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A Day Without Conflicts

We currently live in one of the most peaceful eras in the history, but that doesn’t mean that
there is an absence of violence, as there are over 27 ongoing huge conflicts in the entire world.
Besides, there are hundreds of thousands of conflicts happening in lots of families or even in
different kinds of societies and environments. Moreover, the types of conflicts someone can
face with are from different sorts of categories, such as: military, political, social, cultural and
familial; those having lots of others sub-categories.
I would like to start with the military-political conflicts, more precise the territorial disputes,
which are a disagreement over the possession or control of a land between two or more
political entities. Although they can be solved through the diplomatic method, which usually
happens in the well-developed countries, the third world or less evolved nations choose the
violence over the peaceful route. For instance, we can see that one of these discords takes
place really close to Moldova, this being the boundary dispute between Ukraine and Russia
over the Donbas region which led to war and lots of restrictions from Ukraine towards the
Russian nation.
Another well-known dispute it’s the political-cultural one, especially the one focused on
traditions and religions, which is also called sectarianism. In addition, this is caused due to the
disagreement between two groups often related to the form of government they live under. A
great example is the situation from Nigeria, or the terrorist attacks which happened in lots of
European countries, due to the religion conflicts and other reasons. However, all those
disasters, caused by the humankind, can be solved only by changing our mindsets and by being
more tolerant towards the ethnical, racial and religion differences.
We can also point out one of the most common conflicts, which we have dealt with at least
once, this being the family conflict. Furthermore, one of the principal causes of this dispute is
the generation gap, which is based on the differences in values, customs, attitudes, and beliefs
between two generations, usually youths and adults. For example, this might occur when you
want to make a decision based on your own beliefs and strategies, but there is always
someone in your family who criticizes you and starts arguing or even applying the ferocity in
the worst cases. To avoid such situations, we should find a common word with the members
of our family, living in peace without ever applying the domestic violence.
In conclusion, we should be aware of all those issues caused by the disagreement, although,
there are so many from any types of categories, hoping that with small well-done steps
towards the peace, we will get great results for the humanity. As Ronald Reagan said “Peace is
not the absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means.”
Outline of Ideas

“A Day Without Conflicts-Types and Solutions”

Key Words:
Conflict-a serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one;
Peace-a state or period in which there is no conflict or a conflict has ended;
Solution-a means of solving a conflict or dealing with a difficult situation.

How many types of conflicts there are? What are the types of conflicts? How does each conflict manifests?
What are the solutions for each conflict? Will there ever be “A Day Without Conflicts”?

Main points:
Military-Political conflict;
Political-Cultural conflict;
Family Conflict;

Territorial Disputes;
Religion, ethnicity discrimination;

Alexei Maxim 11 R1

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