse repetition frequency and range ambuities
7. Explain in detail about system losses and propagation effects


1. What is Doppler effect
2. What is CW radar
3. Draw the block diagram of CW radar
4. What is clutter
5. What are the limitations of power leakage in a transmitter
6. What is intermediate frequency receiver
7. what are the applications of CW radar
8. What is FM CW radar
9. What is FM CW altimeter
10. What is multiple frequency CW radar
11. What is tellurometer
12. What is MTI radar
13. Explain butterfly effect
14. What is meant by delay line cancellers
15. Define blind speed
16. What is range gating
17. Write down the limitations MTI performances
18. What is meant by noncoherent MTI
19. Define pulse Doppler radar
20. Define Tracking radar
21. Distinguish between a continuous tracking radar and track while scan radar
22. What is meant by sequential lobing
23. What is conical scanning
24. Define squist angle
25. Write briefly about monopulse tracking radar
1. Draw and explain about simple CW radar
2. Explain in detail about FM CW radar with a block diagram
3. Explain with a block diagram of FM CW altimeter
4. Explain MTI radar with a block diagram
5. Write short notes on delay line canceler
6. Explain with a block diagram range gated Doppler filters
7. Explain with a block diagram of non coherent MTI radar
8. Explain in detail about pulse Doppler radar
9. Explain with a neat diagram about sequential lobing
10. Explain with a neat block diagram of conical scan tracking radar
11. Explain briefly about amplitude comparison monopulse radar
12. Explain briefly about phase comparison monopulse radar
13. Explain in detail about multiple frequency CW radar

UNIT III - Synthetic Aperture & Air Surveillance Radar

1. What is synthetic aperture radar?
2. Define range resolution
3. What is inverse SAR?
4. What is air surveillance radar?
5. What are the characteristics of long-range air surveillance radar?
6. What is inter Ferro meter
7. What is ECM?
8. What is ECCM?
9. Define jamming
10. What is noise jamming?
11. What is spot jammer
12. Define frequency agility
13. What is meant by barrage jammer
14. What is meant by CFAR
15. What is meant by repeater jammer
16. Write about passive ECM
17. What is spot chaff and corridor chaff
18. Define bistatic radar and monostatic radar
19. Write the bistatic radar equation
20. What are the information available from bistatic radar

1. Explain in detail about synthetic aperture radar
2. Describe in detail about air surveillance radar
3. Explain briefly about the characteristics of long range air surveillance radar
4. Derive the radar equation for SAR
5. Explain in detail about ECCM
6. Write short notes on noise jamming
7. Explain briefly about repeater jamming
8. Write a short notes on passive ECM
9. Describe in detail about bistatic radar
10. Compare bistatic and monostatic radar

UNIT-IV - Radar Signal Detection & Propagation On Waves

1. What are the two basic operations performed by a radar?
2. Define matched filter and give its frequency response function.
3. What is Type I and Type II Error?
4. What is Coherent and Non-Coherent Detector?
5. What is meant by automatic Detection?
6. What are the four basic aspects of automatic detection?
7. What is meant by double threshold detection?
8. Explain the concept of Tapped Delay Line Integrator.
9. What is Re-circulating Delay Line Integrator?
10. Give the advantages of CFAR.
11. Define ambiguity diagram and draw its ideal plot.
12. Write down the properties of ambiguity diagram.
13. Give the applications of short pulse to radar.
14. What is meant by clutter and Glint Reduction?
15. What is meant by Linear FM Pulse Compression?
16. What is meant by Refraction and diffraction?
17. Define Evaporation Duct.
18. Define surface clutter.
19. Write down the surface-clutter radar equation.
20. Give the concept of correlation detector.
1. Explain in Detail about different types of observer model based on threshold detection.
2. Explain in detail about binary moving – window detector with a neat block diagram.
3. Write short notes on (a) Tapped Delay Line Integrator (b) Re-circulating Delay line Integrator.
4. Explain briefly about CFAR Receiver.
5. Explain in detail about Ambiguity Diagram.
6. What is Pulse Compression? Explain in detail about Linear FM pulse compression.
7. Explain in detain about propagation over a plane earth.
8. Write short notes on (a) Anamalous propagation (b) Diffraction.
9. Explain in detail about surface clutter.
10. Derive surface clutter radar equation.

UNIT-V - Radio Navigation

1. What is the function of Adcock antenna?
2. Mention the types of automatic direction finders.
3. Draw the block diagram of radio compass receiver.
4. What is the operating frequency range for VHF Omni directional finder and draw the block diagram.
5. What are the equipments that are used in VOR Receiver?
6. List out the sources which make error in VOR System.
7. What is the principle behind hyperbolic systems?
8. What do you mean by LORAN-A?
9. What are the different systems that are used for determining the delay?
10. Explain the range and accuracy of DECCA.
11. What are the types of secondary radar system and list the elements of such a system.
12. Draw the block diagram of ILS.
13. What is the function of localizer?
14. What are the components used in ILS?
15. What are the major elements that are used in GCA?
16. What are the basic elements of MLS and draw the block diagram.
17. What are the drawbacks of ILS?
18. Draw the block diagram of TACAN beacon equipment.
19. What are the types of landing system?
20. What are the site effects in the ILS?
1. Explain Adcock direction finder.
2. Explain the types of Automatic direction finders with a block diagram
3. Explain Radio compass Automatic direction finder
4. Explain VHF phase comparison automatic direction finders
5. With a block diagram explain the operation of VHF omni-directional range.
6. Explain in detail about LORAN navigation system
7. Briefly explain DECCA navigation system
8. Write short notes on DECCA receivers
9. Explain TACAN secondary radar systems.
10. Explain the types of landing systems
11. With the block diagram, explain the operation of GCA system.

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